Exemplo n.º 1
class TestsForTask3SaveState(unittest.TestCase):
    Test cases for save_state functionality and method

    def setUp(self):
        """Set up the test case class"""
        self.dojo = Dojo()

    def test_if_filename_is_too_short(self):
        """Tests to see if the file name passed to be written is to short to be a valid txt file
        file_name_entered = self.dojo.save_state("sql")
        self.assertEqual(file_name_entered, "short", msg="The file name entered is too short to be valid")

    def test_if_filename_does_not_end_with_sqlite(self):
        Tests if a file name entered is not a valid text file since it doesn't end with .txt
        another_file_name = self.dojo.save_state("plain_text")
        self.assertEqual(another_file_name, "not sqlite file", msg="The file name entered doesn't end with .sqlite")

    def test_if_a_valid_file_name_is_used(self):
        Tests to see if a valid text file name is recognized and written to
        valid_file = self.dojo.save_state("valid_db.sqlite")
        self.assertEqual(valid_file, "valid_db.sqlite")

    def test_if_no_file_name_runs_successfully(self):
        Tests to see if when argument is provided, the function runs successfully but doesn't create a file
        no_db_name = self.dojo.save_state()
        self.assertEqual(no_db_name, None)

    def test_if_people_are_actually_saved_in_the_database(self):
        Tests storing people in the database and seeing if they are retrieved and added back to the system
        initial_people_count = len(self.dojo.all_people)  # shd return 7


        new_people_count = len(self.dojo.all_people)  # shd return same 7

        self.assertEqual(new_people_count, initial_people_count)
class TestsForTask2LoadPeople(unittest.TestCase):
    Test cases for the load people functionality and method

    def setUp(self):
        """Set up the test case class"""
        self.dojo = Dojo()

    def test_if_filename_is_too_short(self):
        """Tests to see if the file name passed to be written is to short to be a valid txt file
        file_name_entered = self.dojo.load_people("txt")
        self.assertEqual(file_name_entered, "short", msg="The file name entered is too short to be valid")

    def test_if_filename_does_not_end_with_txt(self):
        Tests if a file name entered is not a valid text file since it doesn't end with .txt
        another_file_name = self.dojo.load_people("plain_text")
        self.assertEqual(another_file_name, "not txt file", msg="The file name entered doesn't end with .txt")

    def test_if_a_valid_file_name_is_used(self):
        Tests to see if a valid text file name is recognized and read
        valid_file = self.dojo.load_people("valid_file.txt")
        self.assertEqual(valid_file, "valid_file.txt")

    def test_if_people_are_actually_loaded_successfully_to_system(self):
        Tests if people loaded from a file are stored in the people list
        initial_people_count = len(self.dojo.all_people)
        new_people_count = len(self.dojo.all_people)
        self.assertEqual(new_people_count - initial_people_count, 7)