Exemplo n.º 1
def test_hf_fast_updatecond_complex(chempot, u_int, updater):
    """Test over the fast update after a spin flip"""
    w_n = cgf.matsubara_freq(20, 20)
    SO_N1 = np.array([[0, 1j, -1], [-1j, 0, 1j], [-1, -1j, 0]]) / 2

    # Semi circle GF by iteration
    H_loc = SO_N1 + chempot * np.eye(3)
    g_0_1 = [1j * wn * np.eye(3) - H_loc for wn in w_n]
    g_0 = [la.inv(g) for g in g_0_1]
    for i in range(40):
        g_0_1 = [
            1j * wn * np.eye(3) - H_loc - 0.25 * g for wn, g in zip(w_n, g_0)
        g_0 = [la.inv(g) for g in g_0_1]

    G_tail = [np.eye(3).reshape(3, 3, 1), H_loc.reshape(3, 3, 1), 0]
    tau = np.arange(0, 20, 20 / len(w_n))

    g_0 = np.array(g_0)
    g0t = cgf.gw_invfouriertrans(np.rollaxis(g_0, 0, 3), tau, w_n, G_tail)
    v = hf.ising_v(tau[1], u_int, len(tau) * 3)
    v = np.squeeze(v)
    g0ttp = hf.retarded_weiss(g0t)
    kroneker = np.eye(v.size)

    groot = hf.gnewclean(g0ttp, v, kroneker)
    g_fast_flip = np.copy(groot)

    flip = randrange(v.size)
    v[flip] *= -1

    g_flip = hf.gnewclean(g0ttp, v, kroneker)
    updater(g_fast_flip, 2 * v[flip], flip)

    assert np.allclose(g_flip, g_fast_flip)
Exemplo n.º 2
def generate_random_gf(beta, size):
    """Generates a gf in a bethe lattice with a random Hamiltonian"""
    w_n = cgf.matsubara_freq(beta=beta, pos_size=beta)
    tau = np.arange(0, beta, beta / len(w_n))

    H_loc = np.random.randn(size, size) + 1j * np.random.randn(size, size)
    H_loc = H_loc + H_loc.T.conj()  # Make Hermitian hamiltonian
    g_0_1 = [1j * wn * np.eye(size) - H_loc for wn in w_n]
    g_0 = [la.inv(g) for g in g_0_1]

    for i in range(40):
        g_0_1 = [1j * wn * np.eye(size) - H_loc - 0.25 *
                 g for wn, g in zip(w_n, g_0)]
        g_0 = [la.inv(g) for g in g_0_1]

    g_tail = [np.eye(size).reshape(size, size, 1),
              H_loc.reshape(size, size, 1),
              0.25 * np.eye(size).reshape(size, size, 1)]
    return np.rollaxis(np.array(g_0), 0, 3), g_tail, w_n, tau
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_greenf(beta):
    wn = cgf.matsubara_freq(beta, 2 * beta)
    semicirc = cgf.greenF(wn)
    assert np.allclose(semicirc.real, semicirc.real[::-1])
    assert np.allclose(semicirc.imag, -semicirc.imag[::-1])
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_matsubara_axis(beta):
    wn = cgf.matsubara_freq(beta, 2 * beta)
    assert len(wn) % 2 == 0
    assert np.allclose(wn, -wn[::-1])