Exemplo n.º 1
def format_currency(amount, currency, precision=None):
    if not amount:
        return None
    if precision:
        format = u'#,##0.%s \xa4\xa4;-#,##0.%s \xa4\xa4' % ('0' * precision, '0' * precision)
        return numbers.format_currency(amount, currency, format, locale=get_locale())
        return numbers.format_currency(amount, currency, locale=get_locale())
Exemplo n.º 2
def localized_countries():
    Returns a list of tuples containing a two letter ISO 3166 country
    code and a localized name of the country.
    key = 'localized_countries_%s' % (get_locale())
    res = cache.get(key)
    if res is not None:
        return res

    # some locales like 'no' have little or no data :( so we'll use
    # our default locale's data as a starting point
    enermyteritoy = default_locale().territories.copy()
    # exclude 3 digit codes 'cause they're not ISO 3166
    res = [(k,smart_truncate(v, 27)) for k,v in enermyteritoy.items() if len(k) == 2]
    res.sort(key=lambda t: t[1])

    cache.set(key, res)
    return res
Exemplo n.º 3
 def render(self, context):
     lang = self.lang.resolve(context)
     return get_locale().languages[lang]
Exemplo n.º 4
def countryname(code):
    if not code:
        return u'None'
    return get_locale().territories[code]
Exemplo n.º 5
def localized_timezones(group=False, truncate=True):
    This function is a doozy.  Returns a list of timezones
    translated to your locale.  Usually used for displaying on an
    HTML form in a select box.
    locale = get_locale()
    key = 'localized_timezones_%s%s%s' % (
        locale, ['', '_grouped'][group], ['', '_truncated'][group])
    zones = cache.get(key)
    if zones is not None:
        zones.sort(key=lambda t: t[1])
        return zones

    if group:
        zones = {}
        zones = []
    dups = {}
    # certain locales like en_US will assign the same name to a whole
    # bunch of different zones.  dups detects duplicate names so we
    # can append extra data to differentiate the duplicated zones
    for tzname in SUPPORTED_TIMEZONES:
        name = dates.get_timezone_name(pytz.timezone(tzname), locale=locale)
        if name in dups:
            dups[name] += 1
            dups[name] = 0
    for tzname in SUPPORTED_TIMEZONES:
        # utc offsets change so feed in current date
        tz = pytz.timezone(tzname)
        dt = datetime.now(tz=tz)
        gmt = dates.get_timezone_gmt(dt, locale=locale)
            name = dates.get_timezone_name(tz, locale=locale)
        except KeyError:
            # ceratin locales like 'no' will raise "KeyError: 'ZZ'"
            # because they don't have any zone information at the moment
            name = dates.get_timezone_name(dt, locale=DEFAULT_LOCALE)
        if dups[name]:
            name = "%s (%s)" % (name, tzname[tzname.index('/')+1:].replace('_', ' '))
        if group:
            if gmt not in zones:
                zones[gmt] = []
            if truncate:
                zones[gmt].append((tzname, smart_truncate(name, 35)))
                zones[gmt].append((tzname, name))
            if truncate:
                zones.append((tzname, smart_truncate("%s - %s" % (gmt, name), 45)))
                zones.append((tzname, "%s - %s" % (gmt, name)))
    if group:
        zones = zones.items()
        zones.sort(key=lambda t: t[0])
        for k, v in zones:
            v.sort(key=lambda t: t[1])
        zones.sort(key=lambda t: t[1])

    cache.set(key, zones)
    return zones
Exemplo n.º 6
def format_number(number):
    return numbers.format_number(int(str(number)), locale=get_locale())
Exemplo n.º 7
def format_date(dt, format='short', tz=None):
    """Dates are only in UTC currently"""
    if not tz:
        tz = settings.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE
    return dates.format_date(dt, format, locale=get_locale())
Exemplo n.º 8
def format_datetime(dt, format='short', tz=None):
    if not tz:
        tz = settings.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE
    return dates.format_datetime(localize_timezone(dt, tz), format, locale=get_locale())
Exemplo n.º 9
def format_decimal(decimal, precision=None):
    if precision:
        fmt = '#,##0.%s;-#,##0.%s' % ('0' * precision, '0' * precision)
        return numbers.format_decimal(decimal, fmt, locale=get_locale())
        return numbers.format_decimal(decimal, locale=get_locale())
Exemplo n.º 10
def format_percent(number):
    return numbers.format_percent(Decimal(str(number)), locale=get_locale())