Exemplo n.º 1
def datestampformat(value, arg=None):
    logger.debug("value=%s, arg=%s" % (value, arg))
    t = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(value))
    logger.debug("Timestamp translated to: %s" % str(t))
    f = filter_time(t, arg)
    logger.debug("Timestamp rendered as %s" % f)
    return f
def last_seen(value, autoescape=None):
    """Formats a datetime as an HTML string representing a
       short digest of the time since that date, contained
       by a <span>, with a title (tooltip) of the full date."""
    # if autoescaping is on, then we will
    # need to pass outgoing strings through
    # cond_esc, or django will escape the HTML
    if autoescape: esc = conditional_escape
    else:          esc = lambda x: x

        if value:
            # looks like we have a valid date - return
            # a span containing the long and short version
            ts = timesince(value)
            mag = magnitude_ago(value)
            long = "on %s at %s" % (filter_date(value), filter_time(value))
            out = '<span class="last-seen %s" title="%s">%s ago</span>' % (esc(mag), esc(long), esc(ts))
        # abort if there is no date (it's
        # probably just a null model field)
            out = '<span class="last-seen n/a">Never</span>'
    # something went wrong! don't blow up
    # the entire template, just flag it
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        out = '<span class="last-seen error">Error</span>'
    return mark_safe(out)
Exemplo n.º 3
def datestampformat(value, arg=None):
    logger.debug("value=%s, arg=%s" % (value,arg))
    t = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(value))
    logger.debug("Timestamp translated to: %s" % str(t))
    f = filter_time(t, arg)
    logger.debug("Timestamp rendered as %s" % f)
    return f