def run_activity_model_training(): bathroom1 = Dataset.parse('dataset/', 'bathroom1') kitchen1 = Dataset.parse('dataset/', 'kitchen1') combined1 = bathroom1.combine(kitchen1) # Run vector output model model_args = { "learning_rate": 1e-3, "hidden_layer_activation": 'tanh', "hidden_layers": 1, "hidden_layer_units": 120, "input_n_units": 120, "second_layer_input": 120, "n_activities": 25 } create_train_activity_prediction_model(combined1, model_args=model_args, model_name='vector_output_activity_synthesis', epochs=100, window_size=60 * 24, future_steps=1, dt=60, with_time=True, batch=128, load_weights=True, sensor_id=-1)
def run_sensor_non_deterministic(folders, model_names, start, n_steps, output_folder): bathroom1 = Dataset.parse('dataset/', 'bathroom1') kitchen1 = Dataset.parse('dataset/', 'kitchen1') combined1 = bathroom1.combine(kitchen1) input, output = synthesize_sensors_multiple_days(combined1, folders, model_names, start, n_steps, deterministic=False) if not os.path.exists(output_folder): os.mkdir(output_folder) numbers = list(map(lambda f2: int(f2.split('_')[1].split('.csv')[0]), filter(lambda f: f.startswith('output'), os.listdir(output_folder)))) if len(numbers) == 0: next_number = 0 else: next_number = max(numbers) + 1 output.to_csv(os.path.join(output_folder, 'output_%d.csv' % next_number)) input.to_csv(os.path.join(output_folder, 'input_%d.csv' % next_number))
def run_sensor_synthesis(folders, model_names, start, n_steps, window_size): bathroom1 = Dataset.parse('dataset/', 'bathroom1') kitchen1 = Dataset.parse('dataset/', 'kitchen1') combined1 = bathroom1.combine(kitchen1) input, output = synthesize_sensors_multiple_days(combined1, folders, model_names, start, n_steps) input.to_csv('input.csv') output.to_csv('output.csv') output.plot() plt.legend() plt.axvline(input.index[start + window_size]) plt.title('Predicted data') input.iloc[(start + window_size):(start + window_size + n_steps)].plot() plt.legend() plt.title('Input data')
def search(dt=600, window_size=360, future_steps=144, epochs=50, with_time=True, batch_size=128, max_trials=200): bathroom1 = Dataset.parse('dataset/', 'bathroom1') kitchen1 = Dataset.parse('dataset/', 'kitchen1') combined1 = bathroom1.combine(kitchen1) X, y = prepare_data_future_steps(combined1, window_size=window_size, dt=dt, with_time=with_time, future_steps=future_steps) X_train = X[:-4 * (3600 // dt) * 24, :, :] X_val = X[-4 * (3600 // dt) * 24:-2 * (3600 // dt) * 24, :, :] X_test = X[-2 * (3600 // dt) * 24:, :, :] # For now only sensor 24 y_train = y[:-4 * (3600 // dt) * 24, :, 0] y_val = y[-4 * (3600 // dt) * 24:-2 * (3600 // dt) * 24, :, 0] y_test = y[-2 * (3600 // dt) * 24:, :, 0] tuner = RandomSearch(FuturePredictionModelHyperparameters( window_size=window_size, num_features=X.shape[2], future_steps=future_steps), objective='val_loss', max_trials=max_trials, directory='test_dir') tuner.search_space_summary(), y=y_train, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, validation_data=(X_val, y_val), callbacks=[IsNanEarlyStopper(monitor='loss')]) tuner.results_summary()
def prepare_data_future_steps(d: Dataset, window_size=70, dt=60, with_time=False, future_steps=20, sensor_id=24, features=[24, 6, 5], **kwargs): """Prepares sensor data from a dataset for prediction using an LSTM/convolutional network. The sensor data is first split into time windows of length dt. All sensors are discarded except for those in the features array. A window of past values of size window_size is used to predict future_steps ahead for a specific sensor (the sensor with id sensor_id). :param with_time: If set to true, time is encoded into a sinusoid with period 24 hours. :param sensor_id: The sensor that will be predicted. This is used in the output vector :param window_size: The number of past values that will be used :param future_steps: The number of future values that will be predicted :returns: two numpy arrays, X (input) and y. X has shape [#Samples, #Future steps, #Features] and y has shape [#Samples, #Future steps] """ series_sensor_data = d.sensor_values_reshape(dt) features_data = series_sensor_data[features] series_sensor_data = series_sensor_data[[sensor_id]] if with_time: seconds_in_day = 24 * 60 * 60 seconds_past_midnight = \ series_sensor_data.index.hour * 3600 + \ series_sensor_data.index.minute * 60 + \ series_sensor_data.index.second series_sensor_data['sin_time'] = np.sin( 2 * np.pi * seconds_past_midnight / seconds_in_day) series_sensor_data['cos_time'] = np.cos( 2 * np.pi * seconds_past_midnight / seconds_in_day) features_data['sin_time'] = np.sin(2 * np.pi * seconds_past_midnight / seconds_in_day) features_data['cos_time'] = np.cos(2 * np.pi * seconds_past_midnight / seconds_in_day) data = np.zeros( (len(series_sensor_data), window_size, features_data.shape[1])) output = np.zeros( (len(series_sensor_data), future_steps, series_sensor_data.shape[1])) for i in range(future_steps): output[:, i, :] = series_sensor_data.shift(-1 * i) # Future steps for i in range(window_size): # 0 -> shift(window_size) # 1 -> shift(window_size-1) data[:, i, :] = features_data.shift(window_size - i) return data[window_size:-future_steps, :, :], output[ window_size:-future_steps, :]
def run_sensor_model_training(): bathroom1 = Dataset.parse('dataset/', 'bathroom1') kitchen1 = Dataset.parse('dataset/', 'kitchen1') combined1 = bathroom1.combine(kitchen1) for sensor_id in [24, 5, 6, 9]: model_args = { "learning_rate": 1e-3, "hidden_layer_activation": 'tanh', "hidden_layers": 1, "hidden_layer_units": 120, "input_n_units": 120, "second_layer_input": 120 } try: create_train_sensor_prediction_model(combined1, model_args=model_args, model_name='single_step_prediction', epochs=100, window_size=4 * 24, future_steps=1, dt=900, # Predict 30 minutes ahead. with_time=True, batch=128, sensor_id=sensor_id, features=[24, 5, 6, 9], load_weights=False) except Exception as e: print(e) try: create_train_sensor_prediction_model(combined1, model_args=model_args, model_name='vector_output', epochs=1500, window_size=24*5, future_steps=24, dt=3600, # Predict 1 day ahead. with_time=True, batch=128, sensor_id=sensor_id, features=[sensor_id], load_weights=False) except Exception as e: print(e) try: model = single_sensor_multistep_future_encoder_decoder( timesteps=4*24, future_timesteps=24, n_features=3, ) create_train_sensor_prediction_model(combined1, model_args=model_args, model_name='encoder_decoder', model=model, epochs=1500, window_size=24 * 5, future_steps=24, dt=3600, # Predict 30 minutes ahead. with_time=True, batch=128, sensor_id=sensor_id, features=[sensor_id], load_weights=False) except Exception as e: print(e)
numbers = list(map(lambda f2: int(f2.split('_')[1].split('.csv')[0]), filter(lambda f: f.startswith('output'), os.listdir(output_folder)))) if len(numbers) == 0: next_number = 0 else: next_number = max(numbers) + 1 output.to_csv(os.path.join(output_folder, 'output_%d.csv' % next_number)) input.to_csv(os.path.join(output_folder, 'input_%d.csv' % next_number)) def run_multiple_non_deterministic(folders, model_names, start, n_steps, output_folder, n_reps): for _ in tqdm(range(n_reps)): run_sensor_non_deterministic(folders, model_names, start, n_steps, output_folder) if __name__ == '__main__': bathroom1 = Dataset.parse('dataset/', 'bathroom1') kitchen1 = Dataset.parse('dataset/', 'kitchen1') combined1 = bathroom1.combine(kitchen1) combined1.sensor_data_summary() bathroom2 = Dataset.parse('dataset/', 'bathroom2') kitchen2 = Dataset.parse('dataset/', 'kitchen2') combined2 = bathroom2.combine(kitchen2) combined2.sensor_data_summary() # Creates LOF and isolation forest plots LOF(combined1, ['duration']) LOF(combined1, ['start_time']) LOF(combined1, ['duration', 'start_time'])