Exemplo n.º 1
# Make basic mesh
h = np.ones(10)
mesh = TensorMesh([h, h, h])
sig = np.random.rand(mesh.nC)  # isotropic
Sig = np.random.rand(mesh.nC, 6)  # anisotropic

# Inner product matricies
Mc = sdiag(mesh.vol * sig)  # Inner product matrix (centers)
# Mn = mesh.getNodalInnerProduct(sig)  # Inner product matrix (nodes)  (*functionality pending*)
Me = mesh.getEdgeInnerProduct(sig)  # Inner product matrix (edges)
Mf = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(sig)  # Inner product matrix for tensor (faces)

# Differential operators
Gne = mesh.nodalGrad  # Nodes to edges gradient
mesh.setCellGradBC(['neumann', 'dirichlet',
                    'neumann'])  # Set boundary conditions
Gcf = mesh.cellGrad  # Cells to faces gradient
D = mesh.faceDiv  # Faces to centers divergence
Cef = mesh.edgeCurl  # Edges to faces curl
Cfe = mesh.edgeCurl.T  # Faces to edges curl

# EXAMPLE: (u, sig*Curl*v)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5))

ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax1.spy(Mf * Cef, markersize=0.5)
ax1.set_title('Me(sig)*Cef (Isotropic)', pad=10)

Mf_tensor = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(Sig)  # inner product matrix for tensor
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
ax2.spy(Mf_tensor * Cef, markersize=0.5)
k = (xycc[:, 0] == 0) & (xycc[:, 1] == -15)  # source at (0, -15)

q = np.zeros(mesh.nC)
q[k] = 1

# Define diffusivity within each cell
a = mkvc(8.0 * np.ones(mesh.nC))

# Define the matrix M
Afc = mesh.dim * mesh.aveF2CC  # modified averaging operator to sum dot product
Mf_inv = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(invMat=True)
Mc = sdiag(mesh.vol)
Mc_inv = sdiag(1 / mesh.vol)
Mf_alpha_inv = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(a, invProp=True, invMat=True)

mesh.setCellGradBC(["neumann", "neumann"])  # Set Neumann BC
G = mesh.cellGrad
D = mesh.faceDiv

M = -D * Mf_alpha_inv * G * Mc + Afc * sdiag(u) * Mf_inv * G * Mc

# Set time stepping, initial conditions and final matricies
dt = 0.02  # Step width
p = np.zeros(mesh.nC)  # Initial conditions p(t=0)=0

I = sdiag(np.ones(mesh.nC))  # Identity matrix
B = I + dt * M
s = Mc_inv * q

Binv = SolverLU(B)
Exemplo n.º 3
# Make basic mesh
h = np.ones(10)
mesh = TensorMesh([h, h, h])
sig = np.random.rand(mesh.nC)  # isotropic
Sig = np.random.rand(mesh.nC, 6)  # anisotropic

# Inner product matricies
Mc = sdiag(mesh.vol * sig)  # Inner product matrix (centers)
# Mn = mesh.getNodalInnerProduct(sig)  # Inner product matrix (nodes)  (*functionality pending*)
Me = mesh.getEdgeInnerProduct(sig)  # Inner product matrix (edges)
Mf = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(sig)  # Inner product matrix for tensor (faces)

# Differential operators
Gne = mesh.nodalGrad  # Nodes to edges gradient
mesh.setCellGradBC(["neumann", "dirichlet",
                    "neumann"])  # Set boundary conditions
Gcf = mesh.cellGrad  # Cells to faces gradient
D = mesh.faceDiv  # Faces to centers divergence
Cef = mesh.edgeCurl  # Edges to faces curl
Cfe = mesh.edgeCurl.T  # Faces to edges curl

# EXAMPLE: (u, sig*Curl*v)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5))

ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax1.spy(Mf * Cef, markersize=0.5)
ax1.set_title("Me(sig)*Cef (Isotropic)", pad=10)

Mf_tensor = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(Sig)  # inner product matrix for tensor
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
ax2.spy(Mf_tensor * Cef, markersize=0.5)
Exemplo n.º 4
k = (xycc[:, 0] == 0) & (xycc[:, 1] == -15)  # source at (0, -15)

q = np.zeros(mesh.nC)
q[k] = 1

# Define diffusivity within each cell
a = mkvc(8. * np.ones(mesh.nC))

# Define the matrix M
Afc = mesh.dim * mesh.aveF2CC  # modified averaging operator to sum dot product
Mf_inv = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(invMat=True)
Mc = sdiag(mesh.vol)
Mc_inv = sdiag(1 / mesh.vol)
Mf_alpha_inv = mesh.getFaceInnerProduct(a, invProp=True, invMat=True)

mesh.setCellGradBC(['neumann', 'neumann'])  # Set Neumann BC
G = mesh.cellGrad
D = mesh.faceDiv

M = -D * Mf_alpha_inv * G * Mc + Afc * sdiag(u) * Mf_inv * G * Mc

# Set time stepping, initial conditions and final matricies
dt = 0.02  # Step width
p = np.zeros(mesh.nC)  # Initial conditions p(t=0)=0

I = sdiag(np.ones(mesh.nC))  # Identity matrix
B = I + dt * M
s = Mc_inv * q

Binv = SolverLU(B)