Exemplo n.º 1
def getsc(app):
    """Get the spin chain"""
    spins = get_spins()  # return the spins
    sc = spinchain.Spin_Hamiltonian(spins)  # return spin chain object
    # now initialize the Hamiltonian
    fj = get_exchange_function(app)  # add exchange field
    fb = get_field_function(app)  # get the function that adds b field
    ns = len(spins)
    h = 0  # initialize
    # add exchange
    for i in range(ns):  # loop
        for j in range(ns):  # loop
            cij = fj(i, j)  # get matrix
            Si = [sc.Sx[i], sc.Sy[i], sc.Sz[i]]
            Sj = [sc.Sx[j], sc.Sy[j], sc.Sz[j]]
            for ii in range(3):
                for jj in range(3):
                    if cij[ii, jj] != 0.0:
                        h = h + cij[ii, jj] * Si[ii] * Sj[jj]
    # add zeeman
    for i in range(ns):  # loop
        Si = [sc.Sx[i], sc.Sy[i], sc.Sz[i]]
        bi = fb(i)
        for ii in range(3):
            if bi[ii] != 0.0:
                h = h + bi[ii] * Si[ii]
    sc.maxm = int(app.get("maxm"))
    sc.kpmmaxm = int(app.get("maxm"))
    sc.nsweeps = int(app.get("nsweeps"))
    return sc
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_energy(ind):
  """Given a certain ordering of the indexes, return the energy"""
  n = len(ind)
  spins = [2 for i in range(n)] # list with the different spins of your system
  sc = spinchain.Spin_Hamiltonian(spins) # create the spin chain object
  sc.maxm = 10 # bond dimension, controls the accuracy
  sc.nsweeps = 3
  def fj(i,j):
      if abs(ind[i]-ind[j])==1: return 1.0
      return 0.0
  sc.set_exchange(fj) # add the exchange couplings
  return sc.gs_energy()
Exemplo n.º 3
def getsc(iv):
    # create first neighbor exchange
    sc = spinchain.Spin_Hamiltonian(spins)  # create the spin chain

    def fj(i, j):
        if abs(i - j) == 1: return 1.0
        else: return 0.0

    sc.itensor_version = iv
    return sc
Exemplo n.º 4
def getsc(app):
    """Get the spin chain"""
    spins = get_spins()  # return the spins
    sc = spinchain.Spin_Hamiltonian(spins)  # return spin chain object
    # now initialize the Hamiltonian
    fj = get_exchange_function(app)  # add exchange field
    fb = get_field_function(app)  # get the function that adds b field
    sc.set_exchange(fj)  # add the exchange
    sc.set_fields(fb)  # set the magnetic field
    sc.maxm = int(app.get("maxm"))
    sc.kpmmaxm = int(app.get("maxm"))
    sc.nsweeps = int(app.get("nsweeps"))
    return sc
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_gap(bx):
    Compute the gap of the 1D Ising model with DMRG
    print("Computing B_x = ", bx)
    sc = spinchain.Spin_Hamiltonian([2 for i in range(30)])  # create
    h = 0
    for i in range(sc.ns - 1):
        h = h + sc.Sz[i] * sc.Sz[i + 1]
    for i in range(sc.ns):
        h = h + bx * sc.Sx[i]
    return abs(sc.vev(sc.Sz[0]))
    es = sc.get_excited(mode="DMRG", n=2)  # compute the first two energies
    return es[1] - es[0]  # return the gap
Exemplo n.º 6
# Add the root path of the dmrgpy library
import os
import sys
sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + '/../../src')

import numpy as np  # conventional numpy library
from dmrgpy import spinchain  # library dealing with DMRG for spin chains
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # library to plot the results
### Create the spin chain object ###
n = 8  # total number of spins
spins = [2 for i in range(n)]  # list with the different spins of your system
# the spins are labeled by 2s+1, so that 2 means s=1/2, 3 meand S=1 ....
sc = spinchain.Spin_Hamiltonian(spins)  # create the spin chain object

### Create the hamiltonian ###
def fj(i, j):  # function to define the exchange couplings
    if abs(i - j) == 1:
        return np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])  # first neighbors
        return 0.0  # otherwise

sc.set_exchange(fj)  # add the exchange couplings
#sc.set_fields(lambda i: np.random.random(3)) # optionally you could add local magnetic fields
# parameters controlling the DMRG algorithm, in principle default ones are fine
#sc.maxm = 40 # maximum bond dimension
Exemplo n.º 7
# Add the root path of the dmrgpy library
import os
import sys
sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + '/../../src')

import numpy as np
from dmrgpy import spinchain
ns = np.array(range(4, 30, 2))
es = []
n = 6
spins = [2 for i in range(n)]
sc = spinchain.Spin_Hamiltonian(spins)  # create the chain
sc = spinchain.Spin_Hamiltonian(spins)  # create the chain

def fj(i, j):
    if 0.9 < abs(i - j) < 1.1: return 1.0
    return 0.0

sc.set_exchange(fj)  # set exchange couplings
#sc.set_fields(lambda x: [0.2,0.2,0.2]) # set exchange couplings
sc.maxm = 10
i = 0
j = 5
(x, y) = sc.evolution(nt=1000, dt=0.03, mode="ED", name="ZZ", i=i, j=j)
(x1, y1) = sc.evolution(nt=1000, dt=0.03, mode="DMRG", name="ZZ", i=i, j=j)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
Exemplo n.º 8
    if i == j: return -2 * U  # set to half filling
    return 0.0

def fu(i, j):
    if i == j: return U
    return 0.0

fc.set_hoppings(ft)  # add the term to the Hamiltonian
fc.set_hubbard(fu)  # add the term to the Hamiltonian
pairs = [(0, i) for i in range(n)]
ch = fc.get_correlator(pairs=pairs, name="YY", mode="DMRG").real

# now create the Heisenberg chain
sc = spinchain.Spin_Hamiltonian([2 for i in range(n)])
sc.set_exchange(lambda i, j: 1.0 * (abs(i - j) == 1))
cs = sc.get_correlator(pairs=pairs, name="XX", mode="DMRG").real

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

inds = range(len(ch))
plt.scatter(inds, ch, c="red", label="Hubbard")
plt.plot(inds, cs, c="blue", label="Heisenberg")