Exemplo n.º 1
def test_basic_drs_indexed():
    """Test basic properties of drudge script indexed object."""

    base_name = 'a'
    orig_base = IndexedBase(base_name)

    for drudge in [None, []]:
        matching_indices = [(Symbol('x'), DrsSymbol(drudge, 'x')),
                            ((Symbol('x'), Symbol('y')),
                             (DrsSymbol(drudge, 'x'), DrsSymbol(drudge, 'y')))]
        drs_base = DrsSymbol(drudge, base_name)
        for orig_indices, drs_indices in matching_indices:
            ref = orig_base[orig_indices]
            for i in [
                    orig_base[drs_indices], drs_base[orig_indices],
                assert ref == i
                assert hash(ref) == hash(i)
                assert sympy_key(ref) == sympy_key(i)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_basic_drs_symb():
    """Test the symbol class for basic operations.

    name = 'a'
    ref = Symbol(name)
    dict_ = {ref: 1}

    symbs = [DrsSymbol(None, name), DrsSymbol([], name)]
    for i in symbs:
        assert isinstance(i, DrsSymbol)
        assert ref == i
        assert i == ref
        assert hash(ref) == hash(i)
        assert dict_[i] == 1
        assert sympy_key(ref) == sympy_key(i)
        assert not hasattr(i, '__dict__')

    ref = Symbol(name + 'x')
    for i in symbs:
        assert ref != i
        assert i != ref
        assert hash(ref) != hash(i)
        assert sympy_key(ref) != sympy_key(i)
Exemplo n.º 3
def _parse_vec_uga(vec, spec: _UGSpec):
    """Get the character, lattice indices, and the indices of keys of vector.
    base = vec.base
    if base == spec.uga:
        char = _UG_GEN
        raise ValueError('Unexpected generator of the Unitary Group',vec)
    indices = vec.indices
    if len(indices)!=2:
        raise ValueError('Unexpected length of indices for the generators of Unitary Group',vec)
    keys = tuple(sympy_key(i) for i in indices)

    return char, indices, keys
Exemplo n.º 4
def _parse_vec_agp(vec, spec: _AGPSpec):
    """Get the character, lattice indices, and the indices of keys of vector.
    base = vec.base
    if base == spec.cartan:
        char = _CARTAN
    elif base == spec.raise_:
        char = _RAISE
    elif base == spec.lower:
        char = _LOWER
        raise ValueError('Unexpected vector for the AGP algebra', vec)

    indices = vec.indices
    keys = tuple(sympy_key(i) for i in indices)

    return char, indices, keys
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_ancr_character_has_basic_properties():
    """Test the annihilation and creation character singleton values.

    This test case also serves as the test for the general concrete symbol
    utility class and meta-class.

    # Its objects will be serialized and deserialized.
    n_cr, n_an = [pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(i)) for i in [CR, AN]]

    # We test both the original value and the deserialized values.
    for cr, an in [(CR, AN), (n_cr, n_an)]:
        # Printing, all kinds of printing.
        assert str(cr) == 'CR'
        assert str(an) == 'AN'
        assert repr(cr) == 'CranChar.CR'
        assert repr(an) == 'CranChar.AN'
        assert latex(cr) == r'\dagger'
        assert latex(an) == ''

        # Ordering, in its original form and as SymPy key.
        assert cr == cr
        assert an == an
        assert cr < an
        assert not cr > an
        assert sympy_key(cr) == sympy_key(cr)
        assert sympy_key(an) == sympy_key(an)
        assert sympy_key(cr) < sympy_key(an)
        assert not sympy_key(cr) > sympy_key(an)

        # Subtraction, purpose is the handling in deltas.
        assert cr - cr == 0
        assert an - an == 0
        assert cr - an != 0
        assert an - cr != 0
        assert KroneckerDelta(cr, cr) == 1
        assert KroneckerDelta(an, an) == 1
        assert KroneckerDelta(cr, an) == 0
        assert KroneckerDelta(an, cr) == 0
Exemplo n.º 6
def _parse_vec(vec, spec: _SU4Spec):
    """Get the character, lattice indices, and indices keys of the vector.
    base = vec.base
    if base == spec.cartan1:
        char = _CARTAN1
    elif base == spec.raise1:
        char = _RAISE1
    elif base == spec.lower1:
        char = _LOWER1
    elif base == spec.cartan2:
        char = _CARTAN2
    elif base == spec.raise2:
        char = _RAISE2
    elif base == spec.lower2:
        char = _LOWER2
    elif base == spec.ypp:
        char = _YPP
    elif base == spec.ymm:
        char = _YMM
    elif base == spec.yzz:
        char = _YZZ
    elif base == spec.ypm:
        char = _YPM
    elif base == spec.ymp:
        char = _YMP
    elif base == spec.ypz:
        char = _YPZ
    elif base == spec.yzp:
        char = _YZP
    elif base == spec.ymz:
        char = _YMZ
    elif base == spec.yzm:
        char = _YZM
        raise ValueError('Unexpected vector for SU2 algebra', vec)

    indices = vec.indices
    keys = tuple(sympy_key(i) for i in indices)

    return char, indices, keys
Exemplo n.º 7
def _parse_vec(vec, spec: _AGPFSpec):
    """Get the character, lattice indices, and indices keys of the vector.
    base = vec.base
    indices = vec.indices
    if base == spec.c_.base:
        if vec.indices[0] == CranChar.AN:
            char = _C_
            indices = vec.indices[1:]
        elif vec.indices[0] == CranChar.CR:
            char = _C_DAG
            indices = vec.indices[1:]
    elif base == spec.Nup:
        char = _N_UP_
    elif base == spec.Ndn:
        char = _N_DN_
    elif base == spec.N:
        char = _N_
    elif base == spec.Pdag:
        char = _P_DAG
    elif base == spec.P:
        char = _P_
    elif base == spec.S_p:
        char = _S_P
    elif base == spec.S_z:
        char = _S_Z
    elif base == spec.S_m:
        char = _S_M
        raise ValueError('Unexpected vector for AGPFermi algebra', vec)

    keys = tuple(sympy_key(i) for i in indices[0:1])

    return char, indices, keys
Exemplo n.º 8
def _try_simpl_unresolved_deltas(amp: Expr):
    """Try some simplification on unresolved deltas.

    This function aims to normalize the usage of free indices in the amplitude
    when a delta factor is present to require their equality.

    TODO: Unify the treatment here and the treatment for summation dummies.

    substs = {}
    if not (isinstance(amp, Mul) or isinstance(amp, KroneckerDelta)):
        return amp, substs

    deltas = _UNITY
    others = _UNITY

    if isinstance(amp, KroneckerDelta):
        arg1, arg2 = amp.args

        # Here, only the simplest case is treated, a * x = b * y, with a, b
        # being numbers and x, y being atomic symbols.  One of the symbols
        # can be missing.  But not both, since SymPy will automatically
        # resolve a delta between two numbers.

        factor1, symb1 = _parse_factor_symb(arg1)
        factor2, symb2 = _parse_factor_symb(arg2)

        if factor1 is not None and factor2 is not None:
            if symb1 is None:
                assert symb2 is not None
                arg1 = symb2
                arg2 = factor1 / factor2
            elif symb2 is None:
                assert symb1 is not None
                arg1 = symb1
                arg2 = factor2 / factor1
            elif sympy_key(symb1) < sympy_key(symb2):
                arg1 = symb2
                arg2 = factor1 * symb1 / factor2
                arg1 = symb1
                arg2 = factor2 * symb2 / factor1
            substs[arg1] = arg2

        deltas *= KroneckerDelta(arg1, arg2)

        for i in amp.args:
            if isinstance(i, KroneckerDelta):
                arg1, arg2 = i.args

                # Here, only the simplest case is treated, a * x = b * y,
                # with a, b being numbers and x, y being atomic symbols.
                # One of the symbols can be missing.  But not both,
                # since SymPy will automatically resolve a delta between
                # two numbers.

                factor1, symb1 = _parse_factor_symb(arg1)
                factor2, symb2 = _parse_factor_symb(arg2)
                if factor1 is not None and factor2 is not None:
                    if symb1 is None:
                        assert symb2 is not None
                        arg1 = symb2
                        arg2 = factor1 / factor2
                    elif symb2 is None:
                        assert symb1 is not None
                        arg1 = symb1
                        arg2 = factor2 / factor1
                    elif sympy_key(symb1) < sympy_key(symb2):
                        arg1 = symb2
                        arg2 = factor1 * symb1 / factor2
                        arg1 = symb1
                        arg2 = factor2 * symb2 / factor1

                    # Now update the substs dictionary
                    if arg1 not in list(substs.keys()):
                        substs[arg1] = arg2
                        # if the arg1 exists in the key,
                        # multiply with the new delta
                        deltas *= KroneckerDelta(arg2, substs[arg1])
                deltas *= KroneckerDelta(arg1, arg2)
                others *= i

    others = others.xreplace(substs)
    return deltas * others, substs