Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, normalizeStates=True, scaleActions=False, normalizeRewards=False):
         If normalizeStates is given in the Form
             normalizeStates = [(min_0, max_0), (min_1, max_1), ...], 
         the states are assumed to lie within the given boundaries and are scaled down 
         to (-1, 1) per dimension.
         If normalizeStates is set to True, autoscaling is activated (including pretraining)
         and the minimum and maximum of each state dimension is determined automatically
         while running. If normalizeStates is set to False, no scaling of states is performed 
         and the state is passed on to the agent as it comes in.
         If scaleActions is given in the form 
             scaleActions = [(min_0, max_0), (min_1, max_1), ...] 
         with one tuple per action dimension, the incoming action is to be assumed 
         between (-1, 1) and scaled between (min_i, max_i) per dimension. If scaleActions
         is False, the actions are passed to the environment as they come in.
         If normalizeRewards is set to True, the rewards are normalized between
         (-1, 1) before passed on to the agents. Otherwise, rewards are passed to the
         agent as they come in.
     self.normalizeStates = normalizeStates
     self.normalizeRewards = normalizeRewards                    
     self.scaleActions = scaleActions
     # if automatic normalization is activated, require pretraining
     if (type(normalizeStates) == types.BooleanType) and normalizeStates:
         self.autoNormalization = True
         self.requirePretraining = 100
         self.autoNormalization = False
         self.requirePretraining = 0
Exemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self):
     # set this to False to turn off exploration
     self.active = True