Exemplo n.º 1
def test_non_orthogonal_input_non_mult_4():
    Y = colifilt(mandrill, (1,0,0,1), (1,0,0,1))
    assert Y.shape == (mandrill.shape[0]*2, mandrill.shape[1])
    Z = colifilt_gold(mandrill, (1,0,0,1), (1,0,0,1))
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_qshift():
    h0a, h0b, g0a, g0b, h1a, h1b, g1a, g1b = qshift('qshift_d')
    y = colifilt(mandrill, h1b, h1b)
    z = colifilt_gold(mandrill, h1b, h1a)
    assert_almost_equal(y, z)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_good_input_size():
    Y = colifilt(mandrill[:,:511], (-1,1), (1,-1))
    Z = colifilt_gold(mandrill[:,:511], (-1,1), (1,-1))
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_output_size_non_mult_4():
    Y = colifilt(mandrill, (-1,0,0,1), (1,0,0,-1))
    assert Y.shape == (mandrill.shape[0]*2, mandrill.shape[1])
    Z = colifilt_gold(mandrill, (-1,0,0,1), (1,0,0,-1))
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_zero_input():
    Y = colifilt(np.zeros_like(mandrill), (-1,1), (1,-1))
    assert np.all(Y[:0] == 0)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_bad_input_size():
    with raises(ValueError):
        colifilt(mandrill[:511,:], (-1,1), (1,-1))
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_odd_filter():
    with raises(ValueError):
        colifilt(mandrill, (-1,2,-1), (-1,2,1))
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_different_size_h():
    colifilt(lena, (-1,2,1), (-0.5,-1,2,-1,0.5))
Exemplo n.º 9
def _level2_ifm(Yl, Yh, g0a, g0b, g1a, g1b, ext_mode, prev_level_size):
    """Perform level 2 or greater of the 3d inverse transform.

    # Create work area
    work = np.zeros(np.asanyarray(Yl.shape) * 2, dtype=Yl.dtype)

    # Form some useful slices
    s0a = slice(None, work.shape[0] >> 1)
    s1a = slice(None, work.shape[1] >> 1)
    s2a = slice(None, work.shape[2] >> 1)
    s0b = slice(work.shape[0] >> 1, None)
    s1b = slice(work.shape[1] >> 1, None)
    s2b = slice(work.shape[2] >> 1, None)

    # Assign regions of work area
    work[s0a, s1a, s2a] = Yl
    work[s0a, s1b, s2a] = c2cube(Yh[:, :, :, 0:4])
    work[s0b, s1a, s2a] = c2cube(Yh[:, :, :, 4:8])
    work[s0b, s1b, s2a] = c2cube(Yh[:, :, :, 8:12])
    work[s0a, s1a, s2b] = c2cube(Yh[:, :, :, 12:16])
    work[s0a, s1b, s2b] = c2cube(Yh[:, :, :, 16:20])
    work[s0b, s1a, s2b] = c2cube(Yh[:, :, :, 20:24])
    work[s0b, s1b, s2b] = c2cube(Yh[:, :, :, 24:28])

    for f in xrange(work.shape[2]):
        # Do even Qshift filters on rows.
        y = colifilt(work[:, s1a, f].T, g0b, g0a) + colifilt(
            work[:, s1b, f].T, g1b, g1a)

        # Do even Qshift filters on columns.
        work[:, :, f] = colifilt(y[:, s0a].T, g0b, g0a) + colifilt(
            y[:, s0b].T, g1b, g1a)

    for f in xrange(work.shape[1]):
        # Do even Qshift filters on 3rd dim.
        y = work[:, f, :].T
        work[:, f, :] = (colifilt(y[s2a, :], g0b, g0a) +
                         colifilt(y[s2b, :], g1b, g1a)).T

    # Now check if the size of the previous level is exactly twice the size of
    # the current level. If YES, this means we have not done the extension in
    # the previous level. If NO, then we have to remove the appended row /
    # column / frame from the previous level DTCWT coefs.

    prev_level_size = np.asarray(prev_level_size)
    curr_level_size = np.asarray(Yh.shape)

    if ext_mode == 4:
        if curr_level_size[0] * 2 != prev_level_size[0]:
            # Discard the top and bottom rows
            work = work[1:-1, :, :]
        if curr_level_size[1] * 2 != prev_level_size[1]:
            # Discard the top and bottom rows
            work = work[:, 1:-1, :]
        if curr_level_size[2] * 2 != prev_level_size[2]:
            # Discard the top and bottom rows
            work = work[:, :, 1:-1]
    elif ext_mode == 8:
        if curr_level_size[0] * 2 != prev_level_size[0]:
            # Discard the top and bottom rows
            work = work[2:-2, :, :]
        if curr_level_size[1] * 2 != prev_level_size[1]:
            # Discard the top and bottom rows
            work = work[:, 2:-2, :]
        if curr_level_size[2] * 2 != prev_level_size[2]:
            # Discard the top and bottom rows
            work = work[:, :, 2:-2]

    return work
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_qshift_even_input():
    h1b = np.array((-0.25, 0.5, 0.5, -0.25))
    h1a = h1b[::-1]
    y = colifilt(mandrill, h1b, h1a)
    z = colifilt_gold(mandrill, h1b, h1a)
    assert_almost_equal(y, z)
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_non_orthogonal_input_non_mult_4():
    Y = colifilt(lena, (1,0,0,1), (1,0,0,1))
    assert Y.shape == (lena.shape[0]*2, lena.shape[1])
    Z = colifilt_gold(lena, (1,0,0,1), (1,0,0,1))
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_output_size_non_mult_4():
    Y = colifilt(lena, (-1,0,0,1), (1,0,0,-1))
    assert Y.shape == (lena.shape[0]*2, lena.shape[1])
    Z = colifilt_gold(lena, (-1,0,0,1), (1,0,0,-1))
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_bad_input_size():
    colifilt(lena[:511,:], (-1,1), (1,-1))
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_qshift_odd_len_input_2():
    h0a, h0b, g0a, g0b, h1a, h1b, g1a, g1b = qshift('qshift_d')
    y = colifilt(mandrill, h1a[1:-1], h1b[1:-1])
    z = colifilt_gold(mandrill, h1a[1:-1], h1b[1:-1])
    assert_almost_equal(y, z)
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_different_size_h():
    with raises(ValueError):
        colifilt(mandrill, (-1,2,1), (-0.5,-1,2,-1,0.5))
Exemplo n.º 16
def _level2_ifm(Yl, Yh, g0a, g0b, g1a, g1b, ext_mode, prev_level_size):
    """Perform level 2 or greater of the 3d inverse transform.

    # Create work area
    work = np.zeros(np.asanyarray(Yl.shape)*2, dtype=Yl.dtype)

    # Form some useful slices
    s0a = slice(None, work.shape[0] >> 1)
    s1a = slice(None, work.shape[1] >> 1)
    s2a = slice(None, work.shape[2] >> 1)
    s0b = slice(work.shape[0] >> 1, None)
    s1b = slice(work.shape[1] >> 1, None)
    s2b = slice(work.shape[2] >> 1, None)

    # Assign regions of work area
    work[s0a, s1a, s2a] = Yl
    work[s0a, s1b, s2a] = c2cube(Yh[:,:,:, 0:4 ])
    work[s0b, s1a, s2a] = c2cube(Yh[:,:,:, 4:8 ])
    work[s0b, s1b, s2a] = c2cube(Yh[:,:,:, 8:12])
    work[s0a, s1a, s2b] = c2cube(Yh[:,:,:,12:16])
    work[s0a, s1b, s2b] = c2cube(Yh[:,:,:,16:20])
    work[s0b, s1a, s2b] = c2cube(Yh[:,:,:,20:24])
    work[s0b, s1b, s2b] = c2cube(Yh[:,:,:,24:28])

    for f in xrange(work.shape[2]):
        # Do even Qshift filters on rows.
        y = colifilt(work[:, s1a, f].T, g0b, g0a) + colifilt(work[:, s1b, f].T, g1b, g1a)

          # Do even Qshift filters on columns.
        work[:, :, f] = colifilt(y[:, s0a].T, g0b, g0a) + colifilt(y[:,s0b].T, g1b, g1a)

    for f in xrange(work.shape[1]):
        # Do even Qshift filters on 3rd dim.
        y = work[:, f, :].T
        work[:, f, :] = (colifilt(y[s2a, :], g0b, g0a) + colifilt(y[s2b, :], g1b, g1a)).T

    # Now check if the size of the previous level is exactly twice the size of
    # the current level. If YES, this means we have not done the extension in
    # the previous level. If NO, then we have to remove the appended row /
    # column / frame from the previous level DTCWT coefs.

    prev_level_size = np.asarray(prev_level_size)
    curr_level_size = np.asarray(Yh.shape)

    if ext_mode == 4:
        if curr_level_size[0] * 2 != prev_level_size[0]:
            # Discard the top and bottom rows
            work = work[1:-1,:,:]
        if curr_level_size[1] * 2 != prev_level_size[1]:
            # Discard the top and bottom rows
            work = work[:,1:-1,:]
        if curr_level_size[2] * 2 != prev_level_size[2]:
            # Discard the top and bottom rows
            work = work[:,:,1:-1]
    elif ext_mode == 8:
        if curr_level_size[0] * 2 != prev_level_size[0]:
        # Discard the top and bottom rows
            work = work[2:-2,:,:]
        if curr_level_size[1] * 2 != prev_level_size[1]:
        # Discard the top and bottom rows
            work = work[:,2:-2,:]
        if curr_level_size[2] * 2 != prev_level_size[2]:
        # Discard the top and bottom rows
            work = work[:,:,2:-2]

    return work
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_odd_filter():
    colifilt(lena, (-1,2,-1), (-1,2,1))