Exemplo n.º 1
    def initialize(self, V, Q, PS, D):
        super(Problem, self).initialize(V, Q, PS, D)

        print("IC type: " + self.ic)
        print("Velocity scale factor = %4.2f" % self.factor)
        reynolds = 728.761 * self.factor  # TODO modify by nu_factor
        print("Computing with Re = %f" % reynolds)

        # set constants for
        self.area = assemble(interpolate(Expression("1.0"), Q) * self.dsIn)  # inflow area

        if self.doErrControl:
            self.solution = interpolate(
                Expression(("0.0", "0.0", "factor*(1081.48-43.2592*(x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1]))"), factor=self.factor), self.vSpace)
            print("Prepared analytic solution.")

        # womersley = steady + e^iCt, e^iCt has average 0
            interpolate(womersleyBC.average_analytic_pressure_expr(self.factor), self.pSpace), norm_type='L2'))
            interpolate(womersleyBC.average_analytic_velocity_expr(self.factor), self.vSpace), norm_type='L2'))

        print('Normalisation factors (vel, p, pg):', self.vel_normalization_factor[0], self.p_normalization_factor[0],
def test_WeightedGradient():
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(4, 4)
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
    u = interpolate(Expression("x[0]+2*x[1]"), V)
    wx = weighted_gradient_matrix(mesh, 0)
    du = Function(V)
    du.vector()[:] = wx * u.vector()
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(du.vector().min(), 1.)

    wy = weighted_gradient_matrix(mesh, 1)
    du.vector()[:] = wy * u.vector()
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(du.vector().min(), 2.)
    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(4, 4, 4)
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
    u = interpolate(Expression("x[0]+2*x[1]+3*x[2]"), V)
    du = Function(V)
    wx = weighted_gradient_matrix(mesh, (0, 1, 2))
    du.vector()[:] = wx[0] * u.vector()
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(du.vector().min(), 1.)
    du.vector()[:] = wx[1] * u.vector()
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(du.vector().min(), 2.)
    du.vector()[:] = wx[2] * u.vector()
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(du.vector().min(), 3.)
#if __name__ == '__main__':
Exemplo n.º 3
def cyclic3D(u):
    """ Symmetrize with respect to (xyz) cycle. """
        nrm = np.linalg.norm(u.vector())
        V = u.function_space()
        assert V.mesh().topology().dim() == 3
        mesh1 = Mesh(V.mesh())
        mesh1.coordinates()[:, :] = mesh1.coordinates()[:, [1, 2, 0]]
        W1 = FunctionSpace(mesh1, 'CG', 1)

        # testing if symmetric
        bc = DirichletBC(V, 1, DomainBoundary())
        test = Function(V)
        test = interpolate(Function(W1, test.vector()), V)
        assert max(test.vector()) - min(test.vector()) < 1.1

        v1 = interpolate(Function(W1, u.vector()), V)

        mesh2 = Mesh(mesh1)
        mesh2.coordinates()[:, :] = mesh2.coordinates()[:, [1, 2, 0]]
        W2 = FunctionSpace(mesh2, 'CG', 1)
        v2 = interpolate(Function(W2, u.vector()), V)
        pr = project(u+v1+v2)
        assert np.linalg.norm(pr.vector())/nrm > 0.01
        return pr
        print "Cyclic symmetrization failed!"
        return u
Exemplo n.º 4
    def initialize(self, V, Q, PS, D):
        super(Problem, self).initialize(V, Q, PS, D)

        print("IC type: " + self.ic)
        print("Velocity scale factor = %4.2f" % self.factor)
        reynolds = 728.761 * self.factor  # TODO modify by nu_factor
        print("Computing with Re = %f" % reynolds)

        self.v_in = Function(V)
        print('Initializing error control')
        self.solution = self.assemble_solution(0.0)

        # set constants for
        self.area = assemble(interpolate(Expression("1.0"), Q) * self.dsIn)  # inflow area

        # womersley = steady + e^iCt, e^iCt has average 0
            interpolate(womersleyBC.average_analytic_pressure_expr(self.factor), self.pSpace), norm_type='L2'))
            interpolate(womersleyBC.average_analytic_velocity_expr(self.factor), self.vSpace), norm_type='L2'))
        # print('Normalisation factors (vel, p, pg):', self.vel_normalization_factor[0], self.p_normalization_factor[0],
        #       self.pg_normalization_factor[0])

        one = (interpolate(Expression('1.0'), Q))
        self.outflow_area = assemble(one*self.dsOut)
        print('Outflow area:', self.outflow_area)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_StatisticsProbe_segregated_3D(V3_self):
    u0 = interpolate(Expression('x[0]'), V3_self)
    v0 = interpolate(Expression('x[1]'), V3_self)
    w0 = interpolate(Expression('x[2]'), V3_self)
    x = array([0.5, 0.25, 0.25])

    p = StatisticsProbe(x, V3_self, True)    
    for i in range(5):
        p(u0, v0, w0)
    assert p.number_of_evaluations() == 5
    assert p.value_size() == 9

    mean = p.mean()
    var = p.variance()
    assert round(p[0][0] - 2.5, 7) == 0
    assert round(p[0][4] - 0.3125, 7) == 0
    assert round(p[1][0] - 0.5, 7) == 0
    assert round(p[1][1] - 0.25, 7) == 0
    assert round(p[1][2] - 0.25, 7) == 0
    assert round(mean[0] - 0.5, 7) == 0
    assert round(mean[1] - 0.25, 7) == 0
    assert round(mean[2] - 0.25, 7) == 0
    assert round(var[0] - 0.25, 7) == 0
    assert round(var[1] - 0.0625, 7) == 0
    assert round(var[2] - 0.0625, 7) == 0
    assert round(var[3] - 0.125, 7) == 0
    assert round(var[4] - 0.125, 7) == 0
    def setup_forms(self, old_solver):
        prob = self.prob

        if old_solver is not None:
            self.old_vel = dfn.interpolate(old_solver.old_vel,
            self.cur_vel = dfn.interpolate(old_solver.cur_vel,
            self.old_vel = dfn.Function(prob.v_fnc_space)
            self.cur_vel = dfn.Function(prob.v_fnc_space)

        # Assemble matrices from variational forms. Ax = Ls
        self.a = dfn.inner(dfn.grad(prob.v), dfn.grad(prob.vt)) * dfn.dx
        self.A = dfn.assemble(self.a)

        if params['bcs'] is 'test':
            self.bcs = get_test_bcs(prob.v_fnc_space, test_bc)
            self.bcs = get_normal_bcs(prob.v_fnc_space, test_bc)

        # For the gradient term in the stress update
        self.l_elastic = self.dt * self.mu * \
            dfn.inner(dfn.grad(prob.v), prob.St) * dfn.dx
        self.L_elastic = dfn.assemble(self.l_elastic)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def apply(self, pc, x, y):
        ysave = x.duplicate()

        f = HiptmairSetup.BCapply(self.Fspace[0],self.BC[0],x,"dolfin")
        fVec = interpolate(f,self.Fspace[2])
        uVec = HiptmairSetup.FuncToPETSc(fVec)

        u = uVec.duplicate()
        self.kspVector.solve(uVec, u)

        f = HiptmairSetup.BCapply(self.Fspace[2],self.BC[2],u,"dolfin")
        fMag = interpolate(f,self.Fspace[0])
        xVec = HiptmairSetup.FuncToPETSc(fMag)

        xMag = HiptmairSetup.BCapply(self.Fspace[0],self.BC[0],x)
        uGrad = HiptmairSetup.TransGradOp(self.kspMass,self.B,xMag)
        xLag = HiptmairSetup.BCapply(self.Fspace[1],self.BC[1],uGrad)

        u = uGrad.duplicate()
        self.kspScalar.solve(xLag, u)

        uGrad = HiptmairSetup.BCapply(self.Fspace[1],self.BC[1],u)
        uGrad1 = HiptmairSetup.GradOp(self.kspMass,self.B,uGrad)
        xMag = HiptmairSetup.BCapply(self.Fspace[0],self.BC[0],uGrad1)

        xx = x.duplicate()
        xx.pointwiseMult(self.diag, x)

        # print xVec.array, xMag.array
        # sss
        y.array = xx.array+xVec.array+xMag.array
Exemplo n.º 8
    def initialize(self, V, Q, PS, D):
        super(Problem, self).initialize(V, Q, PS, D)

        print("IC type: " + self.ic)
        print("Velocity scale factor = %4.2f" % self.factor)
        reynolds = 728.761 * self.factor
        print("Computing with Re = %f" % reynolds)

        # set constants for
        self.area = assemble(interpolate(Expression("1.0"), Q) * self.dsIn)  # inflow area

        self.solution = interpolate(Expression(("0.0", "0.0", "factor*(1081.48-43.2592*(x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1]))"),
                                               factor=self.factor), self.vSpace)
        analytic_pressure = womersleyBC.average_analytic_pressure_expr(self.factor)
        self.sol_p = interpolate(analytic_pressure, self.pSpace)
        self.analytic_gradient = womersleyBC.average_analytic_pressure_grad(self.factor)
        self.analytic_pressure_norm = norm(self.sol_p, norm_type='L2')
        self.analytic_v_norm_L2 = norm(self.solution, norm_type='L2')
        self.analytic_v_norm_H1 = norm(self.solution, norm_type='H1')
        self.analytic_v_norm_H1w = sqrt(assemble((inner(grad(self.solution), grad(self.solution)) +
                                                  inner(self.solution, self.solution)) * self.dsWall))
        print("Prepared analytic solution.")

        self.vel_normalization_factor.append(norm(self.solution, norm_type='L2'))

        print('Normalisation factors (vel, p, pg):', self.vel_normalization_factor[0], self.p_normalization_factor[0],

        one = (interpolate(Expression('1.0'), Q))
        self.outflow_area = assemble(one*self.dsOut)
        print('Outflow area:', self.outflow_area)
def test_StatisticsProbes_segregated_2D():
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(4, 4)
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)

    u0 = interpolate(Expression('x[0]'), V)
    v0 = interpolate(Expression('x[1]'), V)
    x = array([[0.5, 0.25], [0.4, 0.4], [0.3, 0.3]])
    probes = StatisticsProbes(x.flatten(), V, True)

    for i in range(5):
        probes(u0, v0)
    id0, p = probes[0] 
    if len(p) > 0:     
        assert p.number_of_evaluations() == 5
        assert p.value_size() == 5

        mean = p.mean()
        var = p.variance()
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(p[0][0], 2.5)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(p[0][4], 0.625)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(p[1][0], 0.5)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(p[1][1], 0.25)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(mean[0], 0.5)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(mean[1], 0.25)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(var[0], 0.25)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(var[1], 0.0625)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(var[2], 0.125)
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_StatisticsProbe_segregated_2D():
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(mpi_comm_self(), 4, 4)
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)

    u0 = interpolate(Expression('x[0]'), V)
    v0 = interpolate(Expression('x[1]'), V)
    x = array([0.5, 0.25])

    p = StatisticsProbe(x, V, True)    
    for i in range(5):
        p(u0, v0)
    assert p.number_of_evaluations() == 5
    assert p.value_size() == 5

    mean = p.mean()
    var = p.variance()
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(p[0][0], 2.5)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(p[0][4], 0.625)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(p[1][0], 0.5)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(p[1][1], 0.25)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(mean[0], 0.5)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(mean[1], 0.25)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(var[0], 0.25)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(var[1], 0.0625)
    nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(var[2], 0.125)
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_fenics_vector():
    def mult_assemble(a, basis):
        return MultiplicationOperator(a(0), basis)

    mean_func = ConstFunction(2)
    a = [ConstFunction(3), ConstFunction(4)]
    rvs = [UniformRV(), NormalRV(mu=0.5)]
    coeff_field = ListCoefficientField(mean_func, a, rvs)

    A = MultiOperator(coeff_field, mult_assemble)
    mis = [Multiindex([0]),
           Multiindex([0, 1]),
           Multiindex([0, 2])]
    mesh = UnitSquare(4, 4)
    fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 4)
    F = [interpolate(Expression("*".join(["x[0]"] * i)), fs) for i in range(1, 5)]
    vecs = [FEniCSVector(f) for f in F]

    w = MultiVectorWithProjection()
    for mi, vec in zip(mis, vecs):
        w[mi] = vec
    v = A * w

    L = LegendrePolynomials(normalised=True)
    H = StochasticHermitePolynomials(mu=0.5, normalised=True)
    ex0 = Expression("2*x[0] + 3*(l01*x[0]*x[0]-l00*x[0]) + 4*(h01*x[0]*x[0]*x[0]-h00*x[0])",
        l01=L.get_beta(0)[1], l00=L.get_beta(0)[0],
        h01=H.get_beta(0)[1], h00=H.get_beta(0)[0])
    vec0 = FEniCSVector(interpolate(ex0, fs))

    assert_almost_equal(v[mis[0]].array, vec0.array)

    # ======================================================================
    # test with different meshes
    # ======================================================================

    N = len(mis)
    meshes = [UnitSquare(i + 3, i + 3) for i in range(N)]
    fss = [FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 4) for mesh in meshes]
    F = [interpolate(Expression("*".join(["x[0]"] * (i + 1))), fss[i]) for i in range(N)]
    vecs = [FEniCSVector(f) for f in F]

    w = MultiVectorWithProjection()
    for mi, vec in zip(mis, vecs):
        w[mi] = vec
    v = A * w

    L = LegendrePolynomials(normalised=True)
    H = StochasticHermitePolynomials(mu=0.5, normalised=True)
    ex0 = Expression("2*x[0] + 3*(l01*x[0]*x[0]-l00*x[0]) + 4*(h01*x[0]*x[0]*x[0]-h00*x[0])",
        l01=L.get_beta(0)[1], l00=L.get_beta(0)[0],
        h01=H.get_beta(0)[1], h00=H.get_beta(0)[0])
    ex2 = Expression("2*x[0]*x[0]*x[0] + 4*(h11*x[0]*x[0]*x[0]*x[0] - h10*x[0]*x[0]*x[0] + h1m1*x[0])",
        h11=H.get_beta(1)[1], h10=H.get_beta(1)[0], h1m1=H.get_beta(1)[-1])
    vec0 = FEniCSVector(interpolate(ex0, fss[0]))
    vec2 = FEniCSVector(interpolate(ex2, fss[2]))

    assert_almost_equal(v[mis[0]].array, vec0.array)
    assert_almost_equal(v[mis[2]].array, vec2.array)
Exemplo n.º 12
def neumann_elasticity_data():
        a  bilinear form in the neumann elasticity problem
        L  linear form in therein
        V  function space, where a, L are defined
        bc homog. dirichlet conditions for case where we want pos. def problem
        z  list of orthonormal vectors in the nullspace of A that form basis
           of ker(A)
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(40, 40)

    V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
    u = TrialFunction(V)
    v = TestFunction(V)

    f = Expression(('sin(pi*x[0])', 'cos(pi*x[1])'))

    epsilon = lambda u: sym(grad(u))

    # Material properties
    E, nu = 10.0, 0.3
    mu, lmbda = Constant(E/(2*(1 + nu))), Constant(E*nu/((1 + nu)*(1 - 2*nu)))

    sigma = lambda u: 2*mu*epsilon(u) + lmbda*tr(epsilon(u))*Identity(2)

    a = inner(sigma(u), epsilon(v))*dx
    L = inner(f, v)*dx  # Zero stress

    bc = DirichletBC(V, Constant((0, 0)), DomainBoundary())

    z0 = interpolate(Constant((1, 0)), V).vector()
    normalize(z0, 'l2')

    z1 = interpolate(Constant((0, 1)), V).vector()
    normalize(z1, 'l2')

    X = mesh.coordinates().reshape((-1, 2))
    c0, c1 = np.sum(X, axis=0)/len(X)
    z2 = interpolate(Expression(('x[1]-c1',
                                 '-(x[0]-c0)'), c0=c0, c1=c1), V).vector()
    normalize(z2, 'l2')

    z = [z0, z1, z2]

    # Check that this is orthonormal basis
    I = np.zeros((3, 3))
    for i, zi in enumerate(z):
        for j, zj in enumerate(z):
            I[i, j] = zi.inner(zj)

    print I
    print la.norm(I-np.eye(3))
    assert la.norm(I-np.eye(3)) < 1E-13

    return a, L, V, bc, z
Exemplo n.º 13
 def setUp(self):
     self.mesh = dolfin.UnitCube(3,3,3)
     self.V = dolfin.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, "Nedelec 1st kind H(curl)", 3)
     self.u_r = dolfin.interpolate(
         dolfin.Expression(('0','0', '2*x[2]')), self.V)
     self.u_i = dolfin.interpolate(
         dolfin.Expression(('0','0', '-x[2]*x[2]')), self.V)
     self.x = self.u_r.vector().array() + 1j*self.u_i.vector().array()
     self.DUT = ComplexVoltageAlongLine(self.V)
def test_compute_flux():
    f = df.interpolate(df.Constant((1, 0, 0)), VV)
    assert abs(compute_flux(f, mesh2d) - 1) < tol

    f = df.interpolate(df.Constant((1, 0, 1)), VV)
    assert abs(compute_flux(f, mesh2d) - 1) < tol

    f = df.interpolate(df.Constant((0.5, 0, 1)), VV)
    assert abs(compute_flux(f, mesh2d) - 0.5) < tol

    f = df.interpolate(df.Constant((0, 0, 1)), VV)
    assert abs(compute_flux(f, mesh2d) - 0) < tol
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_StatisticsProbes_segregated_2D(V2):
    u0 = interpolate(Expression('x[0]', degree=1), V2)
    v0 = interpolate(Expression('x[1]', degree=1), V2)
    x = array([[0.5, 0.25], [0.4, 0.4], [0.3, 0.3]])
    probes = StatisticsProbes(x.flatten(), V2, True)

    for i in range(5):
        probes(u0, v0)
    p = probes.array()
    if MPI.rank(mpi_comm_world()) == 0:
        assert round(p[0,0] - 2.5, 7) == 0
        assert round(p[0,4] - 0.625, 7) == 0
Exemplo n.º 16
 def get_initial_conditions(self, function_list):
     out = []
     for d in function_list:
         if d['type'] == 'v':
             f = Function(self.vSpace)
             if self.ic == 'correct':
                 f = interpolate(Expression(("0.0", "0.0", "factor*(1081.48-43.2592*(x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1]))"),
                                            factor=self.factor), self.vSpace)
         if d['type'] == 'p':
             f = Function(self.pSpace)
             if self.ic == 'correct':
                 f = interpolate(womersleyBC.average_analytic_pressure_expr(self.factor), self.pSpace)
     return out
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_StatisticsProbes_segregated_3D(V3):
    u0 = interpolate(Expression('x[0]', degree=1), V3)
    v0 = interpolate(Expression('x[1]', degree=1), V3)
    w0 = interpolate(Expression('x[2]', degree=1), V3)
    x = array([[0.5, 0.25, 0.25], [0.4, 0.4, 0.4], [0.3, 0.3, 0.3]])
    probes = StatisticsProbes(x.flatten(), V3, True)

    for i in range(5):
        probes(u0, v0, w0)

    p = probes.array()
    if MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world) == 0:
        assert round(p[0,0] - 2.5, 7) == 0
        assert round(p[0,4] - 0.3125, 7) == 0
Exemplo n.º 18
def symmetrize(u, d, sym):
    """ Symmetrize function u. """
    if len(d) == 3:
        # three dimensions -> cycle XYZ
        return cyclic3D(u)
    elif len(d) >= 4:
        # four dimensions -> rotations in 2D
        return rotational(u, d[-1])
    nrm = np.linalg.norm(u.vector())
    V = u.function_space()
    mesh = Mesh(V.mesh())

    # test if domain is symmetric using function equal 0 inside, 1 on boundary
    # extrapolation will force large values if not symmetric since the flipped
    # domain is different
    bc = DirichletBC(V, 1, DomainBoundary())
    test = Function(V)

    if len(d) == 2:
        # two dimensions given: swap dimensions
        mesh.coordinates()[:, d] = mesh.coordinates()[:, d[::-1]]
        # one dimension given: reflect
        mesh.coordinates()[:, d[0]] *= -1
    # FIXME functionspace takes a long time to construct, maybe copy?
    W = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
        # testing
        test = interpolate(Function(W, test.vector()), V)
        # max-min should be around 1 if domain was symmetric
        # may be slightly above due to boundary approximation
        assert max(test.vector()) - min(test.vector()) < 1.1

        v = interpolate(Function(W, u.vector()), V)
        if sym:
            # symmetric
            pr = project(u+v)
            # antisymmetric
            pr = project(u-v)
        # small solution norm most likely means that symmetrization gives
        # trivial function
        assert np.linalg.norm(pr.vector())/nrm > 0.01
        return pr
        # symmetrization failed for some reason
        print "Symmetrization " + str(d) + " failed!"
        return u
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_Probes_vectorfunctionspace_2D():
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(4, 4)
    V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)

    u0 = interpolate(Expression(('x[0]', 'x[1]')), V)
    x = array([[0.5, 0.5], [0.4, 0.4], [0.3, 0.3]])
    p = Probes(x.flatten(), V)
    # Probe twice
    # Check both snapshots
    p0 = p.array(N=0)
    if MPI.rank(mpi_comm_world()) == 0:
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(p0[0, 0], 0.5)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(p0[1, 1], 0.4)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(p0[2, 1], 0.3)
    p0 = p.array(N=1)
    if MPI.rank(mpi_comm_world()) == 0:
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(p0[0, 0], 0.5)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(p0[1, 0], 0.4)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(p0[2, 1], 0.3)

    p0 = p.array(filename='dumpvector2D')
    if MPI.rank(mpi_comm_world()) == 0:
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(p0[0, 0, 0], 0.5)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(p0[1, 1, 1], 0.4)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(p0[2, 0, 1], 0.3)
        f = open('dumpvector2D_all.probes', 'r')
        p1 = load(f)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(p1[0, 0, 0], 0.5)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(p1[1, 1, 0], 0.4)
        nose.tools.assert_almost_equal(p1[2, 1, 1], 0.3)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def u_exact(self,t):
        Routine to compute the exact solution at time t

            t: current time

            exact solution

        w = df.Expression('r*(1-pow(tanh(r*((0.75-4) - x[1])),2)) + r*(1-pow(tanh(r*(x[1] - (0.25-4))),2)) - \
                           r*(1-pow(tanh(r*((0.75-3) - x[1])),2)) + r*(1-pow(tanh(r*(x[1] - (0.25-3))),2)) - \
                           r*(1-pow(tanh(r*((0.75-2) - x[1])),2)) + r*(1-pow(tanh(r*(x[1] - (0.25-2))),2)) - \
                           r*(1-pow(tanh(r*((0.75-1) - x[1])),2)) + r*(1-pow(tanh(r*(x[1] - (0.25-1))),2)) - \
                           r*(1-pow(tanh(r*((0.75-0) - x[1])),2)) + r*(1-pow(tanh(r*(x[1] - (0.25-0))),2)) - \
                           r*(1-pow(tanh(r*((0.75+1) - x[1])),2)) + r*(1-pow(tanh(r*(x[1] - (0.25+1))),2)) - \
                           r*(1-pow(tanh(r*((0.75+2) - x[1])),2)) + r*(1-pow(tanh(r*(x[1] - (0.25+2))),2)) - \
                           r*(1-pow(tanh(r*((0.75+3) - x[1])),2)) + r*(1-pow(tanh(r*(x[1] - (0.25+3))),2)) - \
                           r*(1-pow(tanh(r*((0.75+4) - x[1])),2)) + r*(1-pow(tanh(r*(x[1] - (0.25+4))),2)) - \

        me = fenics_mesh(self.V)
        me.values = df.interpolate(w,self.V)

        # df.plot(me.values)
        # df.interactive()
        # exit()

        return me
def RunAcoustic(q):
    Nxy = 100
    tf = 0.1  # Final time
    direction = 0
    u0_expr = Expression("100*pow(x[i]-.25,2)*pow(x[i]-0.75,2)*(x[i]<=0.75)*(x[i]>=0.25)", i=direction)

    class LeftRight(SubDomain):
        def inside(self, x, on_boundary):
            return (x[direction] < 1e-16 or x[direction] > 1.0 - 1e-16) and on_boundary

    h = 1.0 / Nxy
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(Nxy, Nxy, "crossed")
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", q)
    Vl = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1)
    Dt = h / (q * 10.0)

    Wave = AcousticWave({"V": V, "Vl": Vl, "Vr": Vl})
    Wave.verbose = True
    Wave.lump = True
    Wave.set_abc(mesh, LeftRight())
            "lambda": 1.0,
            "rho": 1.0,
            "t0": 0.0,
            "tf": tf,
            "Dt": Dt,
            "u0init": interpolate(u0_expr, V),
            "utinit": Function(V),
    sol, tmp = Wave.solve()
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_Probes_vectorfunctionspace_3D(VF3, dirpath):
    u0 = interpolate(Expression(('x[0]', 'x[1]', 'x[2]'), degree=1), VF3)
    x = array([[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.4, 0.4, 0.4], [0.3, 0.3, 0.3]])

    p = Probes(x.flatten(), VF3)
    # Probe twice

    # Check both snapshots
    p0 = p.array(N=0)

    if MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world) == 0:
        assert round(p0[0, 0] - 0.5, 7) == 0
        assert round(p0[1, 1] - 0.4, 7) == 0
        assert round(p0[2, 2] - 0.3, 7) == 0
    p0 = p.array(N=1)
    if MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world) == 0:
        assert round(p0[0, 0] - 0.5, 7) == 0
        assert round(p0[1, 1] - 0.4, 7) == 0
        assert round(p0[2, 2] - 0.3, 7) == 0

    p0 = p.array(filename=dirpath+'dumpvector3D')
    if MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world) == 0:
        assert round(p0[0, 0, 0] - 0.5, 7) == 0
        assert round(p0[1, 1, 0] - 0.4, 7) == 0
        assert round(p0[2, 1, 0] - 0.3, 7) == 0

        p1 = load(dirpath+'dumpvector3D_all.npy')
        assert round(p1[0, 0, 0] - 0.5, 7) == 0
        assert round(p1[1, 1, 0] - 0.4, 7) == 0
        assert round(p1[2, 1, 1] - 0.3, 7) == 0
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_Probes_vectorfunctionspace_2D(VF2, dirpath):
    u0 = interpolate(Expression(('x[0]', 'x[1]')), VF2)
    x = array([[0.5, 0.5], [0.4, 0.4], [0.3, 0.3]])
    p = Probes(x.flatten(), VF2)

    # Probe twice
    # Check both snapshots
    p0 = p.array(N=0)
    if MPI.rank(mpi_comm_world()) == 0:
        assert round(p0[0, 0] - 0.5, 7) == 0
        assert round(p0[1, 1] - 0.4, 7) == 0
        assert round(p0[2, 1] - 0.3, 7) == 0
    p0 = p.array(N=1)
    if MPI.rank(mpi_comm_world()) == 0:
        assert round(p0[0, 0] - 0.5, 7) == 0
        assert round(p0[1, 0] - 0.4, 7) == 0
        assert round(p0[2, 1] - 0.3, 7) == 0

    p0 = p.array(filename=dirpath+'dumpvector2D')
    if MPI.rank(mpi_comm_world()) == 0:
        assert round(p0[0, 0, 0] - 0.5, 7) == 0
        assert round(p0[1, 1, 1] - 0.4, 7) == 0
        assert round(p0[2, 0, 1] - 0.3, 7) == 0
        f = open(dirpath+'dumpvector2D_all.probes', 'r')
        p1 = load(f)
        assert round(p1[0, 0, 0] - 0.5, 7) == 0
        assert round(p1[1, 1, 0] - 0.4, 7) == 0
        assert round(p1[2, 1, 1] - 0.3, 7) == 0
Exemplo n.º 24
def mplot_expression(ax, f, mesh, **kwargs):
    # TODO: Can probably avoid creating the function space here by
    # restructuring mplot_function a bit so it can handle Expression
    # natively
    V = create_cg1_function_space(mesh, f.ufl_shape)
    g = dolfin.interpolate(f, V)
    return mplot_function(ax, g, **kwargs)
def get_distance_function(config, domains):
    V = dolfin.FunctionSpace(config.domain.mesh, "CG", 1)
    v = dolfin.TestFunction(V)
    d = dolfin.TrialFunction(V)
    sol = dolfin.Function(V)
    s = dolfin.interpolate(Constant(1.0), V)
    domains_func = dolfin.Function(dolfin.FunctionSpace(config.domain.mesh, "DG", 0))

    def boundary(x):
        eps_x = config.params["turbine_x"]
        eps_y = config.params["turbine_y"]

        min_val = 1
        for e_x, e_y in [(-eps_x, 0), (eps_x, 0), (0, -eps_y), (0, eps_y)]:
                min_val = min(min_val, domains_func((x[0] + e_x, x[1] + e_y)))
            except RuntimeError:

        return min_val == 1.0

    bc = dolfin.DirichletBC(V, 0.0, boundary)

    # Solve the diffusion problem with a constant source term
    log(INFO, "Solving diffusion problem to identify feasible area ...")
    a = dolfin.inner(dolfin.grad(d), dolfin.grad(v)) * dolfin.dx
    L = dolfin.inner(s, v) * dolfin.dx
    dolfin.solve(a == L, sol, bc)

    return sol
Exemplo n.º 26
    def update_time(self, actual_time, step_number):
        super(Problem, self).update_time(actual_time, step_number)
        if self.actual_time > 0.5 and int(round(self.actual_time * 1000)) % 1000 == 0:
            self.isWholeSecond = True
            seconds = int(round(self.actual_time))
            self.N1 = seconds*self.stepsInSecond
            self.N0 = (seconds-1)*self.stepsInSecond
            self.isWholeSecond = False

        self.solution = self.assemble_solution(self.actual_time)

        # Update boundary condition

        # construct analytic pressure (used for computing pressure and force errors)
        analytic_pressure = womersleyBC.analytic_pressure(self.factor, self.actual_time)
        self.sol_p = interpolate(analytic_pressure, self.pSpace)

        self.analytic_v_norm_L2 = norm(self.solution, norm_type='L2')
        self.analytic_v_norm_H1 = norm(self.solution, norm_type='H1')
        self.analytic_v_norm_H1w = sqrt(assemble((inner(grad(self.solution), grad(self.solution)) +
                                                  inner(self.solution, self.solution)) * self.dsWall))
Exemplo n.º 27
def neumann_poisson_data():
        a  bilinear form in the neumann poisson problem
        L  linear form in therein
        V  function space, where a, L are defined
        bc homog. dirichlet conditions for case where we want pos. def problem
        z  list of orthonormal vectors in the nullspace of A that form basis
           of ker(A)

    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(40, 40)

    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
    u = TrialFunction(V)
    v = TestFunction(V)

    f = Expression('x[0]+x[1]')
    a = inner(grad(u), grad(v))*dx
    L = inner(f, v)*dx

    bc = DirichletBC(V, Constant(0), DomainBoundary())

    z0 = interpolate(Constant(1), V).vector()
    normalize(z0, 'l2')

    print '%16E' % z0.norm('l2')
    assert abs(z0.norm('l2')-1) < 1E-13

    return a, L, V, bc, [z0]
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_matrixization():
    def mult_assemble(a, basis):
        return MultiplicationOperator(a(0), basis)

    mean_func = ConstFunction(2)
    a = [ConstFunction(3), ConstFunction(4)]
    rvs = [UniformRV(), NormalRV(mu=0.5)]
    coeff_field = ListCoefficientField(mean_func, a, rvs)

    A = MultiOperator(coeff_field, mult_assemble)
    mis = [Multiindex([0]),
#           Multiindex([1]),
#           Multiindex([0, 1]),
           Multiindex([0, 2])]
    mesh = UnitSquare(1, 1)
    fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 2)
    F = [interpolate(Expression("*".join(["x[0]"] * i)), fs) for i in range(1, 5)]
    vecs = [FEniCSVector(f) for f in F]

    w = MultiVector()
    for mi, vec in zip(mis, vecs):
        w[mi] = vec

    P = w.to_euclidian_operator
    Q = w.from_euclidian_operator
    Pw = P.apply(w)
    assert type(Pw) == np.ndarray and len(Pw) == sum((v for v in w.dim.values()))
    QPw = Q.apply(Pw)
    assert w.active_indices() == QPw.active_indices()
    for mu in w.active_indices():
        assert_equal(w[mu].array, QPw[mu].array)
    A_linear = P * A * Q
    A_mat = evaluate_operator_matrix(A_linear)
Exemplo n.º 29
def les_setup(u_, mesh, KineticEnergySGS, assemble_matrix, CG1Function, nut_krylov_solver, bcs, **NS_namespace):
    Set up for solving the Kinetic Energy SGS-model.
    DG = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 0)
    CG1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
    dim = mesh.geometry().dim()
    delta = Function(DG)
    delta.vector().axpy(1.0, assemble(TestFunction(DG)*dx))
    Ck = KineticEnergySGS["Ck"]
    ksgs = interpolate(Constant(1E-7), CG1)
    bc_ksgs = DirichletBC(CG1, 0, "on_boundary")
    A_mass = assemble_matrix(TrialFunction(CG1)*TestFunction(CG1)*dx)
    nut_form = Ck * delta * sqrt(ksgs)
    bcs_nut = derived_bcs(CG1, bcs['u0'], u_)
    nut_ = CG1Function(nut_form, mesh, method=nut_krylov_solver, bcs=bcs_nut, bounded=True, name="nut")
    At = Matrix()
    bt = Vector(nut_.vector())
    ksgs_sol = KrylovSolver("bicgstab", "additive_schwarz")
    ksgs_sol.parameters["preconditioner"]["structure"] = "same_nonzero_pattern"
    ksgs_sol.parameters["error_on_nonconvergence"] = False
    ksgs_sol.parameters["monitor_convergence"] = False
    ksgs_sol.parameters["report"] = False
    del NS_namespace
    return locals()
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_GaussDivergence():
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(4, 4)
    V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
    u = interpolate(Expression(('x[0]', 'x[1]')), V)
    divu = gauss_divergence(u)
    DIVU = divu.vector().array()
    point_0 = all(abs(DIVU - 2.) < 1E-13)
    nose.tools.assert_equal(point_0, True)

    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(4, 4, 4)
    V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
    u = interpolate(Expression(('2*x[0]', '2*x[1]', '2*x[2]')), V)
    divu = gauss_divergence(u)
    DIVU = divu.vector().array()
    point_0 = all(abs(DIVU - 6.) < 1E-13)
    nose.tools.assert_equal(point_0, True)
Exemplo n.º 31
from dolfin import (Constant, DirichletBC, Function, FunctionSpace, Point,
                    RectangleMesh, TestFunction, dx, grad, inner, interactive,
                    near, plot, solve, assign, interpolate, Expression, dot)

v = Constant((1.0, 0.0))

def left(x, on_boundary):
    return on_boundary and near(x[0], 0.0)

mesh = RectangleMesh(Point(0.0, 0.0), Point(1.0, 1.0), 50, 50)
dt = 0.001

S = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
T = Function(S)
T0 = interpolate(Expression("1.0 / (10.0 * x[0] + 1.0)"), S)
T_t = TestFunction(S)

r = (T_t * ((T - T0) + dt * dot(v, grad(T)))) * dx
bc1 = DirichletBC(S, 1.0, left)

t = 0.0
while t <= 1.0:
    solve(r == 0, T, [bc1])

    assign(T0, T)
    plot(T, mesh)

    t += dt
Exemplo n.º 32
    from dolfin import UnitSquareMesh, Expression, FunctionSpace, interpolate, File
    from dolfin import XDMFFile, inner, grad, dx, assemble
    from interpreter import Eval
    # Build a monomial basis for x, y, x**2, xy, y**2, ...

        from pydmd import DMD
        # https://github.com/mathLab/PyDMD
    except ImportError:
        from xcalc.dmdbase import DMD

    deg = 4

    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(3, 3)
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
    f = interpolate(Expression('x[0]+x[1]', degree=1), V).vector().get_local()
    A = np.diag(np.random.rand(V.dim()))

    basis = []
    for i in range(deg):
        for j in range(deg):
            f = A.dot(f)
            Af = Function(V); Af.vector().set_local(f)
    # NOTE: skipping 1 bacause Eval of it is not a Function
    dmd_ = DMD(svd_rank=-1, exact=False)
    energy, pod_basis = dmd(basis[1:], dmd_)

    print np.linalg.norm(dmd_.snapshots - dmd_.reconstructed_data.real)
    print len(pod_basis), len(basis[1:])
Exemplo n.º 33
def initial_phasefield(Lx, R, eps, function_space):
    expr_str = "-2.*((-tanh((x[0]-(2+2*R))/(sqrt(2)*eps))+tanh((x[0]-(Lx-2*R-2))/(sqrt(2)*eps))) +0.5) "
    #expr_str = "+tanh((x[0]-(2+2*R))/(sqrt(2)*eps))"
    phi_init_expr = df.Expression(expr_str, Lx=Lx, R=R, eps=eps, degree=2)
    phi_init = df.interpolate(phi_init_expr, function_space.collapse())
    return phi_init
Exemplo n.º 34
def test_interpolation_jit_rank1(W):
    f = Expression(("1.0", "1.0", "1.0"), degree=0)
    w = interpolate(f, W)
    x = w.vector()
    assert abs(x.get_local()).max() == 1
    assert abs(x.get_local()).min() == 1
Exemplo n.º 35
    double R = sqrt(pow(x[0],2)+pow(x[1],2));
    double phi = atan2(x[1],x[0]);

    double d_0 = C_9 + C_2*cyl_bessel_k(0, R*lambda_2/tau) + C_8*cyl_bessel_i(0, R*lambda_2/tau);
    double d = - (10*A_1 * pow(R,2))/(27*tau) + (4*C_4*R)/(tau) - (2*C_5*tau)/R + C_14*cyl_bessel_k(1, R*lambda_2/tau) + C_15* cyl_bessel_i(1, R*lambda_2/tau);

    values[0] = d_0 + cos(phi) * d;

    // The data stored in mesh functions
  double R;


  py::class_<Pressure, std::shared_ptr<Pressure>, dolfin::Expression>
    (m, "Pressure")

c = df.CompiledExpression(df.compile_cpp_code(p_code).Pressure(), degree=1)
print(2 * c([1, 1]))

p_i = df.interpolate(c, V)

file = df.File("out.pvd")
Exemplo n.º 36
    def value_shape(self):
        return ()

class InitialData(UserExpression):
    def eval(self, value, x):
        value[0] = stats.uniform.pdf(x[0], 0, 1) \
            + (1 + math.sin(40 * x[0] + math.cos(40 * x[0]))) / 10

    def value_shape(self):
        return ()

f0 = DoubleHat(degree=1)
# f0 = InitialData(degree=1)
f0 = interpolate(f0, V)

# Compute transport
f = transport1d(v, np.zeros_like(v), f0.vector().get_local())

# Normalise to [0, 1].
f = np.array(f, dtype=float)
f = (f - f.min()) / (f.max() - f.min())

# Add some noise.
# f = f + 0.05 * np.random.randn(m + 1, n)

# Check continuity equation for rho.
def flux(v, f):
    return f * v
Exemplo n.º 37
def set_D_with_protein(setup):
    meshp = setup.geo.mesh  # mesh WITH protein
    x0 = np.array(setup.geop.x0)
    dim = setup.phys.dim
    x0 = x0 if dim == 3 else x0[::2]
    r0 = setup.geop.rMolecule
    rion = 0.11

    # load diffusivity on mesh without protein
    functions, mesh = fields.get_functions(**setup.solverp.diffusivity_data)
    dist = functions["dist"]
    D0 = functions["D"]

    # evaluate dist, D on meshp nodes
    Vp = dolfin.FunctionSpace(meshp, "CG", 1)
    VVp = dolfin.VectorFunctionSpace(meshp, "CG", 1)

    distp_ = dolfin.interpolate(dist, Vp)
    D0p_ = dolfin.interpolate(D0, VVp)

    distp = distp_.vector()[dolfin.vertex_to_dof_map(Vp)]
    D0p = D0p_.vector()[dolfin.vertex_to_dof_map(VVp)]
    D0p = np.column_stack([D0p[i::dim] for i in range(dim)])

    x = meshp.coordinates()
    #    probes = Probes(x.flatten(), V)
    #    probes(dist)
    #    distp = probes.array(0)
    #    probes_ = Probes(x.flatten(), VV)
    #    probes_(D0)
    #    D0p = probes_.array(0)

    # first create (N,3,3) array from D0 (N,3)
    N = len(D0p)
    Da = np.zeros((N, dim, dim))
    i3 = np.array(range(dim))

    Da[:, i3, i3] = D0p

    # modify (N,3,3) array to include protein interaction
    R = x - x0
    r = np.sqrt(np.sum(R**2, 1))
    overlap = r < rion + r0
    near = ~overlap & (r - r0 < distp)
    h = np.maximum(r[near] - r0, rion)
    eps = 1e-2
    D00 = setup.phys.D

    Dt = np.zeros_like(r)
    Dn = np.zeros_like(r)

    Dt[overlap] = eps
    Dn[overlap] = eps
    Dt[near] = diff.Dt_plane(h, rion)
    Dn[near] = diff.Dn_plane(h, rion, N=20)

    # D(R) = Dn(h) RR^T + Dt(h) (I - RR^T) where R is normalized
    R0 = R / (r[:, None] + 1e-100)
    RR = (R0[:, :, None] * R0[:, None, :])
    I = np.zeros((N, dim, dim))
    I[:, i3, i3] = 1.
    Dpp = Dn[:, None, None] * RR + Dt[:, None, None] * (I - RR)
    Da[overlap | near] = D00 * Dpp[overlap | near]

    # assign final result to dolfin P1 TensorFunction
    VVV = dolfin.TensorFunctionSpace(meshp, "CG", 1, shape=(dim, dim))
    D = dolfin.Function(VVV)
    v2d = dolfin.vertex_to_dof_map(VVV)
    Dv = D.vector()
    for k, (i, j) in enumerate(product(i3, i3)):
        Dv[np.ascontiguousarray(v2d[k::dim**2])] = np.ascontiguousarray(Da[:,

    setup.phys.update(Dp=D, Dm=D)
    return D
def generate_initial_condition(mesh,

    # Define function space and all functions
    Vu = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", FE_polynomial)
    u = [dl.Function(Vu) for i in range(5)]

    # Determine the day index based on the given date
    if date is None:
        day_index = 0
        d0 = datetime.strptime("2020-03-06", "%Y-%m-%d")
        d1 = datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d")
        day_index = abs((d1 - d0)).days

    # Determine the infected and deseased data on the given date
    infected_pop = infected_cases[day_index, :]
    deceased_pop = deceased_cases[day_index, :]
    recovered_pop = recovered_cases[day_index, :]
    active_infected_pop = infected_pop - deceased_pop - recovered_pop
    susceptible_pop = total_pop - transmit_rate * active_infected_pop - deceased_pop - recovered_pop - active_infected_pop

    # Interpolate initial conditions of the deceased/recovered/infected density based on the total cases
    deceased_pop_ic = seird_ic(county_geom, deceased_pop)
    u[DE] = dl.interpolate(deceased_pop_ic, Vu)
    recovered_pop_ic = seird_ic(county_geom, recovered_pop)
    u[RE] = dl.interpolate(recovered_pop_ic, Vu)
    active_infected_pop_ic = seird_ic(county_geom, active_infected_pop)
    u[IN] = dl.interpolate(active_infected_pop_ic, Vu)
    exposed_pop_ic = seird_ic(county_geom, transmit_rate * active_infected_pop)
    u[EX] = dl.interpolate(exposed_pop_ic, Vu)
    susceptible_pop_ic = seird_ic(county_geom, susceptible_pop)
    u[SU] = dl.interpolate(susceptible_pop_ic, Vu)

    r1 = deceased_state[day_index] / (10000 * dl.assemble(u[DE] * dl.dx))
    u[DE] = dl.project(r1 * u[DE], Vu)

    r2 = (infected_total_state[day_index] -
          deceased_state[day_index]) / (10000 * dl.assemble(
              (u[IN] + u[RE]) * dl.dx))
    u[IN] = dl.project(r2 * u[IN], Vu)
    u[RE] = dl.project(r2 * u[RE], Vu)

    names = ["susceptible", "exposed", "infected", "recovered", "deceased"]

    for i in range(5):
        print(names[i] + ": ", dl.assemble(10000 * u[i] * dl.dx))
    if save_numpy:
        for i in range(5):
            np.save(save_path + names[i] + '_ic.npy',
    if save_vtu:
        for i in range(5):
            file = dl.File(save_path + names[i] + '_ic.pvd', "compressed")
            file << u[i]
Exemplo n.º 39
c0 = 0.0

# Create mesh and function spaces.
m, n = 40, 100
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(m - 1, n - 1)
V = dh.create_function_space(mesh, 'default')
W = dh.create_function_space(mesh, 'periodic')

# Run experiments with decaying data.
f = f_decay(degree=2)
ft = f_decay_t(degree=1)
fx = f_decay_x(degree=1)
datastr = DecayingData().string()

# Interpolate function.
fa = interpolate(f, V)
fa = dh.funvec2img(fa.vector().get_local(), m, n)

fa_pb = interpolate(f, W)
fa_pb = dh.funvec2img_pb(fa_pb.vector().get_local(), m, n)

v, res, fun = cm1d_exp_pb(m, n, f, ft, fx, alpha0, alpha1)
saveresults(resultpath, 'decay_cm1d_l2h1_exp_pb', 'l2h1', fa_pb, v)

v, k, res, fun, converged = cmscr1d_exp_pb(m, n, f, ft, fx, alpha0, alpha1,
                                           alpha2, alpha3, beta)
saveresults(resultpath, 'decay_cmscr1d_l2h1h1cr_exp_pb', 'l2h1h1cr', fa_pb, v,
            k, (c0 - fa_pb) / tau)

# The next example shows that for the initial concentration used in the
Exemplo n.º 40
saveresults(resultpath, 'analytic_example_decay_cmscr1d_l2h1h1cr_img',
            'l2h1h1cr', f, v, k, (c0 - f) / tau)

v, k, res, fun, converged = cmscr1d_img_pb(f, alpha0, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3,
                                           beta, 'mesh')
saveresults(resultpath, 'analytic_example_decay_cmscr1d_l2h1h1cr_img_pb',
            'l2h1h1cr', f, v, k, (c0 - f) / tau)

# Run experiments with constant data.
f = f_const(degree=2)
ft = f_const_t(degree=1)
fx = f_const_x(degree=1)
datastr = ConstantData().string()

# Interpolate function.
fa = interpolate(f, V)
fa = dh.funvec2img(fa.vector().get_local(), m, n)

fa_pb = interpolate(f, W)
fa_pb = dh.funvec2img_pb(fa_pb.vector().get_local(), m, n)

v, res, fun = of1d_exp(m, n, f, ft, fx, alpha0, alpha1)
saveresults(resultpath, 'analytic_example_const_of1d_l2h1_exp', 'l2h1', fa, v)

v, res, fun = of1d_exp_pb(m, n, f, ft, fx, alpha0, alpha1)
saveresults(resultpath, 'analytic_example_const_of1d_l2h1_exp_pb', 'l2h1',
            fa_pb, v)

v, res, fun = cm1d_exp(m, n, f, ft, fx, alpha0, alpha1)
saveresults(resultpath, 'analytic_example_const_cm1d_l2h1_exp', 'l2h1', fa, v)
Exemplo n.º 41
from fenicstools.jointregularization import normalizedcrossgradient
from fenicstools.miscfenics import setfct, createMixedFS

from hippylib.linalg import vector2Function

print 'Check exact results (cost only):'
print 'Test 1'
err = 1.0
N = 10
while err > 1e-6:
    N = 2 * N
    mesh = dl.UnitSquareMesh(N, N)
    V = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 1)
    VV = createMixedFS(V, V)
    cg = normalizedcrossgradient(VV, {'eps': 0.0})
    a = dl.interpolate(dl.Expression('x[0]', degree=10), V)
    b = dl.interpolate(dl.Expression('x[1]', degree=10), V)
    ncg = cg.costab(a, b)
    err = np.abs(ncg - 0.5) / 0.5
    print 'N={}, ncg(x,y)={:.6f}, err={:.3e}'.format(N, ncg, err)
print 'Test 2'
err = 1.0
N = 10
while err > 1e-6:
    N = 2 * N
    mesh = dl.UnitSquareMesh(N, N)
    V = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 2)
    VV = createMixedFS(V, V)
    cg = normalizedcrossgradient(VV, {'eps': 0.0})
    a = dl.interpolate(dl.Expression('x[0]*x[0]', degree=10), V)
    b = dl.interpolate(dl.Expression('x[1]*x[1]', degree=10), V)
Exemplo n.º 42
    def __init__(self,
        Construct the Prior model.
        - Vh:              the finite element space for the parameter
        - gamma and delta: the coefficient in the PDE
        - Theta:           the s.p.d. tensor for anisotropic diffusion of the pde
        - mean:            the prior mean
        assert delta != 0., "Intrinsic Gaussian Prior are not supported"
        self.Vh = Vh

        trial = dl.TrialFunction(Vh)
        test = dl.TestFunction(Vh)

        if Theta == None:
            varfL = dl.inner(dl.nabla_grad(trial), dl.nabla_grad(test)) * dl.dx
            varfL = dl.inner(Theta * dl.grad(trial), dl.grad(test)) * dl.dx

        varfM = dl.inner(trial, test) * dl.dx

        self.M = dl.assemble(varfM)
        self.Msolver = dl.PETScKrylovSolver("cg", "jacobi")
        self.Msolver.parameters["maximum_iterations"] = max_iter
        self.Msolver.parameters["relative_tolerance"] = rel_tol
        self.Msolver.parameters["error_on_nonconvergence"] = True
        self.Msolver.parameters["nonzero_initial_guess"] = False

        self.A = dl.assemble(gamma * varfL + delta * varfM)
        self.Asolver = dl.PETScKrylovSolver("cg", amg_method())
        self.Asolver.parameters["maximum_iterations"] = max_iter
        self.Asolver.parameters["relative_tolerance"] = rel_tol
        self.Asolver.parameters["error_on_nonconvergence"] = True
        self.Asolver.parameters["nonzero_initial_guess"] = False

        old_qr = dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"]
        dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] = -1
        qdegree = 2 * Vh._ufl_element.degree()
        metadata = {"quadrature_degree": qdegree}

        if dlversion() >= (2017, 1, 0):
            representation_old = dl.parameters["form_compiler"][
            dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] = "quadrature"

        if dlversion() <= (1, 6, 0):
            Qh = dl.FunctionSpace(Vh.mesh(), 'Quadrature', qdegree)
            element = dl.FiniteElement("Quadrature",
            Qh = dl.FunctionSpace(Vh.mesh(), element)

        ph = dl.TrialFunction(Qh)
        qh = dl.TestFunction(Qh)
        Mqh = dl.assemble(ph * qh * dl.dx(metadata=metadata))
        ones = dl.interpolate(dl.Constant(1.), Qh).vector()
        dMqh = Mqh * ones
        dMqh.set_local(ones.array() / np.sqrt(dMqh.array()))
        MixedM = dl.assemble(ph * test * dl.dx(metadata=metadata))
        self.sqrtM = MatMatMult(MixedM, Mqh)

        dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] = old_qr

        if dlversion() >= (2017, 1, 0):
                "representation"] = representation_old

        self.R = _BilaplacianR(self.A, self.Msolver)
        self.Rsolver = _BilaplacianRsolver(self.Asolver, self.M)

        self.mean = mean

        if self.mean is None:
            self.mean = dl.Vector()
            self.init_vector(self.mean, 0)
Exemplo n.º 43
def test_interpolation_jit_rank0(V):
    f = Expression("1.0", degree=0)
    w = interpolate(f, V)
    x = w.vector()
    assert MPI.max(MPI.comm_world, abs(x.get_local()).max()) == 1
    assert MPI.min(MPI.comm_world, abs(x.get_local()).min()) == 1
Exemplo n.º 44
    def __init__(self,
        Construct the Prior model.
        - Vh:              the finite element space for the parameter
        - gamma and delta: the coefficient in the PDE
        - locations:       the points x_i at which we assume to know the
                           true value of the parameter
        - m_true:          the true model
        - Theta:           the s.p.d. tensor for anisotropic diffusion of the pde
        - pen:             a penalization parameter for the mollifier
        assert delta != 0. or pen != 0, "Intrinsic Gaussian Prior are not supported"
        self.Vh = Vh

        trial = dl.TrialFunction(Vh)
        test = dl.TestFunction(Vh)

        if Theta == None:
            varfL = dl.inner(dl.nabla_grad(trial), dl.nabla_grad(test)) * dl.dx
            varfL = dl.inner(Theta * dl.grad(trial), dl.grad(test)) * dl.dx
        varfM = dl.inner(trial, test) * dl.dx

        self.M = dl.assemble(varfM)
        self.Msolver = dl.PETScKrylovSolver("cg", "jacobi")
        self.Msolver.parameters["maximum_iterations"] = max_iter
        self.Msolver.parameters["relative_tolerance"] = rel_tol
        self.Msolver.parameters["error_on_nonconvergence"] = True
        self.Msolver.parameters["nonzero_initial_guess"] = False

        #mfun = Mollifier(gamma/delta, dl.inv(Theta), order, locations)
        mfun = dl.Expression(code_Mollifier,
                             degree=Vh.ufl_element().degree() + 2)
        mfun.l = gamma / delta
        mfun.o = order
        mfun.theta0 = 1. / Theta.theta0
        mfun.theta1 = 1. / Theta.theta1
        mfun.alpha = Theta.alpha
        for ii in range(locations.shape[0]):
            mfun.addLocation(locations[ii, 0], locations[ii, 1])

        varfmo = mfun * dl.inner(trial, test) * dl.dx
        MO = dl.assemble(pen * varfmo)

        self.A = dl.assemble(gamma * varfL + delta * varfM + pen * varfmo)

        self.Asolver = dl.PETScKrylovSolver("cg", amg_method())
        self.Asolver.parameters["maximum_iterations"] = max_iter
        self.Asolver.parameters["relative_tolerance"] = rel_tol
        self.Asolver.parameters["error_on_nonconvergence"] = True
        self.Asolver.parameters["nonzero_initial_guess"] = False

        old_qr = dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"]
        dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] = -1
        qdegree = 2 * Vh._ufl_element.degree()
        metadata = {"quadrature_degree": qdegree}

        if dlversion() >= (2017, 1, 0):
            representation_old = dl.parameters["form_compiler"][
            dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["representation"] = "quadrature"

        if dlversion() <= (1, 6, 0):
            Qh = dl.FunctionSpace(Vh.mesh(), 'Quadrature', qdegree)
            element = dl.FiniteElement("Quadrature",
            Qh = dl.FunctionSpace(Vh.mesh(), element)

        ph = dl.TrialFunction(Qh)
        qh = dl.TestFunction(Qh)
        Mqh = dl.assemble(ph * qh * dl.dx(metadata=metadata))
        ones = dl.interpolate(dl.Constant(1.), Qh).vector()
        dMqh = Mqh * ones
        dMqh.set_local(ones.array() / np.sqrt(dMqh.array()))
        MixedM = dl.assemble(ph * test * dl.dx(metadata=metadata))
        self.sqrtM = MatMatMult(MixedM, Mqh)

        dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] = old_qr

        if dlversion() >= (2017, 1, 0):
                "representation"] = representation_old

        self.R = _BilaplacianR(self.A, self.Msolver)
        self.Rsolver = _BilaplacianRsolver(self.Asolver, self.M)

        rhs = dl.Vector()
        self.mean = dl.Vector()
        self.init_vector(rhs, 0)
        self.init_vector(self.mean, 0)

        MO.mult(m_true, rhs)
        self.Asolver.solve(self.mean, rhs)
Exemplo n.º 45
def mplot_expression(ax, f, mesh, **kwargs):
    # TODO: Can probably avoid creating the function space here by restructuring
    #       mplot_function a bit so it can handle Expression natively
    V = create_cg1_function_space(mesh, f.ufl_shape)
    g = dolfin.interpolate(f, V)
    return mplot_function(ax, g, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 46
def test1():
    Test whether SingleRegularization returns same output as
    underlying regularization
    mesh = dl.UnitSquareMesh(40, 40)
    Vm = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
    VmVm = createMixedFS(Vm, Vm)
    ab = dl.Function(VmVm)
    xab = dl.Function(VmVm)
    x = dl.Function(Vm)
    regul = LaplacianPrior({'Vm': Vm, 'gamma': 1e-4, 'beta': 1e-4})
    regula = LaplacianPrior({'Vm': Vm, 'gamma': 1e-4, 'beta': 1e-4})
    jointregula = SingleRegularization(regula, 'a')
    regulb = LaplacianPrior({'Vm': Vm, 'gamma': 1e-4, 'beta': 1e-4})
    jointregulb = SingleRegularization(regulb, 'b')

    for ii in range(4):
        #ab.vector()[:] = (ii+1.0)*np.random.randn(2*Vm.dim())
        ab = dl.interpolate(dl.Expression(('sin(nn*pi*x[0])*sin(nn*pi*x[1])',
        nn=ii+1, degree=10), VmVm)
        a, b = ab.split(deepcopy=True)

        print '\nTest a'
        costregul = regul.cost(a)
        costjoint = jointregula.costab(a, b)
        print 'cost={}, diff={}'.format(costregul,
                                        np.abs(costregul - costjoint))

        gradregul = regul.grad(a)
        gradjoint = jointregula.gradab(a, b)
        xab.vector().axpy(1.0, gradjoint)
        ga, gb = xab.split(deepcopy=True)
        gan = ga.vector().norm('l2')
        gbn = gb.vector().norm('l2')
        diffn = (gradregul - ga.vector()).norm('l2')
        print '|ga|={}, diff={}, |gb|={}'.format(gan, diffn, gbn)

        jointregula.assemble_hessianab(a, b)
        Hvregul = regul.hessian(a.vector())
        Hvjoint = jointregula.hessianab(a.vector(), b.vector())
        xab.vector().axpy(1.0, Hvjoint)
        Ha, Hb = xab.split(deepcopy=True)
        Han = Ha.vector().norm('l2')
        Hbn = Hb.vector().norm('l2')
        diffn = (Hvregul - Ha.vector()).norm('l2')
        print '|Ha|={}, diff={}, |Hb|={}'.format(Han, diffn, Hbn)

        solvera = regul.getprecond()
        solveraiter = solvera.solve(x.vector(), a.vector())
        solverab = jointregula.getprecond()
        solverabiter = solverab.solve(xab.vector(), ab.vector())
        xa, xb = xab.split(deepcopy=True)
        diffn = (x.vector() - xa.vector()).norm('l2')
        diffbn = (b.vector() - xb.vector()).norm('l2')
        xan = xa.vector().norm('l2')
        xbn = xb.vector().norm('l2')
        print '|xa|={}, diff={}'.format(xan, diffn)
        print '|xb|={}, diff={}'.format(xbn, diffbn)
        print 'iter={}, diff={}'.format(solveraiter,
                                        np.abs(solveraiter - solverabiter))

        print 'Test b'
        costregul = regul.cost(b)
        costjoint = jointregulb.costab(a, b)
        print 'cost={}, diff={}'.format(costregul,
                                        np.abs(costregul - costjoint))

        gradregul = regul.grad(b)
        gradjoint = jointregulb.gradab(a, b)
        xab.vector().axpy(1.0, gradjoint)
        ga, gb = xab.split(deepcopy=True)
        gan = ga.vector().norm('l2')
        gbn = gb.vector().norm('l2')
        diffn = (gradregul - gb.vector()).norm('l2')
        print '|gb|={}, diff={}, |ga|={}'.format(gbn, diffn, gan)

        jointregulb.assemble_hessianab(a, b)
        Hvregul = regul.hessian(b.vector())
        Hvjoint = jointregulb.hessianab(a.vector(), b.vector())
        xab.vector().axpy(1.0, Hvjoint)
        Ha, Hb = xab.split(deepcopy=True)
        Han = Ha.vector().norm('l2')
        Hbn = Hb.vector().norm('l2')
        diffn = (Hvregul - Hb.vector()).norm('l2')
        print '|Hb|={}, diff={}, |Ha|={}'.format(Hbn, diffn, Han)

        solverb = regul.getprecond()
        solverbiter = solverb.solve(x.vector(), b.vector())
        solverab = jointregulb.getprecond()
        solverabiter = solverab.solve(xab.vector(), ab.vector())
        xa, xb = xab.split(deepcopy=True)
        diffn = (x.vector() - xb.vector()).norm('l2')
        diffan = (a.vector() - xa.vector()).norm('l2')
        xan = xa.vector().norm('l2')
        xbn = xb.vector().norm('l2')
        print '|xb|={}, diff={}'.format(xbn, diffn)
        print '|xa|={}, diff={}'.format(xan, diffan)
        print 'iter={}, diff={}'.format(solverbiter,
                                        np.abs(solverbiter - solverabiter))
Exemplo n.º 47
def mplot_function(ax, f, **kwargs):
    mesh = f.function_space().mesh()
    gdim = mesh.geometry().dim()
    tdim = mesh.topology().dim()

    # Extract the function vector in a way that also works for
    # subfunctions
        fvec = f.vector()
    except RuntimeError:
        fspace = f.function_space()
            fspace = fspace.collapse()
        except RuntimeError:
        fvec = dolfin.interpolate(f, fspace).vector()

    if fvec.size() == mesh.num_cells():
        # DG0 cellwise function
        C = fvec.get_local(
        )  # NB! Assuming here dof ordering matching cell numbering
        if gdim == 2 and tdim == 2:
            return ax.tripcolor(mesh2triang(mesh), C, **kwargs)
        elif gdim == 3 and tdim == 2:  # surface in 3d
            # FIXME: Not tested, probably broken
            xy = mesh.coordinates()
            shade = kwargs.pop("shade", True)
            return ax.plot_trisurf(mesh2triang(mesh),
                                   xy[:, 2],
        elif gdim == 1 and tdim == 1:
            x = mesh.coordinates()[:, 0]
            nv = len(x)
            # Insert duplicate points to get piecewise constant plot
            xp = np.zeros(2 * nv - 2)
            xp[0] = x[0]
            xp[-1] = x[-1]
            xp[1:2 * nv - 3:2] = x[1:-1]
            xp[2:2 * nv - 2:2] = x[1:-1]
            Cp = np.zeros(len(xp))
            Cp[0:len(Cp) - 1:2] = C
            Cp[1:len(Cp):2] = C
            return ax.plot(xp, Cp, *kwargs)
        # elif tdim == 1:  # FIXME: Plot embedded line
            raise AttributeError(
                'Matplotlib plotting backend only supports 2D mesh for scalar functions.'

    elif f.value_rank() == 0:
        # Scalar function, interpolated to vertices
        # TODO: Handle DG1?
        C = f.compute_vertex_values(mesh)
        if gdim == 2 and tdim == 2:
            mode = kwargs.pop("mode", "contourf")
            if mode == "contourf":
                levels = kwargs.pop("levels", 40)
                return ax.tricontourf(mesh2triang(mesh), C, levels, **kwargs)
            elif mode == "color":
                shading = kwargs.pop("shading", "gouraud")
                return ax.tripcolor(mesh2triang(mesh),
            elif mode == "warp":
                from matplotlib import cm
                cmap = kwargs.pop("cmap", cm.jet)
                linewidths = kwargs.pop("linewidths", 0)
                return ax.plot_trisurf(mesh2triang(mesh),
            elif mode == "wireframe":
                return ax.triplot(mesh2triang(mesh), **kwargs)
            elif mode == "contour":
                return ax.tricontour(mesh2triang(mesh), C, **kwargs)
        elif gdim == 3 and tdim == 2:  # surface in 3d
            # FIXME: Not tested
            from matplotlib import cm
            cmap = kwargs.pop("cmap", cm.jet)
            return ax.plot_trisurf(mesh2triang(mesh), C, cmap=cmap, **kwargs)
        elif gdim == 3 and tdim == 3:
            # Volume
            # TODO: Isosurfaces?
            # Vertex point cloud
            X = [mesh.coordinates()[:, i] for i in range(gdim)]
            return ax.scatter(*X, c=C, **kwargs)
        elif gdim == 1 and tdim == 1:
            x = mesh.coordinates()[:, 0]

            p = ax.plot(x, C, **kwargs)

            # Setting limits for Line2D objects
            # Must be done after generating plot to avoid ignoring function
            # range if no vmin/vmax are supplied
            vmin = kwargs.pop("vmin", None)
            vmax = kwargs.pop("vmax", None)
            ax.set_ylim([vmin, vmax])

            return p
        # elif tdim == 1: # FIXME: Plot embedded line
            raise AttributeError(
                'Matplotlib plotting backend only supports 2D mesh for scalar functions.'

    elif f.value_rank() == 1:
        # Vector function, interpolated to vertices
        w0 = f.compute_vertex_values(mesh)
        nv = mesh.num_vertices()
        if len(w0) != gdim * nv:
            raise AttributeError(
                'Vector length must match geometric dimension.')
        X = mesh.coordinates()
        X = [X[:, i] for i in range(gdim)]
        U = [w0[i * nv:(i + 1) * nv] for i in range(gdim)]

        # Compute magnitude
        C = U[0]**2
        for i in range(1, gdim):
            C += U[i]**2
        C = np.sqrt(C)

        mode = kwargs.pop("mode", "glyphs")
        if mode == "glyphs":
            args = X + U + [C]
            if gdim == 3:
                length = kwargs.pop("length", 0.1)
                return ax.quiver(*args, length=length, **kwargs)
                return ax.quiver(*args, **kwargs)
        elif mode == "displacement":
            Xdef = [X[i] + U[i] for i in range(gdim)]
            import matplotlib.tri as tri
            if gdim == 2 and tdim == 2:
                # FIXME: Not tested
                triang = tri.Triangulation(Xdef[0], Xdef[1], mesh.cells())
                shading = kwargs.pop("shading", "flat")
                return ax.tripcolor(triang, C, shading=shading, **kwargs)
                # Return gracefully to make regression test pass without vtk
                cpp.warning('Matplotlib plotting backend does not support '
                            'displacement for %d in %d. Continuing without '
                            'plotting...' % (tdim, gdim))
Exemplo n.º 48
    #mesh = dl.UnitSquareMesh(nx, ny)
    nx = 100
    ny = 20
    mesh = dl.RectangleMesh(dl.Point(0, 0),dl.Point(8,0.5),nx,ny, "right")
    rank = dl.MPI.rank(mesh.mpi_comm())
    nproc = dl.MPI.size(mesh.mpi_comm())
    Vh2 = dl.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 1)
    Vh1 = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, 'Lagrange', 1)
    Vh = [Vh2, Vh1, Vh2]
    prior = BiLaplacianPrior(Vh[PARAMETER], gamma=4e-1, delta=1e-1)
    model = Elasticity(mesh, Vh, prior)
    m0 = dl.interpolate(dl.Expression("x[0] + 2.2", element=Vh[PARAMETER].ufl_element()), Vh[PARAMETER])
    modelVerify(model, m0.vector(), is_quadratic = False, verbose = (rank==0))

    m0 = dl.interpolate(dl.Constant(1.0),Vh[PARAMETER])
    parameters = ReducedSpaceNewtonCG_ParameterList()
    parameters["rel_tolerance"] = 1e-12
    parameters["abs_tolerance"] = 1e-12
    parameters["max_iter"]      = 50
    parameters["globalization"] = "LS"
    parameters["GN_iter"] = 6
    if rank != 0:
        parameters["print_level"] = -1
    solver = ReducedSpaceNewtonCG(model, parameters)

Exemplo n.º 49
def load_force_field():
    forces, mesh, meta = nanopores.load_vector_functions(FNAME)
    #mesh = forces["F"].function_space().mesh()
    return forces["F"], forces["Fel"], forces["Fdrag"], mesh

F, Fel, Fdrag, mesh = load_force_field()
geo, phys = Howorka.setup2D(mesh=mesh, z0=None, **PARAMS)
submesh = geo.submesh("fluid")

mesh = submesh
geo, phys = Howorka.setup2D(mesh=mesh, z0=None, **PARAMS)
V = dolfin.FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
VV = dolfin.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
F = dolfin.interpolate(F, VV)
Fel = dolfin.interpolate(Fel, VV)
Fdrag = dolfin.interpolate(Fdrag, VV)

v2d = dolfin.vertex_to_dof_map(V)
coord = mesh.coordinates() # numpy array of 2-1 arrays

def function_from_values(values):
    u = dolfin.Function(V)
    u.vector()[v2d] = numpy.array(values)
    return u    
def function_from_lambda(f):
    values = [f(x) for x in coord]
    return function_from_values(values)

N = 10. # number of molecules to diffuse
Exemplo n.º 50
    def __init__(self, Vh_STATE, Vhs, bcs0, datafile, dx=dl.dx):
        self.dx = dx
        x, y, U, V, uu, vv, ww, uv, k = np.loadtxt(datafile,
        u_fun_mean = VelocityDNS(x=x,
        u_fun_data = VelocityDNS(x=x,

        u_mean = dl.interpolate(u_fun_mean, Vhs[0])
        u_data = dl.interpolate(u_fun_data, Vhs[0])

        q_order = dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"]
        dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] = 6
        noise_var_u = dl.assemble(
            dl.inner(u_fun_data - u_mean, u_fun_data - u_mean) * self.dx,
        dl.parameters["form_compiler"]["quadrature_degree"] = q_order

        noise_var_u = 1.e-3
        mpi_comm = Vh_STATE.mesh().mpi_comm()
        rank = dl.MPI.rank(mpi_comm)
        if rank == 0:
            print "Noise Variance = {0}".format(noise_var_u)

        if Vh_STATE.num_sub_spaces() == 2:
            u_trial, p_trial = dl.TrialFunctions(Vh_STATE)
            u_test, p_test = dl.TestFunctions(Vh_STATE)
        elif Vh_STATE.num_sub_spaces() == 3:
            u_trial, p_trial, g_trial = dl.TrialFunctions(Vh_STATE)
            u_test, p_test, g_test = dl.TestFunctions(Vh_STATE)
            raise InputError()

        Wform = dl.Constant(1. / noise_var_u) * dl.inner(u_trial,
                                                         u_test) * self.dx

        self.W = dl.assemble(Wform)
        dummy = dl.Vector()
        self.W.init_vector(dummy, 0)
        [bc.zero(self.W) for bc in bcs0]
        Wt = Transpose(self.W)
        [bc.zero(Wt) for bc in bcs0]
        self.W = Transpose(Wt)

        xfun = dl.Function(Vh_STATE)
        assigner = dl.FunctionAssigner(Vh_STATE, Vhs)
        if Vh_STATE.num_sub_spaces() == 2:
            assigner.assign(xfun, [u_data, dl.Function(Vhs[1])])
        elif Vh_STATE.num_sub_spaces() == 3:
                [u_data, dl.Function(Vhs[1]),

        self.d = xfun.vector()
Exemplo n.º 51
geo = head.getCollection()
geo.add(nose, add_boundaries=False)
geo.add(eyes, add_boundaries=False)

filea = io.H5File('face', 'r')
print('a cell attributes:', filea.cell_attributes)
print('a facet attributes:', filea.facet_attributes)
domains = filea.read_attribute('domains')
boundaries = filea.read_attribute('boundaries')

space = dolfin.FunctionSpace(filea.mesh, 'CG', 1)
functiona = dolfin.interpolate(dolfin.Expression('x[0]', degree=1), space)
functionb = dolfin.interpolate(dolfin.Expression('x[0]*x[1]', degree=1), space)
vspace = dolfin.VectorFunctionSpace(filea.mesh, 'CG', 1)
vfunctiona = dolfin.interpolate(dolfin.Expression(('x[0]', '0'), degree=1),
vfunctionb = dolfin.interpolate(dolfin.Expression(('x[1]', '-x[0]'), degree=1),

fileb = io.H5File('face_copy', 'w')
fileb.add_attribute(domains, 'domains_copy')
fileb.add_attribute(boundaries, 'boundaries_copy')
fileb.add_function_group([functiona, functionb], 'scalars', scale_to_one=True)
fileb.add_function_group([vfunctiona, vfunctionb], 'vectors')
print('b cell attributes:', fileb.cell_attributes)
Exemplo n.º 52
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Average various files")
                        help="List of folders",
                        help="Sought fields")
    parser.add_argument("-t", "--time", type=float, default=0, help="Time")
    parser.add_argument("--show", action="store_true", help="Show")
                        help="Radial distance")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    tss = []
    for folder in args.list:
        ts = InterpolatedTimeSeries(folder, sought_fields=args.fields)
    Ntss = len(tss)

    all_fields_ = []
    for ts in tss:
    all_fields = list(set.intersection(*all_fields_))
    if args.fields is None:
        fields = all_fields
        fields = list(set.intersection(set(args.fields), set(all_fields)))

    f_in = []
    for ts in tss:

    # Using the first timeseries to define the spaces
    # Could be redone to e.g. a finer, structured mesh.
    # ref_mesh = tss[0].mesh
    ref_spaces = dict([(field, f.function_space())
                       for field, f in f_in[0].items()])

    if "psi" not in fields:
        exit("No psi")

    var_names = ["t", "s"]
    index_names = ["tt", "st", "ss"]
    index_numbers = [0, 1, 4]
    dim_names = ["x", "y", "z"]

    # Loading geometry
    rad_t = []
    rad_s = []
    g_ab = []
    gab = []
    for ts in tss:
        # Should compute these from the curvature tensor
            df.interpolate(df.Expression("x[0]", degree=2), ts.function_space))
            df.interpolate(df.Expression("x[1]", degree=2), ts.function_space))

        # g_loc = [ts.function(name) for name in ["gtt", "gst", "gss"]]
        # g_inv_loc = [ts.function(name) for name in ["g_tt", "g_st", "g_ss"]]

        gab_loc = dict([(idx, ts.function("g{}".format(idx)))
                        for idx in index_names])
        g_ab_loc = dict([(idx, ts.function("g_{}".format(idx)))
                         for idx in index_names])

        for idx, ij in zip(index_names, index_numbers):
            # for ij in range(3):
            # ts.set_val(g_loc[ij], ts.g[:, ij])
            # ts.set_val(g_inv_loc[ij], ts.g_inv[:, ij])
            ts.set_val(g_ab_loc[idx], ts.g_ab[:, ij])
            # Could compute the gab locally instead of loading
            ts.set_val(gab_loc[idx], ts.gab[:, ij])

        g_ab_loc["ts"] = g_ab_loc["st"]
        gab_loc["ts"] = gab_loc["st"]


    costheta = df.Function(ref_spaces["psi"], name="costheta")
    for its, (ts, g_ab_loc, gab_loc) in enumerate(zip(tss, g_ab, gab)):
        if args.time is not None:
            step, time = get_step_and_info(ts, args.time)
        g_ab_ = to_vector(g_ab_loc)
        gab_ = to_vector(gab_loc)

        ts.update(f_in[its]["psi"], "psi", step)
        psi = f_in[its]["psi"]
        psi_t = df.project(psi.dx(0), ts.function_space)
        psi_s = df.project(psi.dx(1), ts.function_space)

        gp_t = psi_t.vector().get_local()
        gp_s = psi_s.vector().get_local()
        # gtt, gst, gss = [g_ij.vector().get_local() for g_ij in g[its]]
        # g_tt, g_st, g_ss = [g_ij.vector().get_local() for g_ij in g_inv[its]]
        gtt = gab_["tt"]
        gst = gab_["ts"]
        gss = gab_["ss"]
        g_tt = g_ab_["tt"]
        g_st = g_ab_["ts"]
        g_ss = g_ab_["ss"]

        rht = rad_t[its].vector().get_local()
        rhs = rad_s[its].vector().get_local()
        rh_norm = np.sqrt(g_tt * rht**2 + g_ss * rhs**2 + 2 * g_st * rht * rhs)
        gp_norm = np.sqrt(gtt * gp_t**2 + gss * gp_s**2 +
                          2 * gst * gp_t * gp_s)

        costheta_loc = ts.function("costheta")
        # abs(cos(theta)):
        costheta_loc.vector()[:] = abs(
            (rht * gp_t + rhs * gp_s) / (rh_norm * gp_norm + 1e-8))
        # cos(theta)**2:
        #costheta_loc.vector()[:] = ((rht*gp_t + rhs*gp_s)/(rh_norm*gp_norm+1e-8))**2
        # sin(theta):
        #costheta_loc.vector()[:] = np.sin(np.arccos((rht*gp_t + rhs*gp_s)/(rh_norm*gp_norm+1e-8)))
        # sin(theta)**2:
        # costheta_loc.vector()[:] = np.sin(np.arccos((rht*gp_t + rhs*gp_s)/(rh_norm*gp_norm+1e-8)))**2
        # abs(theta):
        #costheta_loc.vector()[:] = abs(np.arccos((rht*gp_t + rhs*gp_s)/(rh_norm*gp_norm+1e-8)))

        costheta_intp = interpolate_nonmatching_mesh(costheta_loc,

        costheta.vector()[:] += costheta_intp.vector().get_local() / Ntss


    if args.show:
        JET = plt.get_cmap('jet')
        RYB = plt.get_cmap('RdYlBu')
        RYB_r = plt.get_cmap('RdYlBu_r')
        mgm = plt.get_cmap('magma')
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        fig.set_size_inches(4.7, 4.7)
        rc('text', usetex=True)
        rc('font', **{'family': 'serif', 'serif': ['Palatino']})
        # First, dump a hires PNG version of the data:
        plot = df.plot(costheta, cmap=mgm)
        mainfs = 10  # Fontsize
        titlefs = 12  # Fontsize
        #cbar = fig.colorbar(plot, ticks=[0, 0.5, 1], orientation='vertical')
        #cbar.ax.set_yticklabels(['Radial', 'Intermediate', 'Azimuthal'])
        #cbar = fig.colorbar(plot, ticks=[0, 0.5, 0.95], orientation='horizontal', fraction=0.046, pad=0.04)
        #cbar = fig.colorbar(plot, ticks=[0, 0.5, 0.995], orientation='horizontal', fraction=0.046, pad=0.04)
        cbar = fig.colorbar(plot,
                            ticks=[0, 0.5, 0.9995],
        cbar.ax.set_xticklabels(['Radial', 'Intermediate', 'Azimuthal'])
        #ax.set_title('Stripe orientation -- $\\cos^2(\\theta)$', fontsize=mainfs)
        #ax.set_title(r'Stripe orientation -- $\cos^2(\theta)$')
                 r'Stripe orientation -- $\left\vert\cos(\theta)\right\vert$',
        #ax.set_title('Stripe orientation', fontsize=mainfs)
        #plt.text(0.2, 0.2, '$\\textcolor{red}{\\mathbf{p}(u,w,\\xi)}=\\textcolor{blue}{\\tilde{\\mathbf{p}}(u,w)}  + \\xi \\tilde{\\mathbf{n}}(u,w)$', fontsize=mainfs)

    if args.radius is not None and args.radius > 0:
        Nr, Nphi = 256, 256
        r_lin = np.linspace(0., args.radius, Nr)
        phi_lin = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, Nphi, endpoint=False)
        R, Phi = np.meshgrid(r_lin, phi_lin)
        r = R.reshape((Nr * Nphi, 1))
        phi = Phi.reshape((Nr * Nphi, 1))

        xy = np.hstack((r * np.cos(phi), r * np.sin(phi)))

        pts = xy.flatten()
        probes = Probes(pts, ref_spaces["psi"])

        ct = probes.array()
        CT = ct.reshape(R.shape)

        g_r = CT.mean(axis=0)
        g_phi = CT.mean(axis=1)

        plt.plot(r_lin, g_r)

        plt.plot(phi_lin, g_phi)
Exemplo n.º 53
 def interpolate(self, f):
     Interpolate other ii_Function/ntuple of interpolable things into self.
     assert len(self) == len(f)
     [fi.assign(df.interpolate(f, fi.function_space())) for fi in self]
Exemplo n.º 54
    def __init__(self, fileName, timeEnd, timeStep, average=False):


        self.times = []
        self.BB = []
        self.HH = []
        self.TD = []
        self.TB = []
        self.TX = []
        self.TY = []
        self.TZ = []
        self.us = []
        self.ub = []

        ################           MESH          #################
        # TODO: Probably do not have to save then open mesh
        self.mesh = df.Mesh()
        self.inFile = fc.HDF5File(self.mesh.mpi_comm(), fileName, "r")
        self.inFile.read(self.mesh, "/mesh", False)

        #################  FUNCTION SPACES  #####################
        self.E_Q = df.FiniteElement("CG", self.mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
        self.Q = df.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, self.E_Q)
        self.E_V = df.MixedElement(self.E_Q, self.E_Q, self.E_Q)
        self.V = df.FunctionSpace(self.mesh, self.E_V)

        self.assigner_inv = fc.FunctionAssigner([self.Q, self.Q, self.Q], self.V)
        self.assigner = fc.FunctionAssigner(self.V, [self.Q, self.Q, self.Q])

        self.U = df.Function(self.V)
        self.dU = df.TrialFunction(self.V)
        self.Phi = df.TestFunction(self.V)
        self.u, self.u2, self.H = df.split(self.U)
        self.phi, self.phi1, self.xsi = df.split(self.Phi)

        self.un = df.Function(self.Q)
        self.u2n = df.Function(self.Q)

        self.zero_sol = df.Function(self.Q)

        self.Bhat = df.Function(self.Q)
        self.H0 = df.Function(self.Q)
        self.A = df.Function(self.Q)

        if average:
            self.inFile.read(self.Bhat.vector(), "/bedAvg", True)
            self.inFile.read(self.A.vector(), "/smbAvg", True)
            self.inFile.read(self.H0.vector(), "/thicknessAvg", True)
            self.inFile.read(self.Bhat.vector(), "/bed", True)
            self.inFile.read(self.A.vector(), "/smb", True)
            self.inFile.read(self.H0.vector(), "/thickness", True)

        self.Hmid = theta * self.H + (1 - theta) * self.H0

        self.B = softplus(self.Bhat, -rho / rho_w * self.Hmid, alpha=0.2)  # Is not the bed, it is the lower surface

        self.S = self.B + self.Hmid

        self.width = df.interpolate(Width(degree=2), self.Q)

        self.strs = Stresses(self.U, self.Hmid, self.H0, self.H, self.width, self.B, self.S, self.Phi)

        self.R = -(self.strs.tau_xx + self.strs.tau_xz + self.strs.tau_b + self.strs.tau_d + self.strs.tau_xy) * df.dx

        ########################  MASS CONSERVATION  ################################
        self.h = df.CellSize(self.mesh)
        self.D = self.h * abs(self.U[0]) / 2.
        self.area = self.Hmid * self.width

        self.mesh_min = self.mesh.coordinates().min()
        self.mesh_max = self.mesh.coordinates().max()

        # Define boundaries
        self.ocean = df.FacetFunctionSizet(self.mesh, 0)
        self.ds = fc.ds(subdomain_data=self.ocean)  # THIS DS IS FROM FENICS! border integral

        for f in df.facets(self.mesh):
            if df.near(f.midpoint().x(), self.mesh_max):
                self.ocean[f] = 1
            if df.near(f.midpoint().x(), self.mesh_min):
                self.ocean[f] = 2

        self.R += ((self.H - self.H0) / dt * self.xsi \
                   - self.xsi.dx(0) * self.U[0] * self.Hmid \
                   + self.D * self.xsi.dx(0) * self.Hmid.dx(0) \
                   - (self.A - self.U[0] * self.H / self.width * self.width.dx(0)) \
                   * self.xsi) * df.dx + self.U[0] * self.area * self.xsi * self.ds(1) \
                  - self.U[0] * self.area * self.xsi * self.ds(0)

        #########################  SOLVER SETUP   ###########################

        # Bounds
        self.l_thick_bound = df.project(Constant(thklim), self.Q)
        self.u_thick_bound = df.project(Constant(1e4), self.Q)

        self.l_v_bound = df.project(-10000.0, self.Q)
        self.u_v_bound = df.project(10000.0, self.Q)

        self.l_bound = df.Function(self.V)
        self.u_bound = df.Function(self.V)

        self.assigner.assign(self.l_bound, [self.l_v_bound] * 2 + [self.l_thick_bound])
        self.assigner.assign(self.u_bound, [self.u_v_bound] * 2 + [self.u_thick_bound])

        # This should set the velocity at the divide (left) to zero
        self.dbc0 = df.DirichletBC(self.V.sub(0), 0, lambda x, o: df.near(x[0], self.mesh_min) and o)
        # Set the velocity on the right terminus to zero
        self.dbc1 = df.DirichletBC(self.V.sub(0), 0, lambda x, o: df.near(x[0], self.mesh_max) and o)
        # overkill?
        self.dbc2 = df.DirichletBC(self.V.sub(1), 0, lambda x, o: df.near(x[0], self.mesh_max) and o)
        # set the thickness on the right edge to thklim
        self.dbc3 = df.DirichletBC(self.V.sub(2), thklim, lambda x, o: df.near(x[0], self.mesh_max) and o)

        # Define variational solver for the mass-momentum coupled problem
        self.J = df.derivative(self.R, self.U, self.dU)

        self.coupled_problem = df.NonlinearVariationalProblem(self.R, self.U, bcs=[self.dbc0, self.dbc1, self.dbc3], \

        self.coupled_problem.set_bounds(self.l_bound, self.u_bound)

        self.coupled_solver = df.NonlinearVariationalSolver(self.coupled_problem)

        # Acquire the optimizations in fenics_optimizations

        self.t = 0
        self.timeEnd = float(timeEnd)
        self.dtFloat = float(timeStep)

Exemplo n.º 55
def method(ts, time=None, step=0, show=False, save_fig=False, **kwargs):
    """ Compare to analytic reference expression at given timestep.
    This is done by importing the function "reference" in the problem module.
    info_cyan("Comparing to analytic reference at given time or step.")
    step, time = get_step_and_info(ts, time, step)
    parameters = ts.get_parameters(time=time)
    problem = parameters.get("problem", "intrusion_bulk")
        module = importlib.import_module("problems.{}".format(problem))
        reference = module.reference
        info_error("No analytic reference available.")
    ref_exprs = reference(t=time, **parameters)

    info("Comparing to analytic solution.")
    info_split("Problem:", "{}".format(problem))
    info_split("Time:", "{}".format(time))

    f = ts.functions(ref_exprs.keys())

    err = dict()
    f_int = dict()
    f_ref = dict()
    for field in ref_exprs.keys():
        el = f[field].function_space().ufl_element()
        degree = el.degree()
        if bool(el.value_size() != 1):
            W = df.VectorFunctionSpace(ts.mesh, "CG", degree + 3)
            W = df.FunctionSpace(ts.mesh, "CG", degree + 3)
        err[field] = df.Function(W)
        f_int[field] = df.Function(W)
        f_ref[field] = df.Function(W)

    for field, ref_expr in ref_exprs.items():
        ref_expr.t = time
        # Update numerical solution f
        ts.update(f[field], field, step)

        # Interpolate f to higher space
            df.interpolate(f[field], f_int[field].function_space()))

        # Interpolate f_ref to higher space
            df.interpolate(ref_expr, f_ref[field].function_space()))

        err[field].vector()[:] = (f_int[field].vector().get_local() -

        if show or save_fig:
            # Interpolate the error to low order space for visualisation.
            err_int = df.interpolate(err[field], f[field].function_space())
            err_arr = ts.nodal_values(err_int)
            label = "Error in " + field

            if rank == 0:
                save_fig_file = None
                if save_fig:
                    save_fig_file = os.path.join(
                        "error_{}_time{}_analytic.png".format(field, time))


    save_file = os.path.join(ts.analysis_folder,
    compute_norms(err, save=save_file)
Exemplo n.º 56
    rank = dl.MPI.rank(mesh.mpi_comm())
    nproc = dl.MPI.size(mesh.mpi_comm())
    if rank == 0:
        print( sep, "Set up the mesh and finite element spaces.\n","Compute wind velocity", sep )
    Vh = dl.FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 2)
    ndofs = Vh.dim()
    if rank == 0:
        print( "Number of dofs: {0}".format( ndofs ) )
    if rank == 0:
        print( sep, "Set up Prior Information and model", sep )
    ic_expr = dl.Expression('min(0.5,exp(-100*(pow(x[0]-0.35,2) +  pow(x[1]-0.7,2))))', element=Vh.ufl_element())
    true_initial_condition = dl.interpolate(ic_expr, Vh).vector()

    gamma = 1.
    delta = 8.
    prior = BiLaplacianPrior(Vh, gamma, delta, robin_bc=True)
    if rank == 0:
        print( "Prior regularization: (delta - gamma*Laplacian)^order: delta={0}, gamma={1}, order={2}".format(delta, gamma,2) )

    prior.mean = dl.interpolate(dl.Constant(0.25), Vh).vector()
    t_init         = 0.
    t_final        = 4.
    t_1            = 1.
    dt             = .1
Exemplo n.º 57
    expr_scalar = Expression("1+x[0]", degree=1)
    expr_vector = Expression(("1+x[0]", "x[1]-2"), degree=1)

    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(12,12)

    submesh = UnitSquareMesh(6,6)
    submesh.coordinates()[:] /= 2.0
    submesh.coordinates()[:] += 0.2

    Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
    V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)

    Q_sub = FunctionSpace(submesh, "CG", 1)
    V_sub = VectorFunctionSpace(submesh, "CG", 1)

    u = interpolate(expr_scalar, Q)
    v = interpolate(expr_vector, V)

    u_sub = interpolate(expr_scalar, Q_sub)
    v_sub = interpolate(expr_vector, V_sub)

    from fenicstools import interpolate_nonmatching_mesh
    u_sub2 = interpolate_nonmatching_mesh(u, Q_sub)
    v_sub2 = interpolate_nonmatching_mesh(v, V_sub)

    print errornorm(u_sub, u_sub2)
    print errornorm(v_sub, v_sub2)

Exemplo n.º 58
def test_interpolation_mismatch_rank1(W):
    f = Expression(("1.0", "1.0"), degree=0)
    with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
        interpolate(f, W)
Exemplo n.º 59
    x = [utrue, mtrue, None]
    pde.solveFwd(x[STATE], x, 1e-9)
    misfit.B.mult(x[STATE], misfit.d)
    rel_noise = 0.01
    MAX = misfit.d.norm("linf")
    noise_std_dev = rel_noise * MAX
    parRandom.normal_perturb(noise_std_dev, misfit.d)
    misfit.noise_variance = noise_std_dev * noise_std_dev

    model = Model(pde, prior, misfit)

    if rank == 0:
        print(sep, "Test the gradient and the Hessian of the model", sep)

    m0 = dl.interpolate(
        dl.Expression("sin(x[0])", element=Vh[PARAMETER].ufl_element()),
                verbose=(rank == 0))

    if rank == 0:
        print(sep, "Find the MAP point", sep)
    m = prior.mean.copy()
    parameters = ReducedSpaceNewtonCG_ParameterList()
    parameters["rel_tolerance"] = 1e-9
    parameters["abs_tolerance"] = 1e-12
    parameters["max_iter"] = 25
    parameters["inner_rel_tolerance"] = 1e-15
Exemplo n.º 60
d = 4  # FE order

# Get mesh and function space (CG or DG)
mesh = df.UnitIntervalMesh(N)
V = df.FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", d)
# V = df.FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", d)

# Build mass matrix
u = df.TrialFunction(V)
v = df.TestFunction(V)
a_M = u * v * df.dx
M = df.assemble(a_M)

# Create vector with sine function
u0 = df.Expression('sin(k*pi*x[0])', pi=np.pi, k=k, degree=d)
w = df.interpolate(u0, V)

# Apply mass matrix to this vector
Mw = df.Function(V)
M.mult(w.vector(), Mw.vector())

# Do FFT to get the frequencies
fw = np.fft.fft(w.vector()[:])
fMw = np.fft.fft(Mw.vector()[:])
# Shift to have zero frequency in the middle of the plot
fw2 = np.fft.fftshift(fw)
fMw2 = np.fft.fftshift(fMw)

fw2 /= np.amax(abs(fw2))
fMw2 /= np.amax(abs(fMw2))