Exemplo n.º 1
def safe_next_link(full_path):
    q = QueryDict('', mutable=True)      
    next_url = urlparse(full_path).path
    next_query = iri_to_uri(urlparse(full_path).query)
    next_query_dict = None   
    if next_query:       
        next_query_dict = QueryDict(next_query).copy()
        for k,v in next_query_dict.iteritems():          
            if not v:
    params =  '?%s' % next_query_dict.urlencode() if next_query_dict else ''
    q['next'] = '%s%s' % (next_url, params)            
    return q.urlencode()
Exemplo n.º 2
def search_pool_page(request, host_name, page):
    logging.info('Start of search_pool_page()')
    if request.method == 'GET':
        host = get_object_or_404(Host, name=host_name)
        host_settings = get_list_or_404(Setting, hostname=host)
        node_list = parse_node_list(host, host_settings)
        template_dict = {}
            pg_num = request.GET['pg']
            pg_num = 1

        # This is quirky, but we don't want to pass the pg=3 parameter back to the search results.
        # It causes, the pager links to append (i.e. ?pg=2&pg=2&pg=2)
        # So we loop through the QueryDict and get rid of the pg=2 parameters.
        fresh = QueryDict('')
        fresh = fresh.copy()
        q = QueryDict(request.META['QUERY_STRING'])
        for key, value in q.iteritems():
            if key != 'pg':
                fresh.update({key: value})
        template_dict['query_string'] = fresh.urlencode()

        # Start the search process
        cat = request.GET['type']
        str = request.GET['search']
        results = Song.objects.filter(title__icontains=str)
        results = results | Song.objects.filter(artist__name__icontains=str)
        results = results | Song.objects.filter(album__name__icontains=str)
        results = results | Song.objects.filter(genre__name__icontains=str)

        #populate the paginator using the search queryset.
        p = get_song_search_pager(results)
            single_page = p.page(page)
        except EmptyPage, InvalidPage:
            single_page = p.page(p.num_pages)

        #place all the information we gathered into the template dictionary
        template_dict['node_list'] = node_list
        template_dict['active_host'] = host
        template_dict['search'] = True
        template_dict['all_pages'] = p
        template_dict['single_page'] = single_page
        template_dict['pool_page'] = page
        logging.info('End of search_pool_page() with GET')
        return render_to_response('controller/pool_search.html',
Exemplo n.º 3
def search_pool_page(request, host_name, page):
	logging.info('Start of search_pool_page()')
	if request.method == 'GET':
		host = get_object_or_404(Host, name=host_name)
		host_settings = get_list_or_404(Setting, hostname=host)
		node_list = parse_node_list(host, host_settings)
		template_dict = {}
			pg_num = request.GET['pg']
		# This is quirky, but we don't want to pass the pg=3 parameter back to the search results.
		# It causes, the pager links to append (i.e. ?pg=2&pg=2&pg=2)
		# So we loop through the QueryDict and get rid of the pg=2 parameters.
		fresh = QueryDict('')
		fresh = fresh.copy()
		q = QueryDict(request.META['QUERY_STRING'])
		for key,value in q.iteritems():
			if key != 'pg':
				fresh.update({key : value})
		template_dict['query_string'] = fresh.urlencode()
		# Start the search process
		cat = request.GET['type']
		str = request.GET['search']
		results = Song.objects.filter(title__icontains=str)
		results = results | Song.objects.filter(artist__name__icontains=str)
		results = results | Song.objects.filter(album__name__icontains=str)
		results = results | Song.objects.filter(genre__name__icontains=str)

		#populate the paginator using the search queryset.		
		p = get_song_search_pager(results)
			single_page = p.page(page)
		except EmptyPage, InvalidPage:
			single_page = p.page(p.num_pages)
		#place all the information we gathered into the template dictionary
		template_dict['node_list'] = node_list
		template_dict['active_host'] = host
		template_dict['search'] = True
		template_dict['all_pages'] = p
		template_dict['single_page'] = single_page
		template_dict['pool_page'] = page
		logging.info('End of search_pool_page() with GET')
		return render_to_response('controller/pool_search.html', template_dict, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Exemplo n.º 4
def safe_next_link(full_path, keys_to_delete=[]):
    q = QueryDict('', mutable=True)      
    next_url = urlparse(full_path).path
    next_query = iri_to_uri(urlparse(full_path).query)
    next_query_dict = None   
    if next_query:      
        deleted_keys = []                    
        next_query_dict = QueryDict(next_query).copy()
        if keys_to_delete:
        for k,v in next_query_dict.iteritems():          
            if not v:
        for key in deleted_keys:
            if key in next_query_dict:
    params =  '?%s' % next_query_dict.urlencode() if next_query_dict else ''
    q['next'] = '%s%s' % (next_url, params)            
    return q.urlencode()
Exemplo n.º 5
def task_start(request, part_id=None, task_id=None):
    part_id = pk_to_int_or_404(part_id)
    task_id = pk_to_int_or_404(task_id)
    part = get_object_or_404(models.Participant, pk=part_id)
    task = get_object_or_404(models.Task, pk=task_id)
    session = request.session
    app = task.app
    cond = part.condition
    site = part.site
    exp = site.experiment
    exptr = exp.experimenter

    # a task's app may not require a scenario, initialize these to null
    (scen_id, scen_name) = (None, None)

    if task.scenario is not None:
        scen_id = task.scenario.id
        tmp = task.scenario.scenario_file.name
        scen_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(tmp))[0]

    # although the tutalk is "localhost" this get's different values in
    # different environments, such as when running manage.py runserver
    # (no reverse proxy)
    # thus the value of tutalk host needs to be computed
    server_name = request.META["HTTP_HOST"]
    if "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER" in request.META:
        server_name = request.META["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_SERVER"]

    server_port = request.META["SERVER_PORT"]
    server_name = server_name.replace(server_port, '').rstrip(':')
    if server_name.startswith("127.0"):
        server_name = "localhost"

    tutalk_host = server_name
    if "localhost" == tutalk_host:
        tutalk_host = socket.getfqdn()

    # remove any session information related to any previous
    # taks the user may have run
    for key in request.session.keys():
        if not key.startswith("_auth_user"):
            del request.session[key]

    std_app_params = build_std_app_params_dict(
        cond, exp, exptr, part, site, task, scen_id, scen_name, tutalk_host)

    url = "%s" % app.url
    if not url.startswith("http"):
        url = "http://%s/%s" % (server_name, url)

    # map the App's names for app parameters to the actual values
    qd = QueryDict(mutable=True)
    for param in app.params:
            qd[param.name] = std_app_params[param.value]
        except KeyError as ke:

    # add any custom app param name/values
    if len(app.cust_params) > 0:
        for cust_param in app.cust_params:
            qd[cust_param.name] = cust_param.value

    if "session" == app.parameter_method:
        for (key, value) in qd.iteritems():
            session[key] = value
    elif "querystring" == app.parameter_method:
        qs = "%s" % qd.urlencode()
        url = "%s?%s" % (url, qs)

    # always save the following information in the session object
    # regardless of the apps parameter passing scheme
    session["task_info"] = (task_id, part_id)
    task_status = models.TaskStatus.objects\

    return HttpResponseRedirect(url, 302)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def parse_form(self, request):
     data = QueryDict(request.body.decode('utf-8'))
     data = {key: json.loads(val) for key, val in data.iteritems()}
     return data