Exemplo n.º 1
def test_goodFiles(tmpdir, bamFile):
    d = tmpdir.mkdir('dir')
    p = d.join('test.bam')
    header = {'HD': {'VN': '1.0'}, 'SQ': [{'LN': 1000, 'SN': 'ref'}]}
    outFile = pysam.AlignmentFile(str(p), "wb", header=header)
    a = pysam.AlignedSegment()
    a.query_name = "read1"
    a.query_sequence = "AAAAATTTTT"
    a.reference_id = 0
    a.reference_start = 32
    a.mapping_quality = 20
    a.cigar = ((0, 10), )
    #a.query_qualities = pysam.qualitystring_to_array("((((((((((")
    count = 0
    out = next(getstartends.getStartsInFile(str(p)))
    assert out['start'] == 33
    assert out['end'] == 42
    assert out['strand'] == '+'
    assert out['ref'] == 'ref'
    for read, start, strand, end in zip(
            getstartends.getStartsInFile(str(bamFile), maxGaps=10),
        [29, 33, 33], ['-', '+', '+'], [38, 42, 46]):
        assert read['start'] == start
        assert read['strand'] == strand
        assert read['end'] == end
    for read, start, strand, end in zip(
            getstartends.getStartsInFile(str(bamFile)), [29, 33], ['-', '+'],
        [38, 42]):
        assert read['start'] == start
        assert read['strand'] == strand
        assert read['end'] == end
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_badFiles(tmpdir):
    d = tmpdir.mkdir('dir')
    p = d.join('test.txt')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    #doesn't exist yet
    with pytest.raises(IOError):
    #incorrectly formatted file
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    #make unreadable
    os.chmod(str(p), os.stat(str(p)).st_mode & ~stat.S_IREAD)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_main(capsys, tmpdir, bamFile):
    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
    out, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert 'usage' in err
    with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
    out, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert 'usage' in out

    getstartends.main(['-v', str(bamFile)])
    out, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert 'Arguments' in err
    compare = getstartends.getStartsInFile(str(bamFile))

    count = 0
    for ii, jj in zip(out.split('\n')[1:], compare):
        ii = ii.split(',')
        count += 1
        assert ii[0] == jj['ref']
        assert int(ii[1]) == jj['start']
        assert int(ii[2]) == jj['end']
        assert ii[3] == jj['strand']
    assert count == 2

    compare = getstartends.getStartsInFile(str(bamFile), maxGaps=10)
    getstartends.main([str(bamFile), '-g 10'])
    out, err = capsys.readouterr()

    count = 0
    for ii, jj in zip(out.split('\n')[1:], compare):
        count += 1
        ii = ii.split(',')
        assert ii[0] == jj['ref']
        assert int(ii[1]) == jj['start']
        assert int(ii[2]) == jj['end']
        assert ii[3] == jj['strand']
    assert count == 3

    getstartends.main([str(bamFile), '-g 10', '-n'])
    noHead, err = capsys.readouterr()
    for ii, jj in zip(out.split('\n')[1:], noHead.split('\n')):
        assert ii == jj

    getstartends.main([str(bamFile), '-g 10', '-n', '-c'])
    regCol, err = capsys.readouterr()
    for ii, jj in zip(out.split('\n')[1:], regCol.split('\n')):
        if ii:
            ii = "None," + ii
        assert ii == jj

    getstartends.main([str(bamFile), '-g 10', '-n', '-c', '-r', 'ref:1-100'])
    regCol, err = capsys.readouterr()
    for ii, jj in zip(out.split('\n')[1:], regCol.split('\n')):
        if ii:
            ii = "ref:1-100," + ii
        assert ii == jj

    d = tmpdir.mkdir('dir')
    p = d.join('test.regions')
    getstartends.main([str(bamFile), '-g 10', '-n', '-c', '-f', str(p)])
    fileOut, err = capsys.readouterr()
    for ii, jj in zip(regCol.split('\n'), fileOut.split('\n')):
        assert ii == jj