def register(frames, template, nlevels=7):
    Use DTCWT registration to return warped versions of frames aligned to template.

    # Normalise template
    tmpl_min = template.min()
    norm_template = template - tmpl_min
    tmpl_max = norm_template.max()
    norm_template /= tmpl_max

    # Transform template
    transform = dtcwt.Transform2d()
    template_t = transform.forward(norm_template, nlevels=nlevels)

    warped_ims = []
    i = 0
    for frame_idx in xrange(frames.shape[2]):'Registering frame {0}/{1}'.format(frame_idx+1, frames.shape[2]))
        frame = frames[:,:,frame_idx]

        # Normalise frame
        norm_frame = frame - tmpl_min
        norm_frame /= tmpl_max

        # Transform frame
        frame_t = transform.forward(norm_frame, nlevels=nlevels)

        # Register
        reg = dtcwt.registration.estimatereg(frame_t, template_t)
        ex = dtcwt.registration.warp(frame, reg, method='bilinear')
        if i == 0:
            im = Image.fromarray(tonemap(ex).copy(), 'L')
        kernel = np.zeros( (13,13), np.float32)
        kernel[4,4] = 2.0    
        boxFilter = np.ones( (13,13), np.float32) / 169.0

        #Subtract the two:
        kernel = kernel - boxFilter
        imgIn = Image.fromarray(tonemap(ex).copy(), 'L')
        custom = cv2.filter2D(ex, -1, kernel)
        data  = np.asarray(custom)
        # Extract data and store as floating point data
        sharpened = np.array(data, dtype=np.float32).reshape(im.size[::-1])
        blurred_f = ndimage.gaussian_filter(ex, 3)
        filter_blurred_f = ndimage.gaussian_filter(blurred_f, 1)
        alpha = 30
        sharpened = blurred_f + alpha * (blurred_f - filter_blurred_f)
        final_img = scipy.signal.wiener(sharpened)
        if i == 0:
            im = Image.fromarray(tonemap(final_img).copy(), 'L')
        i += 1
    return np.dstack(warped_ims)
Exemplo n.º 2
def register(frames, template, nlevels=7):
    Use DTCWT registration to return warped versions of frames aligned to template.

    # Normalise template
    tmpl_min = template.min()
    norm_template = template - tmpl_min
    tmpl_max = norm_template.max()
    norm_template /= tmpl_max

    # Transform template
    transform = dtcwt.Transform2d()
    template_t = transform.forward(norm_template, nlevels=nlevels)

    warped_ims = []
    for frame_idx in xrange(frames.shape[2]):'Registering frame {0}/{1}'.format(
            frame_idx + 1, frames.shape[2]))
        frame = frames[:, :, frame_idx]

        # Normalise frame
        norm_frame = frame - tmpl_min
        norm_frame /= tmpl_max

        # Transform frame
        frame_t = transform.forward(norm_frame, nlevels=nlevels)

        # Register
        reg = dtcwt.registration.estimatereg(frame_t, template_t)
            dtcwt.registration.warp(frame, reg, method='bilinear'))

    return np.dstack(warped_ims)
Exemplo n.º 3
def magnify_motions_2d(data, k=8., width=70):
    nlevels = 8
    tr = dtcwt.Transform2d()
    pyramids = list()
    n = np.shape(data)[0]
    print('Forward DTCWT...', end=' ', flush=1)
    for i in range(0, n):
        pyramids.append(tr.forward(data[i, :, :], nlevels=nlevels))
    print('Modifying phase...', end=' ', flush=1)
    for level in range(0, nlevels):
        phase = get_phases(pyramids, level)
        phase0 = flattop_filter1d(phase, width, axis=0, mode='reflect')
        phase = phase0 + (phase - phase0) * k
        phase = flattop_filter1d(phase, 2.0, axis=0, mode='reflect')
        for i in range(0, n):
            h = pyramids[i].highpasses[level]
            abs_value = np.abs(h).flatten()
            h = abs_value * np.exp(1j * phase[i, :])
            pyramids[i].highpasses[level][:] = np.reshape(
                h, np.shape(pyramids[i].highpasses[level][:]))
    result = np.empty_like(data)
    print('Inverse DTCWT...', end=' ', flush=1)
    for i in range(0, n):
        result[i, :, :] = tr.inverse(pyramids[i])
    return (result)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_batch_input_tuple(nlevels, include_scale, batch_size):
    in_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, 512, 512])
    t = dtcwt.Transform2d()

    if include_scale:
        Yl, Yh, Yscale = unpack(
            t.forward_channels(in_, "nhw", nlevels, include_scale), "tf")
        Yl, Yh = unpack(t.forward_channels(in_, "nhw", nlevels, include_scale),

    # At level 1, the lowpass output will be the same size as the input. At
    # levels above that, it will be half the size per level
    extent = 512 * 2**(-(nlevels - 1))
    assert Yl.get_shape().as_list() == [batch_size, extent, extent]
    assert Yl.dtype == tf.float32

    for i in range(nlevels):
        extent = 512 * 2**(-(i + 1))
        assert Yh[i].get_shape().as_list() == [batch_size, extent, extent, 6]
        assert Yh[i].dtype == tf.complex64
        if include_scale:
            assert (Yscale[i].get_shape().as_list() == [
                batch_size, 2 * extent, 2 * extent
            assert Yscale[i].dtype == tf.float32
Exemplo n.º 5
def procChanDTCWT(img, wavelet, nLevels):
    fv = []
    transform = dtcwt.Transform2d()
    wt = transform.forward(img, nlevels=nLevels)
    for highpass in wt.highpasses:
            fv.append(np.mean(np.abs(highpass - np.mean(highpass))))
    return fv
Exemplo n.º 6
def dtcwt2d(img_input, level=6):

    Input:  2D image (img_input).
            number of decomposition levels (level).

    trans = dtcwt.Transform2d()
    img_trans = trans.forward(img_input, nlevels=level)

    return img_trans
Exemplo n.º 7
def dtcwt3d(mat_input, level=6):


    depth, _, _ = np.shape(mat_input)

    trans = dtcwt.Transform2d()

    output = list()

    for cross in range(depth):
        output.append(trans.forward(mat_input[cross], nlevels=level))

    return output
Exemplo n.º 8
def merge_dtcwt(first, second, levels=None, sigma=None):
    """Focus-stack two images using the dual-tree complex wavelet
       transform (DTCWT).

    first : array_like
        First input image.
    second : array_like
        Second input image.
    levels : int
        Number of levels to use in the DTCWT.
    sigma : float
        Standard deviation of lowpass filter used to smooth the mixing weights.

    stacked : numpy.ndarray
        Focus-stacked result.
    if levels is None:
        levels = 3
    if sigma is None:
        sigma = 1.5

    transform = dtcwt.Transform2d()

    def merge_channel(fc, sc):
        fc = transform.forward(fc, nlevels=levels)
        sc = transform.forward(sc, nlevels=levels)
        fc.lowpass[:] = 0.5 * (fc.lowpass + sc.lowpass)
        for f, s in zip(fc.highpasses, sc.highpasses):
            mix = 1.0 * (np.abs(f) > np.abs(s))
            mix = np.median(mix, axis=2)
            mix = ndimage.gaussian_filter(mix, sigma=sigma)
            mix = mix[:, :, np.newaxis]
            f[:] = mix * f + (1 - mix) * s
        return transform.inverse(fc)

    if first.ndim == 2:
        return merge_channel(first, second)

    return np.dstack([
        merge_channel(first[:, :, c], second[:, :, c])
        for c in range(first.ndim)
def transform_frames(frames, nlevels=7):
    # Transform each registered frame storing result
    lowpasses = []
    highpasses = []
    for idx in xrange(nlevels):

    transform = dtcwt.Transform2d()
    for frame_idx in xrange(frames.shape[2]):'Transforming frame {0}/{1}'.format(frame_idx+1, frames.shape[2]))
        frame = frames[:,:,frame_idx]
        frame_t = transform.forward(frame, nlevels=nlevels)

        for idx in xrange(nlevels):

    return np.dstack(lowpasses), tuple(np.concatenate(hp, axis=3) for hp in highpasses)
Exemplo n.º 10
def rsmwt3d(mat_input, level=6):
    Variant version from DT-CWT. Check it at:


    depth, _, _ = np.shape(mat_input)

    trans = dtcwt.Transform2d(biort='near_sym_b_bp', qshift='qshift_b_bp')

    output = list()

    for cross in range(depth):
        output.append(trans.forward(mat_input[cross], nlevels=level))

    return output
Exemplo n.º 11
    def apply_dt_wavelets(img, param):
        # Compute 5 levels of dtcwt with the antonini/qshift settings
        input_shape = img.shape
        transform = dtcwt.Transform2d(biort='antonini', qshift='qshift_06')
        t = transform.forward(img, nlevels=len(param))

        for level, ratio in param.items():
            data = t.highpasses[level - 1]
            if ratio < 1:
                norm = np.absolute(data)
                # 1 keeps 100% of the coefficients, 0 keeps 0% of the coeff
                thresh = np.percentile(norm, 100 * (1 - ratio))
                # Proximity operator for L1,2 norm
                data[:, :, :] = np.where(norm < thresh, 0, (norm - thresh) *
                                         np.exp(1j * np.angle(data)))
                # Just applying gain for this level
                data *= ratio
        ret = transform.inverse(t)
        # in some cases dtcwt does reshape the image for performance purpose
        return ret[:input_shape[0], :input_shape[1]]
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_multichannel(nlevels, channels):
    in_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 512, 512, channels])
    t = dtcwt.Transform2d()
    Yl, Yh, Yscale = unpack(
        t.forward_channels(in_, "nhwc", nlevels, include_scale=True), "tf")
    # At level 1, the lowpass output will be the same size as the input. At
    # levels above that, it will be half the size per level
    extent = 512 * 2**(-(nlevels - 1))
    assert Yl.get_shape().as_list() == [None, extent, extent, channels]
    assert Yl.dtype == tf.float32

    for i in range(nlevels):
        extent = 512 * 2**(-(i + 1))
        assert (Yh[i].get_shape().as_list() == [
            None, extent, extent, channels, 6
        assert Yh[i].dtype == tf.complex64
        assert Yscale[i].get_shape().as_list() == [
            None, 2 * extent, 2 * extent, channels
        assert Yscale[i].dtype == tf.float32
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_batch_input(nlevels, include_scale, batch_size):
    in_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size, 512, 512])
    t = dtcwt.Transform2d()
    p = t.forward_channels(in_, "nhw", nlevels, include_scale)

    # At level 1, the lowpass output will be the same size as the input. At
    # levels above that, it will be half the size per level
    extent = 512 * 2**(-(nlevels - 1))
    assert p.lowpass_op.get_shape().as_list() == [batch_size, extent, extent]
    assert p.lowpass_op.dtype == tf.float32

    for i in range(nlevels):
        extent = 512 * 2**(-(i + 1))
        assert (p.highpasses_ops[i].get_shape().as_list() == [
            batch_size, extent, extent, 6
        assert p.highpasses_ops[i].dtype == tf.complex64
        if include_scale:
            assert (p.scales_ops[i].get_shape().as_list() == [
                batch_size, 2 * extent, 2 * extent
            assert p.scales_ops[i].dtype == tf.float32
Exemplo n.º 14
#    dtBinMeans[i]=np.mean(imageLn[np.absolute(dt-i)<1.0e-3])
#for i in range(dtRange):
#    imageDD[dt.astype(np.int64)==i]=dtBinMeans[i]
## Subtract the dry drift from the image before DTCWT, to remove some of the bias in the power estimates

# Do / do not use modified wavelets to achieve directional invariance at the cost of
# inaccurate reconstruction.
#transform = dtcwt.Transform2d(biort='near_sym_b_bp', qshift='qshift_b_bp')
transform = dtcwt.Transform2d(biort='near_sym_b', qshift='qshift_b')
dataT = transform.forward(imageLn, nlevels=nLevels)
dataRndT = transform.forward(imageLnRnd, nlevels=nLevels)
coeffs = dataT.highpasses
coeffsRnd = dataRndT.highpasses
ln2Scales = []

# Adjustment of noise image using fraction of power in each sub-band.
fracPowInOri = np.empty((nLevels, 6))
fracPowInOriRnd = np.empty((nLevels, 6))

for iLev in range(nLevels):
    mask = np.sum(np.absolute(dataT.highpasses[iLev][:, :, :]),
                  axis=2) < 1.0e-4
    powInLev = np.mean(np.square(np.absolute(
        dataT.highpasses[iLev][~mask, :])))
def reconstruct(lowpass, highpasses):
    transform = dtcwt.Transform2d()
    t = dtcwt.Pyramid(lowpass, highpasses)
    return transform.inverse(t)
Exemplo n.º 16
import dtcwt
import dtcwt.registration as registration

from utility.cv_utils import *

transform2d = dtcwt.Transform2d()

# warped_src = registration.warp(src, reg, method='bilinear')
# vxs, vys = registration.velocityfield(reg, ref.shape[:2], method='bilinear')
# vxs = vxs*ref.shape[1]
# vys = vys*ref.shape[0]
# figure()
# X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(ref.shape[1]), np.arange(ref.shape[0]))
# imshow(ref, cmap=cm.gray, clim=(0,1))
# step = 8

# quiver(X[::step,::step], Y[::step,::step],vxs[::step,:
# :step], vys[::step,::step],color='g', angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=0.25)

def transform_dtcwt(ref, src):
    ref_t = transform2d.forward(ref, nlevels=4)
    src_t = transform2d.forward(src, nlevels=4)
    reg = registration.estimatereg(src_t, ref_t)
    vxs, vys = registration.velocityfield(reg, ref.shape[:2], method='nearest')
    mesh = np.sqrt(vxs * vxs + vys * vys)
    return mesh

def dtcwt3d_layer(input_shape):
    f = lambda X: transform2d.forward(X, 2).lowpass
Exemplo n.º 17
    def get_vecs(self,im):
        thres = self.thres
        good_sz = 2**np.round(np.log2(im.shape))
        im = imresize(im,[ int(x) for x in good_sz ])


        T = dtcwt.Transform2d()
        Im = T.forward(im,nlevels=3)

        M = Im.highpasses[0].shape[1] # max size
        block = np.zeros([M,M,3,6])
        vecs = []
        Ihp = Im.highpasses
        for i, hp in enumerate(Ihp):
            for x in range(hp.shape[0]):
                for y in range(hp.shape[1]):
                    cur_i = [ [i,x,y] ]
                    neighs = [ [i,x+xx,y+yy] for xx,yy in zip ([1,1,-1,-1],[1,-1,1,-1])]
                    sons = [ [i-1,2*x+xx,2*y+yy] for xx,yy in zip([1,0,1,0],[0,0,1,1]) ]
                    parent = [ [i+1,x/2,y/2] ]

                    all = [cur_i, neighs, sons, parent]
                    vec = []
                    for j in all:
                        for k in j:
                            #print 'k',k
                            ii,xx,yy = k
                            if ii>=0 and ii<len(Ihp) and xx>=0 and xx<Ihp[ii].shape[0] and yy>=0 and yy<Ihp[ii].shape[1]:
                            #    vec.append([])
                    if len(vec)==10: # full neighborhood

            # now we have the vectors of the elements where each item contains 10 complex entries for each orientation
        mags = []
        angs = []
        #print vecs
        for v in vecs:
            mags.append( [ np.abs(x) for x in v ])
            angs.append( [ np.angle(x) for x in v ])

        mags = np.array(mags)
        angs = np.array(angs)
        # fit gmm

        mags0 =np.reshape(mags[:,0,:],[-1,1])
        smags = np.sort(mags0,axis=0)
        #print smags
        thressed = smags[int(smags.shape[0]*(1.0-thres))]
        #print thres
        angs = angs[np.mean(mags[:,0,:],axis=1)>thressed,:,:]
        #print angs.shape
    #print mags0
        return angs
Exemplo n.º 18
    lenaR = cv2.imread(path)
    lena = cv2.imread(path, 0)
    x = 1
    lena = lena.astype('float32')
    # Parse the lena file and rescale to be in the range (0,1]
    lena = lena / 225
    lena -= np.mean(lena, axis=0)
    lena /= np.std(lena, axis=0)
    #print (lena.shape)
    nlevels = 3
    orientation = 6
    transform = dtcwt.Transform2d('near_sym_b', 'qshift_b')
    t = transform.forward(lena, nlevels)

    p = []
    for i in range(nlevels):
        for slice_idx in range(orientation):

            p.append(np.abs(t.highpasses[i][:, :, slice_idx]))
    XR = np.array(p)
    #print (XL[23].shape)

    pathr = (
        '/mnt/e/documents/NSSADNN_IQA-master/data_NSS_test/distortedimage_L/' +
Exemplo n.º 19
def wlsZeros(noiseIn,

    d = 2.
    ny = noiseIn.shape[0]
    nx = noiseIn.shape[1]
    nLevelsMax = int(np.floor(max(np.log2(ny), np.log2(nx))))
    minScale = minSc
    maxScale = min(nLevelsMax, maxSc)
    qstep = (qmax - qmin) / nq
    qvals = np.linspace(qmin, qmax, num=nq, endpoint=True)
    noise = np.copy(noiseIn)

    # Compute distance transform from zero mask
    # Set "zeros" to nan, so that that zero-contaminated coefficients can be identified
    if zeroMask == True:
        nzMask = noise < thresh0
            noise <
            thresh0] = thresh0  # for those values that don't exceed minZeroDist
        dt = scipy.ndimage.morphology.distance_transform_edt(nzMask)
        # Only set to nan if distance is greater than minZeroDist from a non-zero
        noise[dt > minZeroDist] = np.nan

    ln2Scales = []
    oriMax = []

    if decompmode == 'dtcwt':
        # Compute DTDWT
        # Do not use rotationally-invariant transform. Adantage is much shorter filters. Disadvantage is that max mod over ori may not be meaningful?
        # Use length 10 'a' filters here, rather than the length 14 'b' (or length 18 'b_bp').
        #        transform = dtcwt.Transform2d(biort='near_sym_b_bp', qshift='qshift_b_bp')
        transform = dtcwt.Transform2d(biort='near_sym_a', qshift='qshift_a')
        dataT = transform.forward(noise, nlevels=maxScale + 1)
        for iLev in range(maxScale + 1):
            hp = dataT.highpasses[iLev]
            ln2Scales.append(iLev +
                             1)  # first set of detail coeffs has scale=2
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                oriMax.append(np.nanmax(np.absolute(hp), axis=2))
    elif decompmode == 'dwt':
        dataT = pywt.wavedec2(noise, 'sym4', mode='periodization')
        for iPos in range(len(dataT) - 1, 0, -1):
            iLev = len(dataT) - 1 - iPos
            arrs = dataT[iPos]
            arrsStack = np.abs(np.stack(arrs, axis=2))
            tmp = np.nanmax(np.abs(arrsStack), axis=2)
            # Now do single-level approxiation to the 'leaders' bit
            tmp = scipy.ndimage.maximum_filter(tmp, size=3)
            ln2Scales.append(iLev +
                             1)  # first set of detail coeffs has scale=2

        raise Exception("Invalid mode:", mode)

    # Convert ln2Scales to np.array
    ln2Scales = np.array(ln2Scales)

    # Compute maxima over orientations for each dyadic cube
    oriMaxValid = []
    for iLev in range(maxScale + 1):
        if decompmode == 'dtcwt':
            validAtThisScale = np.absolute(
        elif decompmode == 'dwt':
            # This should be replaced with a neighbourhood maximum
            validAtThisScale = np.absolute(
                oriMax[iLev][oriMax[iLev] > 1.0e-10])
        validAtThisScale /= np.mean(validAtThisScale)

    # Compute D(h) using thermodynamical approach (Partition Function, Free Energy, Entropy)
    U = np.zeros((maxScale + 1, nq))
    V = np.zeros((maxScale + 1, nq))
    tmpu1 = np.zeros((maxScale + 1, nq))
    tmpu2 = np.zeros((maxScale + 1, nq))
    tmpv = np.zeros((maxScale + 1, nq))
    nj = np.zeros((maxScale + 1))
    S = np.zeros((maxScale + 1, nq))
    SNN = np.zeros((maxScale + 1, nq))
    sz = np.zeros((maxScale + 1))
    for iLev in range(maxScale + 1):
        epsArr = oriMaxValid[iLev]
        sz[iLev] = epsArr.size
        for iq, q in enumerate(qvals[:nq]):
            # Compute qth order structure functions
            qthMomArr = np.power(epsArr, q)
            S[iLev, iq] = np.sum(qthMomArr)
            # Compute intermediate quantities for h,D(h)
            s = S[iLev, iq]
            tmpv[iLev, iq] = np.sum(qthMomArr * np.log2(epsArr))
            tmpu1[iLev, iq] = np.sum(qthMomArr * np.log2(qthMomArr))
            tmpu2[iLev, iq] = np.sum(qthMomArr)
            tmpu = tmpu1[iLev, iq] - np.log2(s) * tmpu2[iLev, iq]
            U[iLev, iq] = tmpu / (s) + np.log2(sz[iLev])
            V[iLev, iq] = tmpv[iLev, iq] / (s)

    if mode == 'once':
        # Display h(q,a) vs log2(a) function at selected scales
        order = 1
        hfit = np.empty((nq, order + 1))
        dfit = np.empty((nq, order + 1))
        for iq in range(nq):
            hfit[iq, :] = np.polyfit(ln2Scales[minScale:maxScale + 1],
                                     V[minScale:maxScale + 1, iq], order)
            dfit[iq, :] = np.polyfit(ln2Scales[minScale:maxScale + 1],
                                     U[minScale:maxScale + 1, iq], order)
        return hfit, dfit
    elif mode == 'batch':
        return sz, S, tmpv, tmpu1, tmpu2, ln2Scales