Exemplo n.º 1
def check():
    """Ensure the server exists."""
    log.info("checking for a server...")
    if settings.SERVER_HOST is None:
        log.info("no server in use")
    if not settings.SERVER_HOST:
        raise DoorstopError("no server specified")
    if not exists():
        raise DoorstopError("unknown server: {}".format(settings.SERVER_HOST))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def new(tree,
            auto=None):  # pylint: disable=R0913,C0301
        """Create a new document.

        :param tree: reference to tree that contains this document

        :param path: path to directory for the new document
        :param root: path to root of the project
        :param prefix: prefix for the new document

        :param sep: separator between prefix and numbers
        :param digits: number of digits for the new document
        :param parent: parent UID for the new document
        :param auto: automatically save the document

        :raises: :class:`~doorstop.common.DoorstopError` if the document
            already exists

        :return: new :class:`~doorstop.core.document.Document`

        # Check separator
        if sep and sep not in settings.SEP_CHARS:
            raise DoorstopError("invalid UID separator '{}'".format(sep))

        config = os.path.join(path, Document.CONFIG)

        # Check for an existing document
        if os.path.exists(config):
            raise DoorstopError("document already exists: {}".format(path))

        # Create the document directory
        Document._create(config, name='document')

        # Initialize the document
        document = Document(path, root=root, tree=tree, auto=False)
        document.prefix = (  # type: ignore
            prefix if prefix is not None else document.prefix)
        document.sep = sep if sep is not None else document.sep  # type: ignore
        document.digits = (  # type: ignore
            digits if digits is not None else document.digits)
        document.parent = (  # type: ignore
            parent if parent is not None else document.parent)
        if auto or (auto is None and Document.auto):

        # Return the document
        return document
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _place(self, document):
        """Attempt to place the document in the current tree.

        :param document: :class:`doorstop.core.document.Document` to add

        :raises: :class:`~doorstop.common.DoorstopError` if the document
            cannot yet be placed

        log.debug("trying to add {}...".format(document))
        if not self.document:  # tree is empty

            if document.parent:
                msg = "unknown parent for {}: {}".format(
                    document, document.parent)
                raise DoorstopError(msg)
            self.document = document

        elif document.parent:  # tree has documents, document has parent

            if document.parent.lower() == self.document.prefix.lower():

                # Current document is the parent
                node = Tree(document, self)


                # Search for the parent
                for child in self.children:
                        child._place(document)  # pylint: disable=W0212
                    except DoorstopError:
                        pass  # the error is raised later
                    msg = "unknown parent for {}: {}".format(
                        document, document.parent)
                    raise DoorstopError(msg)

        else:  # tree has documents, but no parent specified for document

            msg = "no parent specified for {}".format(document)
            prefixes = ', '.join(document.prefix for document in self)
            log.info("parent options: {}".format(prefixes))
            raise DoorstopError(msg)

        for document2 in self:
            children = self._get_prefix_of_children(document2)
            document2.children = children
Exemplo n.º 4
    def from_list(documents, root=None):
        """Initialize a new tree from a list of documents.

        :param documents: list of :class:`~doorstop.core.document.Document`
        :param root: path to root of the project

        :raises: :class:`~doorstop.common.DoorstopError` when the tree
            cannot be built

        :return: new :class:`~doorstop.core.tree.Tree`

        if not documents:
            return Tree(document=None, root=root)
        unplaced = list(documents)
        for document in list(unplaced):
            if document.parent is None:
                log.info("root of the tree: {}".format(document))
                tree = Tree(document)
                document.tree = tree
            raise DoorstopError("no root document")

        while unplaced:
            count = len(unplaced)
            for document in list(unplaced):
                if document.parent is None:
                    log.info("root of the tree: {}".format(document))
                    message = "multiple root documents:\n- {}: {}\n- {}: {}".format(
                    raise DoorstopError(message)
                    tree._place(document)  # pylint: disable=W0212
                except DoorstopError as error:
                    log.info("added to tree: {}".format(document))
                    document.tree = tree

            if len(unplaced) == count:  # no more documents could be placed
                log.debug("unplaced documents: {}".format(unplaced))
                msg = "unplaced document: {}".format(unplaced[0])
                raise DoorstopError(msg)

        return tree
Exemplo n.º 5
    def find_document(self, value):
        """Get a document by its prefix.

        :param value: document or prefix

        :raises: :class:`~doorstop.common.DoorstopError` if the document
            cannot be found

        :return: matching :class:`~doorstop.core.document.Document`

        prefix = Prefix(value)
        log.debug("looking for document '{}'...".format(prefix))
            document = self._document_cache[prefix]
            if document:
                log.trace("found cached document: {}".format(document))
                return document
                log.trace("found cached unknown: {}".format(prefix))
        except KeyError:
            for document in self:
                if document.prefix == prefix:
                    log.trace("found document: {}".format(document))
                    if settings.CACHE_DOCUMENTS:
                        self._document_cache[prefix] = document
                        log.trace("cached document: {}".format(document))
                    return document
            log.debug("could not find document: {}".format(prefix))
            if settings.CACHE_DOCUMENTS:
                self._document_cache[prefix] = None
                log.trace("cached unknown: {}".format(prefix))

        raise DoorstopError(Prefix.UNKNOWN_MESSGE.format(prefix))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _get_issues_document(self, document, skip):
        """Yield all the item's issues against its document."""
        log.debug("getting issues against document...")

        if document in skip:
            log.debug("skipping issues against document %s...", document)

        # Verify an item's UID matches its document's prefix
        if self.prefix != document.prefix:
            msg = "prefix differs from document ({})".format(document.prefix)
            yield DoorstopInfo(msg)

        # Verify an item has upward links
        if all((document.parent, self.normative,
                not self.derived)) and not self.links:
            msg = "no links to parent document: {}".format(document.parent)
            yield DoorstopWarning(msg)

        # Verify an item's links are to the correct parent
        for uid in self.links:
                prefix = uid.prefix
            except DoorstopError:
                msg = "invalid UID in links: {}".format(uid)
                yield DoorstopError(msg)
                if document.parent and prefix != document.parent:
                    # this is only 'info' because a document is allowed
                    # to contain items with a different prefix, but
                    # Doorstop will not create items like this
                    msg = "parent is '{}', but linked to: {}".format(
                        document.parent, uid)
                    yield DoorstopInfo(msg)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def split_uid(value):
        """Split an item's UID string into a prefix, number, name, and exception.

        >>> UID.split_uid('ABC00123')
        (Prefix('ABC'), 123, '', None)

        >>> UID.split_uid('ABC.HLR_01-00123')
        (Prefix('ABC.HLR_01'), 123, '', None)

        >>> UID.split_uid('REQ2-001')
        (Prefix('REQ2'), 1, '', None)

        >>> UID.split_uid('REQ2-NAME')
        (Prefix('REQ2'), -1, 'NAME', None)

        >>> UID.split_uid('REQ2-NAME007')
        (Prefix('REQ2'), -1, 'NAME007', None)

        >>> UID.split_uid('REQ2-123NAME')
        (Prefix('REQ2'), -1, '123NAME', None)

        m = re.match("([\\w.-]+)[" + settings.SEP_CHARS + "](\\w+)", value)
        if m:
                num = int(m.group(2))
                return Prefix(m.group(1)), num, '', None
            except ValueError:
                return Prefix(m.group(1)), -1, m.group(2), None
        m = re.match(r"([\w.-]*\D)(\d+)", value)
        if m:
            num = m.group(2)
            return Prefix(m.group(1).rstrip(
                settings.SEP_CHARS)), int(num), '', None
        return None, None, None, DoorstopError("invalid UID: {}".format(value))
Exemplo n.º 8
 def _get_issues_tree(self, tree):
     """Yield all the item's issues against its tree."""
     log.debug("getting issues against tree...")
     # Verify an item's links are valid
     identifiers = set()
     for uid in self.links:
             item = tree.find_item(uid)
         except DoorstopError:
             identifiers.add(uid)  # keep the invalid UID
             msg = "linked to unknown item: {}".format(uid)
             yield DoorstopError(msg)
             # check the linked item
             if not item.active:
                 msg = "linked to inactive item: {}".format(item)
                 yield DoorstopInfo(msg)
             if not item.normative:
                 msg = "linked to non-normative item: {}".format(item)
                 yield DoorstopWarning(msg)
             # check the link status
             if uid.stamp == Stamp(True):
                 uid.stamp = item.stamp()  # convert True to a stamp
             elif uid.stamp != item.stamp():
                 if settings.CHECK_SUSPECT_LINKS:
                     msg = "suspect link: {}".format(item)
                     yield DoorstopWarning(msg)
             # reformat the item's UID
             identifier2 = UID(item.uid, stamp=uid.stamp)
     # Apply the reformatted item UIDs
     if settings.REFORMAT:
         self._data['links'] = identifiers
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, path, root=os.getcwd(), **kwargs):
        """Initialize a document from an exiting directory.

        :param path: path to document directory
        :param root: path to root of project

        # Ensure the directory is valid
        if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, Document.CONFIG)):
            relpath = os.path.relpath(path, root)
            msg = "no {} in {}".format(Document.CONFIG, relpath)
            raise DoorstopError(msg)
        # Initialize the document
        self.path = path
        self.root = root
        self.tree = kwargs.get('tree')
        self.auto = kwargs.get('auto', Document.auto)
        # Set default values
        self._data['prefix'] = Document.DEFAULT_PREFIX
        self._data['sep'] = Document.DEFAULT_SEP
        self._data['digits'] = Document.DEFAULT_DIGITS
        self._data['parent'] = None  # the root document does not have a parent
        self._items = []
        self._itered = False
        self.children = []
Exemplo n.º 10
    def find_ref(self, skip=None, root=None, ignored=None):
        """Get the external file reference and line number.

        :param skip: function to determine if a path is ignored
        :param root: override path to the working copy (for testing)
        :param ignored: override VCS ignore function (for testing)

        :raises: :class:`~doorstop.common.DoorstopError` when no
            reference is found

        :return: relative path to file or None (when no reference
            line number (when found in file) or None (when found as
            filename) or None (when no reference set)

        root = root or self.root
        ignored = ignored or \
            self.tree.vcs.ignored if self.tree else (lambda _: False)
        # Return immediately if no external reference
        if not self.ref:
            log.debug("no external reference to search for")
            return None, None
        # Search for the external reference
        log.debug("seraching for ref '{}'...".format(self.ref))
        pattern = r"(\b|\W){}(\b|\W)".format(re.escape(self.ref))
        log.debug("regex: {}".format(pattern))
        regex = re.compile(pattern)
        log.debug("search path: {}".format(root))
        for root, _, filenames in os.walk(root):
            for filename in filenames:  # pragma: no cover (integration test)
                path = os.path.join(root, filename)
                relpath = os.path.relpath(path, self.root)
                # Skip the item's file while searching
                if path == self.path:
                # Skip hidden directories
                if os.path.sep + '.' in path:
                # Skip ignored paths
                if ignored(path) or (skip and skip(path)):
                # Check for a matching filename
                if filename == self.ref:
                    return relpath, None
                # Skip extensions that should not be considered text
                if os.path.splitext(filename)[-1] in settings.SKIP_EXTS:
                # Search for the reference in the file
                    with open(path, 'r') as external:
                        for index, line in enumerate(external):
                            if regex.search(line):
                                log.debug("found ref: {}".format(relpath))
                                return relpath, index + 1
                except UnicodeDecodeError:
        msg = "external reference not found: {}".format(self.ref)
        raise DoorstopError(msg)
Exemplo n.º 11
 def __new__(cls, value=""):
     if isinstance(value, Prefix):
         return value
         if str(value).lower() in settings.RESERVED_WORDS:
             raise DoorstopError("cannot use reserved word: %s" % value)
         obj = super().__new__(cls, Prefix.load_prefix(value))
         return obj
Exemplo n.º 12
def launch(path, tool=None):  # pragma: no cover (integration test)
    """Open a file using the default editor.

    :param path: path of file to open
    :param tool: path of alternate editor

    :raises: :class:`~doorstop.common.DoorstopError` no default editor
        or editor unavailable

    :return: launched process if long-running, else None

    # Determine how to launch the editor
    if tool:
        args = [tool, path]
    elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
        args = ['open', path]
    elif os.name == 'nt':
        cygstart = find_executable('cygstart')
        if cygstart:
            args = [cygstart, path]
            args = ['start', path]
    elif os.name == 'posix':
        args = ['xdg-open', path]

    # Launch the editor
        log.info("opening '{}'...".format(path))
        process = _call(args)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        raise DoorstopError("editor not found: {}".format(args[0]))

    # Wait for the editor to launch
    if process.poll() is None:
        log.debug("process is running...")
        log.debug("process exited: {}".format(process.returncode))
        if process.returncode != 0:
            raise DoorstopError("no default editor for: {}".format(path))

    # Return the process if it's still running
    if process.returncode is None:
        return process
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_validate_invalid_ref(self):
     """Verify an invalid reference fails validity."""
     with patch(
             Mock(side_effect=DoorstopError("test invalid ref")),
         with ListLogHandler(core.base.log) as handler:
             self.assertIn("test invalid ref", handler.records)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def mock_find_item(uid):
     """Return a mock item and store it."""
     if uid == 'bb':
         mock_item = self.document.add_item(level=Level('3.2'), uid=uid)
     elif uid == 'new':
         raise DoorstopError("unknown UID: bab")
         mock_item = self.document.add_item(uid=uid)
     return mock_item
Exemplo n.º 15
 def mock_find_item(uid):
     """Return a mock item and store it."""
     mock_item = MagicMock()
     if uid == 'bb':
         mock_item.level = Level('3.2')
     elif uid == 'bab':
         raise DoorstopError("unknown UID: bab")
     mock_item.uid = uid
     return mock_item
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, document, path, root=os.getcwd(), **kwargs):
        """Initialize an item from an existing file.

        :param path: path to Item file
        :param root: path to root of project

        # Ensure the path is valid
        if not os.path.isfile(path):
            raise DoorstopError("item does not exist: {}".format(path))
        # Ensure the filename is valid
        filename = os.path.basename(path)
        name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
        except DoorstopError:
            msg = "invalid item filename: {}".format(filename)
            raise DoorstopError(msg) from None
        # Ensure the file extension is valid
        if ext.lower() not in self.EXTENSIONS:
            msg = "'{0}' extension not in {1}".format(path, self.EXTENSIONS)
            raise DoorstopError(msg)
        # Initialize the item
        self.path = path
        self.root: str = root
        self.document = document
        self.tree = kwargs.get('tree')
        self.auto = kwargs.get('auto', Item.auto)
        self.reference_finder = ReferenceFinder()
        self.yaml_validator = YamlValidator()
        # Set default values
        self._data['level'] = Item.DEFAULT_LEVEL
        self._data['active'] = Item.DEFAULT_ACTIVE
        self._data['normative'] = Item.DEFAULT_NORMATIVE
        self._data['derived'] = Item.DEFAULT_DERIVED
        self._data['reviewed'] = Item.DEFAULT_REVIEWED
        self._data['text'] = Item.DEFAULT_TEXT
        self._data['ref'] = Item.DEFAULT_REF
        self._data['references'] = None
        self._data['links'] = set()
        if settings.ENABLE_HEADERS:
            self._data['header'] = Item.DEFAULT_HEADER
Exemplo n.º 17
    def _write(self, text, path):  # pragma: no cover (integration test)
        """Write text to the object's file.

        :param text: text to write to a file
        :param path: path to the file

        if not self._exists:
            raise DoorstopError("cannot save to deleted: {}".format(self))
        common.write_text(text, path)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def load(self, reload=False):
     """Load the document's properties from its file."""
     if self._loaded and not reload:
     log.debug("loading {}...".format(repr(self)))
     data = self._load_with_include(self.config)
     # Store parsed data
     sets = data.get('settings', {})
     for key, value in sets.items():
             if key == 'prefix':
                 self._data[key] = Prefix(value)
             elif key == 'sep':
                 self._data[key] = value.strip()
             elif key == 'parent':
                 self._data[key] = value.strip()
             elif key == 'digits':
                 self._data[key] = int(value)
                 msg = "unexpected document setting '{}' in: {}".format(
                     key, self.config
                 raise DoorstopError(msg)
         except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError):
             msg = "invalid value for '{}' in: {}".format(key, self.config)
             raise DoorstopError(msg)
     # Store parsed attributes
     attributes = data.get('attributes', {})
     for key, value in attributes.items():
         if key == 'defaults':
             self._attribute_defaults = value
         elif key == 'reviewed':
             self._extended_reviewed = sorted(set(v for v in value))
             msg = "unexpected attributes configuration '{}' in: {}".format(
                 key, self.config
             raise DoorstopError(msg)
     # Set meta attributes
     self._loaded = True
     if reload:
Exemplo n.º 19
def check(ext, get_lines_gen=False, get_file_func=False):
    """Confirm an extension is supported for export.

    :param get_lines_func: return a lines generator if available
    :param get_file_func: return a file creator if available

    :raises: :class:`doorstop.common.DoorstopError` for unknown formats

    :return: function requested if available

    exts = ', '.join(ext for ext in FORMAT)
    lines_exts = ', '.join(ext for ext in FORMAT_LINES)
    file_exts = ', '.join(ext for ext in FORMAT_FILE)
    fmt = "unknown {{}} format: {} (options: {{}})".format(ext or None)

    if get_lines_gen:
            gen = FORMAT_LINES[ext]
        except KeyError:
            exc = DoorstopError(fmt.format("lines export", lines_exts))
            raise exc from None
            log.debug("found lines generator for: {}".format(ext))
            return gen

    if get_file_func:
            func = FORMAT_FILE[ext]
        except KeyError:
            exc = DoorstopError(fmt.format("file export", file_exts))
            raise exc from None
            log.debug("found file creator for: {}".format(ext))
            return func

    if ext not in FORMAT:
        exc = DoorstopError(fmt.format("export", exts))
        raise exc

    return None
Exemplo n.º 20
    def _read(self, path):  # pragma: no cover (integration test)
        """Read text from the object's file.

        :param path: path to a text file

        :return: contexts of text file

        if not self._exists:
            msg = "cannot read from deleted: {}".format(self.path)
            raise DoorstopError(msg)
        return common.read_text(path)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self, *values, stamp=None):
        """Initialize an UID using a string, dictionary, or set of parts.

        Option 1:

        :param *values: UID + optional stamp ("UID:stamp")
        :param stamp: stamp of :class:`~doorstop.core.item.Item` (if known)

        Option 2:

        :param *values: {UID: stamp}
        :param stamp: stamp of :class:`~doorstop.core.item.Item` (if known)

        Option 3:

        :param *values: prefix, separator, number, digit count
        param stamp: stamp of :class:`~doorstop.core.item.Item` (if known)

        if values and isinstance(values[0], UID):
            self.stamp = stamp or values[0].stamp
        self.stamp = stamp or Stamp()
        # Join values
        if len(values) == 0:
            self.value = ''
        elif len(values) == 1:
            value = values[0]
            if isinstance(value, str) and ':' in value:
                # split UID:stamp into a dictionary
                pair = value.rsplit(':', 1)
                value = {pair[0]: pair[1]}
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                pair = list(value.items())[0]
                self.value = str(pair[0])
                self.stamp = self.stamp or Stamp(pair[1])
                self.value = str(value) if values[0] else ''
        elif len(values) == 4:
            self.value = UID.join_uid(*values)
            raise TypeError("__init__() takes 1 or 4 positional arguments")
        # Split values
            parts = UID.split_uid(self.value)
            self._prefix = Prefix(parts[0])
            self._number = parts[1]
        except ValueError:
            self._prefix = self._number = None
            self._exc = DoorstopError("invalid UID: {}".format(self.value))
            self._exc = None
Exemplo n.º 22
 def include(self, node):
     container = IncludeLoader.filenames[0]
     dirname = os.path.dirname(container)
     filename = os.path.join(dirname, self.construct_scalar(node))
     IncludeLoader.filenames.insert(0, filename)
         with open(filename, 'r') as f:
             data = yaml.load(f, IncludeLoader)
     except Exception as ex:
         msg = "include in '{}' failed: {}".format(container, ex)
         raise DoorstopError(msg)
     return data
Exemplo n.º 23
    def _create(path, name):  # pragma: no cover (integration test)
        """Create a new file for the object.

        :param path: path to new file
        :param name: humanized name for this file

        :raises: :class:`~doorstop.common.DoorstopError` if the file
            already exists

        if os.path.exists(path):
            raise DoorstopError("{} already exists: {}".format(name, path))
Exemplo n.º 24
    def find_item(self, value, _kind=''):
        """Get an item by its UID.

        :param value: item or UID

        :raises: :class:`~doorstop.common.DoorstopError` if the item
            cannot be found

        :return: matching :class:`~doorstop.core.item.Item`

        uid = UID(value)
        _kind = (' ' + _kind) if _kind else _kind  # for logging messages
        log.debug("looking for{} item '{}'...".format(_kind, uid))
            item = self._item_cache[uid]
            if item:
                log.trace("found cached item: {}".format(item))  # type: ignore
                if item.active:
                    return item
                        "item is inactive: {}".format(item))  # type: ignore
                    "found cached unknown: {}".format(uid))  # type: ignore
        except KeyError:
            for document in self:
                    item = document.find_item(uid, _kind=_kind)
                except DoorstopError:
                    pass  # item not found in that document
                    log.trace("found item: {}".format(item))  # type: ignore
                    if settings.CACHE_ITEMS:
                        self._item_cache[uid] = item
                            "cached item: {}".format(item))  # type: ignore
                    if item.active:
                        return item
                        log.trace("item is inactive: {}".format(
                            item))  # type: ignore

            log.debug("could not find item: {}".format(uid))
            if settings.CACHE_ITEMS:
                self._item_cache[uid] = None
                log.trace("cached unknown: {}".format(uid))  # type: ignore

        raise DoorstopError(UID.UNKNOWN_MESSAGE.format(k=_kind, u=uid))
Exemplo n.º 25
def get_next_number(prefix):
    """Get the next number for the given document prefix."""
    number = None
    url = utilities.build_url(path='/documents/{p}/numbers'.format(p=prefix))
    if not url:
        log.info("no server to get the next number from")
        return None
    headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
    response = requests.post(url, headers=headers)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        data = response.json()
        number = data.get('next')
    if number is None:
        raise DoorstopError("bad response from: {}".format(url))
    log.info("next number from the server: {}".format(number))
    return number
Exemplo n.º 26
    def find_ref(self):
        """Get the external file reference and line number.

        :raises: :class:`~doorstop.common.DoorstopError` when no
            reference is found

        :return: relative path to file or None (when no reference
            line number (when found in file) or None (when found as
            filename) or None (when no reference set)

        # Return immediately if no external reference
        if not self.ref:
            log.debug("no external reference to search for")
            return None, None
        # Update the cache
        if not settings.CACHE_PATHS:
        # Search for the external reference
        log.debug("seraching for ref '{}'...".format(self.ref))
        pattern = r"(\b|\W){}(\b|\W)".format(re.escape(self.ref))
        log.trace("regex: {}".format(pattern))
        regex = re.compile(pattern)
        for path, filename, relpath in self.tree.vcs.paths:
            # Skip the item's file while searching
            if path == self.path:
            # Check for a matching filename
            if filename == self.ref:
                return relpath, None
            # Skip extensions that should not be considered text
            if os.path.splitext(filename)[-1] in settings.SKIP_EXTS:
            # Search for the reference in the file
            lines = pyficache.getlines(path)
            if lines is None:
                log.trace("unable to read lines from: {}".format(path))
            for lineno, line in enumerate(lines, start=1):
                if regex.search(line):
                    log.debug("found ref: {}".format(relpath))
                    return relpath, lineno

        msg = "external reference not found: {}".format(self.ref)
        raise DoorstopError(msg)
Exemplo n.º 27
    def find_item(self, value, _kind=''):
        """Return an item by its UID.

        :param value: item or UID

        :raises: :class:`~doorstop.common.DoorstopError` if the item
            cannot be found

        :return: matching :class:`~doorstop.core.item.Item`

        uid = UID(value)
        for item in self:
            if item.uid == uid:
                return item

        raise DoorstopError("no matching{} UID: {}".format(_kind, uid))
Exemplo n.º 28
    def new(tree,
            auto=None):  # pylint: disable=R0913,C0301
        """Internal method to create a new document.

        :param tree: reference to tree that contains this document

        :param path: path to directory for the new document
        :param root: path to root of the project
        :param prefix: prefix for the new document

        :param sep: separator between prefix and numbers
        :param digits: number of digits for the new document
        :param parent: parent UID for the new document
        :param auto: automatically save the document

        :raises: :class:`~doorstop.common.DoorstopError` if the document
            already exists

        :return: new :class:`~doorstop.core.document.Document`

        # TODO: raise a specific exception for invalid separator characters?
        assert not sep or sep in settings.SEP_CHARS
        config = os.path.join(path, Document.CONFIG)
        # Check for an existing document
        if os.path.exists(config):
            raise DoorstopError("document already exists: {}".format(path))
        # Create the document directory
        Document._create(config, name='document')
        # Initialize the document
        document = Document(path, root=root, tree=tree, auto=False)
        document.prefix = prefix if prefix is not None else document.prefix
        document.sep = sep if sep is not None else document.sep
        document.digits = digits if digits is not None else document.digits
        document.parent = parent if parent is not None else document.parent
        if auto or (auto is None and Document.auto):
        # Return the document
        return document
Exemplo n.º 29
def check(ext):
    """Confirm an extension is supported for import.

    :raise DoorstopError: for unknown formats

    :return: file importer if available

    exts = ', '.join(ext for ext in FORMAT_FILE)
    msg = "unknown import format: {} (options: {})".format(ext or None, exts)
    exc = DoorstopError(msg)
        func = FORMAT_FILE[ext]
    except KeyError:
        raise exc from None
        log.debug("found file reader for: {}".format(ext))
        return func
Exemplo n.º 30
    def check_for_cycle(self, item, cid, path):
        """Check if a cyclic dependency would be created.

        :param item: an item on the dependency path
        :param cid: the child item's UID
        :param path: the path of UIDs from the child item to the item

        :raises: :class:`~doorstop.common.DoorstopError` if the link
            would create a cyclic dependency
        for did in item.links:
            path2 = path + [did]
            if did in path:
                s = " -> ".join(list(map(str, path2)))
                msg = "link would create a cyclic dependency: {}".format(s)
                raise DoorstopError(msg)
            dep = self.find_item(did, _kind='dependency')
            self.check_for_cycle(dep, cid, path2)