Exemplo n.º 1
        class BookTable(tables.MemoryTable):
            id = tables.Column(sortable=True)
            name = tables.Column(sortable=False)
            author = tables.Column()

            class Meta:
                sortable = default_sortable
Exemplo n.º 2
class RuleTable(tables.ModelTable):
    id = tables.Column(sortable=False, visible=False)
    sensor = tables.Column()
    rule = tables.Column()

    class Meta:
        model = Rule
Exemplo n.º 3
    class CountryTable(tables.ModelTable):
        null = tables.Column(default="foo")
        tld = tables.Column(name="domain")

        class Meta(object):
            model = Country
            exclude = ('id', )
Exemplo n.º 4
class CountryTable(tables.ModelTable):
    id = tables.Column(sortable=False, visible=False)
    code = tables.Column(sortable=True)
    name = tables.Column(sortable=True)

    class Meta:
        model = Country
Exemplo n.º 5
    class CountryTable(tables.ModelTable):
        null = tables.Column(default="foo")
        domain = tables.Column(model_rel="tld")

        class Meta:
            model = Country  # noqa
            exclude = ('id', )
Exemplo n.º 6
class WebappQueueTable(tables.ModelTable, ItemStateTable):
    name = tables.Column(verbose_name=_lazy(u'App'))
    created = tables.Column(verbose_name=_lazy(u'Waiting Time'))
    abuse_reports__count = tables.Column(verbose_name=_lazy(u'Abuse Reports'))

    def render_name(self, row):
        url = '%s?num=%s' % (reverse('editors.app_review',
                                     args=[row.slug]), self.item_number)
        return u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, jinja2.escape(row.name))

    def render_abuse_reports__count(self, row):
        url = reverse('editors.abuse_reports', args=[row.slug])
        return u'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (jinja2.escape(url),

    def render_created(self, row):
        return timesince(row.created)

    def translate_sort_cols(cls, colname):
        return colname

    def default_order_by(cls):
        return 'created'

    def review_url(cls, row):
        return reverse('editors.app_review', args=[row.slug])

    class Meta:
        sortable = True
        model = Webapp
        columns = ['name', 'created', 'abuse_reports__count']
Exemplo n.º 7
    class CountryTable(tables.ModelTable):
        # add relationship spanning columns (using different approaches)
        capital_name = tables.Column(data='capital__name')
        capital__population = tables.Column(name="capital_population")
        invalid = tables.Column(data="capital__invalid")

        class Meta(object):
            model = Country
Exemplo n.º 8
class PeeringTable(tables.ModelTable):
    id = tables.Column(sortable=False, visible=False)
    peer = tables.Column()
    user = tables.Column()
    key = tables.Column(sortable=False, visible=False)

    class Meta:
        model = Peering
Exemplo n.º 9
    class CountryTable(tables.ModelTable):
        tld = tables.Column(name="domain")
        population = tables.Column()
        system = tables.Column(default="republic")
        custom1 = tables.Column()
        custom2 = tables.Column(sortable=True)

        class Meta(object):
            model = Country
Exemplo n.º 10
    class CountryTable(tables.ModelTable):
        domain = tables.Column(model_rel="tld")
        population = tables.Column()
        system = tables.Column(default="republic")
        custom1 = tables.Column()
        custom2 = tables.Column(sortable=True)

        class Meta:
            model = Country  # noqa
Exemplo n.º 11
class ProductTable(SarpamTable):
    product = tables.Column()
    supplier = tables.Column()
    manufacturer = tables.Column()
    country = tables.Column()

    def __init__(self, rows):
        tables.MemoryTable.__init__(self, rows, order_by='product')

    def get_rows_template(self):
        return "product_rows.html"
Exemplo n.º 12
class ProductTable(SarpamTable):
    product = tables.Column()
    supplier = tables.Column()
    manufacturer = tables.Column()
    country = tables.Column(verbose_name="Registered In")

    def __init__(self, rows):
        SarpamTable.__init__(self, rows, order_by='product')

    def get_rows_template(self):
        return "product_rows.html"
Exemplo n.º 13
class TransactionReport(tables.ModelTable):
    #paid = tables.Column(filter='paid')
    tpin = tables.Column(sortable=False, visible=False)
    identifier = tables.Column(sortable=False, visible=False)
    created = tables.Column(sortable=True, visible=True)

    def get_reports_paid(self, object, req):
        return TransactionReport(object, order_by=req)

    class Meta:  
        model = Transaction
Exemplo n.º 14
    class CountryTable(tables.ModelTable):
        # add relationship spanning columns (using different approaches)
        capital_name = tables.Column(model_rel='capital__name')
        capital_name_link = tables.Column(model_rel='capital__name')
        cap_pop = tables.Column(model_rel="capital__population")
        invalid = tables.Column(model_rel="capital__invalid")

        class Meta:
            model = Country  # noqa

        def render_capital_name_link(self, country):
            return '<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%s">%s</a>' % (
                country.capital.name, country.capital.name)
Exemplo n.º 15
class EditorAllListTable(SQLTable, ItemStateTable):
    addon_name = tables.Column(verbose_name=_lazy(u'Add-on'))
    guid = tables.Column(verbose_name=_lazy(u'GUID'))
    authors = tables.Column(verbose_name=_lazy(u'Authors'), sortable=False)
    review_date = tables.Column(verbose_name=_lazy(u'Last Review'))
    version_date = tables.Column(verbose_name=_lazy(u'Last Update'))
    show_version_notes = False

    class Meta:
        columns = [
            'addon_name', 'guid', 'authors', 'last_review', 'version_date'

    def render_addon_name(self, row):
        url = reverse(
            args=[row.addon_slug if row.addon_slug is not None else row.id])
        return safe_substitute(u'<a href="%s">%s <em>%s</em></a>', url,
                               row.addon_name, row.latest_version)

    def render_guid(self, row):
        return safe_substitute(u'%s', row.guid)

    def render_version_date(self, row):
        return safe_substitute(u'<span>%s</span>', row.version_date)

    def render_review_date(self, row):
        if row.review_version_num is None:
            return _('No Reviews')
        return safe_substitute(
            u'<span class="addon-review-text">'
            u'<a href="#"><em>%s</em> on %s</a></span>',
            row.review_version_num, row.review_date)

    def render_authors(self, row):
        authors = row.authors
        if not len(authors):
            return ''
        more = '\n'.join(
            safe_substitute(u'%s', uname) for (_, uname) in authors)
        author_links = ''.join(
            safe_substitute(u'<a href="%s">%s</a>',
                            UserProfile.create_user_url(id_, username=uname),
                            uname) for (id_, uname) in authors[0:3])
        return u'<span title="%s">%s%s</span>' % (more, author_links, '...'
                                                  if len(authors) > 3 else '')

    def default_order_by(cls):
        return '-version_date'
Exemplo n.º 16
class RIRTable(tables.ModelTable):
    id = tables.Column(sortable=False, visible=False)
    name = tables.Column()
    whois = tables.Column()
    listed = tables.Column()
    whitelisted = tables.Column()
    num_providers = tables.Column(sortable=False, visible=False)
    num_subnets = tables.Column(sortable=False, visible=False)
    num_listed = tables.Column(sortable=False, visible=False)
    num_whitelisted = tables.Column(sortable=False, visible=False)
    num_history = tables.Column(sortable=False, visible=False)

    class Meta:
        model = RIR
Exemplo n.º 17
class FormulationTable(SarpamTable):
    country = tables.Column()
    fob_price = tables.Column(verbose_name="FOB Price (%s)" %
    landed_price = tables.Column(verbose_name="Landed Price (%s)" %

    def __init__(self, rows):
        for row in rows:
            self.round_to_set_decimal_places(row, 'fob_price')
            self.round_to_set_decimal_places(row, 'landed_price')

        SarpamTable.__init__(self, rows, order_by='landed_price')

    def get_rows_template(self):
        return "formulation_rows.html"
Exemplo n.º 18
        class CountryTable(tables.ModelTable):
            capital = tables.TextColumn(verbose_name='Name of capital')
            projected = tables.Column(verbose_name="Projected Population")

            class Meta:
                model = Country  # noqa
                columns = ['capital']
Exemplo n.º 19
        class TestTable(tables.MemoryTable):
            private_name = tables.Column(name='public_name')

            def render_public_name(self, data):
                # We are given the actual data dict and have direct access
                # to additional values for which no field is defined.
                return "%s:%s" % (data['private_name'], data['additional'])
Exemplo n.º 20
        class CountryTable(tables.ModelTable):
            capital = tables.TextColumn(verbose_name='Name of capital')
            projected = tables.Column(verbose_name="Projected Population")

            class Meta(object):
                model = Country
                exclude = ['tld']
Exemplo n.º 21
 class CountryTable(tables.ModelTable):
     name = tables.Column()
     population = tables.Column()
     capital = tables.Column()
     system = tables.Column()
     null = tables.Column(default="foo")
     null2 = tables.Column()
     domain = tables.Column(model_rel="tld")
     tld = tables.Column()
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_basic():
    class StuffTable(tables.MemoryTable):
        name = tables.Column()
        answer = tables.Column(default=42)
        c = tables.Column(name="count", default=1)
        email = tables.Column(data="@")
    stuff = StuffTable([
        {'id': 1, 'name': 'Foo Bar', '@': '*****@*****.**'},

    # access without order_by works

    # make sure BoundColumnn.name always gives us the right thing, whether
    # the column explicitely defines a name or not.
    stuff.columns['count'].name == 'count'
    stuff.columns['answer'].name == 'answer'

    for r in stuff.rows:
        # unknown fields are removed/not-accessible
        assert 'name' in r
        assert not 'id' in r
        # missing data is available as default
        assert 'answer' in r
        assert r['answer'] == 42   # note: different from prev. line!

        # all that still works when name overrides are used
        assert not 'c' in r
        assert 'count' in r
        assert r['count'] == 1

        # columns with data= option work fine
        assert r['email'] == '*****@*****.**'

    # try to splice rows by index
    assert 'name' in stuff.rows[0]
    assert isinstance(stuff.rows[0:], list)

    # [bug] splicing the table gives us valid, working rows
    assert list(stuff[0]) == list(stuff.rows[0])
    assert stuff[0]['name'] == 'Foo Bar'

    # changing an instance's base_columns does not change the class
    assert id(stuff.base_columns) != id(StuffTable.base_columns)
    stuff.base_columns['test'] = tables.Column()
    assert not 'test' in StuffTable.base_columns

    # optionally, exceptions can be raised when input is invalid
    tables.options.IGNORE_INVALID_OPTIONS = False
        assert_raises(ValueError, setattr, stuff, 'order_by', '-name,made-up-column')
        assert_raises(ValueError, setattr, stuff, 'order_by', ('made-up-column',))
        # when a column name is overwritten, the original won't work anymore
        assert_raises(ValueError, setattr, stuff, 'order_by', 'c')
        # reset for future tests
        tables.options.IGNORE_INVALID_OPTIONS = True
Exemplo n.º 23
class RequestTable(tables.MemoryTable):

    check = tables.Column(data='id')
    id = tables.Column()
    user = tables.Column()
    time = tables.Column()
    request_method = tables.Column()
    server_protocol = tables.Column()
    lang = tables.Column()
    priority = tables.Column()
Exemplo n.º 24
class ListingTable(tables.ModelTable):
    id = tables.Column(sortable=False, visible=False)
    ip = tables.Column()
    reason = tables.Column()
    sensor = tables.Column()
    sensor_host = tables.Column()
    timestamp = tables.Column()
    duration = tables.Column()
    reporter = tables.Column()

    class Meta:
        model = Listing
Exemplo n.º 25
        class CountryTable(tables.ModelTable):
            foo = tables.Column()

            class Meta(object):
                model = Country
                columns = (
Exemplo n.º 26
class SubnetTable(tables.ModelTable):
    id = tables.Column(sortable=False, visible=False)
    subnet = tables.Column()
    mask = tables.Column(sortable=False, visible=False)
    af = tables.Column(sortable=False, visible=False)
    asnum = tables.Column(name="Provider", data="asnum__name")
    listed = tables.Column()
    whitelisted = tables.Column()

    class Meta:
        model = Subnet
        exclude = ["last", "num_listed", "num_whitelisted"]
Exemplo n.º 27
class ResultsTable(SarpamTable):
    formulation = tables.Column()
    fob_price = tables.Column(verbose_name="Median FOB Price (%s)"%settings.SARPAM_CURRENCY_CODE)
    landed_price = tables.Column(verbose_name="Median Landed Price (%s)"%settings.SARPAM_CURRENCY_CODE)
    msh_price = tables.Column(verbose_name="MSH International Median (%s)"%settings.SARPAM_CURRENCY_CODE)
    rows_template = "drug_price_rows.html"

    def __init__(self, rows, search_string):
        for row in rows:
            self.round_to_set_decimal_places(row, 'fob_price')
            self.round_to_set_decimal_places(row, 'landed_price')
            self.round_to_set_decimal_places(row, 'msh_price')

        SarpamTable.__init__(self, rows)
        self.search_string = search_string

    def as_html(self):
        return render_to_string('results.html', \
                                {'table':self, \

    def get_rows_template(self):
        return "drug_price_rows.html"
Exemplo n.º 28
class HostTable(django_tables.MemoryTable):
    id = django_tables.Column(visible=False)
    host_name = django_tables.Column(verbose_name="Hostname")
    alias = django_tables.Column()
    register = django_tables.Column()
Exemplo n.º 29
class FormulationGraph(SarpamTable):
    country = tables.Column()
    fob_price = tables.Column(verbose_name="FOB Price")
    landed_price = tables.Column(verbose_name="Landed Price")
    max_price = 0.001
    NO_DATA = ""
    median_fob_price = 0.0
    median_landed_price = 0.0

    def __init__(self, rows, msh_price=None):
        # Don't like this, but rows is being modified below, causing side effects
        rows = deepcopy(rows)

        if msh_price is not None:
            # msh_price might be a Decimal, which max() thinks is larger than
            # any float, so in order to compare properly with floats we need
            # to convert msh_price to float as well
            self.max_price = max(self.max_price, float(msh_price))

        # print "input data = %s" % rows
        (self.median_fob_price, self.median_landed_price) = \
        # print "median prices = %s, %s" % (self.median_fob_price, self.median_landed_price)

        for row in rows:
            new_max_price = max(self.max_price, row['fob_price'],
            # logging.warning("max of %s, %s and %s is %s" %
            #    (self.max_price, row['fob_price'], row['landed_price'],
            #        new_max_price))
            self.max_price = new_max_price

            self.round_to_set_decimal_places(row, 'fob_price')
            self.round_to_set_decimal_places(row, 'landed_price')

        # scale up the value to between 1 and 10, then round up the first
        # digit to 1, 2 or 5 to make nicer graph scales
        rounded_up = self.max_price
        scale_factor = 1

        while rounded_up < 1:
            rounded_up = rounded_up * 10
            scale_factor = scale_factor * 10

        while rounded_up > 10:
            rounded_up = rounded_up / 10.0
            scale_factor = scale_factor / 10.0

        if rounded_up > 5:
            rounded_up = 10.0
        elif rounded_up > 2:
            rounded_up = 5.0
        elif rounded_up > 1:
            rounded_up = 2.0
        # else it's 1, which is fine

        # scale back down
        self.max_price = rounded_up / scale_factor

        # generate the intervals on the graph scale
        self.scale = []
        for k in range(1, 11):
            self.scale.append(k * (self.max_price / 10))

        self.msh_price = msh_price

        SarpamTable.__init__(self, rows)

    def as_html(self):
        extra_context = {
            'sarpam_number_format': settings.SARPAM_NUMBER_FORMAT,
            'sarpam_number_rounding': settings.SARPAM_NUMBER_ROUNDING,
            'sarpam_currency_code': settings.SARPAM_CURRENCY_CODE,
            'table': self,
            'msh_price': self.msh_price,
            'median_fob_price': self.median_fob_price,
            'median_landed_price': self.median_landed_price
        return render_to_string('formulation/graph.html', extra_context)
Exemplo n.º 30
 class BookTable(tables.MemoryTable):
     id = tables.Column()
     name = tables.Column()