Exemplo n.º 1
def convert_files_at_path(path):
    for in_file in os.listdir(path):
        file_path, file_extension = os.path.splitext(in_file)
        if file_extension == ".msh":
            in_file = path + in_file
            out_file = path + file_path + ".xml"
            if os.path.isfile(out_file):
                print path + out_file + " already exists!"
                gmsh2xml(in_file, out_file)

            if os.path.isfile(in_file):
                    print "Could not remove " + str(
                        in_file) + " due to unexpected error:", sys.exc_info(
Exemplo n.º 2
def airfoil(i_angle, i_nodes, i_levels):
	angle = str(i_angle)
	nodes = str(i_nodes)
	levels = str(i_levels)

	call("sudo rm msh/*", shell=True)
	call("sudo rm geo/*", shell=True)
	results = []

	print "Generate mesh files for angle " + angle
	check_call("./run.sh " + angle + " " + angle +" 1 " + nodes + " " + levels , shell=True)

	print "Converting the generated mesh files to xml"
	msh_files = glob.glob('msh/r*a' + angle + 'n*.msh')
	for msh in msh_files:
		gmsh2xml(msh, msh[:-3] + 'xml')
		print "Finished convert " + msh
		#check_call("sudo rm " + msh, shell=True)
		#print "Deleted mesh: " + msh
		#check_call("sudo rm geo/" + msh[6:-3] + 'geo' , shell=True)
		#print "Deleted geo: geo/" + msh[6:-3] + 'geo'

	print "Run airfiol on every xml file"
	xml_files = glob.glob('msh/r*a' + angle + 'n*.xml')
	for xml in xml_files:
			check_call("sudo ./navier_stokes_solver/airfoil 10 0.0001 10. 0.2 ./" + xml, shell=True)
			check_call("sudo rm " + xml, shell=True)
			print "Deleted xml: " + xml
			with open("results/drag_ligt.m", 'r') as f:
				result = f.read()
			results.append({'name':xml[4:-4], 'data':result})

		except CalledProcessError as e:
			print e.returncode

	return results
Exemplo n.º 3
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Converts one or more msh files to xml files.
# Using dolfin-convert.py by Anders Logg for file conversion.
# def gmsh2xml ( ifilename, ofilename ):
from dolfin_convert import gmsh2xml
from os import listdir
import os

path = '../naca_airfoil/msh/'

for in_file in listdir(path):
	file_path, file_extension = os.path.splitext(in_file)
	if file_extension == ".msh":
		in_file = path+in_file
		out_file = path+file_path+".xml"
		if os.path.isfile(out_file):
			print path+out_file + " already exists!"
	 	gmsh2xml(in_file, out_file)
Exemplo n.º 4
def convertFile(angle, n_nodes, n_levels, num_samples, visc, speed, T):
	# Creating names and output place
	FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')
	mshFileName = "r" + n_levels + "a" + str(angle) + "n" + n_nodes + ".msh"
	fileNameWithoutExtension = os.path.splitext(mshFileName)[0]
	xmlFileName = fileNameWithoutExtension + ".xml"
	currentFolderLocation = "/home/ubuntu/molnProject/" + fileNameWithoutExtension + "/"
	mshFileLocation = "/home/ubuntu/molnProject/" + fileNameWithoutExtension + "/msh/"
	# Remove folder if exists
	content = sorted(os.listdir("/home/ubuntu/molnProject/"))
	if fileNameWithoutExtension in content:
		print "Folder exists!!! Remove!!"
		os.system("sudo rm -rf " + fileNameWithoutExtension + "*")
	# Create layout for task
	print "Started to process file: " + str(mshFileName)
	print "Copying and creating files and directorys"
	subprocess.check_call(["mkdir", fileNameWithoutExtension])
	subprocess.check_call(['chmod', '-R', '777', fileNameWithoutExtension])
	subprocess.check_call(["cp", "-a", "run.sh", fileNameWithoutExtension])
	subprocess.check_call(["cp", "-a", "naca2gmsh_geo.py", fileNameWithoutExtension])
	subprocess.check_call(["cp", "-a", "airfoil", fileNameWithoutExtension])
	subprocess.check_call(["mkdir", "msh"], cwd=fileNameWithoutExtension+"/")
	subprocess.check_call(["mkdir", "geo"], cwd=fileNameWithoutExtension+"/")
	subprocess.check_call(['chmod', '-R', '777', fileNameWithoutExtension+"/msh"])
	# Running run.sh
	print "Running run.sh..."
		["sudo", "./run.sh", str(angle), str(angle), "1", n_nodes, n_levels], 
	# Running dolfin-convert
	print "Running dolfin-convert..."
	#subprocess.check_call(["sudo","dolfin-convert", "msh/"+mshFileName, xmlFileName], cwd=fileNameWithoutExtension+"/", stdout=FNULL, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
	gmsh2xml(mshFileLocation + mshFileName, currentFolderLocation + xmlFileName)
	# Run airfoil on file 
	print "Running airfoil..."
	num = str(num_samples)
	visc_s = str(visc)
	speed_s = str(speed)
	T_s = str(T)
		["sudo","./airfoil", num, visc_s, speed_s, T_s, xmlFileName], 
	# Extracting information from frag_ligt.m 
	print "Getting drag_ligt.m to lists"
	resultLists = readFile("/home/ubuntu/molnProject/" +fileNameWithoutExtension+"/results/drag_ligt.m")
	pictureName = fileNameWithoutExtension + "Num" + num + "Visc" + visc_s + "Speed" + speed_s + "T" + T_s + ".png"
	dbName = fileNameWithoutExtension + "Num" + num + "Visc" + visc_s + "Speed" + speed_s + "T" + T_s
	# Ploting the values and puting them in container 
	print "Plot the values"
	plot_file(pictureName, resultLists)
	pictureFile = open(pictureName, "r")
	print "Sending png to container"
	object_id = conn.put_object(bucket_name, pictureName, pictureFile)
	os.system("sudo rm -rf " + fileNameWithoutExtension + "*")
	return (dbName)
Exemplo n.º 5
def convertToXML(i):
	meshes = glob.glob("msh/r*a" + str(i) + "n*.msh")
	for fn in meshes:
		gmsh2xml(fn, fn[:-3] + "xml")