Exemplo n.º 1
    def _get_details(self, torrent):
        url = '{}{}'.format(self.base_url, torrent[0])
            r = requests.get(url)
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
            # can't connect, go to next url

        html = r.content
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
        seeds = soup.find('span', class_='stat_red')
        if seeds:
            seeds = seeds.get_text(strip=True)
            seeds = seeds.replace(',', '')
            seeds = 0

        # <b>Released:</b> 20th Aug 2016<br/>
        dt = None
        p = re.compile('.*<b>Released:</b> (.*?)<.*')
        m = p.match(str(html))

        if m:
            date_string = m.groups()[0]
            dt = parse(date_string)

        t = Torrent()
        t.title = torrent[1]
        t.size = self.to_bytes(torrent[4])
        t.date = dt
        t.seeders = int(seeds)
        t.tracker = self.shortname
        t.magnet = torrent[3]
        return t
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _get_details(self, detail):
        url = '{}{}'.format('http://1337x.to', detail[0])

            r = requests.get(url)
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
            # can't connect, go to next url

        html = r.content
        soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
        section = soup.find('div', class_='category-detail')
        magnet = section.find_all('a')[1]['href']

        date_string = section.find_all('span')[7].get_text(strip=True)  # TODO: That's brave.
        dt = dateparser.parse(date_string)

        torrent = Torrent()
        torrent.title = detail[1]
        torrent.size = self.to_bytes(detail[3])
        torrent.date = dt
        torrent.seeders = int(detail[2])
        torrent.magnet = magnet
        torrent.tracker = self.shortname
        return torrent
Exemplo n.º 3
    def search(self, search_string, season=False, episode=False):

        if season and episode:
            search_string = '%s' % (
                    season, episode, search_string))

        query = search_string
        encoded_search = urllib.parse.quote(query)

        torrents = []
        loop_number = 0

        for try_url in self.provider_urls:
            url = '%s/search/all/{}/c/d/1/?fmt=rss' % try_url
            full_url = url.format(encoded_search)

            loop_number += 1
            self.logger.info('%s[%s]@%s via "%s"' % (self.job_id, self.shortname, loop_number, full_url))
            parsed = feedparser.parse(full_url)

            for show in parsed['entries']:
                # TODO: Fetch detail pages for age of torrents
                # Removing attempts at date parsing until bitsnoop get their act together
                # if show['published_parsed']:
                #     dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(show['published_parsed']))
                #     print(type(dt))
                #     print(dt)
                #     date = dt.strftime('%b %d/%Y')

                t = Torrent()
                t.title = show['title']
                t.size = int(show['size'])
                t.date = None
                t.seeders = int(show['numseeders'])
                t.tracker = self.shortname
                t.magnet = show['magneturi']


            self.logger.info('%s[%s]@%s found %s result(s)' % (self.job_id, self.shortname, loop_number,

            if len(torrents) != 0:
                return torrents

        # We got this far with no results
        self.logger.info('%s[%s] exiting without any results' % (self.job_id, self.shortname))
        return torrents
Exemplo n.º 4
    def search(self, search_string, season=None, episode=None):
        if season and episode:
            search_string = '%s %s' % (search_string, sxxexx(season, episode))

        query = urllib.parse.quote(search_string)

        torrents = []
        loop_number = 0

        for try_url in self.provider_urls:
            url = '%s/rss/type/search/x/%s/' % (try_url, query)
            loop_number += 1
            self.logger.info('%s[%s]@%s via "%s"' %
                             (self.job_id, self.shortname, loop_number, url))
            parsed = feedparser.parse(url)

            for show in parsed['entries']:
                if show:
                    if show['published_parsed']:
                        dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(
                        dt = None

                    t = Torrent()
                    t.title = show['title']
                    t.size = self.to_bytes(show['size'])
                    t.date = dt
                    t.seeders = int(show['seeds'])
                    t.tracker = self.shortname
                    t.magnet = hash2magnet(show['hash'], t.title)

                '%s[%s]@%s found %s result(s)' %
                (self.job_id, self.shortname, loop_number, len(torrents)))

            if len(torrents) != 0:
                return torrents

        # We got this far with no results
        self.logger.info('%s[%s] exiting without any results' %
                         (self.job_id, self.shortname))
        return torrents
Exemplo n.º 5
    def search(self, search_string, season=None, episode=None):

        if season and episode:
            searches = self.se_ep(search_string, season, episode)
            searches = [search_string]

        # get token for api
        url = '{}?get_token=get_token&app_id=tvoverlord'.format(self.baseurl)
            r = requests.get(url)
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
            return []

        if r.status_code == 403:
            self.url = url
            return []

        j = r.json()

        token = j['token']

        torrents = []
        count = 0
        loop_number = 0
        for search in searches:
            # the torrentapi only allows one query every two seconds
            if count > 0:
            count += 1

            search_tpl = '{}?mode=search&search_string={}&token={}&format=json_extended&sort=seeders&limit=100&app_id=tvoverlord'
            search_string = urllib.parse.quote(search)
            url = search_tpl.format(self.baseurl, search_string, token)

                loop_number += 1
                self.logger.info('%s[%s]@%s via "%s"' % (self.job_id, self.shortname, loop_number, url))
                r = requests.get(url)
            except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
                # can't connect, go to next url

            results = r.json()
            if 'error_code' in results.keys() and results['error_code'] == 20:
                continue  # no results found

                shows = results['torrent_results']
            except KeyError:
                # no results

            for show in shows:
                torrent = Torrent()
                torrent.title = show['title']
                torrent.date = parse(show['pubdate'].split(' ')[0])
                torrent.size = int(show['size'])
                torrent.seeders = int(show['seeders'])
                torrent.magnet = show['download']
                torrent.tracker = self.shortname

            self.logger.info('%s[%s]@%s found %s result(s)' % (self.job_id, self.shortname, loop_number,

            if len(torrents) != 0:
                return torrents

        # We got this far with no results
        self.logger.info('%s[%s] exiting without any results' % (self.job_id, self.shortname))
        return torrents
Exemplo n.º 6
    def search(self, search_string, season=None, episode=None):
        if season and episode:
            searches = self.se_ep(search_string, season, episode)
            searches = [search_string]

        torrents = []
        loop_number = 0

        for try_url in self.provider_urls:
            # urls = '%s/search/ ' % try_url
            for search in searches:

                search_string = urllib.parse.quote(search)
                url = '%s/search/%s/0/7/0' % (try_url, search_string)
                # urls += '%s/0/7/0 ' % search_string

                loop_number += 1
                self.logger.info('%s[%s]@%s via "%s"' % (self.job_id, self.shortname, loop_number, url))

                r = requests.get(url)
                html = r.content
                soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

                search_results = soup.find('table', id='searchResult')

                if search_results:
                    # for each row in search results table, (skipping thead)
                    for tr in search_results.find_all('tr')[1:]:
                        tds = tr.find_all('td')[1:]

                            torrent = Torrent()
                            torrent.tracker = self.shortname
                            torrent.title = tds[0].find('a', {'class': 'detLink'}).string.strip()
                            details = tds[0].find('font').contents[0].split(', ')

                            # hackity hack to fix TPB's use of 'Y-day'
                            date_string = details[0].replace('Uploaded ', '')

                            if 'Y-day' in date_string:
                                yesterday = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=1)
                                date_string = date_string.replace('Y-day', yesterday.strftime('%d %B %Y'))

                            if 'Today' in date_string:
                                date_string = date_string.replace('Today', datetime.now().strftime('%d %B %Y'))

                            torrent.date = parse(date_string)
                            torrent.size = self.to_bytes(details[1])
                            torrent.seeders = int(tds[1].string)
                            torrent.magnet = tds[0].find('a', href=re.compile('magnet:.*')).attrs['href']

                        except IndexError:

                            # sometimes some fields are empty, so trying to
                            # access them throws an IndexError.  We can safely
                            # skip them.

                    self.logger.info('%s[%s]@%s found %s result(s)' % (self.job_id, self.shortname, loop_number,

                    if len(torrents) != 0:
                        return torrents

        # We got this far with no results
        self.logger.info('%s[%s] exiting without any results' % (self.job_id, self.shortname))
        return torrents
Exemplo n.º 7
    def search(self, search_string, season=None, episode=None):

        if season and episode:
            searches = self.se_ep(search_string, season, episode)
            searches = [search_string]

        # http://www.torrentdownloads.me/rss.xml?type=search&search=doctor+who+s05e01
        base_url = '%s/rss.xml?type=search&search={}' % self.provider_urls[0]
        torrents = []
        loop_number = 0

        for search in searches:
            encoded_search = urllib.parse.quote(search)
            url = base_url.format(encoded_search)
            loop_number += 1
            self.logger.info('%s[%s]@%s via "%s"' %
                             (self.job_id, self.shortname, loop_number, url))

            parsed = feedparser.parse(url)

            if len(parsed) == 0:

            for show in parsed['entries']:
                title = show['title']

                # torrentdownloads returns results that match any word in the
                # search, so the results end up with a bunch of stuff we aren't
                # interested in and we need to filter them out.
                stop = False
                for i in search.split(' '):
                    if i.lower() not in title.lower():
                        stop = True
                if stop:

                dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(show['published_parsed']))
                magnet_url = 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:{}&dn={}'
                magnet_hash = show['info_hash']

                torrent = Torrent()
                torrent.title = show['title']
                torrent.seeders = int(show['seeders'])
                torrent.date = dt
                torrent.size = int(show['size'])
                torrent.magnet = magnet_url.format(magnet_hash,
                torrent.tracker = self.shortname


                '%s[%s]@%s found %s result(s)' %
                (self.job_id, self.shortname, loop_number, len(torrents)))

            if len(torrents) != 0:
                return torrents

        # We got this far with no results
        self.logger.info('%s[%s] exiting without any results' %
                         (self.job_id, self.shortname))
        return torrents
Exemplo n.º 8
    def search(self, search_string, season=False, episode=False):
        if season and episode:
            search_string = '%s' % (
                    season, episode, search_string))

        query = search_string
        encoded_search = urllib.parse.quote(query)

        torrents = []
        loop_number = 0

        for try_url in self.provider_urls:
            # cid=0 everything, cid=8 tv shows:
            lookfor = 0
            if season and episode:
                lookfor = 8  # tv only

            url = '{}/rss.xml?type=search&cid={}&search=%s'.format(try_url, lookfor)
            full_url = url % encoded_search
            loop_number += 1
            self.logger.info('%s[%s]@%s via "%s"' % (self.job_id, self.shortname, loop_number, full_url))
            parsed = feedparser.parse(full_url)

            for show in parsed['entries']:
                dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(show['published_parsed']))
                title = show['title']

                # extratorrent returns results that match any word in the
                # search, so the results end up with a bunch of stuff we aren't
                # interested in and we need to filter them out.
                stop = False
                for i in search_string.split(' '):
                    if i.lower() not in title.lower():
                        stop = True
                if stop:
                    # TODO: Evaluate if this is exiting early. Feels messy.

                # the ExtraTorrent rss feed doesn't supply the magnet link, or any
                # usable links (They must be downloaded from the site).  But the
                # feed has the URN hash, so we can build a magnet link from that.
                magnet_url = 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:{}&dn={}'
                magnet_hash = show['info_hash']
                magnet = magnet_url.format(magnet_hash, urllib.parse.quote(title))
                seeds = show['seeders']
                if seeds == '---':
                    seeds = '0'

                t = Torrent()
                t.title = title
                t.size = int(show['size'])
                t.date = dt
                t.seeders = int(seeds)
                t.tracker = self.shortname
                t.magnet = magnet


            self.logger.info('%s[%s]@%s found %s result(s)' % (self.job_id, self.shortname, loop_number,
            if len(torrents) != 0:
                return torrents

        # We got this far with no results
        self.logger.info('%s[%s] exiting without any results' % (self.job_id, self.shortname))
        return torrents