Exemplo n.º 1
def generate_schemata(remote_url, username, password, latest=True, download=False, to="schemata.tar", debug=False):
    """ Generate sync data from remote server
    remote_url: url of remote server (ip:port)
    username, password: credentials for logging in
    status = rest_util.login(remote_url, username, password)
    if not status:
        print "Sorry. Your credentials were not accepted."
    url = 'http://%s/api/xforms/?format=sync' % remote_url
    if latest:
        xmlns_buffer = rest_util.get_field_as_bz2(FormDefModel, 'target_namespace', debug)
        print "Generating latest remote schemata..."
        xmlns_buffer = ''
        print "Generating all remote submissions archive..."
    response = rest_util.request(url, username, password, xmlns_buffer)
    print "Generated"

    if download:
        fout = open(to, 'w+b')
        print "Schemata downloaded to %s" % to
    return response 
def generate_submissions(remote_url, username, password, latest=True, debug=False, download=False, to='submissions.tar'):
    """ Generate sync data from remote server
    remote_url: url of remote server (ip:port)
    username, password: credentials for logging in
    status = rest_util.login(remote_url, username, password)
    if not status:
        print "Sorry. Your credentials were not accepted."
    url = 'http://%s/api/submissions/' % remote_url
    if latest:
        MD5_buffer = rest_util.get_field_as_bz2(Submission, 'checksum', debug)
        response = rest_util.request(url, username, password, MD5_buffer)
        print "Generated latest remote submissions"
        response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
        print "Generated all remote submissions archive"
    if download:
        fout = open(to, 'w+b')
        print "Submissions downloaded to %s" % to
        # Check for status messages
        # (i think tar payloads always begin 'BZ'...)
        response = response.read(255)
        if response[:2] != "BZ":
            print response
    return response
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_sync_some_submissions(self):
     """ Tests synchronizing some data from self (posts a few MD5s) """
     manager = XFormManager()
     # populate some files
     schema_1 = create_xsd_and_populate("pf_followup.xsd", "pf_followup_1.xml", path = DATA_DIR)
     schema_2 = create_xsd_and_populate("pf_new_reg.xsd", "pf_new_reg_1.xml", path = DATA_DIR)
     schema_3 = create_xsd_and_populate("pf_ref_completed.xsd", "pf_ref_completed_1.xml", path = DATA_DIR)
     # get MD5 of all current submissions
     MD5_buffer = rest_util.get_field_as_bz2(Submission, 'checksum')
     # populate a few more files
     submit_1 = populate("pf_followup_2.xml", path = DATA_DIR)
     submit_2 = populate("pf_new_reg_2.xml", path = DATA_DIR)
     submit_3 = populate("pf_ref_completed_2.xml", path = DATA_DIR)
     submit_4 = populate("pf_ref_completed_3.xml", path = DATA_DIR)
     starting_submissions_count = Submission.objects.all().count()
     starting_schemata_count = FormDefModel.objects.all().count()
     # get the difference between the first 3 files and the current
     # set of files (i.e. the last 4 files)
     submissions_file = "submissions.tar"
     self._POST_MD5s(MD5_buffer, submissions_file)
     # save checksums and delete the ones just populated (d,e,f)
     checksums = [ submit_1.checksum, submit_2.checksum, submit_3.checksum, submit_3.checksum ]
     manager.remove_data(schema_1.id, Metadata.objects.get(attachment=submit_1.xform).raw_data, \
                         remove_submission = True)
     manager.remove_data(schema_2.id, Metadata.objects.get(attachment=submit_2.xform).raw_data, \
                         remove_submission = True)
     manager.remove_data(schema_3.id, Metadata.objects.get(attachment=submit_3.xform).raw_data, \
                         remove_submission = True)
     manager.remove_data(schema_3.id, Metadata.objects.get(attachment=submit_4.xform).raw_data, \
                         remove_submission = True)
     # load data from sync file (d,e,f)
     load_submissions(submissions_file, "")
         # verify that the submissions etc. count are correct (d,e,f)
         self.assertEqual( starting_submissions_count, Submission.objects.all().count())
         submits = Submission.objects.all().order_by('-submit_time')[:4]
         # verify that the correct submissions were loaded
     except Submission.DoesNotExist:
         self.fail("Incorrect submission received")
         # clean up
         manager = XFormManager()
         manager.remove_schema(schema_1.id, remove_submissions = True)
         manager.remove_schema(schema_2.id, remove_submissions = True)
         manager.remove_schema(schema_3.id, remove_submissions = True)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_sync_dupe_submissions(self):
     """ Tests synchronizing duplicate data from self"""
     manager = XFormManager()
     # populate some files
     schema_1 = create_xsd_and_populate("pf_followup.xsd", "pf_followup_1.xml", path = DATA_DIR)
     schema_2 = create_xsd_and_populate("pf_new_reg.xsd", "pf_new_reg_1.xml", path = DATA_DIR)
     schema_3 = create_xsd_and_populate("pf_ref_completed.xsd", "pf_ref_completed_1.xml", path = DATA_DIR)
     starting_submissions_count = Submission.objects.all().count()
     # <STATE 1/>
     # get MD5 of 3 populated files
     MD5_buffer = rest_util.get_field_as_bz2(Submission, 'checksum')
     # add 3 dupes and 1 new file
     submit_1 = populate("pf_followup_1.xml", path = DATA_DIR)
     submit_2 = populate("pf_new_reg_1.xml", path = DATA_DIR)
     submit_3 = populate("pf_ref_completed_1.xml", path = DATA_DIR)
     # <STATE 2/>
     submissions_file = "submissions.tar"
     self._POST_MD5s(MD5_buffer, submissions_file)
     self._assert_tar_count_equals(submissions_file, 0)
     submit_4 = populate("pf_ref_completed_3.xml", path = DATA_DIR)
     # <STATE 3/>
     # get the difference between state 1 and state 3
     self._POST_MD5s(MD5_buffer, submissions_file)
     # save checksum and delete the ones just populated
     checksum_4 = submit_4.checksum
     # should get the same 3 schemas we registered above
     self._assert_tar_count_equals(submissions_file, 1)
     # load data from sync file (d,e,f)
     load_submissions(submissions_file, "")
         # verify that we only have 4 submissions
         self.assertEqual( starting_submissions_count+1, Submission.objects.all().count() )
     except Submission.DoesNotExist:
         self.fail("Incorrect submission received")
         # clean up
         manager = XFormManager()
         manager.remove_schema(schema_1.id, remove_submissions = True)
         manager.remove_schema(schema_2.id, remove_submissions = True)
         manager.remove_schema(schema_3.id, remove_submissions = True)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_sync_some_schemata(self):
        """ Tests synchronizing some schemata from self (posts a few xmlns) """
        manager = XFormManager()
        # populate some files
        schema_1 = create_xsd_and_populate("pf_followup.xsd", path = DATA_DIR)

        # get xmlns of populated schemas
        xmlns_buffer = rest_util.get_field_as_bz2(FormDefModel, 'target_namespace')
        # populate a few more schema
        schema_2 = create_xsd_and_populate("pf_new_reg.xsd", path = DATA_DIR)
        schema_3 = create_xsd_and_populate("pf_ref_completed.xsd", path = DATA_DIR)
        starting_schemata_count = FormDefModel.objects.all().count()
        # get the difference between the first schema and current state
        schemata_file = "schemata.tar"
        self._POST_XMLNS(xmlns_buffer, schemata_file)
        # delete the ones just populated (d,e,f)
        manager.remove_schema(schema_2.id, remove_submissions = True)
        manager.remove_schema(schema_3.id, remove_submissions = True)
        # load data from sync file (d,e,f)
        load_schemata(schemata_file, "")
            # verify that the schematas etc. count are correct (d,e,f)
            self.assertEqual( starting_schemata_count, FormDefModel.objects.all().count())
            self._assert_schema_registered("pf_followup.xsd", DATA_DIR)
            self._assert_schema_registered("pf_new_reg.xsd", DATA_DIR)
            self._assert_schema_registered("pf_ref_completed.xsd", DATA_DIR)
            # clean up
            manager = XFormManager()
            manager.remove_schema(schema_1.id, remove_submissions = True)
            self._delete_schema_from_filename("pf_new_reg.xsd", path = DATA_DIR)
            self._delete_schema_from_filename("pf_ref_completed.xsd", path = DATA_DIR)