Exemplo n.º 1
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    shallow_shore = lake_room.LakeRoom_underwater('shallow shore', roomPath, 'domains.school.elementQuest.lake_sw')
    shallow_shore.set_description('shallow shore', 'You find yourself in a shallow shoreline of the lake. The ground is covered with fine sand, and there are a few fish. You see something dark to the north but are not sure what it is.')
    shallow_shore.add_exit('north', 'domains.school.elementQuest.statue')
    shallow_shore.add_exit('east', 'domains.school.elementQuest.rusty_can')
    fish = gametools.clone('domains.school.elementQuest.fish')
    return shallow_shore
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    seaweed_forest = lake_room.LakeRoom_underwater(
        'seaweed forest', roomPath, 'domains.school.elementQuest.lake_nw')
        'seaweed forest',
        'You find yourself in a dense forest of seaweed. It so thick you have trouble looking around it.'
    seaweed_forest.add_exit('south', 'domains.school.elementQuest.statue')
    seaweed_forest.add_exit('east', 'domains.school.elementQuest.oysters')

    return seaweed_forest
Exemplo n.º 3
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    inflow = lake_room.LakeRoom_underwater(
        'inflow', roomPath, 'domains.school.elementQuest.lake_se')
        'stream inflow',
        'Here, the bottom of the lake is covered with a thick mud. A stream gurgles into the lake from the southeast.'
    inflow.add_exit('west', 'domains.school.elementQuest.rusty_can')
    inflow.add_exit('north', 'domains.school.elementQuest.doorway')

    return inflow
Exemplo n.º 4
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    course_sand = lake_room.LakeRoom_underwater(
        'course sand', roomPath, 'domains.school.elementQuest.lake_ne')
        'course sand',
        'Here, the bottom of the lake is empty, except for a coating of course sand.'
    course_sand.add_exit('west', 'domains.school.elementQuest.oysters')
    course_sand.add_exit('south', 'domains.school.elementQuest.doorway')

    return course_sand
Exemplo n.º 5
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    deep_depths = lake_room.LakeRoom_underwater(
        'deep depths', roomPath, 'domains.school.elementQuest.lake_center')
        'deep depths',
        'This is the deepest part of the lake. You can barely make out the bottom.'
    deep_depths.add_exit('north', 'domains.school.elementQuest.oysters')
    deep_depths.add_exit('east', 'domains.school.elementQuest.doorway')
    deep_depths.add_exit('south', 'domains.school.elementQuest.rusty_can')
    deep_depths.add_exit('west', 'domains.school.elementQuest.statue')

    return deep_depths
Exemplo n.º 6
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    coral_room = lake_room.LakeRoom_underwater(
        'coral-filled room', roomPath, 'domains.school.elementQuest.lake_e')
        'coral-filled room',
        'This part of the lake has a small amount of coral growing. To the east you see a stone doorway.'
    coral_room.add_exit('west', 'domains.school.elementQuest.deep_depths')
    coral_room.add_exit('north', 'domains.school.elementQuest.course_sand')
    coral_room.add_exit('south', 'domains.school.elementQuest.inflow')

    coral_room.insert(Doorway(), True)

    return coral_room
Exemplo n.º 7
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    smooth_sand = lake_room.LakeRoom_underwater(
        'smooth sand', roomPath, 'domains.school.elementQuest.lake_s')
        'smooth sand',
        'You find yourself surrounded by a coating of smooth sand. A rusty canister sits to one side.'
    smooth_sand.add_exit('west', 'domains.school.elementQuest.shallow_shore')
    smooth_sand.add_exit('north', 'domains.school.elementQuest.deep_depths')
    smooth_sand.add_exit('east', 'domains.school.elementQuest.inflow')

    rusty_can = gametools.clone('domains.school.elementQuest.rusty_can_obj')
    smooth_sand.insert(rusty_can, True)

    return smooth_sand
Exemplo n.º 8
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    r = lake_room.LakeRoom_underwater('statueroom', roomPath,
        'pebble-floored room',
        'This pebble-floored room has a large statue in the center of it. ')

    obj = Statue(
        'statue', 'statue',
        'This giant stone statue solemnly stands in the middle of the room. It is missing a pearl in its left eye. '
    obj.add_adjectives('giant', 'stone')

    return r
Exemplo n.º 9
def load():
    roomPath = gametools.findGamePath(__file__)
    exists = room.check_loaded(roomPath)
    if exists: return exists

    oysters_room = lake_room.LakeRoom_underwater(
        'oysters', roomPath, 'domains.school.elementQuest.lake_n')
        'bed of oysters',
        'You find yourself by a huge bed of oysters. From a few oysters you can barely make out the shimmer of a pearl.'
    oysters_room.add_exit('west', 'domains.school.elementQuest.seaweed_forest')
    oysters_room.add_exit('east', 'domains.school.elementQuest.course_sand')
    oysters_room.add_exit('south', 'domains.school.elementQuest.deep_depths')

    for i in range(0, 5):
        oyster = gametools.clone('domains.school.elementQuest.oyster')
        oyster.move_to(oysters_room, True)

    return oysters_room