Exemplo n.º 1
 def setUp(self):
     Sets up a temporary AST for use with our unit tests.
     self.options = TestDoxypypy.__Options(True, True, False, 'dummy',
                                           'dummy', 4)
     self.dummyWalker = AstWalker(TestDoxypypy.__dummySrc, self.options,
Exemplo n.º 2
 def readAndParseFile(inFilename, options):
     Helper function to read and parse a given file and create an AST walker.
     # Read contents of input file.
     inFile = open(inFilename)
     lines = inFile.readlines()
     # Create the abstract syntax tree for the input file.
     testWalker = AstWalker(lines, options, inFilename)
     # Output the modified source.
     return testWalker.getLines()
Exemplo n.º 3
 def readAndParseFile(inFilename, options):
     Helper function to read and parse a given file and create an AST walker.
     # Read contents of input file.
     inFile = open(inFilename)
     lines = inFile.readlines()
     # Create the abstract syntax tree for the input file.
     testWalker = AstWalker(lines, options, inFilename)
     # Output the modified source.
     return testWalker.getLines()
Exemplo n.º 4
 def setUp(self):
     Sets up a temporary AST for use with our unit tests.
     self.options = TestDoxypypy.__Options(True, True, False,
                                           'dummy', 'dummy', 4)
     self.dummyWalker = AstWalker(TestDoxypypy.__dummySrc,
                                  self.options, 'dummy.py')
Exemplo n.º 5
 def snippetComparison(self, sampleSnippets):
     Compare docstring parsing for a list of code snippets.
     for snippetTest in sampleSnippets:
         testWalker = AstWalker(snippetTest['inputCode'].split(linesep),
                                self.options, snippetTest['name'] + '.py')
         funcAst = parse(snippetTest['inputCode'])
         getattr(testWalker, snippetTest['visitor'])(funcAst.body[0])
         self.assertEqual(testWalker.lines, snippetTest['expectedOutput'])
Exemplo n.º 6
    def __call__(self, filename, lines):
        ### &doc_id postprocess:DoxypypyPostProcess_call

        The main bridge between DoxyTH and Doxypypy. Re-creates the doxypypy variables and gives it to the AstWalker

            filename: The file_name name
            lines: The file_name lines

        from doxypypy.doxypypy import AstWalker
        from os import sep
        from optparse import Values
        from .langs import ascii_encode

        # Replace all the lines by a normal \n at the end
            lines = [f"{line.rstrip()}\n" for line in lines]
        except UnicodeEncodeError:
            lines = [f"{ascii_encode(line).rstrip()}\n" for line in lines]

        # Define options
        options = {'autobrief': True, 'autocode': True, 'topLevelNamespace': None, 'tablength': 4, 'debug': None}

        # All the code below is extracted from doxypypy (with a few edits to fit in with doxyth)

        full_path_namespace = filename.replace(sep, '.')[:-3]
        # Use any provided top-level namespace argument to trim off excess.
        real_namespace = full_path_namespace
        if options['topLevelNamespace']:
            namespace_start = full_path_namespace.find(options['topLevelNamespace'])
            if namespace_start >= 0:
                real_namespace = full_path_namespace[namespace_start:]
        options['fullPathNamespace'] = real_namespace

        ast_walker = AstWalker(lines, Values(defaults=options), filename)
        # Output the modified source.
Exemplo n.º 7
class TestDoxypypy(unittest.TestCase):
    Define our doxypypy tests.

    __Options = namedtuple(
        'autobrief autocode debug fullPathNamespace topLevelNamespace tablength'
    __dummySrc = [
        "print('testing: one, two, three, & four') " + linesep,
        "print('is five.')\t" + linesep
    __strippedDummySrc = linesep.join([
        "print('testing: one, two, three, & four')",
        "print('is five.')"
    __sampleBasics = [
            'name': 'onelinefunction',
            'visitor': 'visit_FunctionDef',
            'inputCode': '''def testFunctionOneLine():
                """Here is the brief."""''',
            'expectedOutput': [
                '## @brief Here is the brief.\n# @namespace dummy.testFunctionOneLine',
                'def testFunctionOneLine():'
        }, {
            'name': 'onelineclass',
            'visitor': 'visit_ClassDef',
            'inputCode': '''class testClassOneLine(object):
                """Here is the brief."""''',
            'expectedOutput': [
                '## @brief Here is the brief.\n# @namespace dummy.testClassOneLine',
                'class testClassOneLine(object):'
        }, {
            'name': 'basicfunction',
            'visitor': 'visit_FunctionDef',
            'inputCode': '''def testFunctionBrief():
                """Here is the brief.

                Here is the body. Unlike the brief
                it has multiple lines."""''',
            'expectedOutput': [
                '## @brief Here is the brief.',
                '#                Here is the body. Unlike the brief',
                '#                it has multiple lines.\n# @namespace dummy.testFunctionBrief',
                'def testFunctionBrief():'
        }, {
            'name': 'basicclass',
            'visitor': 'visit_ClassDef',
            'inputCode': '''class testClassBrief(object):
                """Here is the brief.

                Here is the body. Unlike the brief
                it has multiple lines."""''',
            'expectedOutput': [
                '## @brief Here is the brief.',
                '#                Here is the body. Unlike the brief',
                '#                it has multiple lines.\n# @namespace dummy.testClassBrief',
                'class testClassBrief(object):'
        }, {
            'name': 'basicfunctionnobrief',
            'visitor': 'visit_FunctionDef',
            'inputCode': '''def testFunctionNoBrief():
                """Here is the body. It's not a brief as
                it has multiple lines."""''',
            'expectedOutput': [
                "##Here is the body. It's not a brief as",
                '#                it has multiple lines.\n# @namespace dummy.testFunctionNoBrief',
                'def testFunctionNoBrief():'
        }, {
            'name': 'basicclassnobrief',
            'visitor': 'visit_ClassDef',
            'inputCode': '''class testClassNoBrief(object):
                """Here is the body. It's not a brief as
                it has multiple lines."""''',
            'expectedOutput': [
                "##Here is the body. It's not a brief as",
                '#                it has multiple lines.\n# @namespace dummy.testClassNoBrief',
                'class testClassNoBrief(object):'
    __sampleArgs = [
            'name': 'onearg',
            'visitor': 'visit_FunctionDef',
            'inputCode': '''def testFunctionArg(arg):
                """Here is the brief.
                arg -- a test argument."""''',
            'expectedOutput': [
                '## @brief Here is the brief.',
                '# @param\t\targ\ta test argument.\n# @namespace dummy.testFunctionArg',
                'def testFunctionArg(arg):'
        }, {
            'name': 'multipleargs',
            'visitor': 'visit_FunctionDef',
            'inputCode': '''def testFunctionArgs(arg1, arg2, arg3):
                """Here is the brief.
                arg1: a test argument.
                arg2: another test argument.
                arg3: yet another test argument."""''',
            'expectedOutput': [
                '## @brief Here is the brief.',
                '# @param\t\targ1\ta test argument.',
                '# @param\t\targ2\tanother test argument.',
                '# @param\t\targ3\tyet another test argument.\n# @namespace dummy.testFunctionArgs',
                'def testFunctionArgs(arg1, arg2, arg3):'
        }, {
            'name': 'multiplelineargs',
            'visitor': 'visit_FunctionDef',
            'inputCode': '''def testFunctionArgsMulti(
                """Here is the brief.
                arg1: a test argument.
                arg2: another test argument.
                arg3: yet another test argument."""''',
            'expectedOutput': [
                '## @brief Here is the brief.',
                '# @param\t\targ1\ta test argument.',
                '# @param\t\targ2\tanother test argument.',
                '# @param\t\targ3\tyet another test argument.\n# @namespace dummy.testFunctionArgsMulti',
                'def testFunctionArgsMulti(',
                '                        arg1,',
                '                        arg2,',
                '                        arg3',
                '                    ):'
    __sampleAttrs = [
            'name': 'oneattr',
            'visitor': 'visit_ClassDef',
            'inputCode': '''class testClassAttr(object):
                """Here is the brief.
                attr -- a test attribute."""''',
            'expectedOutput': [
                '## @brief Here is the brief.',
                '#\n# @namespace dummy.testClassAttr',
                'class testClassAttr(object):',
                '\n## @property\t\tattr\n# a test attribute.'
        }, {
            'name': 'multipleattrs',
            'visitor': 'visit_ClassDef',
            'inputCode': '''class testClassArgs(object):
                """Here is the brief.
                attr1: a test attribute.
                attr2: another test attribute.
                attr3: yet another test attribute."""''',
            'expectedOutput': [
                '## @brief Here is the brief.',
                '#\n# @namespace dummy.testClassArgs',
                'class testClassArgs(object):',
                '\n## @property\t\tattr1\n# a test attribute.',
                '\n## @property\t\tattr2\n# another test attribute.',
                '\n## @property\t\tattr3\n# yet another test attribute.'
    __sampleReturns = [
            'name': 'returns',
            'visitor': 'visit_FunctionDef',
            'inputCode': '''def testFunctionReturns():
                """Here is the brief.
                Good stuff."""''',
            'expectedOutput': [
                '## @brief Here is the brief.',
                '# @return',
                '#                Good stuff.\n# @namespace dummy.testFunctionReturns',
                'def testFunctionReturns():'
        }, {
            'name': 'yields',
            'visitor': 'visit_FunctionDef',
            'inputCode': '''def testFunctionYields():
                """Here is the brief.
                Good stuff."""''',
            'expectedOutput': [
                '## @brief Here is the brief.',
                '# @return',
                '#                Good stuff.\n# @namespace dummy.testFunctionYields',
                'def testFunctionYields():'
    __sampleRaises = [
            'name': 'oneraises',
            'visitor': 'visit_FunctionDef',
            'inputCode': '''def testFunctionRaisesOne():
                """Here is the brief.
                MyException: bang bang a boom."""''',
            'expectedOutput': [
                '## @brief Here is the brief.',
                '# @exception\t\tMyException\tbang bang a boom.\n# @namespace dummy.testFunctionRaisesOne',
                'def testFunctionRaisesOne():'
        }, {
            'name': 'multipleraises',
            'visitor': 'visit_FunctionDef',
            'inputCode': '''def testFunctionRaisesMultiple():
                """Here is the brief.
                MyException1 -- bang bang a boom.
                MyException2 -- crash.
                MyException3 -- splatter."""''',
            'expectedOutput': [
                '## @brief Here is the brief.',
                '# @exception\t\tMyException1\tbang bang a boom.',
                '# @exception\t\tMyException2\tcrash.',
                '# @exception\t\tMyException3\tsplatter.\n# @namespace dummy.testFunctionRaisesMultiple',
                'def testFunctionRaisesMultiple():'
        }, {
            'name': 'oneraisesclass',
            'visitor': 'visit_ClassDef',
            'inputCode': '''class testClassRaisesOne(object):
                """Here is the brief.
                MyException: bang bang a boom."""''',
            'expectedOutput': [
                '## @brief Here is the brief.',
                '# @exception\t\tMyException\tbang bang a boom.\n# @namespace dummy.testClassRaisesOne',
                'class testClassRaisesOne(object):'
        }, {
            'name': 'multipleraisesclass',
            'visitor': 'visit_ClassDef',
            'inputCode': '''class testClassRaisesMultiple(object):
                """Here is the brief.
                MyException1 -- bang bang a boom.
                MyException2 -- crash.
                MyException3 -- splatter."""''',
            'expectedOutput': [
                '## @brief Here is the brief.',
                '# @exception\t\tMyException1\tbang bang a boom.',
                '# @exception\t\tMyException2\tcrash.',
                '# @exception\t\tMyException3\tsplatter.\n# @namespace dummy.testClassRaisesMultiple',
                'class testClassRaisesMultiple(object):'

    def setUp(self):
        Sets up a temporary AST for use with our unit tests.
        self.options = TestDoxypypy.__Options(True, True, False,
                                              'dummy', 'dummy', 4)
        self.dummyWalker = AstWalker(TestDoxypypy.__dummySrc,
                                     self.options, 'dummy.py')

    def test_stripOutAnds(self):
        Test the stripOutAnds method.
        testPairs = {
            'This and that.': 'This that.',
            'This & that.': 'This that.',
            'This, that, & more.': 'This, that, more.',
            'This and that & etc.': 'This that etc.',
            'Handy.': 'Handy.',
            'This, that, &c.': 'This, that, &c.'
        for pair in testPairs.items():
            self.assertEqual(self.dummyWalker._stripOutAnds(pair[0]), pair[1])

    def test_endCodeIfNeeded(self):
        Test the endCodeIfNeeded method.
        testPairs = {
            ('unu', False): ('unu', False),
            ('du', True): ('# @endcode' + linesep + 'du', False),
            ('tri kvar', True): ('# @endcode' + linesep + 'tri kvar', False),
            ('kvin  \t', True): ('# @endcode' + linesep + 'kvin', False)
        for pair in testPairs.items():

    def test_checkIfCode(self):
        Tests the checkIfCode method on the code side.
        testPairs = [
                    'This is prose, not code.',
                    '>>> print("Now we have code.")'
                ], [
                    'This is prose, not code.',
                    '...{0}# @code{0}'.format(linesep),
                    '>>> print("Now we have code.")'
            ), (
                    'This is prose, not code.',
                    'Traceback: frobnotz failure',
                    '>>> print("Now we have code.")'
                ], [
                    'This is prose, not code.',
                    'Traceback: frobnotz failure{0}# @code{0}'.format(linesep),
                    '>>> print("Now we have code.")'
            ), (
                    'This is prose, not code.',
                    '>>> print("Now we have code.")'
                ], [
                    'This is prose, not code.{0}# @code{0}'.format(linesep),
                    '>>> print("Now we have code.")'
            ), (
                    'This is prose, not code.',
                    'This is still prose, not code.',
                    'Another line of prose to really be sure.',
                    'Ditto again, still prose.',
                    '>>> print("Now we have code.")'
                ], [
                    'This is prose, not code.',
                    'This is still prose, not code.',
                    'Another line of prose to really be sure.',
                    'Ditto again, still prose.{0}# @code{0}'.format(linesep),
                    '>>> print("Now we have code.")'
        for testLines, outputLines in testPairs:
            codeChecker = self.dummyWalker._checkIfCode(False)
            for lineNum, line in enumerate(testLines):
                codeChecker.send((line, testLines, lineNum))
            self.assertEqual(testLines, outputLines)

    def test_checkIfProse(self):
        Tests the checkIfCode method on the prose side.
        testPairs = [
                    'This is prose, not code.'
                ], [
                    '...{0}# @endcode{0}'.format(linesep),
                    'This is prose, not code.'
            ), (
                    'Traceback: frobnotz error',
                    'This is prose, not code.'
                ], [
                    'Traceback: frobnotz error{0}# @endcode{0}'.format(linesep),
                    'This is prose, not code.'
            ), (
                    '>>> print("Code.")',
                    'This is prose, not code.'
                ], [
                    '>>> print("Code."){0}# @endcode{0}'.format(linesep),
                    'This is prose, not code.'
            ), (
                    '>>> myVar = 23',
                    '>>> print(myVar)',
                    'This is prose, not code.'
                ], [
                    '>>> myVar = 23',
                    '>>> print(myVar)',
                    '{0}# @endcode{0}'.format(linesep),
                    'This is prose, not code.'
            ), (
                    '>>> myVar = 23',
                    '>>> print(myVar)',
                    '>>> myVar += 5',
                    '>>> print(myVar)',
                    'This is prose, not code.'
                ], [
                    '>>> myVar = 23',
                    '>>> print(myVar)',
                    '>>> myVar += 5',
                    '>>> print(myVar)',
                    '{0}# @endcode{0}'.format(linesep),
                    'This is prose, not code.'
        for testLines, outputLines in testPairs:
            proseChecker = self.dummyWalker._checkIfCode(True)
            for lineNum, line in enumerate(testLines):
                proseChecker.send((line, testLines, lineNum))
            self.assertEqual(testLines, outputLines)

    def test_checkMemberName(self):
        Test the checkMemberName method.
        testPairs = {
            'public': None,
            '_protected': 'protected',
            '_stillProtected_': 'protected',
            '__private': 'private',
            '__stillPrivate_': 'private',
            '__notPrivate__': None
        for pair in testPairs.items():

    def test_getFullPathName(self):
        Test the getFullPathName method.
        self.assertEqual(self.dummyWalker._getFullPathName([('one', 'class')]),
                         [('dummy', 'module'), ('one', 'class')])

    def test_getLines(self):
        Test the getLines method.

    def test_parseLines(self):
        Test the parseLines method.
        # For our sample data parseLines doesn't change anything.

    def snippetComparison(self, sampleSnippets):
        Compare docstring parsing for a list of code snippets.
        for snippetTest in sampleSnippets:
            testWalker = AstWalker(snippetTest['inputCode'].split(linesep),
                                   self.options, snippetTest['name'] + '.py')
            funcAst = parse(snippetTest['inputCode'])
            getattr(testWalker, snippetTest['visitor'])(funcAst.body[0])
            self.assertEqual(testWalker.lines, snippetTest['expectedOutput'])

    def test_sampleBasics(self):
        Tests the proper handling of basic docstrings.

    def test_sampleArgs(self):
        Tests the proper handling of arguments in function docstrings.

    def test_sampleAttrs(self):
        Tests the proper handling of attributes in class docstrings.

    def test_sampleReturns(self):
        Tests the proper handling of returns and yields in function docstrings.

    def test_sampleRaises(self):
        Tests the proper handling of raises in function and class docstrings.

    def readAndParseFile(inFilename, options):
        Helper function to read and parse a given file and create an AST walker.
        # Read contents of input file.
        inFile = open(inFilename)
        lines = inFile.readlines()
        # Create the abstract syntax tree for the input file.
        testWalker = AstWalker(lines, options, inFilename)
        # Output the modified source.
        return testWalker.getLines()

    def compareAgainstGoldStandard(self, inFilename):
        Read and process the input file and compare its output against the gold
        inFilenameBase = splitext(basename(inFilename))[0]
        fullPathNamespace = inFilenameBase.replace(sep, '.')
        trials = (
            ('.out', (True, True, False, fullPathNamespace, inFilenameBase, 4)),
            ('.outnc', (True, False, False, fullPathNamespace, inFilenameBase, 4)),
            ('.outnn', (True, True, False, fullPathNamespace, None, 4)),
            ('.outbare', (False, False, False, fullPathNamespace, None, 4))
        for options in trials:
            output = self.readAndParseFile(inFilename,
            goldFilename = splitext(inFilename)[0] + options[0] + '.py'
            goldFile = open(goldFilename)
            goldContentLines = goldFile.readlines()
            # We have to go through some extra processing to ensure line endings
            # match across platforms.
            goldContent = linesep.join(line.rstrip()
                                       for line in goldContentLines)
            self.assertEqual(output.rstrip(linesep), goldContent.rstrip(linesep))

    def test_pepProcessing(self):
        Test the basic example included in PEP 257.
        sampleName = 'doxypypy/test/sample_pep.py'

    def test_privacyProcessing(self):
        Test an example with different combinations of public, protected, and
        sampleName = 'doxypypy/test/sample_privacy.py'

    def test_googleProcessing(self):
        Test the examples in the Google Python Style Guide.
        sampleName = 'doxypypy/test/sample_google.py'

    def test_rawdocstringProcessing(self):
        Test raw docstrings.
        sampleName = 'doxypypy/test/sample_rawdocstring.py'

    def test_sectionsProcessing(self):
        Test arbitrary sections handling.
        sampleName = 'doxypypy/test/sample_sections.py'

    def test_docExampleProcessing(self):
        Test the basic example used in the doxypypy docs.
        sampleName = 'doxypypy/test/sample_docexample.py'

    def test_interfaceProcessing(self):
        Test an example with ZOPE style interfaces.
        sampleName = 'doxypypy/test/sample_interfaces.py'

    def test_maze(self):
        Test a basic example inspired by the Commodore one-liner.
        sampleName = 'doxypypy/test/sample_maze.py'
Exemplo n.º 8
class TestDoxypypy(unittest.TestCase):
    Define our doxypypy tests.

    __Options = namedtuple(
        'autobrief autocode debug fullPathNamespace topLevelNamespace tablength'
    __dummySrc = [
        "print('testing: one, two, three, & four') " + linesep,
        "print('is five.')\t" + linesep
    __strippedDummySrc = linesep.join(
        ["print('testing: one, two, three, & four')", "print('is five.')"])
    __sampleBasics = [{
        '''def testFunctionOneLine():
                """Here is the brief."""''',
        'expectedOutput': [
            '## @brief Here is the brief.\n# @namespace dummy.testFunctionOneLine',
            'def testFunctionOneLine():'
    }, {
        '''class testClassOneLine(object):
                """Here is the brief."""''',
        'expectedOutput': [
            '## @brief Here is the brief.\n# @namespace dummy.testClassOneLine',
            'class testClassOneLine(object):'
    }, {
        '''def testFunctionBrief():
                """Here is the brief.

                Here is the body. Unlike the brief
                it has multiple lines."""''',
        'expectedOutput': [
            '## @brief Here is the brief.', '#',
            '#                Here is the body. Unlike the brief',
            '#                it has multiple lines.\n# @namespace dummy.testFunctionBrief',
            'def testFunctionBrief():'
    }, {
        '''class testClassBrief(object):
                """Here is the brief.

                Here is the body. Unlike the brief
                it has multiple lines."""''',
        'expectedOutput': [
            '## @brief Here is the brief.', '#',
            '#                Here is the body. Unlike the brief',
            '#                it has multiple lines.\n# @namespace dummy.testClassBrief',
            'class testClassBrief(object):'
    }, {
        '''def testFunctionNoBrief():
                """Here is the body. It's not a brief as
                it has multiple lines."""''',
        'expectedOutput': [
            "##Here is the body. It's not a brief as",
            '#                it has multiple lines.\n# @namespace dummy.testFunctionNoBrief',
            'def testFunctionNoBrief():'
    }, {
        '''class testClassNoBrief(object):
                """Here is the body. It's not a brief as
                it has multiple lines."""''',
        'expectedOutput': [
            "##Here is the body. It's not a brief as",
            '#                it has multiple lines.\n# @namespace dummy.testClassNoBrief',
            'class testClassNoBrief(object):'
    __sampleArgs = [{
        '''def testFunctionArg(arg):
                """Here is the brief.
                arg -- a test argument."""''',
        'expectedOutput': [
            '## @brief Here is the brief.', '#',
            '# @param\t\targ\ta test argument.\n# @namespace dummy.testFunctionArg',
            'def testFunctionArg(arg):'
    }, {
        '''def testFunctionArgs(arg1, arg2, arg3):
                """Here is the brief.
                arg1: a test argument.
                arg2: another test argument.
                arg3: yet another test argument."""''',
        'expectedOutput': [
            '## @brief Here is the brief.', '#',
            '# @param\t\targ1\ta test argument.',
            '# @param\t\targ2\tanother test argument.',
            '# @param\t\targ3\tyet another test argument.\n# @namespace dummy.testFunctionArgs',
            'def testFunctionArgs(arg1, arg2, arg3):'
    }, {
        '''def testFunctionArgsMulti(
                """Here is the brief.
                arg1: a test argument.
                arg2: another test argument.
                arg3: yet another test argument."""''',
        'expectedOutput': [
            '## @brief Here is the brief.', '#',
            '# @param\t\targ1\ta test argument.',
            '# @param\t\targ2\tanother test argument.',
            '# @param\t\targ3\tyet another test argument.\n# @namespace dummy.testFunctionArgsMulti',
            'def testFunctionArgsMulti(', '                        arg1,',
            '                        arg2,', '                        arg3',
            '                    ):'
    __sampleAttrs = [{
        '''class testClassAttr(object):
                """Here is the brief.
                attr -- a test attribute."""''',
        'expectedOutput': [
            '## @brief Here is the brief.',
            '#\n# @namespace dummy.testClassAttr',
            'class testClassAttr(object):',
            '\n## @property\t\tattr\n# a test attribute.'
    }, {
        '''class testClassArgs(object):
                """Here is the brief.
                attr1: a test attribute.
                attr2: another test attribute.
                attr3: yet another test attribute."""''',
        'expectedOutput': [
            '## @brief Here is the brief.',
            '#\n# @namespace dummy.testClassArgs',
            'class testClassArgs(object):',
            '\n## @property\t\tattr1\n# a test attribute.',
            '\n## @property\t\tattr2\n# another test attribute.',
            '\n## @property\t\tattr3\n# yet another test attribute.'
    __sampleReturns = [{
        '''def testFunctionReturns():
                """Here is the brief.
                Good stuff."""''',
        'expectedOutput': [
            '## @brief Here is the brief.', '# @return',
            '#                Good stuff.\n# @namespace dummy.testFunctionReturns',
            'def testFunctionReturns():'
    }, {
        '''def testFunctionYields():
                """Here is the brief.
                Good stuff."""''',
        'expectedOutput': [
            '## @brief Here is the brief.', '# @return',
            '#                Good stuff.\n# @namespace dummy.testFunctionYields',
            'def testFunctionYields():'
    __sampleRaises = [{
        '''def testFunctionRaisesOne():
                """Here is the brief.
                MyException: bang bang a boom."""''',
        'expectedOutput': [
            '## @brief Here is the brief.', '#',
            '# @exception\t\tMyException\tbang bang a boom.\n# @namespace dummy.testFunctionRaisesOne',
            'def testFunctionRaisesOne():'
    }, {
        '''def testFunctionRaisesMultiple():
                """Here is the brief.
                MyException1 -- bang bang a boom.
                MyException2 -- crash.
                MyException3 -- splatter."""''',
        'expectedOutput': [
            '## @brief Here is the brief.', '#',
            '# @exception\t\tMyException1\tbang bang a boom.',
            '# @exception\t\tMyException2\tcrash.',
            '# @exception\t\tMyException3\tsplatter.\n# @namespace dummy.testFunctionRaisesMultiple',
            'def testFunctionRaisesMultiple():'
    }, {
        '''class testClassRaisesOne(object):
                """Here is the brief.
                MyException: bang bang a boom."""''',
        'expectedOutput': [
            '## @brief Here is the brief.', '#',
            '# @exception\t\tMyException\tbang bang a boom.\n# @namespace dummy.testClassRaisesOne',
            'class testClassRaisesOne(object):'
    }, {
        '''class testClassRaisesMultiple(object):
                """Here is the brief.
                MyException1 -- bang bang a boom.
                MyException2 -- crash.
                MyException3 -- splatter."""''',
        'expectedOutput': [
            '## @brief Here is the brief.', '#',
            '# @exception\t\tMyException1\tbang bang a boom.',
            '# @exception\t\tMyException2\tcrash.',
            '# @exception\t\tMyException3\tsplatter.\n# @namespace dummy.testClassRaisesMultiple',
            'class testClassRaisesMultiple(object):'

    def setUp(self):
        Sets up a temporary AST for use with our unit tests.
        self.options = TestDoxypypy.__Options(True, True, False, 'dummy',
                                              'dummy', 4)
        self.dummyWalker = AstWalker(TestDoxypypy.__dummySrc, self.options,

    def test_stripOutAnds(self):
        Test the stripOutAnds method.
        testPairs = {
            'This and that.': 'This that.',
            'This & that.': 'This that.',
            'This, that, & more.': 'This, that, more.',
            'This and that & etc.': 'This that etc.',
            'Handy.': 'Handy.',
            'This, that, &c.': 'This, that, &c.'
        for pair in testPairs.items():
            self.assertEqual(self.dummyWalker._stripOutAnds(pair[0]), pair[1])

    def test_endCodeIfNeeded(self):
        Test the endCodeIfNeeded method.
        testPairs = {
            ('unu', False): ('unu', False),
            ('du', True): ('# @endcode' + linesep + 'du', False),
            ('tri kvar', True): ('# @endcode' + linesep + 'tri kvar', False),
            ('kvin  \t', True): ('# @endcode' + linesep + 'kvin', False)
        for pair in testPairs.items():

    def test_checkIfCode(self):
        Tests the checkIfCode method on the code side.
        testPairs = [
                'This is prose, not code.', '...',
                '>>> print("Now we have code.")'
            ], [
                'This is prose, not code.', '...{0}# @code{0}'.format(linesep),
                '>>> print("Now we have code.")'
                'This is prose, not code.', 'Traceback: frobnotz failure',
                '>>> print("Now we have code.")'
            ], [
                'This is prose, not code.',
                'Traceback: frobnotz failure{0}# @code{0}'.format(linesep),
                '>>> print("Now we have code.")'
            (['This is prose, not code.', '>>> print("Now we have code.")'], [
                'This is prose, not code.{0}# @code{0}'.format(linesep),
                '>>> print("Now we have code.")'
                'This is prose, not code.', 'This is still prose, not code.',
                'Another line of prose to really be sure.',
                'Ditto again, still prose.', '>>> print("Now we have code.")'
            ], [
                'This is prose, not code.', 'This is still prose, not code.',
                'Another line of prose to really be sure.',
                'Ditto again, still prose.{0}# @code{0}'.format(linesep),
                '>>> print("Now we have code.")'
        for testLines, outputLines in testPairs:
            codeChecker = self.dummyWalker._checkIfCode(False)
            for lineNum, line in enumerate(testLines):
                codeChecker.send((line, testLines, lineNum))
            self.assertEqual(testLines, outputLines)

    def test_checkIfProse(self):
        Tests the checkIfCode method on the prose side.
        testPairs = [
            (['...', 'This is prose, not code.'], [
                '...{0}# @endcode{0}'.format(linesep),
                'This is prose, not code.'
            (['Traceback: frobnotz error', 'This is prose, not code.'], [
                'Traceback: frobnotz error{0}# @endcode{0}'.format(linesep),
                'This is prose, not code.'
            (['>>> print("Code.")', 'This is prose, not code.'], [
                '>>> print("Code."){0}# @endcode{0}'.format(linesep),
                'This is prose, not code.'
                '>>> myVar = 23', '>>> print(myVar)', '',
                'This is prose, not code.'
            ], [
                '>>> myVar = 23', '>>> print(myVar)',
                '{0}# @endcode{0}'.format(linesep), 'This is prose, not code.'
                '>>> myVar = 23', '>>> print(myVar)', '>>> myVar += 5',
                '>>> print(myVar)', '', 'This is prose, not code.'
            ], [
                '>>> myVar = 23', '>>> print(myVar)', '>>> myVar += 5',
                '>>> print(myVar)', '{0}# @endcode{0}'.format(linesep),
                'This is prose, not code.'
        for testLines, outputLines in testPairs:
            proseChecker = self.dummyWalker._checkIfCode(True)
            for lineNum, line in enumerate(testLines):
                proseChecker.send((line, testLines, lineNum))
            self.assertEqual(testLines, outputLines)

    def test_checkMemberName(self):
        Test the checkMemberName method.
        testPairs = {
            'public': None,
            '_protected': 'protected',
            '_stillProtected_': 'protected',
            '__private': 'private',
            '__stillPrivate_': 'private',
            '__notPrivate__': None
        for pair in testPairs.items():

    def test_getFullPathName(self):
        Test the getFullPathName method.
        self.assertEqual(self.dummyWalker._getFullPathName([('one', 'class')]),
                         [('dummy', 'module'), ('one', 'class')])

    def test_getLines(self):
        Test the getLines method.

    def test_parseLines(self):
        Test the parseLines method.
        # For our sample data parseLines doesn't change anything.

    def snippetComparison(self, sampleSnippets):
        Compare docstring parsing for a list of code snippets.
        for snippetTest in sampleSnippets:
            testWalker = AstWalker(snippetTest['inputCode'].split(linesep),
                                   self.options, snippetTest['name'] + '.py')
            funcAst = parse(snippetTest['inputCode'])
            getattr(testWalker, snippetTest['visitor'])(funcAst.body[0])
            self.assertEqual(testWalker.lines, snippetTest['expectedOutput'])

    def test_sampleBasics(self):
        Tests the proper handling of basic docstrings.

    def test_sampleArgs(self):
        Tests the proper handling of arguments in function docstrings.

    def test_sampleAttrs(self):
        Tests the proper handling of attributes in class docstrings.

    def test_sampleReturns(self):
        Tests the proper handling of returns and yields in function docstrings.

    def test_sampleRaises(self):
        Tests the proper handling of raises in function and class docstrings.

    def readAndParseFile(inFilename, options):
        Helper function to read and parse a given file and create an AST walker.
        # Read contents of input file.
        inFile = open(inFilename)
        lines = inFile.readlines()
        # Create the abstract syntax tree for the input file.
        testWalker = AstWalker(lines, options, inFilename)
        # Output the modified source.
        return testWalker.getLines()

    def compareAgainstGoldStandard(self, inFilename):
        Read and process the input file and compare its output against the gold
        inFilenameBase = splitext(basename(inFilename))[0]
        fullPathNamespace = inFilenameBase.replace(sep, '.')
        trials = (('.out',
                   (True, True, False, fullPathNamespace, inFilenameBase,
                    4)), ('.outnc', (True, False, False, fullPathNamespace,
                                     inFilenameBase, 4)),
                  ('.outnn', (True, True, False, fullPathNamespace, None,
                              4)), ('.outbare', (False, False, False,
                                                 fullPathNamespace, None, 4)))
        for options in trials:
            output = self.readAndParseFile(inFilename,
            goldFilename = splitext(inFilename)[0] + options[0] + '.py'
            goldFile = open(goldFilename)
            goldContentLines = goldFile.readlines()
            # We have to go through some extra processing to ensure line endings
            # match across platforms.
            goldContent = linesep.join(line.rstrip()
                                       for line in goldContentLines)

    def test_pepProcessing(self):
        Test the basic example included in PEP 257.
        sampleName = 'doxypypy/test/sample_pep.py'

    def test_privacyProcessing(self):
        Test an example with different combinations of public, protected, and
        sampleName = 'doxypypy/test/sample_privacy.py'

    def test_googleProcessing(self):
        Test the examples in the Google Python Style Guide.
        sampleName = 'doxypypy/test/sample_google.py'

    def test_rawdocstringProcessing(self):
        Test raw docstrings.
        sampleName = 'doxypypy/test/sample_rawdocstring.py'

    def test_sectionsProcessing(self):
        Test arbitrary sections handling.
        sampleName = 'doxypypy/test/sample_sections.py'

    def test_docExampleProcessing(self):
        Test the basic example used in the doxypypy docs.
        sampleName = 'doxypypy/test/sample_docexample.py'

    def test_interfaceProcessing(self):
        Test an example with ZOPE style interfaces.
        sampleName = 'doxypypy/test/sample_interfaces.py'

    def test_maze(self):
        Test a basic example inspired by the Commodore one-liner.
        sampleName = 'doxypypy/test/sample_maze.py'