Exemplo n.º 1
    def share(self, path):
        """Create a shareable link to a file or folder.

        Shareable links created on Dropbox are time-limited, but don't require any
        authentication, so they can be given out freely. The time limit should allow
        at least a day of shareability, though users have the ability to disable
        a link from their account if they like.

            path: The file or folder to share.

            A dictionary that looks like the following example:

            ``{'url': 'http://www.dropbox.com/s/m/a2mbDa2', 'expires': 'Thu, 16 Sep 2011 01:01:25 +0000'}``

            For a detailed description of what this call returns, visit:

            A dropbox.rest.ErrorResponse with an HTTP status of

            - 400: Bad request (may be due to many things; check e.error for details)
            - 404: Unable to find the file at the given path.
        path = "/shares/%s%s" % (self.session.root, format_path(path))

        url, params, headers = self.request(path, method='GET')

        return RESTClient.GET(url, headers)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def media(self, path):
        """Get a temporary unauthenticated URL for a media file.

        All of Dropbox's API methods require OAuth, which may cause problems in
        situations where an application expects to be able to hit a URL multiple times
        (for example, a media player seeking around a video file). This method
        creates a time-limited URL that can be accessed without any authentication,
        and returns that to you, along with an expiration time.

            path: The file to return a URL for. Folders are not supported.

            A dictionary that looks like the following example:

            ``{'url': 'https://dl.dropbox.com/0/view/wvxv1fw6on24qw7/file.mov', 'expires': 'Thu, 16 Sep 2011 01:01:25 +0000'}``

            For a detailed description of what this call returns, visit:

            A dropbox.rest.ErrorResponse with an HTTP status of

            - 400: Bad request (may be due to many things; check e.error for details)
            - 404: Unable to find the file at the given path.
        path = "/media/%s%s" % (self.session.root, format_path(path))

        url, params, headers = self.request(path, method='GET')

        return RESTClient.GET(url, headers)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def revisions(self, path, rev_limit=1000):
        """Retrieve revisions of a file.

            path: The file to fetch revisions for. Note that revisions
                are not available for folders.
            rev_limit: The maximum number of file entries to return within
                a folder. The server will return at max 1,000 revisions.

            A list of the metadata of all matching files (up to rev_limit entries).

            For a detailed description of what this call returns, visit:

            A dropbox.rest.ErrorResponse with an HTTP status of

            - 400: Bad request (may be due to many things; check e.error for details)
            - 404: No revisions were found at the given path.
        path = "/revisions/%s%s" % (self.session.root, format_path(path))

        params = {
            'rev_limit': rev_limit,

        url, params, headers = self.request(path, params, method='GET')

        return RESTClient.GET(url, headers)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def metadata(self,
        """Retrieve metadata for a file or folder.

            path: The path to the file or folder.

            list: Whether to list all contained files (only applies when
                path refers to a folder).
            file_limit: The maximum number of file entries to return within
                a folder. If the number of files in the directory exceeds this
                limit, an exception is raised. The server will return at max
                10,000 files within a folder.
            hash: Every directory listing has a hash parameter attached that
                can then be passed back into this function later to save on\
                bandwidth. Rather than returning an unchanged folder's contents,\
                the server will instead return a 304.\
            rev: The revision of the file to retrieve the metadata for. [optional]
                This parameter only applies for files. If omitted, you'll receive
                the most recent revision metadata.

            A dictionary containing the metadata of the file or folder
            (and contained files if appropriate).

            For a detailed description of what this call returns, visit:

            A dropbox.rest.ErrorResponse with an HTTP status of

            - 304: Current directory hash matches hash parameters, so contents are unchanged.
            - 400: Bad request (may be due to many things; check e.error for details)
            - 404: No file was found at given path.
            - 406: Too many file entries to return.
        path = "/metadata/%s%s" % (self.session.root, format_path(path))

        params = {
            'file_limit': file_limit,
            'list': 'true',
            'include_deleted': include_deleted,

        if not list:
            params['list'] = 'false'
        if hash is not None:
            params['hash'] = hash
        if rev:
            params['rev'] = rev

        url, params, headers = self.request(path, params, method='GET')

        return RESTClient.GET(url, headers)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def account_info(self):
        """Retrieve information about the user's account.

            A dictionary containing account information.

            For a detailed description of what this call returns, visit:
        url, params, headers = self.request("/account/info", method='GET')

        return RESTClient.GET(url, headers)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def create_copy_ref(self, from_path):
        """Creates and returns a copy ref for a specific file.  The copy ref can be
        used to instantly copy that file to the Dropbox of another account.

         - path: The path to the file for a copy ref to be created on.

            A dictionary that looks like the following example:

            ``{"expires":"Fri, 31 Jan 2042 21:01:05 +0000", "copy_ref":"z1X6ATl6aWtzOGq0c3g5Ng"}``

        path = "/copy_ref/%s%s" % (self.session.root, format_path(from_path))

        url, params, headers = self.request(path, {})

        return RESTClient.GET(url, headers)