def run_dodocker_cli(args): # helper function for external programs like tests parser = create_parser() parsed = parser.parse_known_args(args) dodocker_config.clear() dodocker_config.update(load_dodocker_config()) try: process_args(*parsed) except SystemExit as e: # catch normal zero exit, but re-raise other if e.code != 0: raise
for key, target in P.ENVENTURES.items(): if not meta_lock_exists and target != P.THIS_META_ENV_LOCK: continue yield _make_lock_task(key, target) def task_publish(): """publish to pypi""" def _check_hash(): on_disk = P.SHA256SUMS.read_text() calculated = _calc_hash() print("\n--\n".join( ["on-disk:", on_disk, "calculated", calculated])) if calculated != on_disk: raise RuntimeError("SHA256SUMS do not match:") print("SHA256SUMS are OK") return dict(actions=[ _check_hash, InteractiveAction( [*P.RUN_IN["meta"], "twine", "upload", P.SDIST, P.WHEEL], shell=False, ), ]) if __name__ == "__main__":
res_plots = [os.path.join(plotdir, 'results-%d.svg' % (i+1)) for i in range(5)] yield {'name': 'models', 'actions': [CmdAction( 'py.test -p fnme.options --simulator nengo.Simulator ' '--seed 5 --plot plots --noprofile -- fnme/', cwd=root)], 'file_dep': [plotfile, benchfile], 'targets': res_plots} yield {'name': 'accuracy', 'actions': [(fnme.plots.accuracy,)], 'file_dep': [plotfile], 'targets': acc_plots} yield {'name': 'speed', 'actions': [fnme.plots.speed], 'targets': [os.path.join(figdir, 'fig%d.%s' % (i, ext)) for ext in figexts for i in range(5, 7)]} yield {'name': 'combine', 'actions': [(fnme.plots.fig1,), (fnme.plots.fig2,), (fnme.plots.fig3,), (fnme.plots.fig4,)], 'file_dep': acc_plots + res_plots, 'targets': [os.path.join(figdir, 'fig%d.%s' % (i, ext)) for ext in figexts for i in range(1, 5)]} if __name__ == '__main__':
def main_entry_point(argv=None): import doit
def test_valid_config(monkeypatch, depfile_name): monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'argv', ['did']) # create custom config with various settings DOIT_CONFIG = doit_config( default_tasks=['a', 'b'], # task 'ignored' should not be run continue_=True, # a will fail but b will still run single=True, # task 'ignored' should not be run even if a dep of a always=True, # a will run even if it is up to date # database db_file="tmp_db.json", # the db file will be this one dep_file=None, # alias for db_file, ok backend="json", # and it will contain json text # verbosity verbosity=2, # 'echo hi' should be captured in capsys failure_verbosity=2, # a report should be issued at the end # output reporter and cwd outfile= "tmp_out.txt", # all output except 'echo hi' should be in that file reporter='console', # default # dir='./tmp', # parallel num_process= 2, # the output is slightly different in parallel mode we can check this parallel_type='thread', ) ignored = task(name="ignored", actions=["ignored"]) a = task(name="a", task_dep=[ignored], actions=["ech hi"], uptodate=[True]) b = task(name="b", actions=["echo hi"]) try: # run run(locals()) except SystemExit as err: # error code seems to be 1 on windows and 2 on linux (travis) assert err.code >= 1, "doit execution error" else: # pragma: no cover assert False, "Did not receive SystemExit - should not happen" # Validate that the outcome takes all config options into account with open("tmp_db.json", mode="rt") as f: resdict = json.loads( os.remove("tmp_db.json") assert len(resdict) == 1 result_str = resdict['b']['result:'] if sys.version_info > (3, 0): assert isinstance(result_str, str) assert len(result_str) > 0 # Validate output with open("tmp_out.txt", mode="rt") as f: out_str = os.remove("tmp_out.txt") win = platform.system() == "Windows" if sys.version_info > (3, 0): assert out_str == """. a => Cmd: ech hi . b => Cmd: echo hi %(failed_type)s - taskid:a Command %(failed)s: 'ech hi' returned %(failed_code)s ######################################## %(failed_type)s - taskid:a Command %(failed)s: 'ech hi' returned %(failed_code)s a <stderr>: %(errmsg)s a <stdout>: """ % dict(failed_type='TaskFailed' if win else 'TaskError', failed='failed' if win else 'error', failed_code=1 if win else 127, errmsg="'ech' is not recognized as an internal or external command,\n" "operable program or batch file." if win else "/bin/sh: 1: ech: not found") else: assert out_str == """. a => Cmd: ech hi . b => Cmd: echo hi ######################################## %(failed_type)s - taskid:a Command %(failed)s: 'ech hi' returned %(failed_code)s %(errmsg)s """ % dict(failed_type='TaskFailed' if win else 'TaskError', failed='failed' if win else 'error', failed_code=1 if win else 127, errmsg= "'ech' is not recognized as an internal or external command, \n" "operable program or batch file." if win else "/bin/sh: 1: ech: not found")
for reference_case, scenario_path in REFERENCE_CASES.items(): yield { 'name': '%(reference_case)s' % locals(), 'actions': [(cea.plots.scenario_plots.run_as_script, [], { 'scenario_folders': [scenario_path], 'output_file': None # use default })], 'verbosity': 1, } def task_run_unit_tests(): """run the unittests""" def run_unit_tests(): import unittest import os os.environ['REFERENCE_CASE'] = REFERENCE_CASES['open'] testsuite ='.') result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1).run(testsuite) return result.wasSuccessful() return { 'actions': [run_unit_tests], 'verbosity': 1 } if __name__ == '__main__': import doit
def main(): parser = create_parser() parsed = parser.parse_known_args() dodocker_config.update(load_dodocker_config()) process_args(*parsed)
def main():
def doit_run(): import doit
def test_task(monkeypatch, depfile_name, capsys): """Tests that our various task generation mechanisms work""" @pytask(title="custom title") def a(): """ hey """ print("hello !") @pytask(task_dep=[a]) def b(): """ hey! """ print("hello !!") @cmdtask(task_dep=[b]) def d(): """ hey!d """ return """ echo ola # skipped comment echo hey """ @taskgen def c(): """ hey!!! """ # shell commands yield task(name="echo", actions=["echo hi"], doc="my echo doc", targets=["hoho.txt"]) # python task - non-decorator style def c_(): """here is a doc""" print("hello") yield pytask(c_) for i in range(2): # python task - decorator style @pytask(name="subtask %i" % i, doc="a subtask %s" % i, title="this is %s running" % i) def c_(): print("hello sub") yield c_ # python task - non-decorator style def d_(): print("hello variant") yield pytask(name="subtask %i variant" % i, doc="a subtask %s variant" % i, title="this is %s running variant" % i)(d_) if sys.version_info < (3, 0): # doit version is 0.29 on python 2. Internal api is different. pass else: # manually check that loading the tasks works loader = ModuleTaskLoader(locals()) loader.setup({}) config = loader.load_doit_config() task_list = loader.load_tasks(Command(), []) assert len(task_list) == 10 # Note: unfortunately on python 3.5 and 3.6 the order does not seem guaranteed with this api # task a task_a = [t for t in task_list if == 'a'] assert len(task_a) == 1 task_a = task_a[0] assert == 'a' assert task_a.doc == a.__doc__.strip() assert task_a.actions[0].py_callable == why_am_i_running assert task_a.actions[1].py_callable == a assert task_a.title() == 'a => custom title' # task b dependency task_b = [t for t in task_list if == 'b'] assert len(task_b) == 1 task_b = task_b[0] assert task_b.task_dep == ['a'] # task c with 2 subtasks # todo # task d task_d = [t for t in task_list if == 'd'] assert len(task_d) == 1 task_d = task_d[0] assert len(task_d.actions) == 2 _sep = '& ' if platform.system() == 'Windows' else '; ' assert task_d.actions[1]._action.split(_sep) == [ "echo ola", "echo hey" ] # ---- checks : list monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'argv', ['did', 'list', '--all', '--db-file', depfile_name]) try: # run run(locals()) except SystemExit as err: assert err.code == 0, "doit execution error" else: # pragma: no cover assert False, "Did not receive SystemExit - should not happen" captured = capsys.readouterr() with capsys.disabled(): assert captured.out == """a hey b hey! c hey!!! c:c_ here is a doc c:echo my echo doc c:subtask 0 a subtask 0 c:subtask 0 variant a subtask 0 variant c:subtask 1 a subtask 1 c:subtask 1 variant a subtask 1 variant d hey!d """ # -- checks : execution monkeypatch.setattr(sys, 'argv', ['did', '--verbosity', '2', '--db-file', depfile_name]) try: # run run(locals()) except SystemExit as err: assert err.code == 0, "doit execution error" else: # pragma: no cover assert False, "Did not receive SystemExit - should not happen" captured = capsys.readouterr() with capsys.disabled(): assert captured.out.replace("\r", "") == """hello ! hello !! ola hey Running <Task: c:echo> because one of its targets does not exist: 'hoho.txt' hi hello hello sub hello variant hello sub hello variant """ if sys.version_info < (3, 0): # doit version is 0.29 on python 2. Internal api is different. pass else: # formal checks: equivalent of doit list --all output = StringIO() cmd_list = CmdFactory(List, outstream=output, task_list=task_list) cmd_list._execute(subtasks=True, quiet=False) assert output.getvalue() == """a hey b hey! c hey!!! c:c_ here is a doc c:echo my echo doc c:subtask 0 a subtask 0 c:subtask 0 variant a subtask 0 variant c:subtask 1 a subtask 1 c:subtask 1 variant a subtask 1 variant d hey!d """ # formal checks: equivalent of doit (execution) output = StringIO() cmd_run = CmdFactory(Run, backend='dbm', dep_file=depfile_name, task_list=task_list) result = cmd_run._execute(output, verbosity=2) assert 0 == result assert output.getvalue() == """. a => custom title . b => Python: function test_task.<locals>.b . d => Cmd: echo ola%secho hey . c:echo => Cmd: echo hi . c:c_ => Python: function test_task.<locals>.c.<locals>.c_ . c:subtask 0 => this is 0 running . c:subtask 0 variant => this is 0 running variant . c:subtask 1 => this is 1 running . c:subtask 1 variant => this is 1 running variant """ % _sep captured = capsys.readouterr() with capsys.disabled(): assert captured.out.replace("\r", "") == """hello !
def test_doit(): with patch('sys.exit') as _exit: with patch('sys.argv'): _exit.assert_called_with(0)
def run(filename, **kw): check_versions(kw.get('verbose', False)) cfg = Config(filename, **kw) with cfg.prepare(task_md2pdf) as locals: sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]]