Exemplo n.º 1
def test_remove_duplicates():
    remove_duplicates() : normal case, latlons
    from duplicate import remove_duplicates

    # normal case
    xyzs = [(0,0.5,0),(-0.5,0,0),(0.5,0,0),(1,1.2,0),(0.5,0,0)]
    ret = remove_duplicates(xyzs)
    equal(ret, [(0,0.5,0),(-0.5,0,0),(0.5,0,0),(1,1.2,0)])

    xyzs = [(0,0.5,0),(-0.5,0,0),(0.5,0,0),(1,1.2,0),(0.5,0,0),(1.2,2.3,0),(-0.5,0,0)]
    ret = remove_duplicates(xyzs)
    equal(ret, [(0,0.5,0),(-0.5,0,0),(0.5,0,0),(1,1.2,0),(1.2,2.3,0)])
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_sort_ccw_idxs():
    sort_ccw_idxs(): normal case, straight line, duplicated

    from sphere import sort_ccw_idxs
    from duplicate import remove_duplicates
    from convert_coord.cart_ll import latlon2xyz

    # normal
    lls = [(0.79,0.79), (0.78,0.77), (0.78,0.79), (0.79,0.77), (0.80,0.78)]
    xyzs = [latlon2xyz(*ll) for ll in lls]
    ret = sort_ccw_idxs(xyzs)
    a_equal(ret, [0,4,3,1,2])

    # straight line
    lls = [(0.79,0.79), (0.78,0.77), (0.78,0.79), \
           (0.79,0.77), (0.80,0.78), (0.78,0.78)]
    xyzs = [latlon2xyz(*ll) for ll in lls]
    ret = sort_ccw_idxs(xyzs)
    a_equal(ret, [0,4,3,1,5,2])

    # duplicated
    lls = [(-0.34784230590688509, 6.1959188445798699), 
           (-0.3478423059068852,  0.08726646259971646),
           (-0.52194946399942688, 0.08726646259971646),
           (-0.52194946399942688, 6.1959188445798699),
           (-0.52194946399942688, 6.1959188445798699)]
    xyzs = [latlon2xyz(*ll) for ll in lls]
    unique_xyzs = remove_duplicates(xyzs)
    ret = sort_ccw_idxs(unique_xyzs)
    a_equal(ret, [0,3,2,1])

    lls = [(-1.3956102462281967, 0.43633231299858227),
           (-1.3956102462281967, 0.26179938779914985),
           (-1.5707963267948966, 0),
           (-1.5707963267948966, 0)]
    xyzs = [latlon2xyz(*ll) for ll in lls]
    unique_xyzs = remove_duplicates(xyzs)
    ret = sort_ccw_idxs(unique_xyzs)
    a_equal(ret, [0,1,2])
Exemplo n.º 3
def intersect_two_polygons(polygon_xyzs1, polygon_xyzs2):
    The points of polygons should be sorted in counter-clockwise
    xyzs1 = polygon_xyzs1
    xyzs2 = polygon_xyzs2

    # Check in/out
    poly1_inout = list()
    for xyz in xyzs1:
        inout = pt_in_polygon(xyzs2, xyz)

    poly2_inout = list()
    for xyz in xyzs2:
        inout = pt_in_polygon(xyzs1, xyz)

    # Not overlap and inclusion
    if 'out' not in poly1_inout and 'in' not in poly2_inout:
        return xyzs1

    elif 'in' not in poly1_inout and 'out' not in poly2_inout:
        return xyzs2

    # Partially overlapped
    vertices = list()

    # inner and border points
    for seq, io1 in enumerate(poly1_inout):
        if io1 != 'out':
            vertices.append( xyzs1[seq] )

    for seq, io2 in enumerate(poly2_inout):
        if io2 != 'out':
            vertices.append( xyzs2[seq] )

    # intersection points
    for xyz1, xyz2 in zip(xyzs1, xyzs1[1:]+xyzs1[:1]):
        for xyz3, xyz4 in zip(xyzs2, xyzs2[1:]+xyzs2[:1]):
            ret = intersect_two_arcs(xyz1, xyz2, xyz3, xyz4)

            if ret != None and 'pt' not in ret:

    # remove duplicates
    unique_xyzs = remove_duplicates(vertices)

    if len(vertices) < 3:
        return None

    # sorting in counter-clockwise
    sort_idxs = sort_ccw_idxs(unique_xyzs)
    sorted_xyzs = [unique_xyzs[idx] for idx in sort_idxs]

    return sorted_xyzs