Exemplo n.º 1
class CfgYaml:

    # global entries
    key_settings = 'config'
    key_dotfiles = 'dotfiles'
    key_profiles = 'profiles'
    key_actions = 'actions'
    old_key_trans_r = 'trans'
    key_trans_r = 'trans_read'
    key_trans_w = 'trans_write'
    key_variables = 'variables'
    key_dvariables = 'dynvariables'

    action_pre = 'pre'
    action_post = 'post'

    # profiles/dotfiles entries
    key_dotfile_src = 'src'
    key_dotfile_dst = 'dst'
    key_dotfile_link = 'link'
    key_dotfile_actions = 'actions'
    key_dotfile_link_children = 'link_children'
    key_dotfile_noempty = 'ignoreempty'

    # profile
    key_profile_dotfiles = 'dotfiles'
    key_profile_include = 'include'
    key_profile_variables = 'variables'
    key_profile_dvariables = 'dynvariables'
    key_profile_actions = 'actions'
    key_all = 'ALL'

    # import entries
    key_import_actions = 'import_actions'
    key_import_configs = 'import_configs'
    key_import_variables = 'import_variables'
    key_import_profile_dfs = 'import'

    # settings
    key_settings_dotpath = 'dotpath'
    key_settings_workdir = 'workdir'
    key_settings_link_dotfile_default = 'link_dotfile_default'
    key_settings_noempty = 'ignoreempty'
    key_settings_minversion = 'minversion'
    key_imp_link = 'link_on_import'

    # link values
    lnk_nolink = LinkTypes.NOLINK.name.lower()
    lnk_link = LinkTypes.LINK.name.lower()
    lnk_children = LinkTypes.LINK_CHILDREN.name.lower()

    def __init__(self, path, profile=None, debug=False):
        config parser
        @path: config file path
        @profile: the selected profile
        @debug: debug flag
        self.path = os.path.abspath(path)
        self.profile = profile
        self.debug = debug
        self.log = Logger()
        # config needs to be written
        self.dirty = False
        # indicates the config has been updated
        self.dirty_deprecated = False

        if not os.path.exists(path):
            err = 'invalid config path: \"{}\"'.format(path)
            if self.debug:
            raise YamlException(err)

        self.yaml_dict = self._load_yaml(self.path)
        # live patch deprecated entries
        # parse to self variables
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('before normalization: {}'.format(self.yaml_dict))

        # resolve variables
        self.variables, self.prokeys = self._merge_variables()

        # apply variables

        # process imported variables (import_variables)
        # process imported actions (import_actions)
        # process imported profile dotfiles (import)
        # process imported configs (import_configs)

        # process profile include
        # process profile ALL
        # patch dotfiles paths

        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('after normalization: {}'.format(self.yaml_dict))

    def get_variables(self):
        """retrieve all variables"""
        return self.variables

    # parsing

    def _parse_main_yaml(self, dic):
        """parse the different blocks"""
        self.ori_settings = self._get_entry(dic, self.key_settings)
        self.settings = Settings(None).serialize().get(self.key_settings)

        # resolve minimum version
        if self.key_settings_minversion in self.settings:
            minversion = self.settings[self.key_settings_minversion]

        # resolve settings paths
        p = self._norm_path(self.settings[self.key_settings_dotpath])
        self.settings[self.key_settings_dotpath] = p
        p = self._norm_path(self.settings[self.key_settings_workdir])
        self.settings[self.key_settings_workdir] = p
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('settings: {}'.format(self.settings))

        # dotfiles
        self.ori_dotfiles = self._get_entry(dic, self.key_dotfiles)
        self.dotfiles = deepcopy(self.ori_dotfiles)
        keys = self.dotfiles.keys()
        if len(keys) != len(list(set(keys))):
            dups = [x for x in keys if x not in list(set(keys))]
            err = 'duplicate dotfile keys found: {}'.format(dups)
            raise YamlException(err)
        self.dotfiles = self._norm_dotfiles(self.dotfiles)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('dotfiles: {}'.format(self.dotfiles))

        # profiles
        self.ori_profiles = self._get_entry(dic, self.key_profiles)
        self.profiles = deepcopy(self.ori_profiles)
        self.profiles = self._norm_profiles(self.profiles)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('profiles: {}'.format(self.profiles))

        # actions
        self.ori_actions = self._get_entry(dic,
        self.actions = deepcopy(self.ori_actions)
        self.actions = self._norm_actions(self.actions)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('actions: {}'.format(self.actions))

        # trans_r
        key = self.key_trans_r
        if self.old_key_trans_r in dic:
            self.log.warn('\"trans\" is deprecated, please use \"trans_read\"')
            dic[self.key_trans_r] = dic[self.old_key_trans_r]
            del dic[self.old_key_trans_r]
        self.ori_trans_r = self._get_entry(dic, key, mandatory=False)
        self.trans_r = deepcopy(self.ori_trans_r)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('trans_r: {}'.format(self.trans_r))

        # trans_w
        self.ori_trans_w = self._get_entry(dic,
        self.trans_w = deepcopy(self.ori_trans_w)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('trans_w: {}'.format(self.trans_w))

        # variables
        self.ori_variables = self._get_entry(dic,
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('variables: {}'.format(self.ori_variables))

        # dynvariables
        self.ori_dvariables = self._get_entry(dic,
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('dynvariables: {}'.format(self.ori_dvariables))

    def _resolve_dotfile_paths(self):
        """resolve dotfile paths"""
        t = Templategen(variables=self.variables)

        for dotfile in self.dotfiles.values():
            # src
            src = dotfile[self.key_dotfile_src]
            new = t.generate_string(src)
            if new != src and self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('dotfile: {} -> {}'.format(src, new))
            src = new
            src = os.path.join(self.settings[self.key_settings_dotpath], src)
            dotfile[self.key_dotfile_src] = self._norm_path(src)
            # dst
            dst = dotfile[self.key_dotfile_dst]
            new = t.generate_string(dst)
            if new != dst and self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('dotfile: {} -> {}'.format(dst, new))
            dst = new
            dotfile[self.key_dotfile_dst] = self._norm_path(dst)

    def _rec_resolve_vars(self, variables):
        """recursive resolve variables"""
        default = self._get_variables_dict(self.profile)
        t = Templategen(variables=self._merge_dict(default, variables))
        for k in variables.keys():
            val = variables[k]
            while Templategen.var_is_template(val):
                val = t.generate_string(val)
                variables[k] = val
        return variables

    def _merge_variables(self):
        resolve all variables across the config
        apply them to any needed entries
        and return the full list of variables
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('get local variables')

        # get all variables from local and resolve
        var = self._get_variables_dict(self.profile)

        # get all dynvariables from local and resolve
        dvar = self._get_dvariables_dict()

        # temporarly resolve all variables for "include"
        merged = self._merge_dict(dvar, var)
        merged = self._rec_resolve_vars(merged)
        # exec dynvariables
        self._shell_exec_dvars(dvar.keys(), merged)

        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('local variables resolved')

        # resolve profile includes
        t = Templategen(variables=merged)
        for k, v in self.profiles.items():
            if self.key_profile_include in v:
                new = []
                for k in v[self.key_profile_include]:
                v[self.key_profile_include] = new

        # now get the included ones
        pro_var = self._get_included_variables(self.profile,
        pro_dvar = self._get_included_dvariables(self.profile,
        # exec incl dynvariables
        self._shell_exec_dvars(pro_dvar.keys(), pro_dvar)

        # merge all and resolve
        merged = self._merge_dict(pro_var, merged)
        merged = self._merge_dict(pro_dvar, merged)
        merged = self._rec_resolve_vars(merged)

        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('resolve all uses of variables in config')

        prokeys = list(pro_var.keys()) + list(pro_dvar.keys())
        return merged, prokeys

    def _apply_variables(self):
        """template any needed parts of the config"""
        t = Templategen(variables=self.variables)

        # import_actions
        new = []
        entries = self.settings.get(self.key_import_actions, [])
        new = self._template_list(t, entries)
        if new:
            self.settings[self.key_import_actions] = new

        # import_configs
        entries = self.settings.get(self.key_import_configs, [])
        new = self._template_list(t, entries)
        if new:
            self.settings[self.key_import_configs] = new

        # import_variables
        entries = self.settings.get(self.key_import_variables, [])
        new = self._template_list(t, entries)
        if new:
            self.settings[self.key_import_variables] = new

        # profile's import
        for k, v in self.profiles.items():
            entries = v.get(self.key_import_profile_dfs, [])
            new = self._template_list(t, entries)
            if new:
                v[self.key_import_profile_dfs] = new

    def _norm_actions(self, actions):
        ensure each action is either pre or post explicitely
        action entry of the form {action_key: (pre|post, action)}
        if not actions:
            return actions
        new = {}
        for k, v in actions.items():
            if k == self.action_pre or k == self.action_post:
                for key, action in v.items():
                    new[key] = (k, action)
                new[k] = (self.action_post, v)
        return new

    def _norm_profiles(self, profiles):
        """normalize profiles entries"""
        if not profiles:
            return profiles
        new = {}
        for k, v in profiles.items():
            # add dotfiles entry if not present
            if self.key_profile_dotfiles not in v:
                v[self.key_profile_dotfiles] = []
            new[k] = v
        return new

    def _norm_dotfiles(self, dotfiles):
        """normalize dotfiles entries"""
        if not dotfiles:
            return dotfiles
        new = {}
        for k, v in dotfiles.items():
            # add 'src' as key' if not present
            if self.key_dotfile_src not in v:
                v[self.key_dotfile_src] = k
                new[k] = v
                new[k] = v
            # fix deprecated trans key
            if self.old_key_trans_r in v:
                msg = '\"trans\" is deprecated, please use \"trans_read\"'
                v[self.key_trans_r] = v[self.old_key_trans_r]
                del v[self.old_key_trans_r]
                new[k] = v
            # apply link value
            if self.key_dotfile_link not in v:
                val = self.settings[self.key_settings_link_dotfile_default]
                v[self.key_dotfile_link] = val
            # apply noempty if undefined
            if self.key_dotfile_noempty not in v:
                val = self.settings.get(self.key_settings_noempty, False)
                v[self.key_dotfile_noempty] = val
        return new

    def _get_variables_dict(self, profile):
        """return enriched variables"""
        variables = deepcopy(self.ori_variables)
        # add profile variable
        if profile:
            variables['profile'] = profile
        # add some more variables
        p = self.settings.get(self.key_settings_dotpath)
        p = self._norm_path(p)
        variables['_dotdrop_dotpath'] = p
        variables['_dotdrop_cfgpath'] = self._norm_path(self.path)
        p = self.settings.get(self.key_settings_workdir)
        p = self._norm_path(p)
        variables['_dotdrop_workdir'] = p
        return variables

    def _get_dvariables_dict(self):
        """return dynvariables"""
        variables = deepcopy(self.ori_dvariables)
        return variables

    def _get_included_variables(self, profile, seen):
        """return included variables"""
        variables = {}
        if not profile or profile not in self.profiles.keys():
            return variables

        # profile entry
        pentry = self.profiles.get(profile)

        # inherite profile variables
        for inherited_profile in pentry.get(self.key_profile_include, []):
            if inherited_profile == profile or inherited_profile in seen:
                raise YamlException('\"include\" loop')
            new = self._get_included_variables(inherited_profile, seen)
            if self.debug:
                msg = 'included vars from {}: {}'
                self.log.dbg(msg.format(inherited_profile, new))

        cur = pentry.get(self.key_profile_variables, {})
        return self._merge_dict(cur, variables)

    def _get_included_dvariables(self, profile, seen):
        """return included dynvariables"""
        variables = {}

        if not profile or profile not in self.profiles.keys():
            return variables

        # profile entry
        pentry = self.profiles.get(profile)

        # inherite profile dynvariables
        for inherited_profile in pentry.get(self.key_profile_include, []):
            if inherited_profile == profile or inherited_profile in seen:
                raise YamlException('\"include loop\"')
            new = self._get_included_dvariables(inherited_profile, seen)
            if self.debug:
                msg = 'included dvars from {}: {}'
                self.log.dbg(msg.format(inherited_profile, new))

        cur = pentry.get(self.key_profile_dvariables, {})
        return self._merge_dict(cur, variables)

    def _resolve_profile_all(self):
        """resolve some other parts of the config"""
        # profile -> ALL
        for k, v in self.profiles.items():
            dfs = v.get(self.key_profile_dotfiles, None)
            if not dfs:
            if self.key_all in dfs:
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('add ALL to profile {}'.format(k))
                v[self.key_profile_dotfiles] = self.dotfiles.keys()

    def _resolve_profile_includes(self):
        # profiles -> include other profile
        for k, v in self.profiles.items():

    def _rec_resolve_profile_include(self, profile):
        recursively resolve include of other profiles's:
        * dotfiles
        * actions
        this_profile = self.profiles[profile]

        # include
        dotfiles = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_dotfiles, [])
        actions = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_actions, [])
        includes = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_include, None)
        if not includes:
            # nothing to include
            return dotfiles, actions
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('{} includes: {}'.format(profile, ','.join(includes)))
            self.log.dbg('{} dotfiles before include: {}'.format(
                profile, dotfiles))
            self.log.dbg('{} actions before include: {}'.format(
                profile, actions))

        seen = []
        for i in uniq_list(includes):
            # ensure no include loop occurs
            if i in seen:
                raise YamlException('\"include loop\"')
            # included profile even exists
            if i not in self.profiles.keys():
                self.log.warn('include unknown profile: {}'.format(i))
            # recursive resolve
            o_dfs, o_actions = self._rec_resolve_profile_include(i)
            # merge dotfile keys
            this_profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles] = uniq_list(dotfiles)
            # merge actions keys
            this_profile[self.key_profile_actions] = uniq_list(actions)

        dotfiles = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_dotfiles, [])
        actions = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_actions, [])
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('{} dotfiles after include: {}'.format(
                profile, dotfiles))
            self.log.dbg('{} actions after include: {}'.format(
                profile, actions))

        # since dotfiles and actions are resolved here
        # and variables have been already done at the beginning
        # of the parsing, we can clear these include
        self.profiles[profile][self.key_profile_include] = None
        return dotfiles, actions

    # handle imported entries

    def _import_variables(self):
        """import external variables from paths"""
        paths = self.settings.get(self.key_import_variables, None)
        if not paths:
        paths = self._glob_paths(paths)
        for p in paths:
            path = self._norm_path(p)
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('import variables from {}'.format(path))
            var = self._import_sub(path, self.key_variables, mandatory=False)
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('import dynvariables from {}'.format(path))
            dvar = self._import_sub(path, self.key_dvariables, mandatory=False)
            merged = self._merge_dict(dvar, var)
            merged = self._rec_resolve_vars(merged)
            # execute dvar
            self._shell_exec_dvars(dvar.keys(), merged)
            self.variables = self._merge_dict(merged, self.variables)

    def _clear_profile_vars(self, dic):
        """remove profile variables from dic if found"""
        [dic.pop(k, None) for k in self.prokeys]

    def _import_actions(self):
        """import external actions from paths"""
        paths = self.settings.get(self.key_import_actions, None)
        if not paths:
        paths = self._glob_paths(paths)
        for p in paths:
            path = self._norm_path(p)
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('import actions from {}'.format(path))
            new = self._import_sub(path,
            self.actions = self._merge_dict(new, self.actions)

    def _import_profiles_dotfiles(self):
        """import profile dotfiles"""
        for k, v in self.profiles.items():
            imp = v.get(self.key_import_profile_dfs, None)
            if not imp:
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('import dotfiles for profile {}'.format(k))
            paths = self._glob_paths(imp)
            for p in paths:
                current = v.get(self.key_dotfiles, [])
                path = self._norm_path(p)
                new = self._import_sub(path,
                v[self.key_dotfiles] = new + current

    def _import_config(self, path):
        """import config from path"""
        path = self._norm_path(path)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('import config from {}'.format(path))
        sub = CfgYaml(path, profile=self.profile, debug=self.debug)
        # settings is ignored
        self.dotfiles = self._merge_dict(self.dotfiles, sub.dotfiles)
        self.profiles = self._merge_dict(self.profiles, sub.profiles)
        self.actions = self._merge_dict(self.actions, sub.actions)
        self.trans_r = self._merge_dict(self.trans_r, sub.trans_r)
        self.trans_w = self._merge_dict(self.trans_w, sub.trans_w)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('add import_configs var: {}'.format(sub.variables))
        self.variables = self._merge_dict(sub.variables, self.variables)

    def _import_configs(self):
        """import configs from external files"""
        # settings -> import_configs
        imp = self.settings.get(self.key_import_configs, None)
        if not imp:
        paths = self._glob_paths(imp)
        for path in paths:

    def _import_sub(self, path, key, mandatory=False, patch_func=None):
        import the block "key" from "path"
        patch_func is applied to each element if defined
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('import \"{}\" from \"{}\"'.format(key, path))
        extdict = self._load_yaml(path)
        new = self._get_entry(extdict, key, mandatory=mandatory)
        if patch_func:
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('calling patch: {}'.format(patch_func))
            new = patch_func(new)
        if not new and mandatory:
            err = 'no \"{}\" imported from \"{}\"'.format(key, path)
            raise YamlException(err)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('imported \"{}\": {}'.format(key, new))
        return new

    # add/remove entries

    def _new_profile(self, key):
        """add a new profile if it doesn't exist"""
        if key not in self.profiles.keys():
            # update yaml_dict
            self.yaml_dict[self.key_profiles][key] = {
                self.key_profile_dotfiles: []
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('adding new profile: {}'.format(key))
            self.dirty = True

    def add_dotfile_to_profile(self, dotfile_key, profile_key):
        """add an existing dotfile key to a profile_key"""
        profile = self.yaml_dict[self.key_profiles][profile_key]
        if dotfile_key not in profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles]:
            if self.debug:
                msg = 'add \"{}\" to profile \"{}\"'.format(
                    dotfile_key, profile_key)
                msg.format(dotfile_key, profile_key)
            self.dirty = True
        return self.dirty

    def add_dotfile(self, key, src, dst, link):
        """add a new dotfile"""
        if key in self.dotfiles.keys():
            return False
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('adding new dotfile: {}'.format(key))

        df_dict = {
            self.key_dotfile_src: src,
            self.key_dotfile_dst: dst,
        dfl = self.settings[self.key_settings_link_dotfile_default]
        if str(link) != dfl:
            df_dict[self.key_dotfile_link] = str(link)
        self.yaml_dict[self.key_dotfiles][key] = df_dict
        self.dirty = True

    def del_dotfile(self, key):
        """remove this dotfile from config"""
        if key not in self.yaml_dict[self.key_dotfiles]:
            self.log.err('key not in dotfiles: {}'.format(key))
            return False
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('remove dotfile: {}'.format(key))
        del self.yaml_dict[self.key_dotfiles][key]
        if self.debug:
            dfs = self.yaml_dict[self.key_dotfiles]
            self.log.dbg('new dotfiles: {}'.format(dfs))
        self.dirty = True
        return True

    def del_dotfile_from_profile(self, df_key, pro_key):
        """remove this dotfile from that profile"""
        if df_key not in self.dotfiles.keys():
            self.log.err('key not in dotfiles: {}'.format(df_key))
            return False
        if pro_key not in self.profiles.keys():
            self.log.err('key not in profile: {}'.format(pro_key))
            return False
        # get the profile dictionary
        profile = self.yaml_dict[self.key_profiles][pro_key]
        if df_key not in profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles]:
            return True
        if self.debug:
            dfs = profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles]
            self.log.dbg('{} profile dotfiles: {}'.format(pro_key, dfs))
            self.log.dbg('remove {} from profile {}'.format(df_key, pro_key))
        if self.debug:
            dfs = profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles]
            self.log.dbg('{} profile dotfiles: {}'.format(pro_key, dfs))
        self.dirty = True
        return True

    # handle deprecated entries

    def _fix_deprecated(self, yamldict):
        """fix deprecated entries"""

    def _fix_deprecated_link_by_default(self, yamldict):
        """fix deprecated link_by_default"""
        key = 'link_by_default'
        newkey = self.key_imp_link
        if self.key_settings not in yamldict:
        if not yamldict[self.key_settings]:
        config = yamldict[self.key_settings]
        if key not in config:
        if config[key]:
            config[newkey] = self.lnk_link
            config[newkey] = self.lnk_nolink
        del config[key]
        self.log.warn('deprecated \"link_by_default\"')
        self.dirty = True
        self.dirty_deprecated = True

    def _fix_deprecated_dotfile_link(self, yamldict):
        """fix deprecated link in dotfiles"""
        if self.key_dotfiles not in yamldict:
        if not yamldict[self.key_dotfiles]:
        for k, dotfile in yamldict[self.key_dotfiles].items():
            new = self.lnk_nolink
            if self.key_dotfile_link in dotfile and \
                    type(dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link]) is bool:
                # patch link: <bool>
                cur = dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link]
                new = self.lnk_nolink
                if cur:
                    new = self.lnk_link
                dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link] = new
                self.dirty = True
                self.dirty_deprecated = True
                self.log.warn('deprecated \"link\" value')

            elif self.key_dotfile_link_children in dotfile and \
                    type(dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link_children]) is bool:
                # patch link_children: <bool>
                cur = dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link_children]
                new = self.lnk_nolink
                if cur:
                    new = self.lnk_children
                del dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link_children]
                dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link] = new
                self.dirty = True
                self.dirty_deprecated = True
                self.log.warn('deprecated \"link_children\" value')

    # yaml utils

    def save(self):
        """save this instance and return True if saved"""
        if not self.dirty:
            return False

        content = self._clear_none(self.dump())

        # make sure we have the base entries
        if self.key_settings not in content:
            content[self.key_settings] = None
        if self.key_dotfiles not in content:
            content[self.key_dotfiles] = None
        if self.key_profiles not in content:
            content[self.key_profiles] = None

        if self.dirty_deprecated:
            # add minversion
            settings = content[self.key_settings]
            settings[self.key_settings_minversion] = VERSION

        # save to file
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('saving to {}'.format(self.path))
            self._yaml_dump(content, self.path)
        except Exception as e:
            raise YamlException('error saving config: {}'.format(self.path))

        if self.dirty_deprecated:
            warn = 'your config contained deprecated entries'
            warn += ' and was updated'

        self.dirty = False
        self.cfg_updated = False
        return True

    def dump(self):
        """dump the config dictionary"""
        return self.yaml_dict

    def _load_yaml(self, path):
        """load a yaml file to a dict"""
        content = {}
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            raise YamlException('config path not found: {}'.format(path))
            content = self._yaml_load(path)
        except Exception as e:
            raise YamlException('invalid config: {}'.format(path))
        return content

    def _yaml_load(self, path):
        """load from yaml"""
        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            y = yaml()
            y.typ = 'rt'
            content = y.load(f)
        return content

    def _yaml_dump(self, content, path):
        """dump to yaml"""
        with open(self.path, 'w') as f:
            y = yaml()
            y.default_flow_style = False
            y.indent = 2
            y.typ = 'rt'
            y.dump(content, f)

    # helpers

    def _merge_dict(self, high, low):
        """merge high and low dict"""
        if not high:
            high = {}
        if not low:
            low = {}
        return {**low, **high}

    def _get_entry(self, dic, key, mandatory=True):
        """return entry from yaml dictionary"""
        if key not in dic:
            if mandatory:
                raise YamlException('invalid config: no {} found'.format(key))
            dic[key] = {}
            return dic[key]
        if mandatory and not dic[key]:
            # ensure is not none
            dic[key] = {}
        return dic[key]

    def _clear_none(self, dic):
        """recursively delete all none/empty values in a dictionary."""
        new = {}
        for k, v in dic.items():
            newv = v
            if isinstance(v, dict):
                newv = self._clear_none(v)
                if not newv:
                    # no empty dict
            if newv is None:
                # no None value
            if isinstance(newv, list) and not newv:
                # no empty list
            new[k] = newv
        return new

    def _is_glob(self, path):
        """quick test if path is a glob"""
        return '*' in path or '?' in path

    def _glob_paths(self, paths):
        """glob a list of paths"""
        if not isinstance(paths, list):
            paths = [paths]
        res = []
        for p in paths:
            if not self._is_glob(p):
            p = os.path.expanduser(p)
            new = glob.glob(p)
            if not new:
                raise YamlException('bad path: {}'.format(p))
        return res

    def _debug_vars(self, variables):
        """pretty print variables"""
        if not self.debug:
        for k, v in variables.items():
            self.log.dbg('\t\"{}\": {}'.format(k, v))

    def _norm_path(self, path):
        """resolve a path either absolute or relative to config path"""
        path = os.path.expanduser(path)
        if not os.path.isabs(path):
            d = os.path.dirname(self.path)
            return os.path.join(d, path)
        return os.path.normpath(path)

    def _shell_exec_dvars(self, keys, variables):
        """shell execute dynvariables"""
        for k in list(keys):
            ret, out = shell(variables[k], debug=self.debug)
            if not ret:
                err = 'var \"{}: {}\" failed: {}'.format(k, variables[k], out)
                raise YamlException(err)
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('\"{}\": {} -> {}'.format(k, variables[k], out))
            variables[k] = out

    def _template_list(self, t, entries):
        """template a list of entries"""
        new = []
        if not entries:
            return new
        for e in entries:
            et = t.generate_string(e)
            if self.debug and e != et:
                self.log.dbg('resolved: {} -> {}'.format(e, et))
        return new

    def _check_minversion(self, minversion):
        if not minversion:
            cur = tuple([int(x) for x in VERSION.split('.')])
            cfg = tuple([int(x) for x in minversion.split('.')])
        except Exception:
            err = 'bad version: \"{}\" VS \"{}\"'.format(VERSION, minversion)
            raise YamlException(err)
        if cur < cfg:
            err = 'current dotdrop version is too old for that config file.'
            err += ' Please update.'
            raise YamlException(err)
Exemplo n.º 2
class CfgYaml:

    # global entries
    key_settings = Settings.key_yaml
    key_dotfiles = 'dotfiles'
    key_profiles = 'profiles'
    key_actions = 'actions'
    old_key_trans_r = 'trans'
    key_trans_r = 'trans_read'
    key_trans_w = 'trans_write'
    key_variables = 'variables'
    key_dvariables = 'dynvariables'

    action_pre = 'pre'
    action_post = 'post'

    # profiles/dotfiles entries
    key_dotfile_src = 'src'
    key_dotfile_dst = 'dst'
    key_dotfile_link = 'link'
    key_dotfile_actions = 'actions'
    key_dotfile_link_children = 'link_children'
    key_dotfile_noempty = 'ignoreempty'

    # profile
    key_profile_dotfiles = 'dotfiles'
    key_profile_include = 'include'
    key_profile_variables = 'variables'
    key_profile_dvariables = 'dynvariables'
    key_profile_actions = 'actions'
    key_all = 'ALL'

    # import entries
    key_import_actions = 'import_actions'
    key_import_configs = 'import_configs'
    key_import_variables = 'import_variables'
    key_import_profile_dfs = 'import'
    key_import_sep = ':'
    key_import_ignore_key = 'optional'
    key_import_fatal_not_found = True

    # settings
    key_settings_dotpath = Settings.key_dotpath
    key_settings_workdir = Settings.key_workdir
    key_settings_link_dotfile_default = Settings.key_link_dotfile_default
    key_settings_noempty = Settings.key_ignoreempty
    key_settings_minversion = Settings.key_minversion
    key_imp_link = Settings.key_link_on_import

    # link values
    lnk_nolink = LinkTypes.NOLINK.name.lower()
    lnk_link = LinkTypes.LINK.name.lower()
    lnk_children = LinkTypes.LINK_CHILDREN.name.lower()

    def __init__(self, path, profile=None, debug=False):
        config parser
        @path: config file path
        @profile: the selected profile
        @debug: debug flag
        self.path = os.path.abspath(path)
        self.profile = profile
        self.debug = debug
        self.log = Logger()
        # config needs to be written
        self.dirty = False
        # indicates the config has been updated
        self.dirty_deprecated = False

        if not os.path.exists(path):
            err = 'invalid config path: \"{}\"'.format(path)
            if self.debug:
            raise YamlException(err)

        self.yaml_dict = self._load_yaml(self.path)
        # live patch deprecated entries
        # parse to self variables
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('BEFORE normalization: {}'.format(self.yaml_dict))

        # resolve variables
        self.variables, self.prokeys = self._merge_variables()

        # apply variables

        # process imported variables (import_variables)
        # process imported actions (import_actions)
        # process imported profile dotfiles (import)
        # process imported configs (import_configs)

        # process profile include
        # process profile ALL
        # patch dotfiles paths

        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('AFTER normalization: {}'.format(self.yaml_dict))

    def get_variables(self):
        """retrieve all variables"""
        return self.variables

    # parsing

    def _parse_main_yaml(self, dic):
        """parse the different blocks"""
        self.ori_settings = self._get_entry(dic, self.key_settings)
        self.settings = Settings(None).serialize().get(self.key_settings)

        # resolve minimum version
        if self.key_settings_minversion in self.settings:
            minversion = self.settings[self.key_settings_minversion]

        # resolve settings paths
        p = self._norm_path(self.settings[self.key_settings_dotpath])
        self.settings[self.key_settings_dotpath] = p
        p = self._norm_path(self.settings[self.key_settings_workdir])
        self.settings[self.key_settings_workdir] = p
        p = [
            self._norm_path(p) for p in self.settings[Settings.key_filter_file]
        self.settings[Settings.key_filter_file] = p
        p = [self._norm_path(p) for p in self.settings[Settings.key_func_file]]
        self.settings[Settings.key_func_file] = p
        if self.debug:
            self._debug_dict('settings', self.settings)

        # dotfiles
        self.ori_dotfiles = self._get_entry(dic, self.key_dotfiles)
        self.dotfiles = deepcopy(self.ori_dotfiles)
        keys = self.dotfiles.keys()
        if len(keys) != len(list(set(keys))):
            dups = [x for x in keys if x not in list(set(keys))]
            err = 'duplicate dotfile keys found: {}'.format(dups)
            raise YamlException(err)
        self.dotfiles = self._norm_dotfiles(self.dotfiles)
        if self.debug:
            self._debug_dict('dotfiles', self.dotfiles)

        # profiles
        self.ori_profiles = self._get_entry(dic, self.key_profiles)
        self.profiles = deepcopy(self.ori_profiles)
        self.profiles = self._norm_profiles(self.profiles)
        if self.debug:
            self._debug_dict('profiles', self.profiles)

        # actions
        self.ori_actions = self._get_entry(dic,
        self.actions = deepcopy(self.ori_actions)
        self.actions = self._norm_actions(self.actions)
        if self.debug:
            self._debug_dict('actions', self.actions)

        # trans_r
        key = self.key_trans_r
        if self.old_key_trans_r in dic:
            self.log.warn('\"trans\" is deprecated, please use \"trans_read\"')
            dic[self.key_trans_r] = dic[self.old_key_trans_r]
            del dic[self.old_key_trans_r]
        self.ori_trans_r = self._get_entry(dic, key, mandatory=False)
        self.trans_r = deepcopy(self.ori_trans_r)
        if self.debug:
            self._debug_dict('trans_r', self.trans_r)

        # trans_w
        self.ori_trans_w = self._get_entry(dic,
        self.trans_w = deepcopy(self.ori_trans_w)
        if self.debug:
            self._debug_dict('trans_w', self.trans_w)

        # variables
        self.ori_variables = self._get_entry(dic,
        if self.debug:
            self._debug_dict('variables', self.ori_variables)

        # dynvariables
        self.ori_dvariables = self._get_entry(dic,
        if self.debug:
            self._debug_dict('dynvariables', self.ori_dvariables)

    def _resolve_dotfile_paths(self):
        """resolve dotfiles paths"""
        t = Templategen(variables=self.variables,

        for dotfile in self.dotfiles.values():
            # src
            src = dotfile[self.key_dotfile_src]
            newsrc = self.resolve_dotfile_src(src, templater=t)
            dotfile[self.key_dotfile_src] = newsrc
            # dst
            dst = dotfile[self.key_dotfile_dst]
            newdst = self.resolve_dotfile_dst(dst, templater=t)
            dotfile[self.key_dotfile_dst] = newdst

    def resolve_dotfile_src(self, src, templater=None):
        """resolve dotfile src path"""
        newsrc = ''
        if src:
            new = src
            if templater:
                new = templater.generate_string(src)
            if new != src and self.debug:
                msg = 'dotfile src: \"{}\" -> \"{}\"'.format(src, new)
            src = new
            src = os.path.join(self.settings[self.key_settings_dotpath], src)
            newsrc = self._norm_path(src)
        return newsrc

    def resolve_dotfile_dst(self, dst, templater=None):
        """resolve dotfile dst path"""
        newdst = ''
        if dst:
            new = dst
            if templater:
                new = templater.generate_string(dst)
            if new != dst and self.debug:
                msg = 'dotfile dst: \"{}\" -> \"{}\"'.format(dst, new)
            dst = new
            newdst = self._norm_path(dst)
        return newdst

    def _rec_resolve_vars(self, variables):
        """recursive resolve variables"""
        default = self._get_variables_dict(self.profile)
        t = Templategen(variables=self._merge_dict(default, variables),
        for k in variables.keys():
            val = variables[k]
            while Templategen.var_is_template(val):
                val = t.generate_string(val)
                variables[k] = val
        return variables

    def _get_profile_included_vars(self, tvars):
        """resolve profile included variables/dynvariables"""
        t = Templategen(variables=tvars,

        for k, v in self.profiles.items():
            if self.key_profile_include in v:
                new = []
                for x in v[self.key_profile_include]:
                v[self.key_profile_include] = new

        # now get the included ones
        pro_var = self._get_profile_included_item(self.profile,
        pro_dvar = self._get_profile_included_item(self.profile,

        # exec incl dynvariables
        self._shell_exec_dvars(pro_dvar.keys(), pro_dvar)
        return pro_var, pro_dvar

    def _merge_variables(self):
        resolve all variables across the config
        apply them to any needed entries
        and return the full list of variables
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('get local variables')

        # get all variables from local and resolve
        var = self._get_variables_dict(self.profile)

        # get all dynvariables from local and resolve
        dvar = self._get_dvariables_dict()

        # temporarly resolve all variables for "include"
        merged = self._merge_dict(dvar, var)
        merged = self._rec_resolve_vars(merged)
        if self.debug:
            self._debug_dict('variables', merged)
        # exec dynvariables
        self._shell_exec_dvars(dvar.keys(), merged)

        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('local variables resolved')
            self._debug_dict('variables', merged)

        # resolve profile included variables/dynvariables
        pro_var, pro_dvar = self._get_profile_included_vars(merged)

        # merge all and resolve
        merged = self._merge_dict(pro_var, merged)
        merged = self._merge_dict(pro_dvar, merged)
        merged = self._rec_resolve_vars(merged)

        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('resolve all uses of variables in config')
            self._debug_dict('variables', merged)

        prokeys = list(pro_var.keys()) + list(pro_dvar.keys())
        return merged, prokeys

    def _apply_variables(self):
        """template any needed parts of the config"""
        t = Templategen(variables=self.variables,

        # import_actions
        new = []
        entries = self.settings.get(self.key_import_actions, [])
        new = self._template_list(t, entries)
        if new:
            self.settings[self.key_import_actions] = new

        # import_configs
        entries = self.settings.get(self.key_import_configs, [])
        new = self._template_list(t, entries)
        if new:
            self.settings[self.key_import_configs] = new

        # import_variables
        entries = self.settings.get(self.key_import_variables, [])
        new = self._template_list(t, entries)
        if new:
            self.settings[self.key_import_variables] = new

        # profile's import
        for k, v in self.profiles.items():
            entries = v.get(self.key_import_profile_dfs, [])
            new = self._template_list(t, entries)
            if new:
                v[self.key_import_profile_dfs] = new

    def _norm_actions(self, actions):
        ensure each action is either pre or post explicitely
        action entry of the form {action_key: (pre|post, action)}
        if not actions:
            return actions
        new = {}
        for k, v in actions.items():
            if k == self.action_pre or k == self.action_post:
                for key, action in v.items():
                    new[key] = (k, action)
                new[k] = (self.action_post, v)
        return new

    def _norm_profiles(self, profiles):
        """normalize profiles entries"""
        if not profiles:
            return profiles
        new = {}
        for k, v in profiles.items():
            if not v:
                # no dotfiles
            # add dotfiles entry if not present
            if self.key_profile_dotfiles not in v:
                v[self.key_profile_dotfiles] = []
            new[k] = v
        return new

    def _norm_dotfiles(self, dotfiles):
        """normalize dotfiles entries"""
        if not dotfiles:
            return dotfiles
        new = {}
        for k, v in dotfiles.items():
            # add 'src' as key' if not present
            if self.key_dotfile_src not in v:
                v[self.key_dotfile_src] = k
                new[k] = v
                new[k] = v
            # fix deprecated trans key
            if self.old_key_trans_r in v:
                msg = '\"trans\" is deprecated, please use \"trans_read\"'
                v[self.key_trans_r] = v[self.old_key_trans_r]
                del v[self.old_key_trans_r]
                new[k] = v
            # apply link value
            if self.key_dotfile_link not in v:
                val = self.settings[self.key_settings_link_dotfile_default]
                v[self.key_dotfile_link] = val
            # apply noempty if undefined
            if self.key_dotfile_noempty not in v:
                val = self.settings.get(self.key_settings_noempty, False)
                v[self.key_dotfile_noempty] = val
        return new

    def _get_variables_dict(self, profile):
        """return enriched variables"""
        variables = deepcopy(self.ori_variables)
        # add profile variable
        if profile:
            variables['profile'] = profile
        # add some more variables
        p = self.settings.get(self.key_settings_dotpath)
        p = self._norm_path(p)
        variables['_dotdrop_dotpath'] = p
        variables['_dotdrop_cfgpath'] = self._norm_path(self.path)
        p = self.settings.get(self.key_settings_workdir)
        p = self._norm_path(p)
        variables['_dotdrop_workdir'] = p
        return variables

    def _get_dvariables_dict(self):
        """return dynvariables"""
        variables = deepcopy(self.ori_dvariables)
        return variables

    def _get_profile_included_item(self, profile, item, seen):
        """recursively get included <item> from profile"""
        items = {}
        if not profile or profile not in self.profiles.keys():
            return items

        # considered profile entry
        pentry = self.profiles.get(profile)

        # recursively get <item> from inherited profile
        for inherited_profile in pentry.get(self.key_profile_include, []):
            if inherited_profile == profile or inherited_profile in seen:
                raise YamlException('\"include\" loop')
            new = self._get_profile_included_item(inherited_profile, item,
            if self.debug:
                msg = 'included {} from {}: {}'
                self.log.dbg(msg.format(item, inherited_profile, new))

        cur = pentry.get(item, {})
        return self._merge_dict(cur, items)

    def _resolve_profile_all(self):
        """resolve some other parts of the config"""
        # profile -> ALL
        for k, v in self.profiles.items():
            dfs = v.get(self.key_profile_dotfiles, None)
            if not dfs:
            if self.key_all in dfs:
                if self.debug:
                    self.log.dbg('add ALL to profile {}'.format(k))
                v[self.key_profile_dotfiles] = self.dotfiles.keys()

    def _resolve_profile_includes(self):
        # profiles -> include other profile
        for k, v in self.profiles.items():

    def _rec_resolve_profile_include(self, profile):
        recursively resolve include of other profiles's:
        * dotfiles
        * actions
        * variables
        * dynvariables
        variables/dynvariables are directly merged with the
        global variables (self.variables) if these are
        included in the selected profile
        returns dotfiles, actions, variables, dynvariables
        this_profile = self.profiles[profile]

        # considered profile content
        dotfiles = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_dotfiles, []) or []
        actions = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_actions, []) or []
        includes = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_include, []) or []
        pvars = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_variables, {}) or {}
        pdvars = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_dvariables, {}) or {}
        if not includes:
            # nothing to include
            return dotfiles, actions, pvars, pdvars

        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('{} includes {}'.format(profile, ','.join(includes)))
            self.log.dbg('{} dotfiles before include: {}'.format(
                profile, dotfiles))
            self.log.dbg('{} actions before include: {}'.format(
                profile, actions))
            self.log.dbg('{} variables before include: {}'.format(
                profile, pvars))
            self.log.dbg('{} dynvariables before include: {}'.format(
                profile, pdvars))

        seen = []
        for i in uniq_list(includes):
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('resolving includes "{}" <- "{}"'.format(
                    profile, i))

            # ensure no include loop occurs
            if i in seen:
                raise YamlException('\"include loop\"')
            # included profile even exists
            if i not in self.profiles.keys():
                self.log.warn('include unknown profile: {}'.format(i))

            # recursive resolve
            if self.debug:
                    'recursively resolving includes for profile "{}"'.format(
            o_dfs, o_actions, o_v, o_dv = self._rec_resolve_profile_include(i)

            # merge dotfile keys
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('Merging dotfiles {} <- {}: {} <- {}'.format(
                    profile, i, dotfiles, o_dfs))
            this_profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles] = uniq_list(dotfiles)

            # merge actions keys
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('Merging actions {} <- {}: {} <- {}'.format(
                    profile, i, actions, o_actions))
            this_profile[self.key_profile_actions] = uniq_list(actions)

            # merge variables
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('Merging variables {} <- {}: {} <- {}'.format(
                    profile, i, dict(pvars), dict(o_v)))
            pvars = self._merge_dict(o_v, pvars)
            this_profile[self.key_profile_variables] = pvars

            # merge dynvariables
            if self.debug:
                    'Merging dynamic variables {} <- {}: {} <- {}'.format(
                        profile, i, dict(pdvars), dict(o_dv)))
            pdvars = self._merge_dict(o_dv, pdvars)
            this_profile[self.key_profile_dvariables] = pdvars

        dotfiles = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_dotfiles, [])
        actions = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_actions, [])
        pvars = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_variables, {}) or {}
        pdvars = this_profile.get(self.key_profile_dvariables, {}) or {}

        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('{} dotfiles after include: {}'.format(
                profile, dotfiles))
            self.log.dbg('{} actions after include: {}'.format(
                profile, actions))
            self.log.dbg('{} variables after include: {}'.format(
                profile, pvars))
            self.log.dbg('{} dynvariables after include: {}'.format(
                profile, pdvars))

        if profile == self.profile:
            # Only for the selected profile, we execute dynamic variables and
            # we merge variables/dynvariables into the global variables
            self._shell_exec_dvars(pdvars.keys(), pdvars)
            self.variables = self._merge_dict(pvars, self.variables)
            self.variables = self._merge_dict(pdvars, self.variables)

        # since included items are resolved here
        # we can clear these include
        self.profiles[profile][self.key_profile_include] = None
        return dotfiles, actions, pvars, pdvars

    # handle imported entries

    def _import_variables(self):
        """import external variables from paths"""
        paths = self.settings.get(self.key_import_variables, None)
        if not paths:
        paths = self._resolve_paths(paths)
        for path in paths:
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('import variables from {}'.format(path))
            var = self._import_sub(path, self.key_variables, mandatory=False)
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('import dynvariables from {}'.format(path))
            dvar = self._import_sub(path, self.key_dvariables, mandatory=False)
            merged = self._merge_dict(dvar, var)
            merged = self._rec_resolve_vars(merged)
            # execute dvar
            self._shell_exec_dvars(dvar.keys(), merged)
            self.variables = self._merge_dict(merged, self.variables)

    def _clear_profile_vars(self, dic):
        """remove profile variables from dic if found"""
        [dic.pop(k, None) for k in self.prokeys]

    def _parse_extended_import_path(self, path_entry):
        """Parse an import path in a tuple (path, fatal_not_found)."""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('parsing path entry {}'.format(path_entry))

        path, _, attribute = path_entry.rpartition(self.key_import_sep)
        fatal_not_found = attribute != self.key_import_ignore_key
        is_valid_attribute = attribute in ('', self.key_import_ignore_key)
        if not is_valid_attribute:
            # If attribute is not valid it can mean that:
            # - path_entry doesn't contain the separator, and attribute is set
            #   to the whole path by str.rpartition
            # - path_entry contains a separator, but it's in the file path, so
            #   attribute is set to whatever comes after the separator by
            #   str.rpartition
            # In both cases, path_entry is the path we're looking for.
            if self.debug:
                    'using attribute default values for path {}'.format(
            path = path_entry
            fatal_not_found = self.key_import_fatal_not_found
        elif self.debug:
                'path entry {} has fatal_not_found flag set to {}'.format(
                    path_entry, fatal_not_found))
        return path, fatal_not_found

    def _handle_non_existing_path(self, path, fatal_not_found=True):
        """Raise an exception or log a warning to handle non-existing paths."""
        error = 'bad path {}'.format(path)
        if fatal_not_found:
            raise YamlException(error)

    def _check_path_existence(self, path, fatal_not_found=True):
        """Check if a path exists, raising if necessary."""
        if os.path.exists(path):
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('path {} exists'.format(path))
            return path

        self._handle_non_existing_path(path, fatal_not_found)
        # Explicit return for readability. Anything evaluating to false is ok.
        return None

    def _process_path(self, path_entry):
        """Process a path entry to a normalized form.

        This method processed a path entry. Namely it:
        - Normalizes the path.
        - Expands globs.
        - Checks for path existence, taking in account fatal_not_found.
        This method always returns a list containing only absolute paths
        existing on the filesystem. If the input is not a glob, the list
        contains at most one element, otheriwse it could hold more.

        :param path_entry: A path with an optional attribute.
        :type path_entry: str
        :return: A list of normalized existing paths, obtained from the input.
        :rtype: List of str
        path, fatal_not_found = self._parse_extended_import_path(path_entry)
        path = self._norm_path(path)
        paths = self._glob_path(path) if self._is_glob(path) else [path]
        if not paths:
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg("glob path {} didn't expand".format(path))
            self._handle_non_existing_path(path, fatal_not_found)
            return []

        checked_paths = (self._check_path_existence(p, fatal_not_found)
                         for p in paths)
        return [p for p in checked_paths if p]

    def _resolve_paths(self, paths):
        """Resolve a list of path to existing paths.

        This function resolves a list of paths. This means normalizing,
        expanding globs and checking for existence, taking in account
        fatal_not_found flags.

        :param paths: A list of paths. Might contain globs and options.
        :type paths: List of str
        :return: A list of processed paths.
        :rtype: List of str
        processed_paths = (self._process_path(p) for p in paths)
        return list(chain.from_iterable(processed_paths))

    def _import_actions(self):
        """import external actions from paths"""
        paths = self.settings.get(self.key_import_actions, None)
        if not paths:
        paths = self._resolve_paths(paths)
        for path in paths:
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('import actions from {}'.format(path))
            new = self._import_sub(path,
            self.actions = self._merge_dict(new, self.actions)

    def _import_profiles_dotfiles(self):
        """import profile dotfiles"""
        for k, v in self.profiles.items():
            imp = v.get(self.key_import_profile_dfs, None)
            if not imp:
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('import dotfiles for profile {}'.format(k))
            paths = self._resolve_paths(imp)
            for path in paths:
                current = v.get(self.key_dotfiles, [])
                new = self._import_sub(path,
                v[self.key_dotfiles] = new + current

    def _import_config(self, path):
        """import config from path"""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('import config from {}'.format(path))
        sub = CfgYaml(path, profile=self.profile, debug=self.debug)

        # settings are ignored from external file
        # except for filter_file and func_file
        self.settings[Settings.key_func_file] += [
            for func_file in sub.settings[Settings.key_func_file]
        self.settings[Settings.key_filter_file] += [
            for func_file in sub.settings[Settings.key_filter_file]

        # merge top entries
        self.dotfiles = self._merge_dict(self.dotfiles, sub.dotfiles)
        self.profiles = self._merge_dict(self.profiles, sub.profiles)
        self.actions = self._merge_dict(self.actions, sub.actions)
        self.trans_r = self._merge_dict(self.trans_r, sub.trans_r)
        self.trans_w = self._merge_dict(self.trans_w, sub.trans_w)

        if self.debug:
            self._debug_dict('add import_configs var', sub.variables)
        self.variables = self._merge_dict(sub.variables, self.variables)

    def _import_configs(self):
        """import configs from external files"""
        # settings -> import_configs
        imp = self.settings.get(self.key_import_configs, None)
        if not imp:
        paths = self._resolve_paths(imp)
        for path in paths:

    def _import_sub(self, path, key, mandatory=False, patch_func=None):
        import the block "key" from "path"
        patch_func is applied to each element if defined
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('import \"{}\" from \"{}\"'.format(key, path))
        extdict = self._load_yaml(path)
        new = self._get_entry(extdict, key, mandatory=mandatory)
        if patch_func:
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('calling patch: {}'.format(patch_func))
            new = patch_func(new)
        if not new and mandatory:
            err = 'no \"{}\" imported from \"{}\"'.format(key, path)
            raise YamlException(err)
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('imported \"{}\": {}'.format(key, new))
        return new

    # add/remove entries

    def _new_profile(self, key):
        """add a new profile if it doesn't exist"""
        if key not in self.profiles.keys():
            # update yaml_dict
            self.yaml_dict[self.key_profiles][key] = {
                self.key_profile_dotfiles: []
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('adding new profile: {}'.format(key))
            self.dirty = True

    def add_dotfile_to_profile(self, dotfile_key, profile_key):
        """add an existing dotfile key to a profile_key"""
        profile = self.yaml_dict[self.key_profiles][profile_key]
        if self.key_profile_dotfiles not in profile or \
                profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles] is None:
            profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles] = []
        pdfs = profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles]
        if self.key_all not in pdfs and \
                dotfile_key not in pdfs:
            if self.debug:
                msg = 'add \"{}\" to profile \"{}\"'.format(
                    dotfile_key, profile_key)
                msg.format(dotfile_key, profile_key)
            self.dirty = True
        return self.dirty

    def get_all_dotfile_keys(self):
        """return all existing dotfile keys"""
        return self.dotfiles.keys()

    def add_dotfile(self, key, src, dst, link):
        """add a new dotfile"""
        if key in self.dotfiles.keys():
            return False
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('adding new dotfile: {}'.format(key))

        df_dict = {
            self.key_dotfile_src: src,
            self.key_dotfile_dst: dst,
        dfl = self.settings[self.key_settings_link_dotfile_default]
        if str(link) != dfl:
            df_dict[self.key_dotfile_link] = str(link)
        self.yaml_dict[self.key_dotfiles][key] = df_dict
        self.dirty = True

    def del_dotfile(self, key):
        """remove this dotfile from config"""
        if key not in self.yaml_dict[self.key_dotfiles]:
            self.log.err('key not in dotfiles: {}'.format(key))
            return False
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('remove dotfile: {}'.format(key))
        del self.yaml_dict[self.key_dotfiles][key]
        if self.debug:
            dfs = self.yaml_dict[self.key_dotfiles]
            self.log.dbg('new dotfiles: {}'.format(dfs))
        self.dirty = True
        return True

    def del_dotfile_from_profile(self, df_key, pro_key):
        """remove this dotfile from that profile"""
        if df_key not in self.dotfiles.keys():
            self.log.err('key not in dotfiles: {}'.format(df_key))
            return False
        if pro_key not in self.profiles.keys():
            self.log.err('key not in profile: {}'.format(pro_key))
            return False
        # get the profile dictionary
        profile = self.yaml_dict[self.key_profiles][pro_key]
        if df_key not in profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles]:
            return True
        if self.debug:
            dfs = profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles]
            self.log.dbg('{} profile dotfiles: {}'.format(pro_key, dfs))
            self.log.dbg('remove {} from profile {}'.format(df_key, pro_key))
        if self.debug:
            dfs = profile[self.key_profile_dotfiles]
            self.log.dbg('{} profile dotfiles: {}'.format(pro_key, dfs))
        self.dirty = True
        return True

    # handle deprecated entries

    def _fix_deprecated(self, yamldict):
        """fix deprecated entries"""

    def _fix_deprecated_link_by_default(self, yamldict):
        """fix deprecated link_by_default"""
        key = 'link_by_default'
        newkey = self.key_imp_link
        if self.key_settings not in yamldict:
        if not yamldict[self.key_settings]:
        config = yamldict[self.key_settings]
        if key not in config:
        if config[key]:
            config[newkey] = self.lnk_link
            config[newkey] = self.lnk_nolink
        del config[key]
        self.log.warn('deprecated \"link_by_default\"')
        self.dirty = True
        self.dirty_deprecated = True

    def _fix_deprecated_dotfile_link(self, yamldict):
        """fix deprecated link in dotfiles"""
        if self.key_dotfiles not in yamldict:
        if not yamldict[self.key_dotfiles]:
        for k, dotfile in yamldict[self.key_dotfiles].items():
            new = self.lnk_nolink
            if self.key_dotfile_link in dotfile and \
                    type(dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link]) is bool:
                # patch link: <bool>
                cur = dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link]
                new = self.lnk_nolink
                if cur:
                    new = self.lnk_link
                dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link] = new
                self.dirty = True
                self.dirty_deprecated = True
                self.log.warn('deprecated \"link\" value')

            elif self.key_dotfile_link_children in dotfile and \
                    type(dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link_children]) is bool:
                # patch link_children: <bool>
                cur = dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link_children]
                new = self.lnk_nolink
                if cur:
                    new = self.lnk_children
                del dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link_children]
                dotfile[self.key_dotfile_link] = new
                self.dirty = True
                self.dirty_deprecated = True
                self.log.warn('deprecated \"link_children\" value')

    # yaml utils

    def _prepare_to_save(self, content):
        content = self._clear_none(content)

        # make sure we have the base entries
        if self.key_settings not in content:
            content[self.key_settings] = None
        if self.key_dotfiles not in content:
            content[self.key_dotfiles] = None
        if self.key_profiles not in content:
            content[self.key_profiles] = None

        return content

    def save(self):
        """save this instance and return True if saved"""
        if not self.dirty:
            return False

        content = self._prepare_to_save(self.yaml_dict)

        if self.dirty_deprecated:
            # add minversion
            settings = content[self.key_settings]
            settings[self.key_settings_minversion] = VERSION

        # save to file
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('saving to {}'.format(self.path))
            with open(self.path, 'w') as f:
                self._yaml_dump(content, f)
        except Exception as e:
            raise YamlException('error saving config: {}'.format(self.path))

        if self.dirty_deprecated:
            warn = 'your config contained deprecated entries'
            warn += ' and was updated'

        self.dirty = False
        self.cfg_updated = False
        return True

    def dump(self):
        """dump the config dictionary"""
        output = io.StringIO()
        content = self._prepare_to_save(self.yaml_dict.copy())
        self._yaml_dump(content, output)
        return output.getvalue()

    def _load_yaml(self, path):
        """load a yaml file to a dict"""
        content = {}
        if self.debug:
            cfg = '\n'
            with open(path, 'r') as f:
                for line in f:
                    cfg += line
            content = self._yaml_load(path)
        except Exception as e:
            raise YamlException('invalid config: {}'.format(path))
        return content

    def _yaml_load(self, path):
        """load from yaml"""
        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            y = yaml()
            y.typ = 'rt'
            content = y.load(f)
        return content

    def _yaml_dump(self, content, where):
        """dump to yaml"""
        y = yaml()
        y.default_flow_style = False
        y.indent = 2
        y.typ = 'rt'
        y.dump(content, where)

    # helpers

    def _merge_dict(self, high, low):
        """merge high and low dict"""
        if not high:
            high = {}
        if not low:
            low = {}
        return {**low, **high}

    def _get_entry(self, dic, key, mandatory=True):
        """return entry from yaml dictionary"""
        if key not in dic:
            if mandatory:
                raise YamlException('invalid config: no {} found'.format(key))
            dic[key] = {}
            return dic[key]
        if mandatory and not dic[key]:
            # ensure is not none
            dic[key] = {}
        return dic[key]

    def _clear_none(self, dic):
        """recursively delete all none/empty values in a dictionary."""
        new = {}
        for k, v in dic.items():
            newv = v
            if isinstance(v, dict):
                newv = self._clear_none(v)
                if not newv:
                    # no empty dict
            if newv is None:
                # no None value
            if isinstance(newv, list) and not newv:
                # no empty list
            new[k] = newv
        return new

    def _is_glob(self, path):
        """Quick test if path is a glob."""
        return '*' in path or '?' in path

    def _glob_path(self, path):
        """Expand a glob."""
        if self.debug:
            self.log.dbg('expanding glob {}'.format(path))
        expanded_path = os.path.expanduser(path)
        return glob.glob(expanded_path, recursive=True)

    def _norm_path(self, path):
        """Resolve a path either absolute or relative to config path"""
        if not path:
            return path
        path = os.path.expanduser(path)
        if not os.path.isabs(path):
            d = os.path.dirname(self.path)
            ret = os.path.join(d, path)
            if self.debug:
                msg = 'normalizing relative to cfg: {} -> {}'
                self.log.dbg(msg.format(path, ret))
            return ret
        ret = os.path.normpath(path)
        if self.debug and path != ret:
            self.log.dbg('normalizing: {} -> {}'.format(path, ret))
        return ret

    def _shell_exec_dvars(self, keys, variables):
        """shell execute dynvariables"""
        for k in list(keys):
            ret, out = shell(variables[k], debug=self.debug)
            if not ret:
                err = 'var \"{}: {}\" failed: {}'.format(k, variables[k], out)
                raise YamlException(err)
            if self.debug:
                self.log.dbg('\"{}\": {} -> {}'.format(k, variables[k], out))
            variables[k] = out

    def _template_list(self, t, entries):
        """template a list of entries"""
        new = []
        if not entries:
            return new
        for e in entries:
            et = t.generate_string(e)
            if self.debug and e != et:
                self.log.dbg('resolved: {} -> {}'.format(e, et))
        return new

    def _check_minversion(self, minversion):
        if not minversion:
            cur = tuple([int(x) for x in VERSION.split('.')])
            cfg = tuple([int(x) for x in minversion.split('.')])
        except Exception:
            err = 'bad version: \"{}\" VS \"{}\"'.format(VERSION, minversion)
            raise YamlException(err)
        if cur < cfg:
            err = 'current dotdrop version is too old for that config file.'
            err += ' Please update.'
            raise YamlException(err)

    def _debug_dict(self, title, elems):
        """pretty print dict"""
        if not self.debug:
        if not elems:
        for k, v in elems.items():
            self.log.dbg('\t- \"{}\": {}'.format(k, v))