Exemplo n.º 1
def logCRtotal(filename, ndim=3, dt=0.002, outputfile=''):
    """calcualte rotational dynamics over all particles 

        only the initial configuration as reference

    print('-------calculate LOG overall rotational dynamics-------')
    d = readangular(filename, ndim)

    #-----get the unit vector-----
    velocity = [
        u / np.linalg.norm(u, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] for u in d.velocity

    results = np.zeros((d.SnapshotNumber - 1, 2))
    names = 't  CRt'

    results[:, 0] = (np.array(d.TimeStep[1:]) - d.TimeStep[0]) * dt
    CII = velocity[1:] * velocity[0]
    results[:, 1] = (CII.sum(axis=2)).mean(axis=1)

    if outputfile:
        np.savetxt(outputfile, results, fmt='%.6f', header=names, comments='')

    print('-------calculate LOG overall rotational dynamics over-------')
    return results, names
Exemplo n.º 2
def RorderIJ(filename,
    """rotational order parameter to characterize the structure

    alignment of center against its neighbors by orientation

    print('-------calculate orientational alignment-------')
    from ParticleNeighbors import Voropp
    d = readangular(filename, ndim)

    #-----get the unit vector-----
    velocity = [
        u / np.linalg.norm(u, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] for u in d.velocity

    fneighbor = open(neighborfile, 'r')
    results = np.zeros((d.ParticleNumber[0], d.SnapshotNumber))
    if outputfileij: fij = open(outputfileij, 'w')
    for n in range(d.SnapshotNumber):
        Neighborlist = Voropp(
            fneighbor, d.ParticleNumber[n])  ##neighbor list [number, list....]
        if outputfileij: fij.write('id cn UIJ_list\n')
        for i in range(d.ParticleNumber[n]):
            CII = velocity[n][i] * velocity[n][Neighborlist[
                i, 1:1 + Neighborlist[i, 0]]]
            #psi = np.linalg.norm(CII, axis = 1)
            psi = np.abs(CII.sum(axis=1))
            results[i, n] = (psi > UIJ).sum()
            if outputfileij:
                fij.write('%d %d ' % (i + 1, Neighborlist[i, 0]))
                for j in range(Neighborlist[i, 0]):
                    fij.write('%.6f ' % psi[j])

    results = np.column_stack((np.arange(d.ParticleNumber[0]) + 1, results))
    if outputfile:
        names = 'id UIJ'
        np.savetxt(outputfile, results, fmt='%d', header=names, comments='')

    if outputfileij: fij.close()
    print('-------calculate orientational alignment over-------')
    return results
Exemplo n.º 3
def CRtotal(filename, ndim=3, dt=0.002, phi=0.2, outputfile=''):
    """calcualte rotational dynamics over all particles by moving average

        the time interval should be the same for average with the same deltat

    print('-------calculate overall rotational dynamics-------')
    d = readangular(filename, ndim)

    #-----get the unit vector-----
    velocity = [
        u / np.linalg.norm(u, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] for u in d.velocity
    TimeStep = d.TimeStep[1] - d.TimeStep[0]
    if TimeStep != d.TimeStep[-1] - d.TimeStep[-2]:
        print('Warning: ********time interval changes********')
    ParticleNumber = d.ParticleNumber[0]
    if ParticleNumber != d.ParticleNumber[-1]:
        print('Warning: ********particle number changes**********')

    results = np.zeros((d.SnapshotNumber - 1, 5))
    names = 't  CRt X4 Qt QtX4'
    cal_CRt = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(d.SnapshotNumber - 1)[np.newaxis, :])
    cal_Qt = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros(d.SnapshotNumber - 1)[np.newaxis, :])
    deltat = np.zeros((d.SnapshotNumber - 1, 2), dtype=np.int)
    for n in range(d.SnapshotNumber - 1):  #time interval
        CII = (velocity[n + 1:] * velocity[n]).sum(axis=2)
        CII_CRt = CII.sum(axis=1)
        cal_CRt = pd.concat([cal_CRt, pd.DataFrame(CII_CRt[np.newaxis, :])])
        CII_Qt = (CII >= phi).sum(axis=1)
        cal_Qt = pd.concat([cal_Qt, pd.DataFrame(CII_Qt[np.newaxis, :])])

    cal_CRt = cal_CRt.iloc[1:]
    cal_Qt = cal_Qt.iloc[1:]
    deltat[:, 0] = np.array(cal_CRt.columns) + 1  #time interval
    deltat[:, 1] = np.array(cal_CRt.count())  #time interval frequency

    results[:, 0] = deltat[:, 0] * TimeStep * dt
    results[:, 1] = cal_CRt.mean() / ParticleNumber
            2] = ((cal_CRt**2).mean() - (cal_CRt.mean())**2) / ParticleNumber
    results[:, 3] = cal_Qt.mean() / ParticleNumber
    results[:, 4] = ((cal_Qt**2).mean() - (cal_Qt.mean())**2) / ParticleNumber
    if outputfile:
        np.savetxt(outputfile, results, fmt='%.6f', header=names, comments='')

    print('-------calculate overall rotational dynamics over-------')
    return results, names
Exemplo n.º 4
def Rorder(filename, ndim=3, neighborfile='', outputfile='', use_abs=True):
    """rotational order parameter to characterize the structure

    local rotational symmetry over the nearest neighbors

    print('-------calculate local rotational ordering-------')
    from ParticleNeighbors import Voropp
    d = readangular(filename, ndim)

    #-----get the unit vector-----
    velocity = [
        u / np.linalg.norm(u, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] for u in d.velocity

    fneighbor = open(neighborfile, 'r')
    results = np.zeros((d.ParticleNumber[0], d.SnapshotNumber))
    for n in range(d.SnapshotNumber):
        Neighborlist = Voropp(
            fneighbor, d.ParticleNumber[n])  ##neighbor list [number, list....]
        for i in range(d.ParticleNumber[n]):
            CII = velocity[n][i] * velocity[n][Neighborlist[
                i, 1:1 + Neighborlist[i, 0]]]
            if use_abs:
                results[i, n] = np.abs(CII.sum(axis=1)).mean()
                results[i, n] = (CII.sum(axis=1)).mean()

    results = np.column_stack((np.arange(d.ParticleNumber[0]) + 1, results))
    if outputfile:
        names = 'id Psi'
        numformat = '%d ' + '%.6f ' * (results.shape[1] - 1)

    print('-------calculate local rotational ordering over-------')
    return results
Exemplo n.º 5
def S4(file_positions,
    """ Compute four-point dynamic structure factor at peak timescale of dynamic susceptibility

        Based on dynamics overlap function CRtotal and its corresponding dynamic susceptibility X4     
        file_positions: atomic positions
        file_orientations: atomic orientations
        phi is the cutoff for the dynamics overlap function
        X4time is the peaktime scale of X4
        dt is the timestep in MD simulations
        Dynamics should be calculated before computing S4
        Only considered the particles which are rotationally slow

    print('-----Compute dynamic S4(q) of rotational slow particles-----')
    from WaveVector import choosewavevector
    from dump import readdump
    from math import pi

    #read positions
    d1 = readdump(file_positions, ndim, filetype, moltypes)

    #read orientations
    d2 = readangular(file_orientations, ndim)
    #get unit vector
    velocity = [
        u / np.linalg.norm(u, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] for u in d2.velocity

    #check files
    if d1.SnapshotNumber != d2.SnapshotNumber:
        print('warning: ******check configurations*****')
    if d1.ParticleNumber[0] != d2.ParticleNumber[0]:
        print('warning: ******check configurations*****')
    if d1.TimeStep[0] != d2.TimeStep[0]:
        print('warning: ******check configurations*****')
    TimeStep = d1.TimeStep[1] - d1.TimeStep[0]
    if TimeStep != d1.TimeStep[-1] - d1.TimeStep[-2]:
        print('Warning: *****time interval changes*****')
    ParticleNumber = d1.ParticleNumber[0]
    if ParticleNumber != d1.ParticleNumber[-1]:
        print('Warning: *****particle number changes*****')

    #calculate dynamics and structure factor
    X4time = int(X4time / dt / TimeStep)

    twopidl = 2 * pi / d1.Boxlength[0]  #list over dimensions
    Numofq = int(qrange / twopidl.max())
    wavevector = choosewavevector(
        Numofq, ndim)[:, 1:]  #Only S4(q) at low wavenumber range is interested
    wavevector = wavevector.astype(
        np.float64) * twopidl[np.newaxis, :]  #considering non-cubic box
    wavenumber = np.linalg.norm(wavevector, axis=1)

    sqresults = np.zeros((wavevector.shape[0], 2))
    sqresults[:, 0] = wavenumber

    for n in range(d1.SnapshotNumber - X4time):
        RII = (velocity[n + X4time] * velocity[n]).sum(axis=1)
        RII = np.where(RII >= phi, 1, 0)

        sqtotal = np.zeros_like(sqresults)
        for i in range(ParticleNumber):
            if RII[i]:
                thetas = (d1.Positions[n][i][np.newaxis, :] *
                sqtotal[:, 0] += np.sin(thetas)
                sqtotal[:, 1] += np.cos(thetas)

        sqresults[:, 1] += np.square(sqtotal).sum(axis=1) / ParticleNumber
    sqresults[:, 1] /= (d1.SnapshotNumber - X4time)

    sqresults = pd.DataFrame(sqresults).round(6)
    results = sqresults.groupby(sqresults[0]).mean().reset_index().values

    names = 'q  S4'
    if outputfile:
        np.savetxt(outputfile, results, fmt='%.6f', header=names, comments='')

    print('--------- Compute S4(q) of slow particles over ------')
    return results, names