Exemplo n.º 1
    async def invoke(self, ctx: "Context"):
        # we skip prepare in some cases to avoid some things
        # We still always want this part of the behavior though
        ctx.command = self
        # Our re-ordered behavior below.
        view = ctx.view
        previous = view.index
        trigger = view.get_word()
        if trigger:
            ctx.subcommand_passed = trigger
            ctx.invoked_subcommand = self.all_commands.get(trigger, None)
        view.index = previous
        view.previous = previous

        if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None or self == ctx.invoked_subcommand:
            if self.autohelp and not self.invoke_without_command:
                if not await self.can_run(ctx, change_permission_state=True):
                    raise CheckFailure()
                await ctx.send_help()
        elif self.invoke_without_command:
            # So invoke_without_command when a subcommand of this group is invoked
            # will skip the the invokation of *this* command. However, because of
            # how our permissions system works, we don't want it to skip the checks
            # as well.
            if not await self.can_run(ctx, change_permission_state=True):
                raise CheckFailure()
            # this is actually why we don't prepare earlier.

        await super().invoke(ctx)
Exemplo n.º 2
 async def predicate(ctx):
     if not ctx.guild:
         raise CheckFailure(
             'This command cannot be used in private messages.')
     if ctx.channel.id not in ctx.bot.games:
         raise CheckFailure('No game is currently running in this channel.')
     return True
Exemplo n.º 3
def is_sudoer(ctx: Context):
    if ctx.author.id != 339062431131369472:
        raise CheckFailure(
            f"{ctx.author.mention} is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported."

    return True
Exemplo n.º 4
    async def prepare(self, ctx):
        ctx.command = self

        if not self.enabled:
            raise DisabledCommand(f"{self.name} command is disabled")

        if not await self.can_run(ctx, change_permission_state=True):
            raise CheckFailure(f"The check functions for command {self.qualified_name} failed.")

        if self._max_concurrency is not None:
            await self._max_concurrency.acquire(ctx)

            if self.cooldown_after_parsing:
                await self._parse_arguments(ctx)
                await self._parse_arguments(ctx)

            await self.call_before_hooks(ctx)
            if self._max_concurrency is not None:
                await self._max_concurrency.release(ctx)
Exemplo n.º 5
def check_perms(ctx, action, objtype):
    error = "You do not have permission to %s a %s."
    result = db.settings.find_one({'_id': ctx.guild.id})

    if result is None:
        raise CheckFailure(error % (action, objtype))
    if result[action] is None:
        raise CheckFailure(error % (action, objtype))
    if result[action][objtype] is None:
        raise CheckFailure(error % (action, objtype))

    u = ctx.guild.get_member(ctx.message.author.id)
    for r in ctx.message.author.roles:
        if r.name in result[action][objtype]: return True

    raise CheckFailure(error % (action, objtype))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def predicate(ctx):
     if owner_check(ctx):
         return True
     if not isinstance(ctx.message.author, discord.Member):
         return False
     if ctx.message.author == ctx.message.guild.owner:
         return True
     # let's get the roles and compare them to
     # what we have on file (if we do)
     roles = [x.name.lower() for x in ctx.message.author.roles]
         if settings['roles']["mod"][ctx.guild.id].lower() in roles:
             return True
     except KeyError:
         if settings['roles']["admin"][ctx.guild.id].lower() in roles:
             return True
     except KeyError:
     user_permissions = dict(
     for permission in permissions:
         if permissions[permission]:
             allowed = user_permissions.get(permission, False)
             if allowed:
                 return True
     raise CheckFailure(
         "You do not have the required permissions or mod status to use this command."
Exemplo n.º 7
 async def bot_check_once(self, ctx: Context):
     if ctx.guild and ctx.guild.id in [133049272517001216]:
         return True
     current_perms = ctx.channel.permissions_for(ctx.me)
     surpass_ignore = (isinstance(ctx.channel, discord.abc.PrivateChannel)
                       or current_perms.manage_guild
                       or await ctx.bot.is_owner(ctx.author)
                       or await ctx.bot.is_admin(ctx.author))
     if surpass_ignore:
         return True
     if self.permission_cache is None:
         self.permission_cache = discord.Permissions(
             **(await self.config.permissions.all()))
     guild = ctx.guild
     if guild and not current_perms.is_superset(self.permission_cache):
         current_perms_set = set(iter(current_perms))
         expected_perms_set = set(iter(self.permission_cache))
         diff = expected_perms_set - current_perms_set
         missing_perms = dict((i for i in diff if i[-1] is not False))
         missing_perms = collections.OrderedDict(
         text = (
             "I'm missing permissions in this server, "
             "Please address this as soon as possible. "
             "If this continues I will leave the server.\n\n"
             "I need the following permissions which I currently lack:\n")
         for perm, value in missing_perms.items():
             text += f"{HUMANIZED_PERM.get(perm)}: [{'On' if value else 'Off'}]\n"
         text = text.strip()
         if current_perms.send_messages and current_perms.read_messages:
             await ctx.send(box(text=text, lang="ini"))
         raise CheckFailure(message=text)
     return True
Exemplo n.º 8
    async def can_run(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> bool:
        if not self.enabled:
            raise DisabledCommand(f"{self.name} command is disabled")

        original = ctx.command
        ctx.command = self

            if not await ctx.bot.can_run(ctx):
                raise CheckFailure(f"The global check functions for command {self.qualified_name} failed.")

            cog = self.cog
            if cog is not None:
                local_check = Cog._get_overridden_method(cog.cog_check)
                if local_check is not None:
                    ret = await discord.utils.maybe_coroutine(local_check, ctx)
                    if not ret:
                        return False

            predicates = self.checks
            if not predicates:
                # since we have no checks, then we just return True.
                return True

            return await discord.utils.async_all(predicate(ctx) for predicate in predicates)  # type: ignore
            ctx.command = original
Exemplo n.º 9
    async def inner(ctx: Context):
        member: Union[Member, User] = ctx.author
        if not isinstance(member, Member):
            member = ctx.bot.guilds[0].get_member(ctx.author.id) or member
        if not await check_permissions(member, permission):
            raise CheckFailure(translations.not_allowed)

        return True
Exemplo n.º 10
def find_object(objects,
                error="The object does not exist."):
    for o in objects:
        if o.name.lower() == name.lower() or o.id == name:
            return o

    if default is not None: return default

    raise CheckFailure(error)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def predicate(ctx):
        guild = ctx.guild
        me = guild.me if guild is not None else ctx.bot.user
        permissions = ctx.channel.permissions_for(me)

        if not all(
                getattr(permissions, perm, None) == value
                for perm, value in perms.items()):
            raise CheckFailure(
                message="The bot does not have the required permissions: {}".
                format(', '.join(
                    [perm.replace("_", " ").title() for perm in perms])))

        return True
Exemplo n.º 12
 def predicate(ctx):
     if owner_check(ctx):
         return True
     if not isinstance(ctx.message.author, discord.Member):
         return False
     if ctx.message.author == ctx.message.guild.owner:
         return True
     user_permissions = dict(
     for permission in permissions:
         allowed = user_permissions.get(permission, False)
         if allowed:
             return True
     raise CheckFailure(
         "You do not have the required permissions or owner status to use this command."
Exemplo n.º 13
    def predicate(ctx):
        if ctx.message.author.id in [214796473689178133, ctx.bot.owner_id]:
            return True
        msg = ctx.message
        ch = msg.channel
        permissions = ch.permissions_for(msg.author)
        if any(
                getattr(permissions, perm, None) == value
                for perm, value in perms.items()):
            return True

        # Raise a custom error message
        raise CheckFailure(
            message="You do not have any of the required permissions: {}".
            format(', '.join(
                [perm.replace("_", " ").title() for perm in perms])))
Exemplo n.º 14
def is_owner(ctx):
    if ctx.message.author.id not in [214796473689178133, ctx.bot.owner_id]:
        raise CheckFailure(message="You are not the owner.")
    return True
Exemplo n.º 15
def is_sudoer(ctx: Context):
    if ctx.author.id != 370876111992913922:
        raise CheckFailure(f"{ctx.author.mention} is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.")

    return True
Exemplo n.º 16
 async def predicate(ctx):
     if not ctx.game.has_started:
         raise CheckFailure('The game hasn\'t started yet!')
     return True
Exemplo n.º 17
 async def predicate(ctx):
     if ctx.author not in ctx.game.players:
         raise CheckFailure('Only players can use this command.')
     if not ctx.game.players[ctx.author].is_alive:
         raise CheckFailure('Dead players can\'t use this command')
     return True
Exemplo n.º 18
 async def predicate(ctx):
     if not ctx.game.phase == Phase.DAY:  # this is Phase.DAY, can't have circular imports
         raise CheckFailure('This command can only be used during the day.')
     return True
Exemplo n.º 19
async def private_only(ctx: Context):
    if ctx.guild is not None:
        raise CheckFailure(translations.private_only)

    return True
Exemplo n.º 20
    async def cog_before_invoke(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
        await self.cog_ready_event.wait()
        # check for unsupported arch
        # Check on this needs refactoring at a later date
        # so that we have a better way to handle the tasks
        if self.command_llsetup in [ctx.command, ctx.command.root_parent]:

        elif self.lavalink_connect_task and self.lavalink_connect_task.cancelled():
            await ctx.send(
                    "You have attempted to run Audio's Lavalink server on an unsupported"
                    " architecture. Only settings related commands will be available."
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Not running audio command due to invalid machine architecture for Lavalink."

        current_perms = ctx.channel.permissions_for(ctx.me)
        surpass_ignore = (
            isinstance(ctx.channel, discord.abc.PrivateChannel)
            or await ctx.bot.is_owner(ctx.author)
            or await ctx.bot.is_admin(ctx.author)
        guild = ctx.guild
        if guild and not current_perms.is_superset(self.permission_cache):
            current_perms_set = set(iter(current_perms))
            expected_perms_set = set(iter(self.permission_cache))
            diff = expected_perms_set - current_perms_set
            missing_perms = dict((i for i in diff if i[-1] is not False))
            missing_perms = OrderedDict(sorted(missing_perms.items()))
            missing_permissions = missing_perms.keys()
                "Missing the following perms in %d, Owner ID: %d: %s",
            if not surpass_ignore:
                text = _(
                    "I'm missing permissions in this server, "
                    "Please address this as soon as possible.\n\n"
                    "Expected Permissions:\n"
                for perm, value in missing_perms.items():
                    text += "{perm}: [{status}]\n".format(
                        status=_("Enabled") if value else _("Disabled"),
                text = text.strip()
                if current_perms.send_messages and current_perms.read_messages:
                    await ctx.send(box(text=text, lang="ini"))
                        "Missing write permission in %d, Owner ID: %d",
                raise CheckFailure(message=text)

        with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
            player = lavalink.get_player(ctx.guild.id)
            notify_channel = player.fetch("channel")
            if not notify_channel:
                player.store("channel", ctx.channel.id)

            self.bot.user.id, await self.config.daily_playlists()
        if self.local_folder_current_path is None:
            self.local_folder_current_path = Path(await self.config.localpath())
        if not ctx.guild:

        dj_enabled = self._dj_status_cache.setdefault(
            ctx.guild.id, await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).dj_enabled()
            ctx.guild.id, await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).daily_playlists()
            ctx.guild.id, await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).persist_queue()
        if dj_enabled:
            dj_role = self._dj_role_cache.setdefault(
                ctx.guild.id, await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).dj_role()
            dj_role_obj = ctx.guild.get_role(dj_role)
            if not dj_role_obj:
                await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).dj_enabled.set(None)
                self._dj_status_cache[ctx.guild.id] = None
                await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).dj_role.set(None)
                self._dj_role_cache[ctx.guild.id] = None
                await self.send_embed_msg(ctx, title=_("No DJ role found. Disabling DJ mode."))
Exemplo n.º 21
def is_sudoer(ctx: Context) -> bool:
    if ctx.author.id != OWNER_ID:
        raise CheckFailure(t.not_in_sudoers_file(ctx.author.mention))

    return True
Exemplo n.º 22
 async def predicate(ctx):
     if not ctx.game.host.id == ctx.author.id:
         raise CheckFailure('Only hosts can use this command.')
     return True
Exemplo n.º 23
def owner_check(ctx):
    if is_owner_checker(ctx):
        return True
    raise CheckFailure("You need to be the owner to use this command.")
Exemplo n.º 24
 async def cog_check(self, ctx: Context):
     channel = ctx.message.channel
     if channel.is_nsfw():
         return True
     raise CheckFailure(f"{channel.mention} isn't marked as NSFW.")
Exemplo n.º 25
def get_game(ctx: Context):
    if ctx.channel.id in games:
        return games[ctx.channel.id]
        await ctx.send("No game in current channel")
        raise CheckFailure("No game in current channel")
Exemplo n.º 26
 async def predicate(ctx):
     if ctx.guild.id not in ctx.bot.games:
         raise CheckFailure('No game is currently running in this server.')
     return True
Exemplo n.º 27
    async def admin_only(ctx: Context):
        if await check_access(ctx.author) < level:
            raise CheckFailure(translations.not_allowed)

        return True
Exemplo n.º 28
 async def predicate(ctx):
     if await ctx.bot.is_owner(ctx.author):
         return True
     if ctx.author.guild_permissions.administrator:
         return True
     raise CheckFailure('Neither owner nor admin.')