Exemplo n.º 1
def test_duck_attr_call():
    Should traverse the attributes and try to call them with the given
    arguments, then return the result of the first successful call.
    obj = Obj(42)
    duck = Duck(obj)
    duck_calls = [
        DuckCall(*p) for p in [
            ["bar", [3, 2]],
            ["baz", ["hello", "world"], {
                "some_arg": 419
    assert duck.attr_call(*duck_calls) == obj.foo()

    duck_calls = [
        DuckCall(*p) for p in [
            ["non_existent_method_with_args", [1, 2, 3]],
            ["baz", ["hello", "world"], {
                "some_arg": 419
            ["bar", [3, 2]],
    assert duck.attr_call(*duck_calls) == obj.baz("hello",
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_duck_attr_default():
    Should return default value when none of the attributes is found
    obj = Obj(42)
    duck = Duck(obj)
    assert duck.attr("bad_property", "nope", default=12345426) == 12345426
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_duck_call_default():
    Should return default value.
    obj = Obj(42)
    duck = Duck(obj)
    assert duck.call([["bad", "arguments"]], default=1234) == 1234
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_duck_attr(attrs, expected):
    Should extract the first attribute present in obj
    obj = Obj(42)
    duck = Duck(obj)
    assert duck.attr(*attrs) == getattr(obj, expected)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_duck_get():
    Should return propery value
    obj = Obj(42)
    duck = Duck(obj)
    assert duck.attr_call(DuckGet("prop")) == obj.prop
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_duck_call_raise():
    Should raise TypeError
    obj = Obj(42)
    duck = Duck(obj)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        duck.call([["bad", "arguments"]])
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_duck_attr_call_fallback_property(duck_obj):
    If an argument is a string, attr_call interprets it a name of the property
    to be returned.
    obj = Obj(42)
    duck = Duck(obj)
    assert duck.attr_call(DuckCall("non_existent"), "prop") == obj.prop
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_duck_attr_raise():
    Should raise AttributeError when none of the attributes is found and
    no default value given
    obj = Obj(42)
    duck = Duck(obj)
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        duck.attr("bad_property", "nope")
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_duck_call():
    Should return the result of the first successful call the callable
    obj = Obj(42)
    duck = Duck(obj)
    assert duck.call([["foo"]], [], [["hello1", "world1"]],
                     [["hello"], {
                         "argument2": "world"
                     }]) == obj("hello", argument2="world")
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_duck_noargs_call():
    Should return the result of the first successful call the callable
    def some_func():
        return "hello!"

    duck = Duck(some_func)
    assert (duck.call([["foo"]], [], [["hello1", "world1"]],
                      [["hello"], {
                          "argument2": "world"
                      }]) == "hello!")
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_duck_attr_call_raise():
    Should raise AttributeError if attribute is not present
    and TypeError if the signature of the method is not compatible with
    the arguments.
    obj = Obj(42)
    duck = Duck(obj)
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        assert duck.attr_call(DuckCall("non_existent"))

    # OK method, bad signature
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        assert duck.attr_call(DuckCall("foo", ["bad", "arguments"]))
Exemplo n.º 12
def duck_obj():
    obj = Obj(42)
    return Duck(obj), obj