Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_kernel_gram_matrix(self):
            K(x) == phi_x.dot(phi_x)
            K(x, y) == phi_x.dot(phi_y)
            K(x, Y) == K(Y, x) = [phi_x.dot(phi_y) for y in Y]
            K(X) == [phi_x.dot(phi_x) for x in X]
            K(X, Y) == [phi_x.dot(phi_y) for x, y in zip(X, Y)]
        N = 100
        dims = np.arange(2, 5)

        for d in dims:

            jacobi_params = 0.5 - np.random.rand(d, 2)
            jacobi_params[0, :] = -0.5

            dpp = MultivariateJacobiOPE(N, jacobi_params)

            x, y = np.random.rand(d), np.random.rand(d)
            phi_x = dpp.eval_poly_multiD(x, normalize='norm')
            phi_y = dpp.eval_poly_multiD(y, normalize='norm')

            X, Y = np.random.rand(5, d), np.random.rand(5, d)
            phi_X = dpp.eval_poly_multiD(X, normalize='norm').T
            phi_Y = dpp.eval_poly_multiD(Y, normalize='norm').T

            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(dpp.K(x), inner1d(phi_x)))

            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(dpp.K(X), inner1d(phi_X)))

            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(dpp.K(x, y), inner1d(phi_x, phi_y)))

            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(dpp.K(x, Y), phi_x.dot(phi_Y)))

            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(dpp.K(X, Y), inner1d(phi_X, phi_Y)))
Exemplo n.º 2
def proj_dpp_sampler_eig_KuTa12(eig_vecs, size=None):
    """ Sample from :math:`\operatorname{DPP}(K)` using the eigendecomposition of the similarity kernel :math:`K`.
    It is based on the orthogonalization of the selected eigenvectors.

    :param eig_vals:
        Collection of eigen values of the similarity kernel :math:`K`.
    :type eig_vals:

    :param eig_vecs:
        Eigenvectors of the similarity kernel :math:`K`.
    :type eig_vecs:

        A sample from :math:`\operatorname{DPP}(K)`.

    .. seealso::

        - :cite:`KuTa12` Algorithm 1
        - :func:`proj_dpp_sampler_eig_GS <proj_dpp_sampler_eig_GS>`
        - :func:`proj_dpp_sampler_eig_GS_bis <proj_dpp_sampler_eig_GS_bis>`

    # Initialization
    V = eig_vecs.copy()
    N, rank = V.shape  # ground set size / rank(K)

    size = rank if size is None else size  # Full projection DPP or k-DPP
    sampl = np.zeros(size, dtype=int)  # sample list

    # Phase 1: Already performed!
    # Select eigvecs with Bernoulli variables with parameter the eigvals

    # Phase 2: Chain rule
    norms_2 = inner1d(V, axis=1)  # ||V_i:||^2

    # Following [Algo 1, KuTa12], the aim is to compute the orhto complement of the subspace spanned by the selected eigenvectors to the canonical vectors \{e_i ; i \in Y\}. We proceed recursively.
    for it in range(size):

        j = np.random.choice(N, size=1, p=np.abs(norms_2) / (rank - it))[0]
        sampl[it] = j
        if it == size - 1:

        # Cancel the contribution of e_i to the remaining vectors that is, find the subspace of V that is orthogonal to \{e_i ; i \in Y\}
        # Take the index of a vector that has a non null contribution on e_j
        k = np.where(V[j, :] != 0)[0][0]
        # Cancel the contribution of the remaining vectors on e_j, but stay in the subspace spanned by V i.e. get the subspace of V orthogonal to \{e_i ; i \in Y\}
        V -= np.outer(V[:, k] / V[j, k], V[j, :])
        # V_:j is set to 0 so we delete it and we can derive an orthononormal basis of the subspace under consideration
        V, _ = la.qr(np.delete(V, k, axis=1), mode='economic')

        norms_2 = inner1d(V, axis=1)  # ||V_i:||^2

    return sampl
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_inner_products_and_square_norms(self):

        X = rndm.rand(10, 20, 30, 40)
        Y = rndm.rand(*X.shape)

        for ax in range(X.ndim):

            # inner product
                np.allclose(utils.inner1d(X, Y, axis=ax),
                            (X * Y).sum(axis=ax)))
            # square norm
                np.allclose(utils.inner1d(X, axis=ax), (X**2).sum(axis=ax)))
Exemplo n.º 4
def proj_dpp_sampler_eig_GS(eig_vecs, size=None, random_state=None):
    """ Sample from projection :math:`\\operatorname{DPP}(K)` using the eigendecomposition of the projection kernel :math:`K=VV^{\top}` where :math:`V^{\top}V = I_r` and :math:`r=\\operatorname{rank}(\\mathbf{K})`.
    It performs sequential update of Cholesky decomposition, which is equivalent to Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization of the rows of the eigenvectors.

    :param eig_vecs:
        Eigenvectors used to form projection kernel :math:`K=VV^{\top}`.
    :type eig_vecs:

        A sample from projection :math:`\\operatorname{DPP}(K)`.
        list, array_like

    .. seealso::

        - cite:`TrBaAm18` Algorithm 3, :cite:`Gil14` Algorithm 2
        - :func:`proj_dpp_sampler_eig_GS_bis <proj_dpp_sampler_eig_GS_bis>`
        - :func:`proj_dpp_sampler_eig_KuTa12 <proj_dpp_sampler_eig_KuTa12>`

    rng = check_random_state(random_state)

    # Initialization
    V = eig_vecs

    N, rank = V.shape  # ground set size / rank(K)
    if size is None:  # full projection DPP
        size = rank
    # else: k-DPP with k = size

    ground_set = np.arange(N)
    sampl = np.zeros(size, dtype=int)  # sample list
    avail = np.ones(N, dtype=bool)  # available items

    # Phase 1: Already performed!
    # Select eigvecs with Bernoulli variables with parameter = eigvals of K.

    # Phase 2: Chain rule
    # Use Gram-Schmidt recursion to compute the Vol^2 of the parallelepiped spanned by the feature vectors associated to the sample

    c = np.zeros((N, size))
    norms_2 = inner1d(V, axis=1)  # ||V_i:||^2

    for it in range(size):
        # Pick an item \propto this squred distance
        j = rng.choice(ground_set[avail],
                       p=np.abs(norms_2[avail]) / (rank - it))
        sampl[it] = j
        if it == size - 1:
        # Cancel the contribution of V_j to the remaining feature vectors
        avail[j] = False
        c[avail, it] =\
            (V[avail, :].dot(V[j, :]) - c[avail, :it].dot(c[j, :it]))\
            / np.sqrt(norms_2[j])

        norms_2[avail] -= c[avail, it]**2  # update residual norm^2

    return sampl.tolist()
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_inner1D_to_compute_inner_product_and_square_norms(self):

        shape = (10, 20, 30, 40)
        X = rndm.rand(*shape)
        Y = rndm.rand(*shape)

        for ax in range(len(shape)):
            with self.subTest(axis=ax):

                for test_inner1D in ['inner_prod', 'sq_norm']:
                    with self.subTest(test_inner1D=test_inner1D):

                        if test_inner1D == 'inner_prod':

                                np.allclose(utils.inner1d(X, Y, axis=ax),
                                            (X * Y).sum(axis=ax)))

                        if test_inner1D == 'sq_norm':

                                np.allclose(utils.inner1d(X, axis=ax),
Exemplo n.º 6
def proj_dpp_sampler_eig_GS_bis(eig_vecs, size=None):
    """ Sample from projection :math:`\operatorname{DPP}(K)` using the eigendecomposition of the projection kernel :math:`K=VV^{\top}` where :math:`V^{\top}V = I_r` and :math:`r=\operatorname{rank}(\mathbf{K})`.
    It performs sequential Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization of the rows of the eigenvectors.

    :param eig_vecs:
        Eigenvectors used to form projection kernel :math:`K=VV^{\top}`.
    :type eig_vecs:

        A sample from projection :math:`\operatorname{DPP}(K)`.
        list, array_like

    .. seealso::

        - This is a slight modification of :func:`proj_dpp_sampler_eig_GS <proj_dpp_sampler_eig_GS>`
        - :func:`proj_dpp_sampler_eig_KuTa12 <proj_dpp_sampler_eig_KuTa12>`

    # Initialization
    V = eig_vecs.copy()

    N, rank = V.shape  # ground set size / rank(K)
    if size is None:  # full projection DPP
        size = rank
    # else: k-DPP with k = size

    ground_set = np.arange(N)
    sampl = np.zeros(size, dtype=int)  # sample list
    avail = np.ones(N, dtype=bool)  # available items

    # Phase 1: Already performed!
    # Select eigvecs with Bernoulli variables with parameter = eigvals of K.

    # Phase 2: Chain rule
    # Use Gram-Schmidt recursion to compute the Vol^2 of the parallelepiped spanned by the feature vectors associated to the sample

    # Matrix of the contribution of remaining vectors
    # <V_i, P_{V_Y}^{orthog} V_j>
    contrib = np.zeros((N, size))

    norms_2 = inner1d(V, axis=1)  # ||V_i:||^2

    for it in range(size):

        # Pick an item proportionally to the residual norm^2
        # ||P_{V_Y}^{orthog} V_j||^2
        j = np.random.choice(ground_set[avail],
                             p=np.abs(norms_2[avail]) / (rank - it))
        sampl[it] = j
        if it == size - 1:
        # Update the residual norm^2
        # |P_{V_Y+j}^{orthog} V_i|^2
        #                                    <V_i,P_{V_Y}^{orthog} V_j>^2
        #     =  |P_{V_Y}^{orthog} V_i|^2 -  ----------------------------
        #                                      |P_{V_Y}^{orthog} V_j|^2
        # 1) Orthogonalize V_j w.r.t. orthonormal basis of Span(V_Y)
        #    V'_j = P_{V_Y}^{orthog} V_j
        #         = V_j - <V_j,sum_Y V'_k>V'_k
        #         = V_j - sum_Y <V_j, V'_k> V'_k
        # Note V'_j is not normalized
        avail[j] = False
        V[j, :] -= contrib[j, :it].dot(V[sampl[:it], :])

        # 2) Compute <V_i, V'_j> = <V_i, P_{V_Y}^{orthog} V_j>
        contrib[avail, it] = V[avail, :].dot(V[j, :])

        # 3) Normalize V'_j with norm^2 and not norm
        #              V'_j         P_{V_Y}^{orthog} V_j
        #    V'_j  =  -------  =  --------------------------
        #             |V'j|^2      |P_{V_Y}^{orthog} V_j|^2
        # in preparation for next orthogonalization in 1)
        V[j, :] /= norms_2[j]

        # 4) Update the residual norm^2: cancel contrib of V_i onto V_j
        # |P_{V_Y+j}^{orthog} V_i|^2
        #   = |P_{V_Y}^{orthog} V_i|^2 - <V_i,V'_j>^2 / |V'j|^2
        #                                  <V_i,P_{V_Y}^{orthog} V_j>^2
        #   =  |P_{V_Y}^{orthog} V_i|^2 -  ----------------------------
        #                                   |P_{V_Y}^{orthog} V_j|^2
        norms_2[avail] -= contrib[avail, it]**2 / norms_2[j]

    return sampl
Exemplo n.º 7
def proj_dpp_sampler_kernel_Schur(K, size=None):
    """ Sample from:

    - :math:`\operatorname{DPP}(K)` with orthogonal projection **correlation** kernel :math:`K` if ``size`` is not provided
    - :math:`\operatorname{k-DPP}` with orthogonal projection **likelihood** kernel :math:`K` with :math:`k=` ``size``

    Chain rule is applied by computing the Schur complements.

    :param K:
        Orthogonal projection kernel.
    :type K:
    :param size:
        Size of the sample.
        Default is :math:`k=\operatorname{Tr}(K)=\operatorname{rank}(K)`.
    :type size:

        If ``size`` is not provided (None),
            A sample from :math:`\operatorname{DPP}(K)`.
        If ``size`` is provided,
            A sample from :math:`\operatorname{k-DPP}(K)`.

    .. seealso::
        - :func:`proj_dpp_sampler_kernel_GS <proj_dpp_sampler_kernel_GS>`

    # Initialization
    # ground set size / rank(K) = Tr(K)
    N, rank = len(K), np.round(np.trace(K)).astype(int)
    if size is None:  # full projection DPP
        size = rank
    # else: k-DPP with k = size

    ground_set = np.arange(N)
    sampl = np.zeros(size, dtype=int)  # sample list
    avail = np.ones(N, dtype=bool)  # available items

    # Schur complement list i.e. residual norm^2
    schur_comp = K.diagonal().copy()
    K_inv = np.zeros((size, size))

    for it in range(size):
        # Pick a new item proportionally to residual norm^2
        j = np.random.choice(ground_set[avail],
                             p=np.abs(schur_comp[avail]) / (rank - it))
        # store the item and make it unavailable
        sampl[it], avail[j] = j, False

        # Update Schur complements K_ii - K_iY (K_Y)^-1 K_Yi
        # 1) use Woodbury identity to update K[Y,Y]^-1 to K[Y+j,Y+j]^-1
        # K[Y+j,Y+j]^-1 =
        # [ K[Y,Y]^-1 + (K[Y,Y]^-1 K[Y,j] K[j,Y] K[Y,Y]^-1)/schur_j,
        #      -K[Y,Y]^-1 K[Y,j]/schur_j]
        # [ -K[j,Y] K[Y,Y]^-1/schur_j,
        #      1/schur_j]
        if it == 0:
            K_inv[0, 0] = 1.0 / K[j, j]

        elif it == 1:
            i = sampl[0]
            K_inv[:2, :2] = np.array([[K[j, j], -K[j, i]],
                                      [-K[j, i], K[i, i]]])\
                            / (K[i, i] * K[j, j] - K[j, i]**2)

        elif it < size - 1:
            temp = K_inv[:it, :it].dot(K[sampl[:it], j])  # K_Y^-1 K_Yj
            # K_jj - K_jY K_Y^-1 K_Yj
            schur_j = K[j, j] - K[j, sampl[:it]].dot(temp)

            K_inv[:it, :it] += np.outer(temp, temp / schur_j)
            K_inv[:it, it] = -temp / schur_j
            K_inv[it, :it] = K_inv[:it, it]
            K_inv[it, it] = 1.0 / schur_j

        else:  # it == size-1
            break  # no need to update for nothing

        # 2) update Schur complements
        # K_ii - K_iY (K_Y)^-1 K_Yi for Y <- Y+j
        K_iY = K[np.ix_(avail, sampl[:it + 1])]
        schur_comp[avail] = K[avail, avail]\
                        - inner1d(K_iY.dot(K_inv[:it+1, :it+1]), K_iY, axis=1)

    return sampl
Exemplo n.º 8
def proj_dpp_sampler_kernel_Schur(K, size=None):
    """ Sample from:

    - :math:`\operatorname{DPP}(K)` with orthogonal projection **correlation** kernel :math:`K` if ``size`` is not provided
    - :math:`\operatorname{k-DPP}` with orthogonal projection **likelihood** kernel :math:`K` with :math:`k=` ``size``

    Chain rule is applied by computing the Schur complements.

    :param K:
        Orthogonal projection kernel.
    :type K:
    :param size:
        Size of the sample.
        Default is :math:`k=\operatorname{Tr}(K)=\operatorname{rank}(K)`.
    :type size:

        If ``size`` is not provided (None),
            A sample from :math:`\operatorname{DPP}(K)`.
        If ``size`` is provided,
            A sample from :math:`\operatorname{k-DPP}(K)`.

    .. seealso::
        - :func:`proj_dpp_sampler_kernel_GS <proj_dpp_sampler_kernel_GS>`

    # Initialization
    # ground set size / rank(K) = Tr(K)
    N, rank = K.shape[0], int(np.round(np.trace(K)))
    ground_set = np.arange(N)

    size = rank if size is None else size  # Full projection DPP or k-DPP
    sampl = np.zeros(size, dtype=int)  # sample list

    avail = np.ones(N, dtype=bool)  # available items

    K_diag = K.diagonal()
    schur_comp = K_diag.copy()  # Schur complement list i.e. residual norm^2

    for it in range(size):
        # Pick a new item proportionally to residual norm^2
        j = np.random.choice(ground_set[avail],
                             p=np.abs(schur_comp[avail]) / (rank - it))[0]
        # store the item and make it unavailable
        sampl[it], avail[j] = j, False

        # Update Schur complements K_ii - K_iY (K_Y)^-1 K_Yi
        # 1) use Woodbury identity to update K[Y,Y]^-1 to K[Y+j,Y+j]^-1
        # K[Y+j,Y+j]^-1 =
        # [ K[Y,Y]^-1 + (K[Y,Y]^-1 K[Y,j] K[j,Y] K[Y,Y]^-1)/schur_j,
        #      -K[Y,Y]^-1 K[Y,j]/schur_j]
        # [ -K[j,Y] K[Y,Y]^-1/schur_j,
        #      1/schur_j]
        if it == 0:
            K_inv = 1.0 / K[j, j]

        elif it == 1:
            Y = sampl[0]
            K_inv = np.array([[K[j, j], -K[j, Y]], [-K[j, Y], K[Y, Y]]])
            K_inv /= K[Y, Y] * K[j, j] - K[j, Y]**2

        elif it < size - 1:
            Y = sampl[:it]
            temp = K_inv.dot(K[Y, j])  # K_Y^-1 K_Yj
            schur_j = K[j, j] - K[j, Y].dot(temp)  # K_jj - K_jY K_Y^-1 K_Yj

            K_inv = np.lib.pad(K_inv, (0, 1),
                               constant_values=1.0 / schur_j)

            K_inv[:-1, :-1] += np.outer(temp, temp / schur_j)
            K_inv[:-1, -1] *= -temp
            K_inv[-1, :-1] = K_inv[:-1, -1]

        else:  # it == size-1
            break  # no need to update for nothing

        # 2) update Schur complements
        # K_ii - K_iY (K_Y)^-1 K_Yi for Y <- Y+j
        K_iY = K[np.ix_(avail, sampl[:it + 1])]
        schur_comp[avail] =\
            K_diag[avail] - inner1d(K_iY.dot(K_inv), K_iY, axis=1)

    return sampl
Exemplo n.º 9
    def K(self, X, Y=None, eval_pointwise=False):
        """Evalute :math:`\\left(K(x, y)\\right)_{x\\in X, y\\in Y}` if ``eval_pointwise=False`` or :math:`\\left(K(x, y)\\right)_{(x, y)\\in (X, Y)}` otherwise

        .. math::

            K(x, y) = \\sum_{\\mathfrak{b}(k)=0}^{N-1}
                        P_{k}(x) P_{k}(y)
                    = \\phi(x)^{\\top} \\phi(y)


        - :math:`k \\in \\mathbb{N}^d` is a multi-index ordered according to the ordering :math:`\\mathfrak{b}`, :py:meth:`compute_ordering`

        - :math:`P_{k}(x) = \\prod_{i=1}^d P_{k_i}^{(a_i, b_i)}(x_i)` is the product of orthonormal Jacobi polynomials

            .. math::

                    P_{k}^{(a_i,b_i)}(u) P_{\\ell}^{(a_i,b_i)}(u)
                    (1-u)^{a_i} (1+u)^{b_i} d u
                = \\delta_{k\\ell}

            so that :math:`(P_{k})` are orthonormal w.r.t :math:`\\mu(dx)`

        - :math:`\\Phi(x) = \\left(P_{\\mathfrak{b}^{-1}(0)}(x), \\dots, P_{\\mathfrak{b}^{-1}(N-1)}(x) \\right)`, see :py:meth:`eval_multiD_polynomials`

        :param X:
            :math:`M\\times d` array of :math:`M` points :math:`\\in [-1, 1]^d`
        :type X:

        :param Y:
            :math:`M'\\times d` array of :math:`M'` points :math:`\\in [-1, 1]^d`
        :type Y:
            array_like (default None)

        :param eval_pointwise:
            sets pointwise evaluation of the kernel, if ``True``, :math:`X` and :math:`Y` must have the same shape, see Returns
        :type eval_pointwise:
            bool (default False)


            If ``eval_pointwise=False`` (default), evaluate the kernel matrix

            .. math::

                \\left(K(x, y)\\right)_{x\\in X, y\\in Y}

            If ``eval_pointwise=True`` kernel matrix
            Pointwise evaluation of :math:`K` as depicted in the following pseudo code output

            - if ``Y`` is ``None``

                - :math:`\\left(K(x, y)\\right)_{x\\in X, y\\in X}` if ``eval_pointwise=False``
                - :math:`\\left(K(x, x)\\right)_{x\\in X}` if ``eval_pointwise=True``

            - otherwise

                - :math:`\\left(K(x, y)\\right)_{x\\in X, y\\in Y}` if ``eval_pointwise=False``
                - :math:`\\left(K(x, y)\\right)_{(x, y)\\in (X, Y)}` if ``eval_pointwise=True`` (in this case X and Y should have the same shape)

        .. seealso::


        X = np.atleast_2d(X)

        if Y is None or Y is X:
            phi_X = self.eval_multiD_polynomials(X)
            if eval_pointwise:
                return inner1d(phi_X, phi_X, axis=1)
                return phi_X.dot(phi_X.T)
            len_X = len(X)
            phi_XY = self.eval_multiD_polynomials(np.vstack((X, Y)))
            if eval_pointwise:
                return inner1d(phi_XY[:len_X], phi_XY[len_X:], axis=1)
                return phi_XY[:len_X].dot(phi_XY[len_X:].T)