Exemplo n.º 1
    def update_statusbar(self, evt):
        '''Updates statusbar'''

        Position = genbank.cursor_position
        selection = self.get_dna_selection()

        # set text
        if selection[1] != -1:
            # it is a selection
            length = abs(selection[0] -
                         selection[1]) + 1  # length of the selected

            if length == 3:
                # if its just one codo show full name of amino acid
                dnaSq = genbank.gb.GetDNA()
                selDNA = dnaSq[selection[0] - 1:selection[1]]
                AAoneLetter = dna.Translate(selDNA)
                AAFull = dna.protein.one_to_full(AAoneLetter)
                AA = " amino acid: %s (%s)" % (AAFull, AAoneLetter)

            elif length % 3 == 0:
                # if partable trough 3 show all amino acids that fit
                dnaSq = genbank.gb.GetDNA()
                selDNA = dnaSq[selection[0] - 1:selection[1]]
                fullProtein = dna.Translate(selDNA)
                AA = " amino acid: %s" % (fullProtein)

                AA = ""
            self.SetStatusText('Selection: %d to %d, %d bp %s' %
                               (selection[0], selection[1], length, AA),
                               0)  #text in first field
            self.SetStatusText('Position: %s bp' % (Position),
                               0)  #text in first field
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: ANT.py Projeto: shoyui/ANT
    def evaluateTriplet(self, amb_codon):
		Evaluate the degenerate codon by computing which amino acids it codes for.
		The input is a string, three letters long and comprising only IUPAC Nucleotide ambiguity code.
		The valid values is any combination of three of the following: GATCRYWSMKHBVDN		
        #make sure input is OK
        assert type(amb_codon) is str and len(
        ) == 3, 'Error, the degenerate codon must be a string three characters long.'
        m = re.match('^[GATCRYWSMKHBVDN]{3}$', amb_codon)
        assert m != None, 'Error, the codon %s is not valid. It may only use the chracters GATCRYWSMKHBVDN.' % amb_codon

        #compute target amino acids and set variables
        self.target = list(
                dna.Translate(s, self.getTable()) for s in dna.UnAmb(amb_codon)

        #Now let's get the alternative codons
        triplet, offtarget, alternatives, all_options = self.find_degenerate(

        self.setExtendedAlternatives(sorted(all_options, key=len))

        #see which other amino acids are possible without further off-target
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: ANT.py Projeto: shoyui/ANT
    def getCodonsPerAA(self):
		Retrieves a dictionary specifying how many times each amino acid is coded for by the ambiguous codon.
		Output is a dictionary with amino acid upper case single letter keys and integer values.
        return protein.count_aa(
Exemplo n.º 4
	def translate_selection_reverse_complement(self):
		'''Translate reverse-complement of selected DNA'''
		start, finish = self.get_selection()
		if finish == -1:
			raise ValueError('Cannot translate an empty selection')
			DNA = genbank.gb.GetDNA(start, finish)
			protein = dna.Translate(dna.RC(DNA))
			self.translate_output(protein, DNA, 'complement strand')
Exemplo n.º 5
	def translate_selection(self):
		'''Translate selected DNA'''
		start, finish = self.get_selection()
		if finish == -1:
			raise ValueError('Cannot translate an empty selection')
			DNA = genbank.gb.GetDNA(start, finish)
			protein = dna.Translate(DNA)
			self.translate_output(protein, DNA, 'leading strand')
Exemplo n.º 6
	def translate_feature(self):
		'''Translate specified feature'''
		feature = genbank.gb.allgbfeatures[2]
		DNA = genbank.gb.getdnaforgbfeature(feature[4])
		protein = dna.Translate(DNA)
		self.translate_output(protein, DNA, 'feature "%s"' % feature[4][7:])
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: ANT.py Projeto: shoyui/ANT
    def find_degenerate(self, AA_list):
		Method for finding an degenerate codon encoding a list of desired amino acids.
		The method finds the codon(s) with fewest off-target amino acids.
		To reduce redundancy, the method then goes through all the best codons 
		(they all have the same number of off-target amino acids) and finds the one with the lowest number of codons. 
		If there are still more than one which are equivalent, the method then picks one WITHOUT a stop codon.
		The input is a list of upper case amino acids in single-letter code.
		The valid values are: FLSYCWPHERIMTNKVADQG*		
		The output is a tuple of the best degenerate codon and the off-target amino acids.
		The degenerate codon is a string of three of the following characters: GATCRYWSMKHBVDN
		The off-target amino acids is a list of upper case amino acids in single letter code.
        #make sure input is OK
        assert all([
            s in 'FLSYCWPHERIMTNKVADQG*U' for s in AA_list
        ]), 'Error, one or more of the amino acids %s are not valid.' % AA_list

        #get all codons for chosen amino acids
        regular_triplets = [
                          exclude=True) for aa in AA_list

        #some of the codons are list of lists (happens when the amino acid has codons at different parts of the codon circle)
        #I need to flatten this into separate lists with which go on further
        regular_triplets = self.flatten_codon_list(regular_triplets)

        best_score = None
        all_alternatives = []  #to save the result of all possible triplets
        for codon_list in regular_triplets:
            #get all nucleotides for first, second and third position while retaining list structure
            first, second, third = self.sumupcodons(codon_list)

            #check which degenerate nucleotide can be used to find at least one match in each of the lists
            possible_triplets = dna.combine([

            #now go through them and see which is best
            for triplet in possible_triplets:
                #convert the triplet back to a list of real codons
                Realcodons = dna.combine(
                )  #condense the different codons for position 1, 2, and 3 to a list of triplets

                #Check which AA these codons code for
                ResultingAA = [
                    dna.Translate(codon, table=self.getTable())
                    for codon in Realcodons

                #compare which amino acids were desired with the ones resulting from the degenerate codon
                offtarget = sorted(
                    self.extra_list_elements(AA_list, ResultingAA))

                #add to all options
                if any([True for s in all_alternatives if s[0] == triplet
                        ]) is False:
                    all_alternatives.append([triplet] + AA_list + offtarget)

                #if there are fewer off-target amino acids with the new codon, keep it
                if len(offtarget) < best_score or best_score == None:
                    best_score = len(offtarget)
                    good_triplets = []
                elif len(offtarget) == best_score:

        #the saved triplets all have the same number of off-target amino acids, now keep the one with the lowest number of codons (to reduce ambiguity)
        best_triplet = None  #for storing best degenerate triplet
        best_offtarget = None  #for storing the off-target AA of the best triplet
        best_score = None  #for storing the length of the off-target list
        alternatives = [
        ]  #for saving alternative triplets and their encoded amino acids
        for triplet in good_triplets:
            #convert the triplet back to a list of real codons
            Realcodons = dna.combine(
            )  #condense the different codons for position 1, 2, and 3 to a list of triplets

            #Check which AA these codons code for
            ResultingAA = [
                dna.Translate(codon, table=self.getTable())
                for codon in Realcodons

            #compare which amino acids were desired with the ones resulting from the degenerate codon
            offtarget = sorted(self.extra_list_elements(AA_list, ResultingAA))

            #save alternatives stats
            if any([True for s in alternatives if s[0] == triplet]) is False:
                alternatives.append([triplet] + AA_list + offtarget)

            #save the stats in case there are fewer codons
            if len(Realcodons) < best_score or best_score == None:

                #save stats
                best_score = len(Realcodons)
                best_triplet = triplet
                best_offtarget = offtarget

            #if another codon has same stats as the previous best one, replace the previous codon if it has an off-target stop
            elif len(Realcodons) == best_score and '*' in best_offtarget:

                #save stats
                best_score = len(Realcodons)
                best_triplet = triplet
                best_offtarget = offtarget

        return best_triplet, best_offtarget, alternatives, all_alternatives
Exemplo n.º 8
	def Draw_wheel(self):
		This is the codon wheel view.
		self.xc = 850/3 #centre of codon circle in x
		self.yc = 450/2 #centre of codon circle in y
		self.Radius = self.yc/1.2

		#These parameters determine the "thickness" of the nucleotide and amino acid sections
		first_nucleotide_thickness = self.Radius/3.0
		second_nucleotide_thickness = self.Radius/4.5
		third_nucleotide_thickness = self.Radius/10.0
		amino_acid_thickness = self.Radius/3.0

		## draw first nucleotide ##
		#set parameters
		radius = first_nucleotide_thickness
		thickness = first_nucleotide_thickness
		font = wx.Font(pointSize=self.Radius/6.5, family=wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, style=wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, weight=wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD)
		self.gcdc.SetPen(wx.Pen(colour=self.first_nuc_background, width=1))
		nucleotides = ['T', 'C', 'A', 'G']
		#do the drawing
		for i in range(len(nucleotides)):
			#draw the background
			start_angle = 0 + 90*i
			finish_angle = 90+90*i
			pointlist = self.make_arc(self.xc, self.yc, start_angle, finish_angle, radius, thickness, step=5)
			#determine text color
			#if nucleotide is part of degenerate codon it should have a different color
			if self.codon is not False:
				if nucleotides[i].replace('U','T') in dna.UnAmb(self.codon[0]):
			#draw the text
			text_extent = self.gcdc.GetTextExtent(nucleotides[i])
			x1, y1 = self.AngleToPoints(self.xc, self.yc, radius/2, finish_angle-(finish_angle-start_angle)/2) #(centre_x, centre_y, radius, angle)
			self.gcdc.DrawText(nucleotides[i], x1-text_extent[0]/2, y1-text_extent[1]/2)

		## draw second nucleotide ##
		#set parameters
		radius = first_nucleotide_thickness+second_nucleotide_thickness
		thickness = second_nucleotide_thickness
		font_size = self.Radius/12.0
		if font_size < 1:
			print('The problem lies with the self.Radius/12.0. Seems like it is too small.')
			font_size = 10
		font = wx.Font(pointSize=self.Radius/12.0, family=wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, style=wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, weight=wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD)
		self.gcdc.SetPen(wx.Pen(colour=self.second_nuc_background, width=1))
		nucleotides = ['TT', 'TC', 'TA', 'TG','CT', 'CC', 'CA', 'CG','AT', 'AC', 'AA', 'AG', 'GT', 'GC', 'GA', 'GG']
		#do the drawing
		for i in range(len(nucleotides)):
			#draw the background
			start_angle = 0 + 22.5*i
			finish_angle = 22.5+22.5*i
			pointlist = self.make_arc(self.xc, self.yc, start_angle, finish_angle, radius, thickness, step=0.5)
			#determine text color
			#if nucleotide is part of degenerate codon it should have a different color
			if self.codon is not False:
				if nucleotides[i].replace('U','T') in dna.UnAmb(self.codon[0:2]):
			#draw the text
			text_extent = self.gcdc.GetTextExtent(nucleotides[i][1])
			x1, y1 = self.AngleToPoints(self.xc, self.yc, first_nucleotide_thickness+second_nucleotide_thickness/2, finish_angle-(finish_angle-start_angle)/2)
			self.gcdc.DrawText(nucleotides[i][1], x1-text_extent[0]/2, y1-text_extent[1]/2)

		## draw third nucleotide ##
		#set parameters
		radius = first_nucleotide_thickness+second_nucleotide_thickness+third_nucleotide_thickness
		thickness = third_nucleotide_thickness
		font = wx.Font(pointSize=self.Radius/25.0, family=wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, style=wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, weight=wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD)
		self.gcdc.SetPen(wx.Pen(colour=self.third_nuc_background, width=1))
		codons = ['TTT', 'TTC', 'TTA', 'TTG','TCT', 'TCC', 'TCA', 'TCG','TAT', 'TAC', 'TAA', 'TAG', 'TGT', 'TGC', 'TGA', 'TGG',\
					'CTT', 'CTC', 'CTA', 'CTG','CCT', 'CCC', 'CCA', 'CCG','CAT', 'CAC', 'CAA', 'CAG', 'CGT', 'CGC', 'CGA', 'CGG',\
					'ATT', 'ATC', 'ATA', 'ATG','ACT', 'ACC', 'ACA', 'ACG','AAT', 'AAC', 'AAA', 'AAG', 'AGT', 'AGC', 'AGA', 'AGG',\
					'GTT', 'GTC', 'GTA', 'GTG','GCT', 'GCC', 'GCA', 'GCG','GAT', 'GAC', 'GAA', 'GAG', 'GGT', 'GGC', 'GGA', 'GGG']
		#do the drawing
		for i in range(len(codons)):
			#draw the background
			start_angle = 0 + 5.625*i
			finish_angle = 5.625+5.625*i
			pointlist = self.make_arc(self.xc, self.yc, start_angle, finish_angle, radius, thickness, step=0.1)
			#determine text color
			#if nucleotide is part of degenerate codon it should have a different color
			if self.codon is not False:
				if codons[i].replace('U','T') in dna.UnAmb(self.codon):
			#draw the text
			text_extent = self.gcdc.GetTextExtent(codons[i][2])
			x1, y1 = self.AngleToPoints(self.xc, self.yc, first_nucleotide_thickness+second_nucleotide_thickness+third_nucleotide_thickness/2, finish_angle-(finish_angle-start_angle)/2)
			self.gcdc.DrawText(codons[i][2], x1-text_extent[0]/2, y1-text_extent[1]/2)

		## draw the amino acid segments and names ##	
		#set parameters 
		radius = first_nucleotide_thickness+second_nucleotide_thickness+third_nucleotide_thickness+amino_acid_thickness
		thickness = amino_acid_thickness
		font = wx.Font(pointSize=self.Radius/20.0, family=wx.FONTFAMILY_SWISS, style=wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, weight=wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD)
		finish_angle = 0
		#do the drawing
		AA_width = 0
		current_AA = dna.Translate(codons[0], self.table)
		for codon in codons:
			AA = dna.Translate(codon, self.table)
			if codon == 'GGG': #catch the last codon
				AA_width += 1
				AA = None
			if current_AA == AA:
				AA_width += 1
				#draw the amino acid segments
				self.gcdc.SetPen(wx.Pen(colour=self.aa_background, width=0))
				if current_AA in self.target: #if current AA is a selected one
					self.gcdc.SetPen(wx.Pen(colour=self.target_color, width=0))
				elif current_AA in self.offtarget: #if it is in the off-targets list
					self.gcdc.SetPen(wx.Pen(colour=self.offtarget_color, width=0))
				elif current_AA in self.possible: #if current AA is among the ones that may be selected without further off-targets
					self.gcdc.SetPen(wx.Pen(colour=self.possible_color, width=0))
				else:									#otherwise use standard color
				start_angle = finish_angle
				finish_angle = start_angle+5.625*AA_width
				pointlist = self.make_arc(self.xc, self.yc, start_angle, finish_angle, radius, thickness, step=0.1)

				#draw hidden color which is used for hittests
				self.catalog[str(self.NextRGB()+(255,))] = current_AA

				self.hidden_dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(colour=self.unique_color, width=0))

				#draw lines
				angle = start_angle
				self.gcdc.SetPen(wx.Pen(colour=self.line_color, width=1))
				if angle in [0,90,180,270]:
					radius = 0
				elif angle % 22.5 == 0:
					radius = first_nucleotide_thickness
				elif angle % 5.625 ==0:
					radius = first_nucleotide_thickness+second_nucleotide_thickness
				x1, y1 = self.AngleToPoints(self.xc, self.yc, radius, angle)
				radius = radius = first_nucleotide_thickness+second_nucleotide_thickness+third_nucleotide_thickness+amino_acid_thickness
				x2, y2 = self.AngleToPoints(self.xc, self.yc, radius, angle)
				self.gcdc.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2)

				#draw amino acid text
				text_angle = finish_angle-(finish_angle-start_angle)/2

				if finish_angle <= 180:
					text_extent = self.gcdc.GetTextExtent(protein.one_to_three(current_AA)+' (%s)' % current_AA)
					text_radius = (first_nucleotide_thickness+second_nucleotide_thickness+third_nucleotide_thickness)*1.05

					#need to adjust for text height. Imagine right angled triangle. Adjecent is radius. Opposite is half of the text height. Calculate tan angle.
					tanangle = (0.5*text_extent[1])/text_radius #calculate the Tan(angle)
					radians = math.atan(tanangle) #negate the Tan part and get radians
					degrees = radians*(180/math.pi)	#convert radians to degrees
					text_position_angle = text_angle-degrees			

					tx, ty = self.AngleToPoints(self.xc, self.yc, text_radius, text_position_angle)
					self.gcdc.DrawRotatedText(protein.one_to_three(current_AA)+' (%s)' % current_AA, tx, ty, -text_angle+90)
					text_extent = self.gcdc.GetTextExtent(protein.one_to_three(current_AA)+' (%s)' % current_AA)
					text_radius = (first_nucleotide_thickness+second_nucleotide_thickness+third_nucleotide_thickness)*1.05 + text_extent[0]

					#need to adjust for text height. Imagine right angled triangle. Adjacent is radius. Opposite is half of the text height. Calculate tan angle.
					tanangle = (0.5*text_extent[1])/text_radius #calculate the Tan(angle)
					radians = math.atan(tanangle) #negate the Tin part and get radians
					degrees = radians*(180/math.pi)	#convert radians to degrees
					text_position_angle = text_angle+degrees			

					tx, ty = self.AngleToPoints(self.xc, self.yc, text_radius, text_position_angle)
					self.gcdc.DrawRotatedText(protein.one_to_three(current_AA)+' (%s)' % current_AA, tx, ty, -text_angle-90)

				#now re-set the parameters for the next round
				current_AA = AA
				AA_width = 1
		## draw the highlighted amino acid (the one that the mouse hovers above) ##
		self.gcdc.SetPen(wx.Pen(colour=self.aa_highlight, width=1))
		self.gcdc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(colour=(0,0,0,0))) #transparent

		finish_angle = 0
		start_angle = 0		
		AA_width = 0
		current_AA = dna.Translate(codons[0], self.table)
		for codon in codons:
			AA = dna.Translate(codon, self.table)
			if codon == 'GGG': #catch the last codon
				AA_width += 1
				AA = None
			if current_AA == AA:
				AA_width += 1
				#if current AA is highlighted, redraw that segment with a different pen
				finish_angle = start_angle+5.625*AA_width
				if current_AA == self.highlighted: #if highlighted AA is the current one
					pointlist = self.make_arc(self.xc, self.yc, start_angle, finish_angle, radius, thickness, step=0.1)
				start_angle = finish_angle
				current_AA = AA
				AA_width = 1