Exemplo n.º 1
 def GET(self):
   rdio, currentUser = get_rdio_and_current_user()
   if rdio and currentUser:
     user_id = int(currentUser['key'][1:])
     myPlaylists = rdio.call('getPlaylists')['result']['owned']
     db = get_db()
     result = list(db.select('discoversong_user', what='address, playlist', where="rdio_user_id=%i" % user_id))
     if len(result) == 0:
       access_token = web.cookies().get('at')
       access_token_secret = web.cookies().get('ats')
       db.insert('discoversong_user', rdio_user_id=user_id, address=make_unique_email(currentUser), token=access_token, secret=access_token_secret, playlist='new')
       result = list(db.select('discoversong_user', what='address, playlist', where="rdio_user_id=%i" % user_id))[0]
       result = result[0]
     message = ''
     if 'saved' in get_input():
       message = '  Saved your selections.'
     return render.loggedin(name=currentUser['firstName'],
                            editform=editform(myPlaylists, result['playlist'])
     return render.loggedout()
Exemplo n.º 2
 def GET(self):
   input = get_input()
   action = input['button']
   rdio, currentUser = get_rdio_and_current_user()
   user_id = int(currentUser['key'][1:])
   db = get_db()
   if action == 'save':
     db.update('discoversong_user', where="rdio_user_id=%i" % user_id, playlist=input['playlist'])
   raise web.seeother('/?saved=True') 
Exemplo n.º 3
 def GET(self):
   # get the state from cookies and the query string
   request_token = web.cookies().get('rt')
   request_token_secret = web.cookies().get('rts')
   verifier = get_input()['oauth_verifier']
   # make sure we have everything we need
   if request_token and request_token_secret and verifier:
     # exchange the verifier and request token for an access token
     rdio = get_rdio_with_access(request_token, request_token_secret)
     # save the access token in cookies (and discard the request token)
     web.setcookie('at', rdio.token[0], expires=60*60*24*14) # expires in two weeks
     web.setcookie('ats', rdio.token[1], expires=60*60*24*14) # expires in two weeks
     web.setcookie('rt', '', expires=-1)
     web.setcookie('rts', '', expires=-1)
     # go to the home page
     raise web.seeother('/')
     # we're missing something important
     raise web.seeother('/logout')
Exemplo n.º 4
  def POST(self):
    db = get_db()
    input = get_input()
    envelope = json.loads(input['envelope'])
    to_addresses = envelope['to']
    print 'received email to', to_addresses
    for to_address in to_addresses:
      lookup = db.select('discoversong_user', what='rdio_user_id, playlist, token, secret', where="address='%s'" % to_address)
      if len(lookup) == 1:
        result = lookup[0]
        access_token = str(result['token'])
        access_token_secret = str(result['secret'])
        rdio, current_user = get_rdio_and_current_user(access_token=access_token, access_token_secret=access_token_secret)
        print 'found user', current_user['username']
        subject = input['subject']
        title, artist = parse(subject)
        print 'parsed artist', artist, 'title', title
        search_result = rdio.call('search', {'query': ' '.join([title, artist]), 'types': 'Track'})
        track_keys = []
        name_artist_pairs_found = {}
        for possible_hit in search_result['result']['results']:
          if possible_hit['canStream']:
            name = possible_hit['name']
            artist_name = possible_hit['artist']
            if name_artist_pairs_found.has_key((name, artist_name)):
            name_artist_pairs_found[(name, artist_name)] = True
            track_key = possible_hit['key']
        print 'found tracks', track_keys
        playlist_key = result['playlist']
        if playlist_key in ['new', 'alwaysnew']:
          p_names = [playlist['name'] for playlist in rdio.call('getPlaylists')['result']['owned']]

          new_name = generate_playlist_name(p_names)
          print 'creating new playlist', new_name
          result = rdio.call('createPlaylist', {'name': new_name,
                                                'description': 'Songs found by discoversong on %s.' % datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%A, %d %b %Y %H:%M'),
                                                'tracks': ', '.join(track_keys)})
          new_key = result['result']['key']
          if playlist_key == 'new':
            print 'setting', new_key, 'as the playlist to use next time'
            user_id = int(current_user['key'][1:])
            db.update('discoversong_user', where="rdio_user_id=%i" % user_id, playlist=new_key)
          # else leave 'alwaysnew' to repeat this behavior every time
          rdio.call('addToPlaylist', {'playlist': playlist_key, 'tracks': ', '.join(track_keys)})
    return None