Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, app_obj, update_type, wiz_win_obj=None):

        super(UpdateManager, self).__init__()

        # IV list - class objects
        # -----------------------
        # The mainapp.TartubeApp object
        self.app_obj = app_obj
        # The calling setup wizard window (if set, the main window doesn't
        #   exist yet)
        self.wiz_win_obj = wiz_win_obj

        # The child process created by self.create_child_process()
        self.child_process = None

        # Read from the child process STDOUT (i.e. self.child_process.stdout)
        #   and STDERR (i.e. self.child_process.stderr) in an asynchronous way
        #   by polling this queue.PriorityQueue object
        self.queue = queue.PriorityQueue()
        self.stdout_reader = downloads.PipeReader(self.queue, 'stdout')
        self.stderr_reader = downloads.PipeReader(self.queue, 'stderr')

        # IV list - other
        # ---------------
        # The time (in seconds) between iterations of the loop in
        #   self.install_ffmpeg(), .install_matplotlib(), .install_streamlink()
        #   and .install_ytdl()
        self.sleep_time = 0.1

        # 'ffmpeg' to install FFmpeg (on MS Windows only), 'matplotlib' to
        #   install matplotlib (on MS Windows only), 'streamlink' to install
        #   streamlink (on MS Windows only) or 'ytdl' to install/update
        #   youtube-dl (or a fork of it)
        self.update_type = update_type
        # Flag set to True if the update operation succeeds, False if it fails
        self.success_flag = False

        # The youtube-dl version number as a string, if captured from the child
        #   process (e.g. '2019.07.02')
        self.ytdl_version = None

        # (For debugging purposes, store any STDOUT/STDERR messages received;
        #   otherwise we would just set a flag if a STDERR message was
        #   received)
        self.stdout_list = []
        self.stderr_list = []

        # Code
        # ----

        # Let's get this party started!
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, app_obj, update_type, wiz_win_obj=None):

        super(UpdateManager, self).__init__()

        # IV list - class objects
        # -----------------------
        # The mainapp.TartubeApp object
        self.app_obj = app_obj
        # The calling setup wizard window (if set, the main window doesn't
        #   exist yet)
        self.wiz_win_obj = wiz_win_obj

        # This object reads from the child process STDOUT and STDERR in an
        #   asynchronous way
        # Standard Python synchronised queue classes
        self.stdout_queue = queue.Queue()
        self.stderr_queue = queue.Queue()
        # The downloads.PipeReader objects created to handle reading from the
        #   pipes
        self.stdout_reader = downloads.PipeReader(self.stdout_queue)
        self.stderr_reader = downloads.PipeReader(self.stderr_queue)

        # The child process created by self.create_child_process()
        self.child_process = None

        # IV list - other
        # ---------------
        # 'ffmpeg' to install FFmpeg (on MS Windows only), or 'ytdl' to
        #   install/update youtube-dl
        self.update_type = update_type
        # Flag set to True if the update operation succeeds, False if it fails
        self.success_flag = False

        # The youtube-dl version number as a string, if captured from the child
        #   process (e.g. '2019.07.02')
        self.ytdl_version = None

        # (For debugging purposes, store any STDOUT/STDERR messages received;
        #   otherwise we would just set a flag if a STDERR message was
        #   received)
        self.stdout_list = []
        self.stderr_list = []

        # Code
        # ----

        # Let's get this party started!
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, app_obj):

        super(UpdateManager, self).__init__()

        # IV list - class objects
        # -----------------------
        # The mainapp.TartubeApp object
        self.app_obj = app_obj

        # This object reads from the child process STDOUT and STDERR in an
        #   asynchronous way
        # Standard Python synchronised queue classes
        self.stdout_queue = queue.Queue()
        self.stderr_queue = queue.Queue()
        # The downloads.PipeReader objects created to handle reading from the
        #   pipes
        self.stdout_reader = downloads.PipeReader(self.stdout_queue)
        self.stderr_reader = downloads.PipeReader(self.stderr_queue)

        # The child process created by self.create_child_process()
        self.child_process = None

        # The youtube-dl version number as a string, if captured from the child
        #   process (e.g. '2019.07.02')
        self.ytdl_version = None

        # IV list - other
        # ---------------

        # (For debugging purposes, store any STDOUT/STDERR messages received;
        #   otherwise we would just set a flag if a STDERR message was
        #   received)
        self.stdout_list = []
        self.stderr_list = []

        # Code
        # ----

        # Let's get this party started!
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, app_obj, info_type, media_data_obj, url_string,

        super(InfoManager, self).__init__()

        # IV list - class objects
        # -----------------------
        # The mainapp.TartubeApp object
        self.app_obj = app_obj
        # The video for which information will be fetched (None if
        #   self.info_type is 'test_ytdl')
        self.video_obj = media_data_obj

        # This object reads from the child process STDOUT and STDERR in an
        #   asynchronous way
        # Standard Python synchronised queue classes
        self.stdout_queue = queue.Queue()
        self.stderr_queue = queue.Queue()
        # The downloads.PipeReader objects created to handle reading from the
        #   pipes
        self.stdout_reader = downloads.PipeReader(self.stdout_queue)
        self.stderr_reader = downloads.PipeReader(self.stderr_queue)

        # The child process created by self.create_child_process()
        self.child_process = None

        # IV list - other
        # ---------------
        # The type of information to fetch: 'formats' for a list of video
        #   formats, 'subs' for a list of subtitles, 'test_ytdl' to test
        #   youtube-dl with specified options, or 'version' to check for a new
        #   release of Tartube
        self.info_type = info_type
        # For 'test_ytdl', the video URL to download (can be None or an empty
        #   string, if no download is required, for example
        #   'youtube-dl --version'. For 'formats' and 'subs', set to None
        self.url_string = url_string
        # For 'test_ytdl', a string containing one or more youtube-dl download
        #   options. The string, generated by a Gtk.TextView, typically
        #   contains newline and/or multiple whitespace characters; the
        #   info.InfoManager code deals with that. Can be None or an empty
        #   string, if no download options are required. For 'formats' and
        #   'subs', set to None
        self.options_string = options_string
        # For 'version', the version numbers (e.g. 1.2.003) retrieved from the
        #   main website (representing a stable release), and from github
        #   (representing a development release)
        self.stable_version = None
        self.dev_version = None

        # Flag set to True if the info operation succeeds, False if it fails
        self.success_flag = False

        # The list of formats/subtitles extracted from STDOUT
        self.output_list = []

        # (For debugging purposes, store any STDOUT/STDERR messages received;
        #   otherwise we would just set a flag if a STDERR message was
        #   received)
        self.stdout_list = []
        self.stderr_list = []

        # Code
        # ----

        # Let's get this party started!