Exemplo n.º 1
def post_install_func(env, is_tlsa_update_required=False):
    ret = []

    # Get the certificate to use for PRIMARY_HOSTNAME.
    ssl_certificates = get_ssl_certificates(env)
    cert = get_domain_ssl_files(env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'],
    if not cert:
        # Ruh-row, we don't have any certificate usable
        # for the primary hostname.
        ret.append("there is no valid certificate for " +

    # Symlink the best cert for PRIMARY_HOSTNAME to the system
    # certificate path, which is hard-coded for various purposes, and then
    # restart postfix and dovecot.
    system_ssl_certificate = os.path.join(
        os.path.join(env["STORAGE_ROOT"], 'ssl', 'ssl_certificate.pem'))
    if cert and os.readlink(system_ssl_certificate) != cert['certificate']:
        # Update symlink.
        ret.append("updating primary certificate")
        ssl_certificate = cert['certificate']
        os.symlink(ssl_certificate, system_ssl_certificate)

        # Restart postfix and dovecot so they pick up the new file.
        shell('check_call', ["/usr/sbin/service", "postfix", "restart"])
        shell('check_call', ["/usr/sbin/service", "dovecot", "restart"])
        ret.append("mail services restarted")

        # The DANE TLSA record will remain valid so long as the private key
        # hasn't changed. We don't ever change the private key automatically.
        # If the user does it, they must manually update DNS.
        if is_tlsa_update_required:
            from dns_update import do_dns_update, set_custom_dns_record, build_tlsa_record
                "mv", env["STORAGE_ROOT"] + "/ssl/next_ssl_private_key.pem",
                env["STORAGE_ROOT"] + "/ssl/ssl_private_key.pem"
                "openssl", "genrsa", "-out",
                env["STORAGE_ROOT"] + "/ssl/next_ssl_private_key.pem", "2048"
            qname1 = "_25._tcp." + env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME']
            qname2 = "_443._tcp." + env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME']
            rtype = "TLSA"
            value = build_tlsa_record(env, from_cert=False)
            action = "add"
            if set_custom_dns_record(qname1, rtype, value, action, env):
                set_custom_dns_record(qname2, rtype, value, action, env)

    # Update the web configuration so nginx picks up the new certificate file.
    from web_update import do_web_update

    return ret
def check_primary_hostname_dns(domain, env, dns_domains, dns_zonefiles):
	# If a DS record is set on the zone containing this domain, check DNSSEC now.
	for zone in dns_domains:
		if zone == domain or domain.endswith("." + zone):
			if query_dns(zone, "DS", nxdomain=None) is not None:
				check_dnssec(zone, env, dns_zonefiles, is_checking_primary=True)

	# Check that the ns1/ns2 hostnames resolve to A records. This information probably
	# comes from the TLD since the information is set at the registrar as glue records.
	# We're probably not actually checking that here but instead checking that we, as
	# the nameserver, are reporting the right info --- but if the glue is incorrect this
	# will probably fail.
	ip = query_dns("ns1." + domain, "A") + '/' + query_dns("ns2." + domain, "A")
	if ip == env['PUBLIC_IP'] + '/' + env['PUBLIC_IP']:
		env['out'].print_ok("Nameserver glue records are correct at registrar. [ns1/ns2.%s => %s]" % (env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], env['PUBLIC_IP']))
		env['out'].print_error("""Nameserver glue records are incorrect. The ns1.%s and ns2.%s nameservers must be configured at your domain name
			registrar as having the IP address %s. They currently report addresses of %s. It may take several hours for
			public DNS to update after a change."""
			% (env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], env['PUBLIC_IP'], ip))

	# Check that PRIMARY_HOSTNAME resolves to PUBLIC_IP in public DNS.
	ip = query_dns(domain, "A")
	if ip == env['PUBLIC_IP']:
		env['out'].print_ok("Domain resolves to box's IP address. [%s => %s]" % (env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], env['PUBLIC_IP']))
		env['out'].print_error("""This domain must resolve to your box's IP address (%s) in public DNS but it currently resolves
			to %s. It may take several hours for public DNS to update after a change. This problem may result from other
			issues listed here."""
			% (env['PUBLIC_IP'], ip))

	# Check reverse DNS on the PRIMARY_HOSTNAME. Note that it might not be
	# a DNS zone if it is a subdomain of another domain we have a zone for.
	ipaddr_rev = dns.reversename.from_address(env['PUBLIC_IP'])
	existing_rdns = query_dns(ipaddr_rev, "PTR")
	if existing_rdns == domain:
		env['out'].print_ok("Reverse DNS is set correctly at ISP. [%s => %s]" % (env['PUBLIC_IP'], env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME']))
		env['out'].print_error("""Your box's reverse DNS is currently %s, but it should be %s. Your ISP or cloud provider will have instructions
			on setting up reverse DNS for your box at %s.""" % (existing_rdns, domain, env['PUBLIC_IP']) )

	# Check the TLSA record.
	tlsa_qname = "_25._tcp." + domain
	tlsa25 = query_dns(tlsa_qname, "TLSA", nxdomain=None)
	tlsa25_expected = build_tlsa_record(env)
	if tlsa25 == tlsa25_expected:
		env['out'].print_ok("""The DANE TLSA record for incoming mail is correct (%s).""" % tlsa_qname,)
	elif tlsa25 is None:
		env['out'].print_error("""The DANE TLSA record for incoming mail is not set. This is optional.""")
		env['out'].print_error("""The DANE TLSA record for incoming mail (%s) is not correct. It is '%s' but it should be '%s'. Try running tools/dns_update to
			regenerate the record. It may take several hours for
                        public DNS to update after a change."""
                        % (tlsa_qname, tlsa25, tlsa25_expected))

	# Check that the hostmaster@ email address exists.
	check_alias_exists("hostmaster@" + domain, env)
Exemplo n.º 3
def check_primary_hostname_dns(domain, env, dns_domains, dns_zonefiles):
	# If a DS record is set on the zone containing this domain, check DNSSEC now.
	for zone in dns_domains:
		if zone == domain or domain.endswith("." + zone):
			if query_dns(zone, "DS", nxdomain=None) is not None:
				check_dnssec(zone, env, dns_zonefiles, is_checking_primary=True)

	# Check that the ns1/ns2 hostnames resolve to A records. This information probably
	# comes from the TLD since the information is set at the registrar as glue records.
	# We're probably not actually checking that here but instead checking that we, as
	# the nameserver, are reporting the right info --- but if the glue is incorrect this
	# will probably fail.
	ip = query_dns("ns1." + domain, "A") + '/' + query_dns("ns2." + domain, "A")
	if ip == env['PUBLIC_IP'] + '/' + env['PUBLIC_IP']:
		env['out'].print_ok("Nameserver glue records are correct at registrar. [ns1/ns2.%s => %s]" % (env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], env['PUBLIC_IP']))
		env['out'].print_error("""Nameserver glue records are incorrect. The ns1.%s and ns2.%s nameservers must be configured at your domain name
			registrar as having the IP address %s. They currently report addresses of %s. It may take several hours for
			public DNS to update after a change."""
			% (env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], env['PUBLIC_IP'], ip))

	# Check that PRIMARY_HOSTNAME resolves to PUBLIC_IP in public DNS.
	ip = query_dns(domain, "A")
	if ip == env['PUBLIC_IP']:
		env['out'].print_ok("Domain resolves to box's IP address. [%s => %s]" % (env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], env['PUBLIC_IP']))
		env['out'].print_error("""This domain must resolve to your box's IP address (%s) in public DNS but it currently resolves
			to %s. It may take several hours for public DNS to update after a change. This problem may result from other
			issues listed here."""
			% (env['PUBLIC_IP'], ip))

	# Check reverse DNS on the PRIMARY_HOSTNAME. Note that it might not be
	# a DNS zone if it is a subdomain of another domain we have a zone for.
	ipaddr_rev = dns.reversename.from_address(env['PUBLIC_IP'])
	existing_rdns = query_dns(ipaddr_rev, "PTR")
	if existing_rdns == domain:
		env['out'].print_ok("Reverse DNS is set correctly at ISP. [%s => %s]" % (env['PUBLIC_IP'], env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME']))
		env['out'].print_error("""Your box's reverse DNS is currently %s, but it should be %s. Your ISP or cloud provider will have instructions
			on setting up reverse DNS for your box at %s.""" % (existing_rdns, domain, env['PUBLIC_IP']) )

	# Check the TLSA record.
	tlsa_qname = "_25._tcp." + domain
	tlsa25 = query_dns(tlsa_qname, "TLSA", nxdomain=None)
	tlsa25_expected = build_tlsa_record(env)
	if tlsa25 == tlsa25_expected:
		env['out'].print_ok("""The DANE TLSA record for incoming mail is correct (%s).""" % tlsa_qname,)
	elif tlsa25 is None:
		env['out'].print_error("""The DANE TLSA record for incoming mail is not set. This is optional.""")
		env['out'].print_error("""The DANE TLSA record for incoming mail (%s) is not correct. It is '%s' but it should be '%s'.
			It may take several hours for public DNS to update after a change."""
                        % (tlsa_qname, tlsa25, tlsa25_expected))

	# Check that the hostmaster@ email address exists.
	check_alias_exists("hostmaster@" + domain, env)
Exemplo n.º 4
def check_primary_hostname_dns(domain, env, output, dns_domains, dns_zonefiles):
	# If a DS record is set on the zone containing this domain, check DNSSEC now.
	has_dnssec = False
	for zone in dns_domains:
		if zone == domain or domain.endswith("." + zone):
			if query_dns(zone, "DS", nxdomain=None) is not None:
				has_dnssec = True
				check_dnssec(zone, env, output, dns_zonefiles, is_checking_primary=True)

	ip = query_dns(domain, "A")
	my_ips = env['PUBLIC_IP'] + ((" / "+env['PUBLIC_IPV6']) if env.get("PUBLIC_IPV6") else "")

	# Check that PRIMARY_HOSTNAME resolves to PUBLIC_IP[V6] in public DNS.
	ipv6 = query_dns(domain, "AAAA") if env.get("PUBLIC_IPV6") else None
	if ip == env['PUBLIC_IP'] and not (ipv6 and env['PUBLIC_IPV6'] and ipv6 != normalize_ip(env['PUBLIC_IPV6'])):
		output.print_ok("Domain resolves to box's IP address. [%s ↦ %s]" % (env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], my_ips))
		output.print_error("""This domain must resolve to your box's IP address (%s) in public DNS but it currently resolves
			to %s. It may take several hours for public DNS to update after a change. This problem may result from other
			issues listed above."""
			% (my_ips, ip + ((" / " + ipv6) if ipv6 is not None else "")))

	# Check reverse DNS matches the PRIMARY_HOSTNAME. Note that it might not be
	# a DNS zone if it is a subdomain of another domain we have a zone for.
	existing_rdns_v4 = query_dns(dns.reversename.from_address(env['PUBLIC_IP']), "PTR")
	existing_rdns_v6 = query_dns(dns.reversename.from_address(env['PUBLIC_IPV6']), "PTR") if env.get("PUBLIC_IPV6") else None
	if existing_rdns_v4 == domain and existing_rdns_v6 in (None, domain):
		output.print_ok("Reverse DNS is set correctly at ISP. [%s ↦ %s]" % (my_ips, env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME']))
	elif existing_rdns_v4 == existing_rdns_v6 or existing_rdns_v6 is None:
		output.print_error("""Your box's reverse DNS is currently %s, but it should be %s. Your ISP or cloud provider will have instructions
			on setting up reverse DNS for your box.""" % (existing_rdns_v4, domain) )
		output.print_error("""Your box's reverse DNS is currently %s (IPv4) and %s (IPv6), but it should be %s. Your ISP or cloud provider will have instructions
			on setting up reverse DNS for your box.""" % (existing_rdns_v4, existing_rdns_v6, domain) )

	# Check the TLSA record.
	tlsa_qname = "_25._tcp." + domain
	tlsa25 = query_dns(tlsa_qname, "TLSA", nxdomain=None)
	tlsa25_expected = build_tlsa_record(env)
	if tlsa25 == tlsa25_expected:
		output.print_ok("""The DANE TLSA record for incoming mail is correct (%s).""" % tlsa_qname,)
	elif tlsa25 is None:
		if has_dnssec:
			# Omit a warning about it not being set if DNSSEC isn't enabled,
			# since TLSA shouldn't be used without DNSSEC.
			output.print_warning("""The DANE TLSA record for incoming mail is not set. This is optional.""")
		output.print_error("""The DANE TLSA record for incoming mail (%s) is not correct. It is '%s' but it should be '%s'.
			It may take several hours for public DNS to update after a change."""
                        % (tlsa_qname, tlsa25, tlsa25_expected))

	# Check that the hostmaster@ email address exists.
	check_alias_exists("Hostmaster contact address", "hostmaster@" + domain, env, output)
Exemplo n.º 5
def check_primary_hostname_dns(domain, env, output, dns_domains, dns_zonefiles):
	# If a DS record is set on the zone containing this domain, check DNSSEC now.
	has_dnssec = False
	for zone in dns_domains:
		if zone == domain or domain.endswith("." + zone):
			if query_dns(zone, "DS", nxdomain=None) is not None:
				has_dnssec = True
				check_dnssec(zone, env, output, dns_zonefiles, is_checking_primary=True)

	ip = query_dns(domain, "A")
	ns_ips = query_dns("ns1." + domain, "A") + '/' + query_dns("ns2." + domain, "A")
	my_ips = env['PUBLIC_IP'] + ((" / "+env['PUBLIC_IPV6']) if env.get("PUBLIC_IPV6") else "")

	# Check that the ns1/ns2 hostnames resolve to A records. This information probably
	# comes from the TLD since the information is set at the registrar as glue records.
	# We're probably not actually checking that here but instead checking that we, as
	# the nameserver, are reporting the right info --- but if the glue is incorrect this
	# will probably fail.
	if ns_ips == env['PUBLIC_IP'] + '/' + env['PUBLIC_IP']:
		output.print_ok("Nameserver glue records are correct at registrar. [ns1/ns2.%s ↦ %s]" % (env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], env['PUBLIC_IP']))

	elif ip == env['PUBLIC_IP']:
		# The NS records are not what we expect, but the domain resolves correctly, so
		# the user may have set up external DNS. List this discrepancy as a warning.
		output.print_warning("""Nameserver glue records (ns1.%s and ns2.%s) should be configured at your domain name
			registrar as having the IP address of this box (%s). They currently report addresses of %s. If you have set up External DNS, this may be OK."""
			% (env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], env['PUBLIC_IP'], ns_ips))

		output.print_error("""Nameserver glue records are incorrect. The ns1.%s and ns2.%s nameservers must be configured at your domain name
			registrar as having the IP address %s. They currently report addresses of %s. It may take several hours for
			public DNS to update after a change."""
			% (env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], env['PUBLIC_IP'], ns_ips))

	# Check that PRIMARY_HOSTNAME resolves to PUBLIC_IP[V6] in public DNS.
	ipv6 = query_dns(domain, "AAAA") if env.get("PUBLIC_IPV6") else None
	if ip == env['PUBLIC_IP'] and ipv6 in (None, env['PUBLIC_IPV6']):
		output.print_ok("Domain resolves to box's IP address. [%s ↦ %s]" % (env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], my_ips))
		output.print_error("""This domain must resolve to your box's IP address (%s) in public DNS but it currently resolves
			to %s. It may take several hours for public DNS to update after a change. This problem may result from other
			issues listed above."""
			% (my_ips, ip + ((" / " + ipv6) if ipv6 is not None else "")))

	# Check reverse DNS matches the PRIMARY_HOSTNAME. Note that it might not be
	# a DNS zone if it is a subdomain of another domain we have a zone for.
	existing_rdns_v4 = query_dns(dns.reversename.from_address(env['PUBLIC_IP']), "PTR")
	existing_rdns_v6 = query_dns(dns.reversename.from_address(env['PUBLIC_IPV6']), "PTR") if env.get("PUBLIC_IPV6") else None
	if existing_rdns_v4 == domain and existing_rdns_v6 in (None, domain):
		output.print_ok("Reverse DNS is set correctly at ISP. [%s ↦ %s]" % (my_ips, env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME']))
	elif existing_rdns_v4 == existing_rdns_v6 or existing_rdns_v6 is None:
		output.print_error("""Your box's reverse DNS is currently %s, but it should be %s. Your ISP or cloud provider will have instructions
			on setting up reverse DNS for your box.""" % (existing_rdns_v4, domain) )
		output.print_error("""Your box's reverse DNS is currently %s (IPv4) and %s (IPv6), but it should be %s. Your ISP or cloud provider will have instructions
			on setting up reverse DNS for your box.""" % (existing_rdns_v4, existing_rdns_v6, domain) )

	# Check the TLSA record.
	tlsa_qname = "_25._tcp." + domain
	tlsa25 = query_dns(tlsa_qname, "TLSA", nxdomain=None)
	tlsa25_expected = build_tlsa_record(env)
	if tlsa25 == tlsa25_expected:
		output.print_ok("""The DANE TLSA record for incoming mail is correct (%s).""" % tlsa_qname,)
	elif tlsa25 is None:
		if has_dnssec:
			# Omit a warning about it not being set if DNSSEC isn't enabled,
			# since TLSA shouldn't be used without DNSSEC.
			output.print_warning("""The DANE TLSA record for incoming mail is not set. This is optional.""")
		output.print_error("""The DANE TLSA record for incoming mail (%s) is not correct. It is '%s' but it should be '%s'.
			It may take several hours for public DNS to update after a change."""
                        % (tlsa_qname, tlsa25, tlsa25_expected))

	# Check that the hostmaster@ email address exists.
	check_alias_exists("Hostmaster contact address", "hostmaster@" + domain, env, output)
Exemplo n.º 6
def check_primary_hostname_dns(domain, env, output, dns_domains, dns_zonefiles):
	# If a DS record is set on the zone containing this domain, check DNSSEC now.
	has_dnssec = False
	for zone in dns_domains:
		if zone == domain or domain.endswith("." + zone):
			if query_dns(zone, "DS", nxdomain=None) is not None:
				has_dnssec = True
				check_dnssec(zone, env, output, dns_zonefiles, is_checking_primary=True)

	ip = query_dns(domain, "A")
	ns_ips = query_dns("ns1." + domain, "A") + '/' + query_dns("ns2." + domain, "A")
	my_ips = env['PUBLIC_IP'] + ((" / "+env['PUBLIC_IPV6']) if env.get("PUBLIC_IPV6") else "")

	# Check that the ns1/ns2 hostnames resolve to A records. This information probably
	# comes from the TLD since the information is set at the registrar as glue records.
	# We're probably not actually checking that here but instead checking that we, as
	# the nameserver, are reporting the right info --- but if the glue is incorrect this
	# will probably fail.
	if ns_ips == env['PUBLIC_IP'] + '/' + env['PUBLIC_IP']:
		output.print_ok("Nameserver glue records are correct at registrar. [ns1/ns2.%s ↦ %s]" % (env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], env['PUBLIC_IP']))

	elif ip == env['PUBLIC_IP']:
		# The NS records are not what we expect, but the domain resolves correctly, so
		# the user may have set up external DNS. List this discrepancy as a warning.
		output.print_warning("""Nameserver glue records (ns1.%s and ns2.%s) should be configured at your domain name
			registrar as having the IP address of this box (%s). They currently report addresses of %s. If you have set up External DNS, this may be OK."""
			% (env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], env['PUBLIC_IP'], ns_ips))

		output.print_error("""Nameserver glue records are incorrect. The ns1.%s and ns2.%s nameservers must be configured at your domain name
			registrar as having the IP address %s. They currently report addresses of %s. It may take several hours for
			public DNS to update after a change."""
			% (env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], env['PUBLIC_IP'], ns_ips))

	# Check that PRIMARY_HOSTNAME resolves to PUBLIC_IP[V6] in public DNS.
	ipv6 = query_dns(domain, "AAAA") if env.get("PUBLIC_IPV6") else None
	if ip == env['PUBLIC_IP'] and not (ipv6 and env['PUBLIC_IPV6'] and normalize_ip(ipv6) != normalize_ip(env['PUBLIC_IPV6'])):
		output.print_ok("Domain resolves to box's IP address. [%s ↦ %s]" % (env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], my_ips))
		output.print_error("""This domain must resolve to your box's IP address (%s) in public DNS but it currently resolves
			to %s. It may take several hours for public DNS to update after a change. This problem may result from other
			issues listed above."""
			% (my_ips, ip + ((" / " + ipv6) if ipv6 is not None else "")))

	# Check reverse DNS matches the PRIMARY_HOSTNAME. Note that it might not be
	# a DNS zone if it is a subdomain of another domain we have a zone for.
	existing_rdns_v4 = query_dns(dns.reversename.from_address(env['PUBLIC_IP']), "PTR")
	existing_rdns_v6 = query_dns(dns.reversename.from_address(env['PUBLIC_IPV6']), "PTR") if env.get("PUBLIC_IPV6") else None
	if existing_rdns_v4 == domain and existing_rdns_v6 in (None, domain):
		output.print_ok("Reverse DNS is set correctly at ISP. [%s ↦ %s]" % (my_ips, env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME']))
	elif existing_rdns_v4 == existing_rdns_v6 or existing_rdns_v6 is None:
		output.print_error("""Your box's reverse DNS is currently %s, but it should be %s. Your ISP or cloud provider will have instructions
			on setting up reverse DNS for your box.""" % (existing_rdns_v4, domain) )
		output.print_error("""Your box's reverse DNS is currently %s (IPv4) and %s (IPv6), but it should be %s. Your ISP or cloud provider will have instructions
			on setting up reverse DNS for your box.""" % (existing_rdns_v4, existing_rdns_v6, domain) )

	# Check the TLSA record.
	tlsa_qname = "_25._tcp." + domain
	tlsa25 = query_dns(tlsa_qname, "TLSA", nxdomain=None)
	tlsa25_expected = build_tlsa_record(env)
	if tlsa25 == tlsa25_expected:
		output.print_ok("""The DANE TLSA record for incoming mail is correct (%s).""" % tlsa_qname,)
	elif tlsa25 is None:
		if has_dnssec:
			# Omit a warning about it not being set if DNSSEC isn't enabled,
			# since TLSA shouldn't be used without DNSSEC.
			output.print_warning("""The DANE TLSA record for incoming mail is not set. This is optional.""")
		output.print_error("""The DANE TLSA record for incoming mail (%s) is not correct. It is '%s' but it should be '%s'.
			It may take several hours for public DNS to update after a change."""
                        % (tlsa_qname, tlsa25, tlsa25_expected))

	# Check that the hostmaster@ email address exists.
	check_alias_exists("Hostmaster contact address", "hostmaster@" + domain, env, output)
Exemplo n.º 7
def check_primary_hostname_dns(domain, env):
    # Check that the ns1/ns2 hostnames resolve to A records. This information probably
    # comes from the TLD since the information is set at the registrar.
    ip = query_dns("ns1." + domain, "A") + '/' + query_dns(
        "ns2." + domain, "A")
    if ip == env['PUBLIC_IP'] + '/' + env['PUBLIC_IP']:
            "Nameserver IPs are correct at registrar. [ns1/ns2.%s => %s]" %
            (env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], env['PUBLIC_IP']))
            """Nameserver IP addresses are incorrect. The ns1.%s and ns2.%s nameservers must be configured at your domain name
			registrar as having the IP address %s. They currently report addresses of %s. It may take several hours for
			public DNS to update after a change.""" %
            (env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'],
             env['PUBLIC_IP'], ip))

    # Check that PRIMARY_HOSTNAME resolves to PUBLIC_IP in public DNS.
    ip = query_dns(domain, "A")
    if ip == env['PUBLIC_IP']:
        print_ok("Domain resolves to box's IP address. [%s => %s]" %
                 (env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME'], env['PUBLIC_IP']))
            """This domain must resolve to your box's IP address (%s) in public DNS but it currently resolves
			to %s. It may take several hours for public DNS to update after a change. This problem may result from other
			issues listed here.""" % (env['PUBLIC_IP'], ip))

    # Check reverse DNS on the PRIMARY_HOSTNAME. Note that it might not be
    # a DNS zone if it is a subdomain of another domain we have a zone for.
    ipaddr_rev = dns.reversename.from_address(env['PUBLIC_IP'])
    existing_rdns = query_dns(ipaddr_rev, "PTR")
    if existing_rdns == domain:
        print_ok("Reverse DNS is set correctly at ISP. [%s => %s]" %
                 (env['PUBLIC_IP'], env['PRIMARY_HOSTNAME']))
            """Your box's reverse DNS is currently %s, but it should be %s. Your ISP or cloud provider will have instructions
			on setting up reverse DNS for your box at %s.""" %
            (existing_rdns, domain, env['PUBLIC_IP']))

    # Check the TLSA record.
    tlsa_qname = "_25._tcp." + domain
    tlsa25 = query_dns(tlsa_qname, "TLSA", nxdomain=None)
    tlsa25_expected = build_tlsa_record(env)
    if tlsa25 == tlsa25_expected:
            """The DANE TLSA record for incoming mail is correct (%s).""" %
            tlsa_qname, )
    elif tlsa25 is None:
            """The DANE TLSA record for incoming mail is not set. This is optional."""
            """The DANE TLSA record for incoming mail (%s) is not correct. It is '%s' but it should be '%s'. Try running tools/dns_update to
			regenerate the record. It may take several hours for
                        public DNS to update after a change.""" %
            (tlsa_qname, tlsa25, tlsa25_expected))

    # Check that the hostmaster@ email address exists.
    check_alias_exists("hostmaster@" + domain, env)