Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: dnn.py Projeto: magic2du/dlnn
    def finetuning(self, train_xy, valid_xy):
        # get the training, validation and testing function for the model
        log("> ... getting the finetuning functions")
        train_shared_xy = shared_dataset(train_xy, borrow=True)
        valid_shared_xy = shared_dataset(valid_xy, borrow=True)
        train_fn, valid_fn = self.build_finetune_functions(
            train_shared_xy=train_shared_xy, valid_shared_xy=valid_shared_xy, batch_size=self.cfg.batch_size

        log("> ... finetuning the model")
        while self.cfg.lrate.get_rate() != 0:
            # one epoch of sgd training
            train_error = train_sgd_without_streaming(train_fn, train_xy[0].shape[0], self.cfg)
            log("> epoch %d, training error %f " % (self.cfg.lrate.epoch, 100 * numpy.mean(train_error)) + "(%)")
            # validation
            valid_error = validate_by_minibatch_without_streaming(valid_fn, valid_xy[0].shape[0], self.cfg)
                "> epoch %d, lrate %f, validation error %f "
                % (self.cfg.lrate.epoch, self.cfg.lrate.get_rate(), 100 * numpy.mean(valid_error))
                + "(%)"
            self.cfg.lrate.get_next_rate(current_error=100 * numpy.mean(valid_error))
        log("> ... finetuning finished")
        # output nnet parameters and lrate, for training resume
        #                if self.cfg.lrate.epoch % self.cfg.model_save_step == 0:
        #                    _nnet2file(dnn.layers, filename=wdir + '/nnet.tmp')
        #                   _lrate2file(cfg.lrate, wdir + '/training_state.tmp')
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: sda.py Projeto: magic2du/dlnn
    def pretraining(self, train_x = None):
            log('> ... getting the pre-training functions')
            if train_x is not None:
                    batch_size = self.cfg.batch_size if train_x.shape[0] > self.cfg.batch_size else train_x.shape[0]
                    pretraining_fns = self.pretraining_functions(train_set_x=shared_dataset_X(train_x), batch_size=batch_size)

                    # resume training
                    start_layer_index = 0; start_epoch_index = 

                    log('> ... pre-training the model')
                    # layer by layer; for each layer, go through the epochs
                    for i in range(start_layer_index, self.cfg.ptr_layer_number):
                        for epoch in range(start_epoch_index, self.cfg.epochs):
                            # go through the training set
                                c = []

                                for batch_index in xrange(train_x.shape[0] / batch_size):  # loop over mini-batches
                                                                , momentum=self.cfg.momentum
                                log('> layer %i, epoch %d, reconstruction cost %f' % (i, epoch, numpy.mean(c)))
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: sda.py Projeto: magic2du/dlnn
    def pretraining(self, train_x = None, train_y = None):
            #print len(numpy.shape(train_y))
            multi_classes = True if self.cfg.n_outs >= 3 else False
            train_y  = train_y.astype(dtype = theano.config.floatX)
            train_y_T = train_y[numpy.newaxis].T
            if multi_classes == False:               
                train_xy = numpy.hstack((train_x, train_y_T))
                shared_train_xy = shared_dataset_X(train_xy) 
                enc = OneHotEncoder(n_values = self.cfg.n_outs, dtype = theano.config.floatX, sparse=False)
                encode_train_y = enc.fit_transform(train_y_T)
                shared_train_xy = shared_dataset_X(numpy.hstack((train_x, encode_train_y)))              
            log('> ... getting the pre-training functions')
            if train_x is None: # this means we are using the stream input from file
            else: # this means using numpy matrix as input

                    start_layer_index = 0; start_epoch_index = 0

                    log('> ... pre-training the model')
                    # layer by layer; for each layer, go through the epochs
                    for i in range(start_layer_index, self.cfg.ptr_layer_number):
                        pretraining_fn = self.pretraining_function(self.dA_layers[i], train_set_x = shared_train_xy, batch_size = self.cfg.batch_size)
                        for epoch in range(start_epoch_index, self.cfg.epochs):
                            # go through the training set
                                c = []
#                            while (not self.cfg.train_sets.is_finish()):
#                                self.cfg.train_sets.load_next_partition(self.cfg.train_xy)
                                iteration_per_epoch = train_x.shape[0] / self.cfg.batch_size if train_x.shape[0] / self.cfg.batch_size else 1
                                for batch_index in xrange(iteration_per_epoch):  # loop over mini-batches
                                                                , momentum=self.cfg.momentum
#                            self.cfg.train_sets.initialize_read()
                                log('> layer %i, epoch %d, reconstruction cost %f' % (i, epoch, numpy.mean(c)))  
                        hidden_values = self.dA_layers[i].transform(shared_train_xy.get_value())
                        if self.cfg.settings.has_key('firstlayer_xy') and self.cfg.settings['firstlayer_xy'] ==  1:
                            shared_train_xy = shared_dataset_X(hidden_values)
                        else: # add y for every layer 
                            if multi_classes == False:               
                                train_xy = numpy.hstack((hidden_values, train_y_T))
                                shared_train_xy = shared_dataset_X(train_xy) 
                                shared_train_xy = shared_dataset_X(numpy.hstack((hidden_values, encode_train_y)))   
Exemplo n.º 4
    cfg.parse_config_dnn(arguments, nnet_spec)
    cfg.init_data_reading(train_data_spec, valid_data_spec)

    # parse pre-training options
    # pre-training files and layer number (how many layers are set to the pre-training parameters)
    ptr_layer_number = 0; ptr_file = ''
    if arguments.has_key('ptr_file') and arguments.has_key('ptr_layer_number'):
        ptr_file = arguments['ptr_file']
        ptr_layer_number = int(arguments['ptr_layer_number'])

    # check working dir to see whether it's resuming training
    resume_training = False
    if os.path.exists(wdir + '/nnet.tmp') and os.path.exists(wdir + '/training_state.tmp'):
        resume_training = True
        cfg.lrate = _file2lrate(wdir + '/training_state.tmp')
        log('> ... found nnet.tmp and training_state.tmp, now resume training from epoch ' + str(cfg.lrate.epoch))

    numpy_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(89677)
    theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2 ** 30))
    log('> ... building the model')
    # setup model
    if cfg.do_dropout:
        dnn = DNN_Dropout(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng = theano_rng, cfg = cfg)
        dnn = DNN(numpy_rng=numpy_rng, theano_rng = theano_rng, cfg = cfg)

    # initialize model parameters
    # if not resuming training, initialized from the specified pre-training file
    # if resuming training, initialized from the tmp model file
    if (ptr_layer_number > 0) and (resume_training is False):
        _file2nnet(dnn.layers, set_layer_num = ptr_layer_number, filename = ptr_file)