Exemplo n.º 1
    names = ['Bias', 'MSE', '$r^2$']
    with open('spec_atten_stats.tex', 'w') as fp:
        for lam_text in wavelengths:
            for pol,abbr in [('Horizontal','H'), ('Vertical', 'V'), ('Differential', None)]:
                for ind,name in enumerate(names):
    \\frametitle{{Summary: {name} at {lam}-band for {pol} Polarization}}
        \\begin{{tabular}}{{| c | c | c | c | c |}}
            Experiment & Linear & ZPHI & SC & MSC \\\\
            \\hline\n'''.format(name=name, lam=lam_text, pol=pol))
                    for exp in exps:
                        fp.write('            %s & %.4f & %.4f & %.4f & %.4f \\\\\n'%(exp,
                            stats[lam_text, exp, abbr, 'Linear'][ind],
                            stats[lam_text, exp, abbr, 'ZPHI'][ind],
                            stats[lam_text, exp, abbr, 'SC'][ind],
                            stats[lam_text, exp, abbr, 'MSC'][ind]))
                    fp.write(r'''            \hline


if __name__ == '__main__':
    data_cache = load_model_experiments('ref_runs/')
Exemplo n.º 2
# Generate PPI plots of Z and Attenuation for (calc, zphi, sc)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rcParams

from disser.experiments import (script_args, load_model_experiments,
from disser.atten import attenAlgs
from disser.datatypes import Reflectivity, Attenuation, PlotInfoContext, PhiDP
from disser.plots.defaults import multipanel_cbar_each

rcParams['figure.subplot.top'] = 0.95
rcParams['figure.subplot.bottom'] = 0.07

args = script_args().parse_args()

data_cache = load_model_experiments('ref_runs', glob='Cband*')
data = data_cache[('C','Control')]
data.fields.default_keys['source'] = 'average'
attenAlgs.run(['ZPHI', 'SC'], data, var='H')

moms = [(Reflectivity, 'average'), (PhiDP, 'average'), (Attenuation, 'calc'),
            (Attenuation, 'ZPHI'), (Attenuation, 'SC')]
#moms = [(Attenuation, 'SC'), (Attenuation, 'ZPHI')]
data.fields.default_keys['pol'] = 'H'
with PlotInfoContext(wavelength=data.wavelength):
    for dt,src in moms:
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
        mom = data.fields.grab(dt, source=src)
        multipanel_cbar_each(fig, (1, 1), [mom], data)
        if args.save:
            fig.savefig('{.name}_{:s}.png'.format(dt, src))