Exemplo n.º 1
async def ready(bot: commands.bot.Bot) -> None:
    channel = check(bot)
    bot.channel = channel  # necessary from cron tasks, context.channel is used in others functions
    log.info('CTFdBot is coming !')

    to_send = f'Hello, it seems that it\'s the first time you are using my services.\nYou might use ' \
        f'`{bot.command_prefix}help` to know more about my features.'

    embed_color, embed_name = 0x000000, "CTFd Bot"
    await interrupt(channel, to_send, embed_color=embed_color, embed_name=embed_name)
Exemplo n.º 2
async def ready(bot: commands.bot.Bot) -> None:
    channel = check(bot)
    bot.channel = channel  # necessary from cron tasks, context.channel is used in others functions
    log.info('CTFdBot is ready!')