Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, swipebook, go_to_menu, *args, **kwargs):
        super(DrawingGame, self).__init__(swipebook, go_to_menu, TiltPhysics, *args, **kwargs)

        # self.switches contains entries like ( 'mode_name', mode_button ),
        # where mode_button is one of DrawingToolkit's toggle buttons,
        # and mode_name is its name as it's known to the dispatcher.
        # If a mode_button B is toggled, then B.state == 'down'.
        self.switches = {}

        # DrawingToolkit populates self.switches with references to its toolkit panel toggle buttons.
        # When the player toggles a button, its state is visible in self.switches. Then, the dispatcher will know
        # which drawing function to call when it recieves new touch data.
        self.drawing_toolkit = DrawingToolkit(self)
        self.drawing_enabled = False
        self.active_mode = None

        self.touching_line = False

        # Reference to the line being edited in 'line edit' mode.
        self.target_line = None

        # When working on desktop, it's useful to enable scaling and translation.
        self._keyboard = Window.request_keyboard(self._keyboard_closed, self, "text")
Exemplo n.º 2
class DrawingGame(GameLayout):

    ##### Instance variables used by the magnifiying lens.
    lens = ()
    lens_image = None

    ##### Initialization
    def __init__(self, swipebook, go_to_menu, *args, **kwargs):
        super(DrawingGame, self).__init__(swipebook, go_to_menu, TiltPhysics, *args, **kwargs)

        # self.switches contains entries like ( 'mode_name', mode_button ),
        # where mode_button is one of DrawingToolkit's toggle buttons,
        # and mode_name is its name as it's known to the dispatcher.
        # If a mode_button B is toggled, then B.state == 'down'.
        self.switches = {}

        # DrawingToolkit populates self.switches with references to its toolkit panel toggle buttons.
        # When the player toggles a button, its state is visible in self.switches. Then, the dispatcher will know
        # which drawing function to call when it recieves new touch data.
        self.drawing_toolkit = DrawingToolkit(self)
        self.drawing_enabled = False
        self.active_mode = None

        self.touching_line = False

        # Reference to the line being edited in 'line edit' mode.
        self.target_line = None

        # When working on desktop, it's useful to enable scaling and translation.
        self._keyboard = Window.request_keyboard(self._keyboard_closed, self, "text")

    def _keyboard_closed(self):
        self._keyboard = None

    def _on_keyboard_down(self, keyboard, keycode, text, modifiers):
        code, key = keycode

        if key == "p":

        # Toggle translation on and off when the key 't' is pressed.
        if key == "t":
            if self.swipebook.do_translation == (False, False):
                self.swipebook.do_translation = True
                print "Translation on"
                self.swipebook.do_translation = False
                print "Translation off"

        # Toggle scaling on and off when the key 's' is pressed.
        if key == "s":
            if self.swipebook.do_scale == False:
                self.swipebook.do_scale = True
                print "Scaling on"
                self.swipebook.do_scale = False
                print "Scaling off"

    ##### Post-startup initialization:
    # The widget tree is fully built and now coordinates are known.
    def post_startup_init(self):
        super(DrawingGame, self).post_startup_init(leaf=False)
        if not self.already_post_startup_initialized:
            self.already_post_startup_initialized = True
            self.drawing_toolkit.pos = self.x + self.width / 2.0, self.y + self.height / 2.0
            self.swipebook.add_widget_to_layer(self.drawing_toolkit, "top")

            # Draw a border around the game.
            with self.canvas:
                Color(1, 0, 0, 1)
                Line(rectangle=(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height))

    def save_level(self):
        # Pull the level number from the text input box next to the save button.
        level_number = self.ids.level_number.text

        # Save a picture of the level to be used as a level_button thumbnail in the level selector.

        # Retrieve the total list of game objects currently populating the physics interface.
        level = self.physics_interface.get_game_objects()

        # Remove all objects from the physics interface. (Without this step, the objects won't pickle)
        for obj in level:

        # Pickle (Serialize) the objects into a file called 'levels/levelX' where X is specified by the user.
        level_name = "levels/level{}".format(level_number)
        with open(level_name, "w") as f:
            pickle.dump(level, f)

        # Load the objects back into the physics interface.
        for obj in level:

        # When working on desktop, it's useful to enable scaling and translation.
        self._keyboard = Window.request_keyboard(self._keyboard_closed, self, "text")

    def text_entered(self):
        # When working on desktop, it's useful to enable scaling and translation.
        self._keyboard = Window.request_keyboard(self._keyboard_closed, self, "text")

    ##### Load the current level
    def build_level(self):
        super(DrawingGame, self).build_level()
        self.drawing_enabled = True

    ##### Touch drawing
    # Subclass the on_touch methods to implement paint-like drawing interaction.
    def on_touch_down(self, touch):
        super(DrawingGame, self).on_touch_down(touch)
        if self.do_drawpt(touch.pos):
            if self.engine_running:  # play
                # Don't respond to any touches once 'play' has been pressed.
            else:  # pause

                # Look to self.switches to set the value of self.active_mode. Then dispatch to the mode's drawing functions.

                # See if the touch is a tap on a user-platform. If so, enter into edit-line mode.

                # Initiate mode behavior based on which mode (if any) is active.
                self.mode_behavior(touch, "touch_down")

    def on_touch_move(self, touch):
        super(DrawingGame, self).on_touch_move(touch)
        if self.engine_running:  # play
            # Don't respond to any touches once 'play' has been pressed.
        else:  # pause
            self.mode_behavior(touch, "touch_move")

    def on_touch_up(self, touch):
        super(DrawingGame, self).on_touch_up(touch)
        if self.engine_running:  # play
            # Don't respond to any touches once 'play' has been pressed.
        else:  # pause
            self.mode_behavior(touch, "touch_up")

    def mode_behavior(self, touch, touch_stage):
        """Dispatch function: call the current mode's drawing function."""
        if self.drawing_enabled:
            dispatcher.dispatch(self, touch, touch_stage)

    def do_drawpt(self, pos):
        # Boolean used to determine if a point is good to draw.
        # Return True if the position occurs not in the drawing panel, else False.
        return not self.drawing_toolkit.collide_point(*pos)

    def enter_edit_line_mode(self, touch):
        # A tap on a user-platform enters into edit-line mode.
        self.touching_line = False

        if self.active_mode != "eraser":  # and self.quick_and_short( touch ):
            MAX_DIST = 40

            # Query the space for the closest user-platform within a radius of MAX_DIST from the touch position.
            shape = self.physics_interface.space.nearest_point_query_nearest(
                Vec2d(*touch.pos), MAX_DIST, COLLTYPE_USERPLAT | COLLTYPE_USERCURVE

            if shape and (shape.collision_type == COLLTYPE_USERPLAT or shape.collision_type == COLLTYPE_USERCURVE):
                self.touching_line = True

                # A double-tap on a user-drawn line, switches a line to a curve and vice versa.
                if touch.is_double_tap:

                else:  # Enter into edit line mode.
                    # Exit edit line mode for the currently targeted line, if it exists.

                    # Find the GameObject to which the 'shape' belongs.
                    self.target_line = self.physics_interface.smap[shape]

                    # Set active_mode to 'edit line' mode.
                    self.active_mode = "edit line"

                    # Prepare the target_line for editing.

    # Exit edit-line mode.
    def exit_edit_line_mode(self):
        self.active_mode = None

        if self.target_line:
            # Prepare target_line to be loaded back into the game normally.

            # Load target_line normally.

            # Remove the reference to it.
            self.target_line = None

    def search_switches(self):
        # Search self.switches for any 'down' buttons.
        # Set self.active_mode to the first encounterd 'down' button.
        self.active_mode = None
        for mode_name, mode_button in self.switches.items():
            if mode_button.state == "down":
                self.active_mode = mode_name

    def morph_line(self, shape):
        "Switch a line to a curve, and a curve to a line."

        # Find the endpoints of the target_line.
        self.target_line = self.physics_interface.smap[shape]
        start, end = self.target_line.get_start(), self.target_line.get_end()

        # Switch a line to a curve
        if shape.collision_type == COLLTYPE_USERPLAT:
            self.physics_interface.add_user_static_curve(start, end)
        else:  # and a curve to a line.
            self.physics_interface.add_user_static_line(start, end)

        # Remove the target_line completely.

        # Remove the reference to the dead line, else it'll be brought back to life.
        self.target_line = None

    ##### Callbacks and helpers for the top-of-the-screen buttons ('menu', 'play', 'pause') (which are defined in gamelayout.kv).
    def reset(self):
        super(DrawingGame, self).reset()

        # Show the drawing toolkit.
        if not self.in_success_screen:
            self.swipebook.add_widget_to_layer(self.drawing_toolkit, "top")

    def start_animation(self):
        super(DrawingGame, self).start_animation()

        # Exit edit-line mode.

            # Hide the drawing toolkit.
            self.swipebook.remove_widget_from_layer(self.drawing_toolkit, "top")
        except WidgetException:
            # The drawingtoolkit was never added.

    def menu_callback(self, button):
        super(DrawingGame, self).menu_callback(button)
        if self.quick_and_short(button.last_touch) and not self.in_success_screen:
            self.drawing_enabled = False