Exemplo n.º 1
    def set_scl_trigger_level(self, level: float = 0) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:IIC:CLEVel <level>


        Set the trigger level of SCL in IIC trigger and the unit is the same
        with the current amplitude unit.
        Query the current trigger level of SCL in IIC trigger.


        ======== ===== ================================= ========
        Name     Type  Range                             Default
        ======== ===== ================================= ========
        <level>  Real  ± 5 × VerticalScale from          0
                             the screen center - OFFSet
        ======== ===== ================================= ========

        For the VerticalScale, refer to the :CHANnel<n>:SCALe command.

        For the OFFSet, refer to the :CHANNel<n>:OFFSet command.

        **Return Format**

        The query returns the trigger level in scientific notation.


        :TRIGger:IIC:CLEVel 0.16
        The query returns 1.600000e-01.
        scale: float = -1.0
        offset: float = -1.0
        source = self.get_scl_source()
        if source == "channel 1":
            scale = self.subdevice.device.channel1.get_scale()
            offset = self.subdevice.device.channel1.get_offset()
        elif source == "channel 2":
            scale = self.subdevice.device.channel2.scale()
            offset = self.subdevice.device.channel2.get_offset()
            DS2000StateError("The level coul'd only be set, if the source is"
                             "Channel 1 or Channel 2.")  # TODO: Right??

        min_rng = -5 * scale - offset
        max_rng = 5 * scale - offset

        if not isinstance(level, float) or not min_rng <= level <= max_rng:
                f'"level" must be of type float and between '
                f"{min_rng}..{max_rng}. You entered type {type(level)}.")

        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:IIC:CLEVel {level}")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def status(self) -> str:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:MODE <mode>


        Select the trigger type.
        Query the current trigger type.


        ======= ========= ============================ =======
        Name    Type      Range                        Default
        ======= ========= ============================ =======
        <mode>  Discrete  {EDGE|PULSe|RUNT|WIND|NEDG|  EDGE
        ======= ========= ============================ =======

        **Return Format**

        The query returns the current trigger type.


        :TRIGger:MODE SLOPe
        The query returns SLOP.
        status = self.subdevice.device.ask(":TRIGger:MODE?").lower()
        if status in (
            return status
        if status == "wind":
            return "windows"
        if status == "nedg":
            return "nth edge"
        if status == "shold":
            return "setup/hold"
        if status == "iic":
            return "i2c"
        raise DS2000StateError()
Exemplo n.º 3
    def set_level(self, level: int = 0) -> None:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:NEDGe:LEVel <level>


        Set the trigger level in Nth edge trigger and the unit is the same with
        the current amplitude unit.
        Query the current trigger level in Nth edge trigger.


        ======== ===== =========================== =======
        Name     Type  Range                       Default
        ======== ===== =========================== =======
        <level>  Real  ± 5 × VerticalScale from    0
                       the screen center - OFFSet
        ======== ===== =========================== =======

        For VerticalScale, refer to the :CHANnel<n>:SCALe command.
        For the OFFSet, refer to the :CHANNel<n>:OFFSet command.

        **Return Format**

        The query returns the trigger level in scientific notation.


        :TRIGger:NEDGe:LEVel 0.16
        The query returns 1.600000e-01.
        scale: float = -1.0
        offset: float = -1.0
        source = self.source.status()
        if source == "channel 1":
            scale = self.subdevice.device.channel1.get_scale()
            offset = self.subdevice.device.channel1.get_offset()
        elif source == "channel 2":
            scale = self.subdevice.device.channel2.scale()
            offset = self.subdevice.device.channel2.get_offset()
            DS2000StateError("The level coul'd only be set, if the source is"
                             "Channel 1 or Channel 2.")  # ToDo: Right??

        min_rng = -5 * scale - offset
        max_rng = 5 * scale - offset

        check_input(level, "level", int, min_rng, max_rng, "")

        self.subdevice.device.ask(f":TRIGger:NEDGe:LEVel {level}")
Exemplo n.º 4
    def status(self) -> str:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:SHOLd:TYPe <type>


        Set the hold type of setup/hold trigger.
        Query the current hold type of setup/hold trigger.


        ======= ========= ===================== ========
        Name    Type      Range                 Default
        ======= ========= ===================== ========
        <type>  Discrete  {SETup|HOLd|SETHOLd}  SETup
        ======= ========= ===================== ========


        SETup: set the time (refer to the :TRIGger:SHOLd:STIMe command) that
        the data stays stable and constant before the clock edge appears.

        HOLd: set the time (refer to the :TRIGger:SHOLd:HTIMe command) that
        the data stays stable and constant after the clock edge appears.

        SETHOLd: set the time (refer to the :TRIGger:SHOLd:STIMe and
        :TRIGger:SHOLd:HTIMe commands) that the data stays stable and constant
        before and after the clock edge appears.

        **Return Format**

        The query returns SETup, HOL or SETHOL.


        :TRIGger:SHOLd:TYPe SETHOLd
        The query returns SETHOL.
        status = self.subsubdevice.subdevice.device.ask(

        if status == "setup":
            return "setup"
        if status == "hold":
            return "hold"
        if status == "sethold":
            return "setup hold"
        raise DS2000StateError()
Exemplo n.º 5
    def status(self) -> str:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:TIMeout:SOURce <source>


        Select the trigger source of timeout trigger.
        Query the current trigger source of timeout trigger.


        ========= ========= ==================== ========
        Name      Type      Range                Default
        ========= ========= ==================== ========
        <source>  Discrete  {CHANnel1|CHANnel2}  CHANnel1
        ========= ========= ==================== ========

        **Return Format**

        The query returns CHAN1 or CHAN2.


        :TRIGger:TIMeout:SOURce CHANnel2
        The query returns CHAN2.

        status: str = self.subsubdevice.subdevice.device.ask(

        if status == "chan1":
            return "channel 1"
        if status == "chan2":
            return "channel 2"
        raise DS2000StateError()
Exemplo n.º 6
    def status(self) -> str:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:TIMeout:SLOPe <slope>


        Set the edge type of timeout trigger.
        Query the current edge type of timeout trigger.


        ======== ========= ========================== ========
        Name     Type      Range                      Default
        ======== ========= ========================== ========
        <slope>  Discrete  {POSitive|NEGative|RFALl}  POSitive
        ======== ========= ========================== ========

        **Return Format**

        The query returns POS, NEG or RFAL.


        :TRIGger:TIMeout:SLOPe NEGative
        The query returns NEG.
        status: str = self.subsubdevice.subdevice.device.ask(
        if status == "POS":
            return "rising edge"
        if status == "NEG":
            return "falling edge"
        if status == "RFAL":
            return "both edges"
        raise DS2000StateError()
Exemplo n.º 7
    def status(self) -> str:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:SHOLd:SLOPe <slope>


        Set the edge type of setup/hold trigger to the rising edge or falling
        Query the current edge type of setup/hold trigger.


        ======== ========= ==================== ========
        Name     Type      Range                Default
        ======== ========= ==================== ========
        <slope>  Discrete  {POSitive|NEGative}  POSitive
        ======== ========= ==================== ========

        **Return Format**

        The query returns POS or NEG.


        :TRIGger:SHOLd:SLOPe NEGative
        The query returns NEG.
        status: str = self.subsubdevice.subdevice.device.ask(
        if status == "POSitive":
            return "rising edge"
        if status == "NEGative":
            return "falling edge"
        raise DS2000StateError()
Exemplo n.º 8
    def status(self) -> str:
        **Rigol Programming Guide**


        :TRIGger:SHOLd:CSrc <source>


        Set the clock source of setup/hold trigger.
        Query the current clock source of setup/hold trigger.


        ========= ========= ==================== ========
        Name      Type      Range                Default
        ========= ========= ==================== ========
        <source>  Discrete  {CHANnel1|CHANnel2}  CHANnel1
        ========= ========= ==================== ========

        **Return Format**

        The query returns CHAN1 or CHAN2.


        :TRIGger:SHOLd:CSrc CHANnel2
        The query returns CHAN2.
        status = self.subsubdevice.subdevice.device.ask(

        if status == "chan1":
            return "channel 1"
        if status == "chan2":
            return "channel 2"
        raise DS2000StateError()