Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_idle_heartbeat_disabled(self):

        # heartbeat disabled with '0'
        cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION,
        self.assertEqual(cluster.idle_heartbeat_interval, 0)
        session = cluster.connect()

        # let two heatbeat intervals pass (first one had startup messages in it)
        time.sleep(2 * Cluster.idle_heartbeat_interval)

        connections = [
            c for holders in cluster.get_connection_holders()
            for c in holders.get_connections()

        # assert not idle status (should never get reset because there is not heartbeat)
        self.assertFalse(any(c.is_idle for c in connections))

Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_idle_heartbeat(self):
        interval = 2
        cluster = Cluster(protocol_version=PROTOCOL_VERSION,
        session = cluster.connect(wait_for_all_pools=True)

        # This test relies on impl details of connection req id management to see if heartbeats
        # are being sent. May need update if impl is changed
        connection_request_ids = {}
        for h in cluster.get_connection_holders():
            for c in h.get_connections():
                # make sure none are idle (should have startup messages
                with c.lock:
                    connection_request_ids[id(c)] = deque(
                        c.request_ids)  # copy of request ids

        # let two heatbeat intervals pass (first one had startup messages in it)
        time.sleep(2 * interval + interval / 2)

        connections = [
            c for holders in cluster.get_connection_holders()
            for c in holders.get_connections()

        # make sure requests were sent on all connections
        for c in connections:
            expected_ids = connection_request_ids[id(c)]
            with c.lock:
                self.assertListEqual(list(c.request_ids), list(expected_ids))

        # assert idle status
        self.assertTrue(all(c.is_idle for c in connections))

        # send messages on all connections
        statements_and_params = [("SELECT release_version FROM system.local",
                                  ())] * len(cluster.metadata.all_hosts())
        results = execute_concurrent(session, statements_and_params)
        for success, result in results:

        # assert not idle status
            any(c.is_idle if not c.is_control_connection else False
                for c in connections))

        # holders include session pools and cc
        holders = cluster.get_connection_holders()
        self.assertIn(cluster.control_connection, holders)
                         len(cluster.metadata.all_hosts()) +
                         1)  # hosts pools, 1 for cc

        # include additional sessions
        session2 = cluster.connect(wait_for_all_pools=True)

        holders = cluster.get_connection_holders()
        self.assertIn(cluster.control_connection, holders)
        self.assertEqual(len(holders), 2 * len(cluster.metadata.all_hosts()) +
                         1)  # 2 sessions' hosts pools, 1 for cc

        assert_quiescent_pool_state(self, cluster)

Exemplo n.º 3
class BasicDseAuthTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUpClass(self):
        This will setup the necessary infrastructure to run our authentication tests. It requres the ADS_HOME environment variable
        and our custom embedded apache directory server jar in order to run.

        self.cluster = None

        # Setup variables for various keytab and other files
        self.conf_file_dir = ADS_HOME+"conf/"
        self.krb_conf = self.conf_file_dir+"krb5.conf"
        self.dse_keytab = self.conf_file_dir+"dse.keytab"
        self.dseuser_keytab = self.conf_file_dir+"dseuser.keytab"
        self.cassandra_keytab = self.conf_file_dir+"cassandra.keytab"
        self.bob_keytab = self.conf_file_dir + "bob.keytab"
        self.charlie_keytab = self.conf_file_dir + "charlie.keytab"
        actual_jar = ADS_HOME+"embedded-ads.jar"

        # Create configuration directories if they don't already exists
        if not os.path.exists(self.conf_file_dir):
        log.warning("Starting adserver")
        # Start the ADS, this will create the keytab con configuration files listed above
        self.proc = subprocess.Popen(['java', '-jar', actual_jar, '-k', '--confdir', self.conf_file_dir], shell=False)
        # TODO poll for server to come up

        log.warning("Starting adserver started")
        ccm_cluster = get_cluster()
        log.warning("fetching tickets")
        # Stop cluster if running and configure it with the correct options
        if isinstance(ccm_cluster, DseCluster):
            # Setup kerberos options in dse.yaml
            config_options = {'kerberos_options': {'keytab': self.dse_keytab,
                                                   'service_principal': 'dse/[email protected]',
                                                   'qop': 'auth'},
                              'authentication_options': {'enabled': 'true',
                                                         'default_scheme': 'kerberos',
                                                         'scheme_permissions': 'true',
                                                         'allow_digest_with_kerberos': 'true',
                                                         'plain_text_without_ssl': 'warn',
                                                         'transitional_mode': 'disabled'},
                              'authorization_options': {'enabled': 'true'}}

            krb5java = "-Djava.security.krb5.conf=" + self.krb_conf
            # Setup dse authenticator in cassandra.yaml
                'authenticator': 'com.datastax.bdp.cassandra.auth.DseAuthenticator',
                'authorizer': 'com.datastax.bdp.cassandra.auth.DseAuthorizer'
            ccm_cluster.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, wait_other_notice=True, jvm_args=[krb5java])
            log.error("Cluster is not dse cluster test will fail")

    def tearDownClass(self):
        Terminates running ADS (Apache directory server).


    def tearDown(self):
        This will clear any existing kerberos tickets by using kdestroy
        if self.cluster:

    def refresh_kerberos_tickets(self, keytab_file, user_name, krb_conf):
        Fetches a new ticket for using the keytab file and username provided.
        self.ads_pid = subprocess.call(['kinit', '-t', keytab_file, user_name], env={'KRB5_CONFIG': krb_conf}, shell=False)

    def connect_and_query(self, auth_provider, query=None):
        Runs a simple system query with the auth_provided specified.
        os.environ['KRB5_CONFIG'] = self.krb_conf
        self.cluster = Cluster(auth_provider=auth_provider)
        self.session = self.cluster.connect()
        query = query if query else "SELECT * FROM system.local"
        statement = SimpleStatement(query)
        rs = self.session.execute(statement)
        return rs

    def test_should_not_authenticate_with_bad_user_ticket(self):
        This tests will attempt to authenticate with a user that has a valid ticket, but is not a valid dse user.
        @since 1.0.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-457
        @test_category dse auth
        @expected_result NoHostAvailable exception should be thrown

        self.refresh_kerberos_tickets(self.dseuser_keytab, "*****@*****.**", self.krb_conf)
        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(service='dse', qops=["auth"])
        self.assertRaises(NoHostAvailable, self.connect_and_query, auth_provider)

    def test_should_not_athenticate_without_ticket(self):
        This tests will attempt to authenticate with a user that is valid but has no ticket
        @since 1.0.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-457
        @test_category dse auth
        @expected_result NoHostAvailable exception should be thrown

        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(service='dse', qops=["auth"])
        self.assertRaises(NoHostAvailable, self.connect_and_query, auth_provider)

    def test_connect_with_kerberos(self):
        This tests will attempt to authenticate with a user that is valid and has a ticket
        @since 1.0.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-457
        @test_category dse auth
        @expected_result Client should be able to connect and run a basic query

        self.refresh_kerberos_tickets(self.cassandra_keytab, "*****@*****.**", self.krb_conf)
        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider()
        rs = self.connect_and_query(auth_provider)
        connections = [c for holders in self.cluster.get_connection_holders() for c in holders.get_connections()]
        # Check to make sure our server_authenticator class is being set appropriate
        for connection in connections:
            self.assertTrue('DseAuthenticator' in connection.authenticator.server_authenticator_class)

    def test_connect_with_kerberos_and_graph(self):
        This tests will attempt to authenticate with a user and execute a graph query
        @since 1.0.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-457
        @test_category dse auth
        @expected_result Client should be able to connect and run a basic graph query with authentication

        self.refresh_kerberos_tickets(self.cassandra_keytab, "*****@*****.**", self.krb_conf)

        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(service='dse', qops=["auth"])
        rs = self.connect_and_query(auth_provider)
        reset_graph(self.session, self._testMethodName.lower())
        profiles = self.cluster.profile_manager.profiles
        profiles[EXEC_PROFILE_GRAPH_DEFAULT].graph_options.graph_name = self._testMethodName.lower()

        rs = self.session.execute_graph('g.V()')

    def test_connect_with_kerberos_host_not_resolved(self):
        This tests will attempt to authenticate with IP, this will fail on osx.
        The success or failure of this test is dependent on a reverse dns lookup which can be impacted by your environment
        if it fails don't panic.
        @since 1.0.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-566
        @test_category dse auth
        @expected_result Client should error when ip is used

        self.refresh_kerberos_tickets(self.cassandra_keytab, "*****@*****.**", self.krb_conf)
        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(service='dse', qops=["auth"], resolve_host_name=False)

    def test_connect_with_explicit_principal(self):
        This tests will attempt to authenticate using valid and invalid user principals
        @since 1.0.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-574
        @test_category dse auth
        @expected_result Client principals should be used by the underlying mechanism


        # Connect with valid principal
        self.refresh_kerberos_tickets(self.cassandra_keytab, "*****@*****.**", self.krb_conf)
        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(service='dse', qops=["auth"], principal="*****@*****.**")
        rs = self.connect_and_query(auth_provider)
        connections = [c for holders in self.cluster.get_connection_holders() for c in holders.get_connections()]

        # Check to make sure our server_authenticator class is being set appropriate
        for connection in connections:
            self.assertTrue('DseAuthenticator' in connection.authenticator.server_authenticator_class)

        # Use invalid principal
        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(service='dse', qops=["auth"], principal="*****@*****.**")
        self.assertRaises(NoHostAvailable, self.connect_and_query, auth_provider)

    def test_proxy_login_with_kerberos(self):
        Test that the proxy login works with kerberos.
        # Set up users for proxy login test

        query = "select * from testkrbproxy.testproxy"

        # Try normal login with Charlie
        self.refresh_kerberos_tickets(self.charlie_keytab, "*****@*****.**", self.krb_conf)
        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(service='dse', qops=["auth"], principal="*****@*****.**")
        self.connect_and_query(auth_provider, query=query)

        # Try proxy login with bob
        self.refresh_kerberos_tickets(self.bob_keytab, "*****@*****.**", self.krb_conf)
        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(service='dse', qops=["auth"], principal="*****@*****.**",
        self.connect_and_query(auth_provider, query=query)

        #Try loging with bob without mentioning charlie
        self.refresh_kerberos_tickets(self.bob_keytab, "*****@*****.**", self.krb_conf)
        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(service='dse', qops=["auth"], principal="*****@*****.**")
        self.assertRaises(Unauthorized, self.connect_and_query, auth_provider, query=query)


    def test_proxy_login_with_kerberos_forbidden(self):
        Test that the proxy login fail when proxy role is not granted
        # Set up users for proxy login test
        query = "select * from testkrbproxy.testproxy"

        # Try normal login with Charlie
        self.refresh_kerberos_tickets(self.bob_keytab, "*****@*****.**", self.krb_conf)
        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(service='dse', qops=["auth"], principal="*****@*****.**",
        self.assertRaises(NoHostAvailable, self.connect_and_query, auth_provider, query=query)

        self.refresh_kerberos_tickets(self.bob_keytab, "*****@*****.**", self.krb_conf)
        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(service='dse', qops=["auth"], principal="*****@*****.**")
        self.assertRaises(Unauthorized, self.connect_and_query, auth_provider, query=query)


    def _remove_proxy_setup(self):
        os.environ['KRB5_CONFIG'] = self.krb_conf
        self.refresh_kerberos_tickets(self.cassandra_keytab, "*****@*****.**", self.krb_conf)
        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(service='dse', qops=["auth"], principal='*****@*****.**')
        cluster = Cluster(auth_provider=auth_provider)
        session = cluster.connect()

        session.execute("REVOKE PROXY.LOGIN ON ROLE '{0}' FROM '{1}'".format('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'))

        session.execute("DROP ROLE IF EXISTS '{0}';".format('*****@*****.**'))
        session.execute("DROP ROLE IF EXISTS '{0}';".format('*****@*****.**'))

        # Create a keyspace and allow only charlie to query it.

        session.execute("DROP KEYSPACE testkrbproxy")


    def _setup_for_proxy(self, grant=True):
        os.environ['KRB5_CONFIG'] = self.krb_conf
        self.refresh_kerberos_tickets(self.cassandra_keytab, "*****@*****.**", self.krb_conf)
        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(service='dse', qops=["auth"], principal='*****@*****.**')
        cluster = Cluster(auth_provider=auth_provider)
        session = cluster.connect()

        session.execute("CREATE ROLE IF NOT EXISTS '{0}' WITH LOGIN = TRUE;".format('*****@*****.**'))
        session.execute("CREATE ROLE IF NOT EXISTS '{0}' WITH LOGIN = TRUE;".format('*****@*****.**'))

        session.execute("GRANT EXECUTE ON ALL AUTHENTICATION SCHEMES to '*****@*****.**'")

        session.execute("CREATE ROLE IF NOT EXISTS '{0}' WITH LOGIN = TRUE;".format('*****@*****.**'))
        session.execute("GRANT EXECUTE ON ALL AUTHENTICATION SCHEMES to '*****@*****.**'")

        # Create a keyspace and allow only charlie to query it.
            "CREATE KEYSPACE testkrbproxy WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1}")
        session.execute("CREATE TABLE testkrbproxy.testproxy (id int PRIMARY KEY, value text)")
        session.execute("GRANT ALL PERMISSIONS ON KEYSPACE testkrbproxy to '{0}'".format('*****@*****.**'))

        if grant:
            session.execute("GRANT PROXY.LOGIN ON ROLE '{0}' to '{1}'".format('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**'))

Exemplo n.º 4
class BasicDseAuthTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUpClass(self):
        This will setup the necessary infrastructure to run our authentication tests. It requres the ADS_HOME environment variable
        and our custom embedded apache directory server jar in order to run.


        # Setup variables for various keytab and other files
        self.conf_file_dir = ADS_HOME + "conf/"
        self.krb_conf = self.conf_file_dir + "krb5.conf"
        self.dse_keytab = self.conf_file_dir + "dse.keytab"
        self.dseuser_keytab = self.conf_file_dir + "dseuser.keytab"
        self.cassandra_keytab = self.conf_file_dir + "cassandra.keytab"
        actual_jar = ADS_HOME + "embedded-ads.jar"

        # Create configuration directories if they don't already exists
        if not os.path.exists(self.conf_file_dir):
        log.warning("Starting adserver")
        # Start the ADS, this will create the keytab con configuration files listed above
        self.proc = subprocess.Popen([
            'java', '-jar', actual_jar, '-k', '--confdir', self.conf_file_dir
        #TODO poll for server to come up

        log.warning("Starting adserver started")
        ccm_cluster = get_cluster()
        log.warning("fetching tickets")
        # Stop cluster if running and configure it with the correct options
        if isinstance(ccm_cluster, DseCluster):
            # Setup kerberos options in dse.yaml
            config_options = {
                'kerberos_options': {
                    'keytab': self.dse_keytab,
                    'service_principal': 'dse/[email protected]',
                    'qop': 'auth'
                'authentication_options': {
                    'enabled': 'true',
                    'default_scheme': 'kerberos',
                    'scheme_permissions': 'true',
                    'allow_digest_with_kerberos': 'true',
                    'plain_text_without_ssl': 'warn',
                    'transitional_mode': 'disabled'

            krb5java = "-Djava.security.krb5.conf=" + self.krb_conf
            # Setup dse authenticator in cassandra.yaml
            log.error("Cluster is not dse cluster test will fail")

    def tearDownClass(self):
        Terminates running ADS (Apache directory server).


    def tearDown(self):
        This will clear any existing kerberos tickets by using kdestroy

    def refresh_kerberos_tickets(self, keytab_file, user_name, krb_conf):
        Fetches a new ticket for using the keytab file and username provided.
        self.ads_pid = subprocess.call(['kinit', '-t', keytab_file, user_name],
                                       env={'KRB5_CONFIG': krb_conf},

    def connect_and_query(self, auth_provider):
        Runs a simple system query with the auth_provided specified.
        os.environ['KRB5_CONFIG'] = self.krb_conf
        self.cluster = Cluster(auth_provider=auth_provider)
        self.session = self.cluster.connect()
        query = "SELECT * FROM system.local"
        statement = SimpleStatement(query)
        rs = self.session.execute(statement)
        return rs

    def test_should_not_authenticate_with_bad_user_ticket(self):
        This tests will attempt to authenticate with a user that has a valid ticket, but is not a valid dse user.
        @since 1.0.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-457
        @test_category dse auth
        @expected_result NoHostAvailable exception should be thrown

                                      "*****@*****.**", self.krb_conf)
        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(service='dse', qops=["auth"])
        self.assertRaises(NoHostAvailable, self.connect_and_query,

    def test_should_not_athenticate_without_ticket(self):
        This tests will attempt to authenticate with a user that is valid but has no ticket
        @since 1.0.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-457
        @test_category dse auth
        @expected_result NoHostAvailable exception should be thrown

        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(service='dse', qops=["auth"])
        self.assertRaises(NoHostAvailable, self.connect_and_query,

    def test_connect_with_kerberos(self):
        This tests will attempt to authenticate with a user that is valid and has a ticket
        @since 1.0.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-457
        @test_category dse auth
        @expected_result Client should be able to connect and run a basic query

                                      "*****@*****.**", self.krb_conf)
        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider()
        rs = self.connect_and_query(auth_provider)
        connections = [
            c for holders in self.cluster.get_connection_holders()
            for c in holders.get_connections()
        #Check to make sure our server_authenticator class is being set appropriate
        for connection in connections:
            self.assertTrue('DseAuthenticator' in connection.authenticator.

    def test_connect_with_kerberos_and_graph(self):
        This tests will attempt to authenticate with a user and execute a graph query
        @since 1.0.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-457
        @test_category dse auth
        @expected_result Client should be able to connect and run a basic graph query with authentication

                                      "*****@*****.**", self.krb_conf)

        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(service='dse', qops=["auth"])
        rs = self.connect_and_query(auth_provider)
        reset_graph(self.session, self._testMethodName.lower())
        profiles = self.cluster.profile_manager.profiles
            EXEC_PROFILE_GRAPH_DEFAULT].graph_options.graph_name = self._testMethodName.lower(

        rs = self.session.execute_graph('g.V()')

    def test_connect_with_kerberos_host_not_resolved(self):
        This tests will attempt to authenticate with IP, this will fail.
        @since 1.0.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-566
        @test_category dse auth
        @expected_result Client should error when ip is used

                                      "*****@*****.**", self.krb_conf)
        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(service='dse',
        self.assertRaises(NoHostAvailable, self.connect_and_query,

    def test_connect_with_explicit_principal(self):
        This tests will attempt to authenticate using valid and invalid user principals
        @since 1.0.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-574
        @test_category dse auth
        @expected_result Client principals should be used by the underlying mechanism


        # Connect with valid principal
                                      "*****@*****.**", self.krb_conf)
        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(
            service='dse', qops=["auth"], principal="*****@*****.**")
        rs = self.connect_and_query(auth_provider)
        connections = [
            c for holders in self.cluster.get_connection_holders()
            for c in holders.get_connections()

        # Check to make sure our server_authenticator class is being set appropriate
        for connection in connections:
            self.assertTrue('DseAuthenticator' in connection.authenticator.

        # Use invalid principal
        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(
            service='dse', qops=["auth"], principal="*****@*****.**")
        self.assertRaises(NoHostAvailable, self.connect_and_query,
Exemplo n.º 5
class BasicDseAuthTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUpClass(self):
        This will setup the necessary infrastructure to run our authentication tests. It requres the ADS_HOME environment variable
        and our custom embedded apache directory server jar in order to run.


        # Setup variables for various keytab and other files
        self.conf_file_dir = ADS_HOME+"conf/"
        self.krb_conf = self.conf_file_dir+"krb5.conf"
        self.dse_keytab = self.conf_file_dir+"dse.keytab"
        self.dseuser_keytab = self.conf_file_dir+"dseuser.keytab"
        self.cassandra_keytab = self.conf_file_dir+"cassandra.keytab"
        actual_jar = ADS_HOME+"embedded-ads.jar"

        # Create configuration directories if they don't already exists
        if not os.path.exists(self.conf_file_dir):
        log.warning("Starting adserver")
        # Start the ADS, this will create the keytab con configuration files listed above
        self.proc = subprocess.Popen(['java', '-jar', actual_jar, '-k', '--confdir', self.conf_file_dir], shell=False)
        # TODO poll for server to come up

        log.warning("Starting adserver started")
        ccm_cluster = get_cluster()
        log.warning("fetching tickets")
        # Stop cluster if running and configure it with the correct options
        if isinstance(ccm_cluster, DseCluster):
            # Setup kerberos options in dse.yaml
            config_options = {'kerberos_options': {'keytab': self.dse_keytab,
                                                   'service_principal': 'dse/[email protected]',
                                                   'qop': 'auth'},
                              'authentication_options': {'enabled': 'true',
                                                         'default_scheme': 'kerberos',
                                                         'scheme_permissions': 'true',
                                                         'allow_digest_with_kerberos': 'true',
                                                         'plain_text_without_ssl': 'warn',
                                                         'transitional_mode': 'disabled'}

            krb5java = "-Djava.security.krb5.conf=" + self.krb_conf
            # Setup dse authenticator in cassandra.yaml
            ccm_cluster.set_configuration_options({'authenticator': 'com.datastax.bdp.cassandra.auth.DseAuthenticator'})
            ccm_cluster.start(wait_for_binary_proto=True, wait_other_notice=True, jvm_args=[krb5java])
            log.error("Cluster is not dse cluster test will fail")

    def tearDownClass(self):
        Terminates running ADS (Apache directory server).


    def tearDown(self):
        This will clear any existing kerberos tickets by using kdestroy

    def refresh_kerberos_tickets(self, keytab_file, user_name, krb_conf):
        Fetches a new ticket for using the keytab file and username provided.
        self.ads_pid = subprocess.call(['kinit', '-t', keytab_file, user_name], env={'KRB5_CONFIG': krb_conf}, shell=False)

    def connect_and_query(self, auth_provider):
        Runs a simple system query with the auth_provided specified.
        os.environ['KRB5_CONFIG'] = self.krb_conf
        self.cluster = Cluster(auth_provider=auth_provider)
        self.session = self.cluster.connect()
        query = "SELECT * FROM system.local"
        statement = SimpleStatement(query)
        rs = self.session.execute(statement)
        return rs

    def test_should_not_authenticate_with_bad_user_ticket(self):
        This tests will attempt to authenticate with a user that has a valid ticket, but is not a valid dse user.
        @since 1.0.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-457
        @test_category dse auth
        @expected_result NoHostAvailable exception should be thrown

        self.refresh_kerberos_tickets(self.dseuser_keytab, "*****@*****.**", self.krb_conf)
        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(service='dse', qops=["auth"])
        self.assertRaises(NoHostAvailable, self.connect_and_query, auth_provider)

    def test_should_not_athenticate_without_ticket(self):
        This tests will attempt to authenticate with a user that is valid but has no ticket
        @since 1.0.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-457
        @test_category dse auth
        @expected_result NoHostAvailable exception should be thrown

        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(service='dse', qops=["auth"])
        self.assertRaises(NoHostAvailable, self.connect_and_query, auth_provider)

    def test_connect_with_kerberos(self):
        This tests will attempt to authenticate with a user that is valid and has a ticket
        @since 1.0.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-457
        @test_category dse auth
        @expected_result Client should be able to connect and run a basic query

        self.refresh_kerberos_tickets(self.cassandra_keytab, "*****@*****.**", self.krb_conf)
        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider()
        rs = self.connect_and_query(auth_provider)
        connections = [c for holders in self.cluster.get_connection_holders() for c in holders.get_connections()]
        # Check to make sure our server_authenticator class is being set appropriate
        for connection in connections:
            self.assertTrue('DseAuthenticator' in connection.authenticator.server_authenticator_class)

    def test_connect_with_kerberos_and_graph(self):
        This tests will attempt to authenticate with a user and execute a graph query
        @since 1.0.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-457
        @test_category dse auth
        @expected_result Client should be able to connect and run a basic graph query with authentication

        self.refresh_kerberos_tickets(self.cassandra_keytab, "*****@*****.**", self.krb_conf)

        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(service='dse', qops=["auth"])
        rs = self.connect_and_query(auth_provider)
        reset_graph(self.session, self._testMethodName.lower())
        profiles = self.cluster.profile_manager.profiles
        profiles[EXEC_PROFILE_GRAPH_DEFAULT].graph_options.graph_name = self._testMethodName.lower()

        rs = self.session.execute_graph('g.V()')

    def test_connect_with_kerberos_host_not_resolved(self):
        This tests will attempt to authenticate with IP, this will fail.
        @since 1.0.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-566
        @test_category dse auth
        @expected_result Client should error when ip is used

        self.refresh_kerberos_tickets(self.cassandra_keytab, "*****@*****.**", self.krb_conf)
        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(service='dse', qops=["auth"], resolve_host_name=False)
        self.assertRaises(NoHostAvailable, self.connect_and_query, auth_provider)

    def test_connect_with_explicit_principal(self):
        This tests will attempt to authenticate using valid and invalid user principals
        @since 1.0.0
        @jira_ticket PYTHON-574
        @test_category dse auth
        @expected_result Client principals should be used by the underlying mechanism


        # Connect with valid principal
        self.refresh_kerberos_tickets(self.cassandra_keytab, "*****@*****.**", self.krb_conf)
        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(service='dse', qops=["auth"], principal="*****@*****.**")
        rs = self.connect_and_query(auth_provider)
        connections = [c for holders in self.cluster.get_connection_holders() for c in holders.get_connections()]

        # Check to make sure our server_authenticator class is being set appropriate
        for connection in connections:
            self.assertTrue('DseAuthenticator' in connection.authenticator.server_authenticator_class)

        # Use invalid principal
        auth_provider = DSEGSSAPIAuthProvider(service='dse', qops=["auth"], principal="*****@*****.**")
        self.assertRaises(NoHostAvailable, self.connect_and_query, auth_provider)