Exemplo n.º 1
    def _find_components(self):
        switches = set(self.switches)
        sections = set(self.sections.keys())
        roots = self._get_root_sections()
        uf = UnionFind()
        uf.insert_objects(switches | sections - roots)
        for s in sorted(switches | sections - roots):
            neighbors = set()
            for n in [m for m in self.nodes if s in m]:
                if [t for t in n if t in roots] == []:
                    for t in n:
            for t in sorted(neighbors - set([s])):
                uf.union(s, t)

        i = 1
        comps = {}
        for s in self.switches:
            c = uf.find(s)
            if c not in comps:
                comps[c] = (i, set())
                i += 1
            for t in self._find_neighbors(s):
        assert sum([len(c[1]) for c in comps.values()]) == len(switches | sections - roots)

        comps = [comps[c][1] for c in sorted(comps, key=lambda c: comps[c][0])]

        s = None
        for c in comps:
            switches = [t for t in c if t in self._switch_set]
            assert s is None or self.switches.index(s) < min([self.switches.index(t) for t in switches]), \
                'switches must be ordered by independent components'
            s = switches[0]
            for t in switches:
                if self.switches.index(t) > self.switches.index(s):
                    s = t

        assert len([t for s in self.sections if s < 0
                    for t in self._find_neighbors(s) if t in self._switch_set]) == 0, \
                    'root sections must be connected to a junction, not a switch'

        return comps
Exemplo n.º 2
    def convert(self):
        switch_numbers = set()
        for line in open(self._files['switch']):
            for s in line.split():

        switches = set()
        sections = set()
        nodes = {}
        for line in open(self._files['topology']):
            s, m, n, _ = line.split()
            s, m, n = int(s), int(m), int(n)
            if m not in nodes: nodes[m] = set()
            if n not in nodes: nodes[n] = set()
            if s in switch_numbers:

        loads = {}
        for line in open(self._files['load']):
            _, s, m, n, ur, ui, vr, vi, wr, wi = line.split()
            loads[int(s)] = [float(ur), float(ui), float(vr), float(vi), \
                                 float(wr), float(wi)]

        impedances = {}
        for line in open(self._files['impedance']):
            s, p, m, n, ur, ui, vr, vi, wr, wi = line.split()
            s = int(s)
            if p == '0':
                impedances[s] = [float(ur), float(ui)]
            elif p == '1':
                impedances[s].extend([float(vr), float(vi)])
                impedances[s].extend([float(wr), float(wi)])

        roots = set()
        for line in open(self._files['root']):
            _, n, lu, lv, lw, ir, ii = line.split()
            n = int(n)
            loads[-n] = [float(lu), 0, float(lv), 0, float(lw), 0]
            impedances[-n] = [float(ir), float(ii)] * 3

        def find_neighbors(s):
            neighbors = []
            for ns in nodes.values():
                if s in ns:
            return set(neighbors) - set([s])

        assert len([t for s in sections if s < 0 for t in find_neighbors(s) if t in switches]) == 0, \
            'root sections must be connected to a junction, not a switch'

        uf = UnionFind()
        uf.insert_objects(switches | sections - roots)
        for s in sorted(switches | sections - roots):
            neighbors = set()
            for n in [m for m in nodes.values() if s in m]:
                if [t for t in n if t in roots] == []:
                    for t in n:
            for t in sorted(neighbors - set([s])):
                uf.union(s, t)

        visited = []
        queue = []
        s = sorted(sections - roots)[0]
        while True:
            if s in visited: continue
            neighbors = set()
            for t in find_neighbors(s):
            queue.extend(neighbors - set(visited) - set(queue) - roots)
            if queue == []: break
            s, queue = queue[0], queue[1:]
        assert len(visited) == len(switches | sections - roots)

        i = 1
        comps = {}
        for s in visited:
            c = uf.find(s)
            if c not in comps:
                comps[c] = (i, set())
                i += 1
        assert sum([len(c[1]) for c in comps.values()
                    ]) == len(switches | sections - roots)

        sorted_switches = []
        for i in range(1, len(comps) + 1):
            comp = [c for c in comps.values() if c[0] == i][0]
            visited = []
            queue = []
            s = sorted(comp[1])[0]
            while s:
                if s in visited: continue
                if s in switches:
                neighbors = set()
                for t in find_neighbors(s):
                    if t in comp[1]:
                queue.extend(neighbors - set(visited) - set(queue) - roots)
                if queue == []: break
                s, queue = queue[0], queue[1:]
        assert len(sorted_switches) == len(switches)

        obj = {'nodes': [], 'switches': {}, 'sections': {}}

        for n in sorted(nodes):
            ss = []
            for s in nodes[n]:
                if s in switches:
                    ss.append('switch_%04d' % s)
                    ss.append('section_%04d' % s)

        obj['switches'] = ['switch_%04d' % s for s in sorted_switches]
        #        for s in sorted(switches):
        #            c = uf.find(s)
        #            i = comps[c][0]

        for s in sorted(sections):
            #            c = uf.find(s)
            #            i = comps[c][0] if c > 0 else 0
            obj['sections']['section_%04d' % s] = {
                'load': loads[s],
                'impedance': impedances[s],
                'substation': s < 0,

        return yaml.dump(obj)