Exemplo n.º 1
class ElectricityLiveView(APIView):
    """ Returns the live electricity consumption, containing the same data as the Dashboard header. """
    schema = DsmrReaderSchema(get='Retrieve live electricity consumption')

    def get(self, request):
        return Response(
Exemplo n.º 2
class MeterStatisticsViewSet(mixins.RetrieveModelMixin,
                             mixins.UpdateModelMixin, viewsets.GenericViewSet):
    Retrieve meter statistics extracted by the datalogger. Also contains the latest telegram read for convenience.

    ### Query parameters
    - *Only mandatory when explicitly marked with the **required** label. Can be omitted otherwise.*
    - Do **not use** ``ordering``, as it's a faulty query parameter that should not be there nor works at all!

    Manually update any meter statistics fields.

    ### Notes
    - Only use this when you're **not** using the built-in datalogger **nor** the v1 telegram API. \
    *It should auto-update otherwise!*
    schema = DsmrReaderSchema(get='Retrieve meter statistics',
                              patch='Update meter statistics')
    serializer_class = MeterStatisticsSerializer

    def get_queryset(self):  # pragma: nocover
        """ @see https://github.com/carltongibson/django-filter/issues/966#issuecomment-734971862 """
        if getattr(self, "swagger_fake_view", False):
            return MeterStatistics.objects.none()

    def get_object(self):
        # This is a nice combo with django-solo, as it fits perfectly for a singleton retriever and updater!
        return MeterStatistics.get_solo()
Exemplo n.º 3
class TodayConsumptionView(APIView):
    """ Returns the consumption of the current day so far. """
    schema = DsmrReaderSchema(get='Retrieve today\'s consumption')
    IGNORE_FIELDS = ('electricity1_start', 'electricity2_start',
                     'electricity1_end', 'electricity2_end', 'notes',
                     'gas_start', 'gas_end', 'electricity1_returned_start',
                     'electricity1_returned_end', 'electricity2_returned_end',
                     'electricity_cost_merged', 'average_temperature',
                     'lowest_temperature', 'highest_temperature',
        'gas', 'gas_cost'
    )  # These might miss during the first hour of each day.

    def get(self, request):
            day_totals = dsmr_consumption.services.day_consumption(
        except LookupError as error:
            return Response(str(error))

        # Some fields are only for internal use.
        for x in self.IGNORE_FIELDS:
            if x in day_totals.keys():
                del day_totals[x]

        # Default these, if omitted.
        for x in self.DEFAULT_ZERO_FIELDS:
            if x not in day_totals.keys():
                day_totals[x] = Decimal(0)

        return Response(day_totals)
Exemplo n.º 4
class HourStatisticsViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
    Retrieves any aggregated hour statistics, as displayed in the Archive.

    ### Notes
    - These are automatically generated a few hours after midnight, based on the consumption data.

    ### Query parameters
    - *Only mandatory when explicitly marked with the **required** label. Can be omitted otherwise.*
    - ``limit`` / ``offset``: Pagination for iterating when having large result sets.
    - ``ordering``: Order by either ``hour_start`` (ASC) or ``-hour_start`` (DESC).
    - ``hour_start__gte`` / ``hour_start__lte``: Can be used for generic filtering the results \
    returned by hour start timestamp with the given datetime as placeholder `X` below. Note the ``Y-m-d HH:MM:SS`` \
    format for `X`, in the local timezone. **Should be changed to ISO 8601 some day, supporting timezone hints.**
    - ⚠️ **Deprecated** ~`hour_start`: Hour start timestamp must **exactly match** the given value (`Y-m-d HH:MM:SS`).~

    ### Changes
    - Deprecated the ``hour_start`` query parameter in DSMR-reader v5.3
    schema = DsmrReaderSchema(get='Retrieve hour statistics')
    FIELD = 'hour_start'
    queryset = HourStatistics.objects.all()
    serializer_class = HourStatisticsSerializer
    filterset_class = HourStatisticsFilter
    ordering_fields = (FIELD, )
    ordering = FIELD
Exemplo n.º 5
class DayStatisticsViewSet(mixins.CreateModelMixin,
    Retrieves any aggregated day statistics, as displayed in the Archive.

    ### Notes
    - These are automatically generated a few hours after midnight, based on the consumption data.

    ### Query parameters
    - *Only mandatory when explicitly marked with the **required** label. Can be omitted otherwise.*
    - ``limit`` / ``offset``: Pagination for iterating when having large result sets.
    - ``ordering``: Order by either ``day`` (ASC) or ``-day`` (DESC).
    - ``day__gte`` / ``day__lte``: Can be used for generic filtering the results \
    returned by dates with the given date as placeholder `X` below.  ote the ``Y-m-d`` format for `X`.
    - ⚠️ **Deprecated** ~`day`: Date must **exactly match** the given value (``Y-m-d HH:MM:SS``).~

    ### Changes
    - Deprecated the ``day`` query parameter in DSMR-reader v5.3

    Creates statistics for a day, overriding any DSMR-reader internals.

    ### Notes
    - Should only be used to import historic data.
    schema = DsmrReaderSchema(get='Retrieve day statistics',
                              post='Create day statistics')
    FIELD = 'day'
    queryset = DayStatistics.objects.all()
    serializer_class = DayStatisticsSerializer
    filterset_class = DayStatisticsFilter
    ordering_fields = (FIELD, )
    ordering = FIELD
Exemplo n.º 6
class DsmrReadingViewSet(mixins.CreateModelMixin, mixins.ListModelMixin,
    Retrieves any readings stored. The readings are either constructed from incoming telegrams or were created using
    this API.

    *For example, fetching the latest reading created:*

        limit: 1
        ordering: -timestamp

    **All parameters are optional**

    Creates a reading from separate values, omitting the need for the original telegram.

    # Note

    Readings are processed simultaneously by the background process. Therefor inserting readings retroactively might
    result in undesired results.

    Therefor inserting historic data might require you to delete all aggregated data using:

        sudo su - postgres
        psql dsmrreader

        truncate dsmr_consumption_electricityconsumption;
        truncate dsmr_consumption_gasconsumption;
        truncate dsmr_stats_daystatistics;
        truncate dsmr_stats_hourstatistics;

        # This query can take a long time!
        update dsmr_datalogger_dsmrreading set processed = False;

    This will process all readings again, from the very first start, and aggregate them (and will take a long time,
    depending on your reading count).

    *The datalogger may interfere. If your stats are not correctly after regenerating, try it again while having your
    datalogger disabled.*
    schema = DsmrReaderSchema(get='Retrieve DSMR readings',
                              post='Create DSMR reading')
    FIELD = 'timestamp'
    queryset = DsmrReading.objects.all()
    serializer_class = DsmrReadingSerializer
    filterset_class = DsmrReadingFilter
    ordering_fields = (FIELD, )
    ordering = FIELD

    def perform_create(self, serializer):
        """ Overrided to support custom model creation signal."""
        new_instance = serializer.save()
            None, instance=new_instance)
Exemplo n.º 7
class VersionView(APIView):
    """ Returns the version of DSMR-reader you are running. """
    schema = DsmrReaderSchema(get='Application version')

    def get(self, request):
        return Response({
Exemplo n.º 8
class GasConsumptionViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
    """ Retrieves any data regarding gas consumption. This is based on the readings processed. """
    schema = DsmrReaderSchema(get='Retrieve gas consumption')
    FIELD = 'read_at'
    queryset = GasConsumption.objects.all()
    serializer_class = GasConsumptionSerializer
    filterset_class = GasConsumptionFilter
    ordering_fields = (FIELD, )
    ordering = FIELD
Exemplo n.º 9
class MonitoringIssuesView(APIView):
    """ Returns any monitoring issues found. Reflects the same (issue) data as displayed on the Status page. """
    schema = DsmrReaderSchema(get='Application monitoring')

    def get(self, request):
        issues = dsmr_backend.services.backend.request_monitoring_status()

        return Response({
            'problems': len(issues),
            'details': [x.serialize() for x in issues]
Exemplo n.º 10
class HourStatisticsViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
    Retrieves any aggregated hour statistics.


    *These are generated a few hours after midnight.*
    schema = DsmrReaderSchema(get='Retrieve hour statistics')
    FIELD = 'hour_start'
    queryset = HourStatistics.objects.all()
    serializer_class = HourStatisticsSerializer
    filterset_class = HourStatisticsFilter
    ordering_fields = (FIELD, )
    ordering = FIELD
Exemplo n.º 11
class MeterStatisticsViewSet(mixins.RetrieveModelMixin,
                             mixins.UpdateModelMixin, viewsets.GenericViewSet):
    Retrieve meter statistics extracted by the datalogger.

    Manually update any meter statistics fields. Only use this when you're not using the built-in datalogger (of v1
    telegram API).
    schema = DsmrReaderSchema(get='Retrieve meter statistics',
                              patch='Update meter statistics')
    serializer_class = MeterStatisticsSerializer

    def get_object(self):
        # This is a REALLY good combo with django-solo, as it fits perfectly for a singleton retreiver and updater!
        return MeterStatistics.get_solo()
Exemplo n.º 12
class GasConsumptionViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
    Retrieves any data regarding gas consumption. This is based on the readings processed.

    ### Query parameters
    - *Only mandatory when explicitly marked with the **required** label. Can be omitted otherwise.*
    - ``limit`` / ``offset``: Pagination for iterating when having large result sets.
    - ``ordering``: Order by either ``read_at`` (ASC) or ``-read_at`` (DESC).
    - ``read_at__gte`` / ``read_at__lte``: Can be used for generic filtering the results \
    returned by consumption timestamp with the given datetime as placeholder `X` below. Note the ``Y-m-d HH:MM:SS`` \
    format for `X`, in the local timezone. **Should be changed to ISO 8601 some day, supporting timezone hints.**
    - ⚠️ **Deprecated** ~`read_at`: Consumption timestamp must **exactly match** the given value (``Y-m-d HH:MM:SS``).~

    ### Changes
    - Deprecated the ``read_at`` query parameter in DSMR-reader v5.3
    schema = DsmrReaderSchema(get='Retrieve gas consumption')
    FIELD = 'read_at'
    queryset = GasConsumption.objects.all()
    serializer_class = GasConsumptionSerializer
    filterset_class = GasConsumptionFilter
    ordering_fields = (FIELD, )
    ordering = FIELD
Exemplo n.º 13
class DayStatisticsViewSet(mixins.CreateModelMixin,
    Retrieves any aggregated day statistics, as displayed in the Archive.

    ## Note

    *These are automatically generated a few hours after midnight.*

    Creates statistics for a day, overriding any DSMR-reader internals.

    ## Note
    *Should only be used to import historic data.*
    schema = DsmrReaderSchema(get='Retrieve day statistics',
                              post='Create day statistics')
    FIELD = 'day'
    queryset = DayStatistics.objects.all()
    serializer_class = DayStatisticsSerializer
    filterset_class = DayStatisticsFilter
    ordering_fields = (FIELD, )
    ordering = FIELD
Exemplo n.º 14
class EnergySupplierPriceViewSet(viewsets.ReadOnlyModelViewSet):
    Retrieves the energy supplier prices (contracts).

    ### Notes
    - These are the contracts manually entered in DSMR-reader's admin interface. Can be used for manual

    > *E.g. fetching any contracts active today, then fetch all day statistics filtered by the contract's start/end,
    finally summing up the total consumption for that contract. Similar to DSMR-reader's GUI regarding contact totals.*

    ### Query parameters
    - *Only mandatory when explicitly marked with the **required** label. Can be omitted otherwise.*
    - ``limit`` / ``offset``: Optional pagination. Probably not needed unless you have *a lot* of contracts.
    - ``ordering``: Order by either ``start`` (ASC), ``-start`` (DESC), ``end`` (ASC) or ``-end`` (DESC).
    - ``start__gte`` / ``start__lte`` / ``end__gte`` / ``end__lte``: Can be used for generic filtering the results \
    returned by contracts' start/end with the given date as placeholder `X` below. Note the ``Y-m-d`` format for `X`.

    ### Changes
    - This endpoint was added in DSMR-reader v5.3

    ### Request samples
    // Get the most recent contract, based on its start date.
    GET /api/v2/consumption/energy-supplier-prices?ordering=-start&limit=1

    // Get all contracts active/applying to "today", presuming "today" is 15 June 2022.
    GET /api/v2/consumption/energy-supplier-prices?start__lte=2022-06-15&end__gte=2022-06-15
    schema = DsmrReaderSchema(get='Retrieve energy supplier prices')
    queryset = EnergySupplierPrice.objects.all()
    serializer_class = EnergySupplierPriceSerializer
    filterset_class = EnergySupplierPriceFilter
    ordering_fields = ('start', 'end')
    ordering = 'start'
Exemplo n.º 15
class GasLiveView(APIView):
    """ Returns the latest gas consumption. """
    schema = DsmrReaderSchema(get='Retrieve live gas consumption')

    def get(self, request):
        return Response(dsmr_consumption.services.live_gas_consumption())
Exemplo n.º 16
class DsmrReadingViewSet(mixins.CreateModelMixin, mixins.ListModelMixin,
    Retrieves any readings stored. The readings are either constructed from incoming telegrams or were created using
    this API.

    ### Query parameters
    - *Only mandatory when explicitly marked with the **required** label. Can be omitted otherwise.*
    - ``limit`` / ``offset``: Pagination for iterating when having large result sets.
    - ``ordering``: Order by either ``timestamp`` (ASC) or ``-timestamp`` (DESC).
    - ``timestamp__gte`` / ``timestamp__lte``: Can be used for generic filtering the results \
    returned by reading timestamp with the given datetime as placeholder `X` below. Note the ``Y-m-d HH:MM:SS`` \
    format for `X`, in the local timezone. **Should be changed to ISO 8601 some day, supporting timezone hints.**
    - ⚠️ **Deprecated** ~``timestamp``: Reading timestamp must **exactly match** the given value (``Y-m-d HH:MM:SS``).~

    ### Changes
    - Deprecated the ``timestamp`` query parameter in DSMR-reader v5.3

    ### Request samples
    // Fetching the latest reading created.
    GET /api/v2/consumption/energy-supplier-prices?ordering=-timestamp&limit=1

    // Get all readings of a specific "day", presuming that day is 15 January 2022.
    GET /api/v2/datalogger/dsmrreading?timestamp__gte=2022-01-15 00:00:00&timestamp__lte=2022-01-15 23:59:59

    Creates a reading from separate values, omitting the need for the original telegram.

    ### Notes
    - This requires you to **manually parse** any telegrams, e.g. when using ``dsmr_parser`` or a similar tool.
    - Readings are processed *simultaneously* by the background process. So inserting readings retroactively *might*
    cause undesired results due to side effects. *If your stats are not correctly after regenerating, see below,
    try it again while having your datalogger disabled.*
    - Inserting historic data might require you to **delete all aggregated data** as well, using:

    sudo su - postgres
    psql dsmrreader

    truncate dsmr_consumption_electricityconsumption;
    truncate dsmr_consumption_gasconsumption;
    truncate dsmr_stats_daystatistics;
    truncate dsmr_stats_hourstatistics;

    // This query can take a long time!
    update dsmr_datalogger_dsmrreading set processed = False;

    // This will process all readings again, from the very first start, and aggregate them once more.
    // It might take a long time, depending on your total reading count stored and hardware used.
    schema = DsmrReaderSchema(get='Retrieve DSMR readings',
                              post='Create DSMR reading')
    FIELD = 'timestamp'
    queryset = DsmrReading.objects.all()
    serializer_class = DsmrReadingSerializer
    filterset_class = DsmrReadingFilter
    ordering_fields = (FIELD, )
    ordering = FIELD

    def perform_create(self, serializer):
        """ Overwritten to support custom model creation signal."""
        new_instance = serializer.save()
            None, instance=new_instance)