Exemplo n.º 1
    def cli_add_packages():
        """Ask user for a list of packages"""
        printc('Give a list of packages separated by spaces.', Color.GREEN)
        printc('Exemple: \'package1 package2 package3 ...\' ', Color.GREEN)
        # Get packages
        package_list = input('-->: ').split()

        logging.debug('Checking that requested packages exists')
        # For each package
        for package_name in package_list:
                # Check packages availability
                    'Executing \'subprocess.check_output(\'dnf list \'' +
                    package_name + ' | grep ' + package_name +
                    ', shell=True)\'')
                subprocess.check_output('dnf list ' + package_name +
                                        ' | grep ' + package_name,

            # If there is not running process for image creator instance pid
            except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
                raise UserWarning("Package \'" + package_name +
                                  '\' not available')

        # Return the list of packages
        return package_list
Exemplo n.º 2
def cli_menu():
    # Display main livenet menu
    printc('\n == Livenet image module == \n', Color.GREEN)

    print(' 1 - Generate a new livenet image')
    print(' 2 - Mount an existing livenet image')
    print(' 3 - Unount an existing livenet image')
    print(' 4 - Resize livenet image')

    # Answer and get the action to execute
    print('\n Select an action')
    main_action = input('-->: ')

    # List available kernels
    if main_action == '1':
    elif main_action == '2':
    elif main_action == '3':
    elif main_action == '4':

    # Bad entry
        raise UserWarning(
            '\'' + main_action +
            '\' is not a valid entry. Please enter another value.')
Exemplo n.º 3
    def cli_use_modules():
        """The method for using modules with cli interface"""

        # Get available modules
        modules = sorted(os.listdir(ImageManager.MODULES_PATH))

        # Get only module name to display
        # We have to modif name because module naming convention is:
        #   "<image_type>_module.py"
        module_names = [
            module.replace('_module.py', '') for module in modules
            if 'base' not in module and 'module' in module

        # Select desired image type in the list
        printc('[+] Select the module you want to use:\n', Color.BLUE)
        selected_module_name = select_from_list(module_names)

        # Convert image type into it's corresponding module name
        selected_module = selected_module_name + '_module'

        # Import the module
        module = __import__(selected_module)

        # Launch module menu
Exemplo n.º 4
def cli_menu():
    # Display main menu
    printc('\n == NFS image module == \n', Color.GREEN)

    print(' 1 - Generate a new nfs staging image')
    print(' 2 - Generate a new nfs golden image from a staging image')
    print(' 3 - Manage nodes of a golden image')

    # Answer and get the action to execute
    print('\n Select an action')
    main_action = input('-->: ')

    if main_action == '1':

    elif main_action == '2':

    elif main_action == '3':

    # Bad entry
        raise UserWarning(
            '\'' + main_action +
            '\' is not a valid entry. Please enter another value.')
Exemplo n.º 5
    def generate_initramfs(kernel):
        """Generate an initramfs from a kernel. The new initramfs will be generated in KernelManager.KERNELS_PATH.

        :param kernel: A kernel in KernelManager.KERNELS_PATH
        :type kernel: str
        logging.info('Start generating initramfs for kernel \'' + kernel +

        # Create a generation path for the initramfs
        kernel_version = kernel.replace('vmlinuz-', '')
        generation_path = KernelManager.KERNELS_PATH + '/initramfs-kernel-' + kernel_version

        printc('[INFO] Now generating initramfs... May take some time',

        # Generate the new initramfs file with dracut command on the kernel
            'Executing \'dracut --xz -v -m "network base nfs" --add "ifcfg livenet systemd systemd-initrd dracut-systemd" --add-drivers xfs --no-hostonly --nolvmconf --force '
            + generation_path + ' --kver ' + kernel_version + '\'')
            'dracut --xz -v -m "network base nfs" --add "ifcfg livenet systemd systemd-initrd dracut-systemd" --add-drivers xfs --no-hostonly --nolvmconf --force '
            + generation_path + ' --kver ' + kernel_version)

        # Change the permisssions on the generated file
        logging.info('Changing permission to 0o644 on ' + generation_path)
        os.chmod(generation_path, 0o644)
Exemplo n.º 6
def cli_create_golden_image():
    # Get all staging images
    staging_images = NfsStagingImage.get_images()

    # Check if there are staging images
    if not staging_images:
        raise UserWarning(
            'No nfs staging images. Golden image creation require an nfs staging image.'

    # Get staging images names
    staging_images_names = [
        staging_image.name for staging_image in staging_images

    # Select a staging image for golden image creation
    printc('[+] Select the nfs image to use for golden image creation:',
    staging_image_name = select_from_list(staging_images_names)
    staging_image = ImageManager.get_created_image(staging_image_name)

    # Condition to test if image name is compliant
    while True:

        printc('\n[+] Give a name for your image', Color.GREEN)
        # Get new image name
        selected_image_name = input('-->: ').replace(" ", "")

        if selected_image_name == '':
            raise UserWarning('Image name cannot be empty !')

        if not ImageManager.is_image(selected_image_name):

        # Else
        print('Image ' + selected_image_name +
              ' already exist, use another image name.')

    # Confirm image creation
        '\n[+] Would you like to create a new nfs golden image with the following attributes: (yes/no)',
    print('  ├── Image name: \t\t' + selected_image_name)
    print('  └── Staging image from: \t' + staging_image.name)

    confirmation = input('-->: ').replace(" ", "")

    if confirmation == 'yes':
        # Create the image object
        NfsGoldenImage(selected_image_name, staging_image)
        printc('\n[OK] Done.', Color.GREEN)

    elif confirmation == 'no':
        printc('\nImage creation cancelled, return to main menu.',

        raise UserWarning('\nInvalid confirmation !')
Exemplo n.º 7
def cli_resize_livenet_image():
    # Get list of livenet images
    livenet_images = LivenetImage.get_images()

    # Check if there are livenet images
    if not livenet_images:
        raise UserWarning('No livenet images.')

    # Get livenet images names
    unmounted_images_names = [
        livenet_image.name for livenet_image in livenet_images
        if livenet_image.is_mounted is False

    # Check if there are unmounted images
    # An image must be unmounted to be resized
    if not unmounted_images_names:
        raise UserWarning('No unmounted livenet images.')

    # Select a livenet to mount
    printc('[+] Select the livenet image to mount:', Color.GREEN)
    unmounted_image_name = select_from_list(unmounted_images_names)
    unmounted_image = ImageManager.get_created_image(unmounted_image_name)

    # Enter new size
        'Please enter your new image size:\n(supported units: M=1024*1024, G=1024*1024*1024)\n(Examples: 5120M or 5G)',
    selected_size = input('-->: ')

    # Check and convert the size
    image_size = cli_get_size(selected_size)

    # Check size compliance with livenet image expected size limits
    if int(image_size) < (LivenetImage.MIN_LIVENET_SIZE) or int(image_size) > (
        raise UserWarning('\nSize out of limits !')

    # Confirm image resizing
        '\n[+] Are you sure you want to resize image \'' +
        unmounted_image.name + '\' with the following size: (yes/no)',
    print('  └── Image size: ' + selected_size)

    confirmation = input('-->: ').replace(" ", "")

    if confirmation == 'yes':
        # Create the image object
        printc('\n[OK] Done.', Color.GREEN)

    elif confirmation == 'no':
        printc('\n[+] Image resizing cancelled, return to main menu.',
Exemplo n.º 8
    def cli_select_created_image():
        """Select an image from the list of created images"""
        # Get created images
        images_list = ImageManager.get_created_images()

        if images_list:
            # Get created images names
            images_names_list = [image.name for image in images_list]

            # If there are images
            if images_names_list:
                printc('[+] Select the image:\n', Color.BLUE)
                # Allow the user to select an image name from the list
                return select_from_list(images_names_list)

        raise UserWarning('No image to select.')
Exemplo n.º 9
def cli_unmount_livenet_image():
    livenet_images = LivenetImage.get_images()

    # Check if there are staging images
    if not livenet_images:
        raise UserWarning('No livenet images.')

    # Get staging images names
    mounted_images_names = [livenet_image.name for livenet_image in livenet_images if livenet_image.is_mounted is True]

    # Check if there unmounted images
    if not mounted_images_names:
        raise UserWarning('No mounted livenet images.')

    # Select a staging image for golden image creation
    printc('[+] Select the livenet image to unmount:', Color.GREEN)
    mounted_image_name = select_from_list(mounted_images_names)
    mounted_image = ImageManager.get_created_image(mounted_image_name)

Exemplo n.º 10
    def cli_display_images():
        """Display informations about all images"""
        # Get list of image names
        image_names = ImageManager.get_image_names()

        # If there are images
        if image_names:
            # For each image name
            for image_name in image_names:

                # Get the status of image
                image_status = ImageManager.get_image_status(image_name)

                if image_status == ImageManager.ImageStatus.CREATED:
                    printc('   [CREATED]', Color.GREEN)
                    image = ImageManager.get_created_image(image_name)

                elif image_status == ImageManager.ImageStatus.IN_CREATION:
                    printc('   [IN_CREATION]', Color.ORANGE_BLINK)
                    pid = ImageManager.get_installation_pid(image_name)
                    print(' • Image name: ' + image_name +
                          '\n   Installation pid: ' + str(pid))

                elif image_status == ImageManager.ImageStatus.CORRUPTED:
                    printc('   [CORRUPTED]', Color.RED)
                    print(' • Image name: ' + image_name)


            raise UserWarning('No images.')
Exemplo n.º 11
def cli_menu():
    """This method is needed for all diskless module to be available by cli interface."""

    printc('\n == Welcome to demo image module == \n', Color.GREEN)

    print('1 - Create my demo image')

    print('\n Select an action')
    main_action = input('-->: ')

    if main_action == '1':

        # Condition to test if image name is compliant
        while True:

            printc('[+] Give a name for your demo image', Color.GREEN)
            # Get new image name
            selected_image_name = input('-->: ').replace(" ", "")

            if selected_image_name == '':
                raise UserWarning('Image name cannot be empty !')

            if not ImageManager.is_image(selected_image_name):

            # Else
            print('Image ' + selected_image_name +
                  ' already exist, use another image name.')

        printc('\nGive a message for your demo image:', Color.GREEN)
        demo_message = input('-->: ')

        # Create a DemoImage image
        DemoImage(selected_image_name, demo_message)

    # Bad entry
        raise UserWarning(
            '\'' + main_action +
            '\' is not a valid entry. Please enter another value.')
Exemplo n.º 12
def cli_create_livenet_image():

    # Get available kernels
    kernel_list = KernelManager.get_available_kernels()

    # If there are no kernels aise an exception
    if not kernel_list:
        raise UserWarning('No kernel available')

    # Condition to test if image name is compliant
    while True:

        printc('[+] Give a name for your image', Color.GREEN)
        # Get new image name
        selected_image_name = input('-->: ').replace(" ", "")

        if selected_image_name == '':
            raise UserWarning('Image name cannot be empty !')

        if not ImageManager.is_image(selected_image_name):

        # Else
        print('Image ' + selected_image_name +
              ' already exist, use another image name.')

    # Select the kernel to use
    printc('\n[+] Select your kernel:', Color.GREEN)
    selected_kernel = select_from_list(kernel_list)

    # Manage password
    printc('\n[+] Give a password for your image', Color.GREEN)
    selected_password = input(
        'Enter clear root password of the new image: ').replace(" ", "")

    # Select livenet type
    types_list = [
        'Standard: core (~1.3Gb)',
        'Small: openssh, dnf and NetworkManager (~300Mb)',
        'Minimal: openssh only (~270Mb)'
    get_type = select_from_list(types_list)

    if get_type == 'Standard: core (~1.3Gb)':
        selected_type = LivenetImage.Type.STANDARD
    elif get_type == 'Small: openssh, dnf and NetworkManager (~300Mb)':
        selected_type = LivenetImage.Type.SMALL
    elif get_type == 'Minimal: openssh only (~270Mb)':
        selected_type = LivenetImage.Type.CORE
        raise UserWarning('Not a valid choice !')

    # Select livenet size
        '\nPlease choose image size:\n(supported units: M=1024*1024, G=1024*1024*1024)\n(Examples: 5120M or 5G)',
    selected_size = input('-->: ')

    # Check and convert the size
    image_size = cli_get_size(selected_size)

    # Check size compliance with livenet image expected size limits
    if int(image_size) < (LivenetImage.MIN_LIVENET_SIZE) or int(image_size) > (
        raise UserWarning('\nSize out of limits !')

    # Inject ssh key or not
        '\nEnter path to SSH public key (left empty to disable key injection)',
    selected_ssh_pub_key = input('-->: ')
    if selected_ssh_pub_key != '' and not os.path.exists(selected_ssh_pub_key):
        raise UserWarning('\nSSH public key not found ' + selected_ssh_pub_key)
    if selected_ssh_pub_key == '':
        selected_ssh_pub_key = None

    # Activate SELinux or not
    printc('\nActivate SELinux inside the image (yes/no) ?', Color.GREEN)
    answer_selinux = input('-->: ')
    if answer_selinux == 'yes':
        selinux = True
    elif answer_selinux == 'no':
        selinux = False
        raise UserWarning('\nInvalid input !')

    # Propose to user to install additional packages
        '\nDo you want to customize your image with additional packages (yes/no) ? ',
    choice = input('-->: ')
    # Install additional packages
    if choice == 'yes':
        # Get package list from user
        additional_packages = Image.cli_add_packages()
    # Don't install additional packages
    elif choice == 'no':
        additional_packages = None
        raise UserWarning('\nInvalid entry !')

    # Propose to user to specify a release version
        '\nSpecify a release version for installation (left empty to not use the --relasever option)',
    release_version = input('-->: ')
    if release_version == '':
        release_version = None

    # Propose to optimize image packages
        '\nDo you wish tool try to optimize image by using aggressive packages dependencies parameters ? ',
        'Note that this may collide with additional packages if asked for. (yes/no) ? ',
    answer_optimize = input('-->: ')
    if answer_optimize == 'yes':
        optimize = True
    elif answer_optimize == 'no':
        optimize = False
        raise UserWarning('\nInvalid input !')

    # Confirm image creation
        '\n[+] Would you like to create a new livenet image with the following attributes: (yes/no)',
    print('  ├── Image name: \t\t' + selected_image_name)
    print('  ├── Image password: \t\t' + selected_password)
    print('  ├── Image kernel: \t\t' + selected_kernel)
    print('  ├── Image type: \t\t' + get_type)
    print('  ├── Image size: \t\t' + selected_size)
    print('  ├── Optimize packages: \t' + str(optimize))

    # Print ssh pub key packages if there is one
    if selected_ssh_pub_key is not None:
        print('  ├── SSH pubkey: \t\t' + selected_ssh_pub_key)

    # Print additional packages if there is
    if additional_packages is not None:
        print('  ├── Additional packages: \t' + str(additional_packages))

    # Print release version if there is one
    if release_version is not None:
        print('  ├── Release version: \t\t' + release_version)

    print('  └── Enable SELinux: \t\t' + str(selinux))

    confirmation = input('-->: ').replace(" ", "")

    if confirmation == 'yes':
        # Create the image object
        LivenetImage(selected_image_name, selected_password, selected_kernel,
                     selected_type, image_size, additional_packages,
                     selected_ssh_pub_key, selinux, release_version, optimize)
        printc('\n[OK] Done.', Color.GREEN)

    elif confirmation == 'no':
        printc('\n[+] Image creation cancelled, return to main menu.',

        raise UserWarning('\nInvalid confirmation !')
Exemplo n.º 13
    # Just change the value of the level on the line bellow.

    # Set script banner
    BANNER = """\n
  ██████╗ ██╗███████╗██╗  ██╗██╗     ███████╗███████╗███████╗
  ██╔══██╗██║██╔════╝██║ ██╔╝██║     ██╔════╝██╔════╝██╔════╝
  ██║  ██║██║███████╗█████╔╝ ██║     █████╗  ███████╗███████╗
  ██║  ██║██║╚════██║██╔═██╗ ██║     ██╔══╝  ╚════██║╚════██║
  ██████╔╝██║███████║██║  ██╗███████╗███████╗███████║███████║
  ╚═════╝ ╚═╝╚══════╝╚═╝  ╚═╝╚══════╝╚══════╝╚══════╝╚══════╝

    # Print script banner
    printc(BANNER + '\n           Entering BlueBanquise diskless manager',

    # Create a main_action variable
    main_action = ''

    # Stay on main program after a main action executed by the user
    while True:

        # The try/catch manage KeyboardInterrupt and UserWarning program exceptions
            # When we are in the main menu
            in_main_menu = True

            # Display main menu options
            # There is two parts in this menu
Exemplo n.º 14
 def create_new_image(self, my_message, useless_argument):
     # Create the 'my_message attribute'
     self.my_message = my_message
     printc("Image created ! Check images list to look at it.", Color.RED)
Exemplo n.º 15
def cli_manage_nodes():
    # Get all golden images
    golden_images = NfsGoldenImage.get_images()

    if not golden_images:
        raise UserWarning('No nfs golden image to manage.')

    # Get golden images names
    golden_images_names = [golden_image.name for golden_image in golden_images]

    # Select the golden image to manage from list
    printc('\n[+] Select the golden image to manage:', Color.GREEN)
    golden_image_name = select_from_list(golden_images_names)
    golden_image = ImageManager.get_created_image(golden_image_name)

    # Choose an action for nodes management
    printc('\n[+] Manages nodes of image ' + golden_image_name, Color.GREEN)
    print(' 1 - List nodes with the image')
    print(' 2 - Add nodes with the image')
    print(' 3 - Remove nodes with the image')

    action = input('-->: ')

    # Print golden image nodes
    if action == '1':
        nodeset = golden_image.get_nodes()
        printc('\n[OK] Done.', Color.GREEN)

    # Add some nodes to the image
    elif action == '2':
        printc('\n[+] Actual image NodeSet is: ' + str(golden_image.nodes),
        printc('[+] Please enter nodes range to add:', Color.GREEN)

        nodes_range = input('-->: ').replace(" ", "")
        # Test if nodes_range is a valid range
            printc('\n[OK] Done.', Color.GREEN)

        except KeyError:
            raise UserWarning('The Node you have entered is not compliant.')

    # Delete nodes from image
    elif action == '3':
        printc('\n[+] Please enter nodes range to remove:', Color.GREEN)

        nodes_range = input('-->: ').replace(" ", "")
        # Test if nodes_range is a valid range
            printc('\n[OK] Done.', Color.GREEN)

        except KeyError:
            raise UserWarning('The Node you have entered is not compliant.')

        raise UserWarning('Not a valid entry')
Exemplo n.º 16
def cli_create_staging_image():

    # Get available kernels
    kernel_list = KernelManager.get_available_kernels()

    # If there are no kernels aise an exception
    if not kernel_list:
        raise UserWarning('No kernel available')

    # Condition to test if image name is compliant
    while True:

        printc('[+] Give a name for your image', Color.GREEN)
        # Get new image name
        selected_image_name = input('-->: ').replace(" ", "")

        if selected_image_name == '':
            raise UserWarning('Image name cannot be empty !')

        if not ImageManager.is_image(selected_image_name):

        # Else
        print('Image ' + selected_image_name +
              ' already exist, use another image name.')

    # Select the kernel to use
    printc('\n[+] Select your kernel:', Color.GREEN)
    selected_kernel = select_from_list(kernel_list)

    # Manage password
    printc('\n[+] Give a password for your image', Color.GREEN)
    selected_password = input(
        'Please enter clear root password of the new image: ').replace(
            " ", "")

    # Propose to user to install additional packages
        '\nDo you want to customize your image with additional packages? (yes/no)',
    choice = input('-->: ')
    # Install addictional packages
    if choice == 'yes':
        # Get package list from user
        additional_packages = Image.cli_add_packages()
    # Don't install additional packages
    elif choice == 'no':
        additional_packages = None
        raise UserWarning('\nInvalid entry !')

    # Propose to user to specify a release version
        '\nSpecify a release version for installation (left empty to not use the --relasever option)',
    release_version = input('-->: ')
    if release_version == '':
        release_version = None

    # Confirm image creation
        '\n[+] Would you like to create a new nfs staging image with the following attributes: (yes/no)',
    print('  ├── Image name: \t\t' + selected_image_name)
    print('  ├── Image password : \t\t' + selected_password)

    # Print additional packages if there is
    if additional_packages is not None:
        print('  ├── Additional packages: \t' + str(additional_packages))

    # Print release version if there is one
    if release_version is not None:
        print('  ├── Release version: \t\t' + release_version)

    print('  └── Image kernel: \t\t' + selected_kernel)

    confirmation = input('-->: ').replace(" ", "")

    if confirmation == 'yes':
        # Create the image object
        NfsStagingImage(selected_image_name, selected_password,
                        selected_kernel, additional_packages, release_version)
        printc('\n[OK] Done.', Color.GREEN)

    elif confirmation == 'no':
        printc('\n[+] Image creation cancelled, return to main menu.',

        raise UserWarning('\nInvalid confirmation !')