Exemplo n.º 1
    def replace_linebreaks(self, text):
        lines = text.split('\n')

        if len(lines) > 1:
            wrapper = DOM.create_document_fragment()

            DOM.append_child(wrapper, DOM.create_text_node(lines[0]))

            for l in lines[1:]:
                DOM.append_child(wrapper, DOM.create_element('br'))
                DOM.append_child(wrapper, DOM.create_text_node(l))
            wrapper = DOM.create_text_node(text)

        return wrapper
Exemplo n.º 2
    def create_nodes(self, text, block=None, entity_stack=None):
        if entity_stack:
            text_children = [DOM.create_text_node(text)]
            text_children = get_decorations(self.composite_decorators, text,

        if self.is_unstyled():
            return list(text_children)

            tags = self.get_style_tags()
            node = DOM.create_element(tags[0])
            child = node

            # Nest the tags.
            # Set the text and style attribute (if any) on the deepest node.
            for tag in tags[1:]:
                new_child = DOM.create_element(tag)
                DOM.append_child(child, new_child)
                child = new_child

            style_value = self.get_style_value()
            if style_value:
                DOM.set_attribute(child, 'style', style_value)
            for text_child in text_children:
                DOM.append_child(child, text_child)

            return [node]
Exemplo n.º 3
    def add_node(self, element, text):
        if self.is_unstyled():
            child = DOM.create_text_node(text)
            DOM.append_child(element, child)
            tags = self.get_style_tags()
            child = element

            # Nest the tags.
            # Set the text and style attribute (if any) on the deepest node.
            for tag in tags:
                new_child = DOM.create_element(tag)
                DOM.append_child(child, new_child)
                child = new_child

            style_value = self.get_style_value()
            if style_value:
                DOM.set_attribute(child, 'style', style_value)

            class_value = self.get_class_value()
            if class_value:
                DOM.set_attribute(child, 'class', class_value)

            DOM.set_text_content(child, text)

        return child
    def replace(self, match, block_type):
        protocol = match.group(1)
        url = match.group(2)
        href = protocol + url
        if block_type == BLOCK_TYPES.CODE:
            return DOM.create_text_node(href)

        text = cgi.escape(href)
        if href.startswith("www"):
            href = "http://" + href
        props = {'href': href}
        if self.new_window:

        return DOM.create_element('a', props, text)
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_decorations(decorators, text, block=None):

    block_type = block.get('type') if block else None
    occupied = {}
    decorations = []

    for deco in decorators:
        for match in deco.SEARCH_RE.finditer(text):
            begin, end = match.span()
            if not any(occupied.get(i) for i in xrange(begin, end)):
                for i in xrange(begin, end):
                    occupied[i] = 1
                decorations.append((begin, end, match, deco))

    pointer = 0
    for begin, end, match, deco in decorations:
        if pointer < begin:
            yield DOM.create_text_node(text[pointer:begin])
        yield deco.replace(match, block_type)
        pointer = end

    if pointer < len(text):
        yield DOM.create_text_node(text[pointer:])
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_create_text_node(self):
     self.assertEqual(DOM.get_tag_name(DOM.create_text_node('Test text')), 'textnode')
     self.assertEqual(DOM.get_text_content(DOM.create_text_node('Test text')), 'Test text')