Exemplo n.º 1
 def process_request(self, request):
     # AuthenticationMiddleware is required so that request.user exists.
     if not hasattr(request, 'user'):
         raise ImproperlyConfigured(
             "The Django remote user auth middleware requires the"
             " authentication middleware to be installed.  Edit your"
             " MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES setting to insert"
             " 'djangocg.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware'"
             " before the RemoteUserMiddleware class.")
         username = request.META[self.header]
     except KeyError:
         # If specified header doesn't exist then return (leaving
         # request.user set to AnonymousUser by the
         # AuthenticationMiddleware).
     # If the user is already authenticated and that user is the user we are
     # getting passed in the headers, then the correct user is already
     # persisted in the session and we don't need to continue.
     if request.user.is_authenticated():
         if request.user.username == self.clean_username(username, request):
     # We are seeing this user for the first time in this session, attempt
     # to authenticate the user.
     user = auth.authenticate(remote_user=username)
     if user:
         # User is valid.  Set request.user and persist user in the session
         # by logging the user in.
         request.user = user
         auth.login(request, user)