Exemplo n.º 1
class ProcessSpec(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.a_client = Node()
        self.the_company = Node()
        self.a_process = Process(self.the_company, self.a_client)
        self.a_processing_unit = Node()
        self.a_movement = Movement(self.a_processing_unit,

    def it_inserts_a_movement(self):
        #should not work
        non_movement = "I am not a Movement"
        (self.a_process.insert_movement, 'Ops!',
         non_movement) | should | throw(ContractError)
        #test doubles won't work given type checking rules, using classic
        self.a_process.insert_movement('A movement', self.a_movement)
        self.a_process.movements | should | contain('A movement')

    def it_inserts_a_node(self):
        #should not work
        non_node = "I am not a Node"
        (self.a_process.insert_node, 'Ops!',
         non_node) | should | throw(ContractError)
        #test doubles won't work given type checking rules, using classic
        self.a_process.insert_node('A company processing unit',
        self.a_process.nodes | should | contain('A company processing unit')
Exemplo n.º 2
class ProcessSpec(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.a_client = Node()
        self.the_company = Node()
        self.a_process = Process()

    def it_inserts_a_movement(self):
        #should not work
        non_movement = "I am not a Movement"
        (self.a_process.insert_movement, 'Ops!',non_movement) |should| throw(AssociationError)
        #test doubles won't work given type checking rules
        a_movement = Movement()
        self.a_process.insert_movement('A movement', a_movement)
        self.a_process.movements |should| contain('A movement')

    def it_inserts_a_subprocess(self):
        a_subprocess = Process()
        self.a_process.insert_movement('A subprocess', a_subprocess)

    def an_activity(self):
        Represents an activity of a workflow engine.
        A business decorator's method will be attributed to this activity,
        making the activity a proxy to the decorator's method.

    def it_configures_a_movement_as_an_activity_logger(self):
        logger = self.a_process.configure_activity_logger(self.the_company, self.a_client, self.an_activity, FakeDecorator.do_something)
        logger.source |should| be(self.the_company)
        logger.destination |should| be(self.a_client)
        logger.activity |should| equal_to(self.an_activity)
        logger.activity_associated_method |should| equal_to(FakeDecorator.do_something)
        self.a_process.movements |should| include(self.an_activity.__name__)

    def it_runs_an_activity_through_a_preconfigured_activity_logger(self):
        logger = self.a_process.configure_activity_logger(self.the_company, self.a_client, self.an_activity, FakeDecorator.do_something)
        a_decorator = FakeDecorator()
        logger.context = self.a_process.run_activity(logger, a_decorator, 100, 200)
        logger.context['actor'] |should| be(a_decorator)
        logger.context['arguments'] |should| equal_to([100,200])
        logger.context['result'] |should| equal_to(300)
Exemplo n.º 3
class ProcessSpec(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.a_client = Node()
        self.the_company = Node()
        self.a_process = Process(self.the_company, self.a_client)
        self.a_processing_unit = Node()
        self.a_movement = Movement(self.a_processing_unit, self.a_processing_unit)

    def it_inserts_a_movement(self):
        # should not work
        non_movement = "I am not a Movement"
        (self.a_process.insert_movement, "Ops!", non_movement) | should | throw(ContractError)
        # test doubles won't work given type checking rules, using classic
        self.a_process.insert_movement("A movement", self.a_movement)
        self.a_process.movements | should | contain("A movement")

    def it_inserts_a_node(self):
        # should not work
        non_node = "I am not a Node"
        (self.a_process.insert_node, "Ops!", non_node) | should | throw(ContractError)
        # test doubles won't work given type checking rules, using classic
        self.a_process.insert_node("A company processing unit", self.a_processing_unit)
        self.a_process.nodes | should | contain("A company processing unit")