Exemplo n.º 1
def joinModes( mode, modeAliases, awardsList = None ):
    sql = """
        select distinct callsign, award, value, band
        from user_awards where mode in """ + modeAliases
    if awardsList:
        sql += " and award in " + awardsList
    awardItems = cursor2dicts( dxdb.execute( sql ) )
    if awardItems:
        if isinstance( awardItems, dict ):
            awardItems = ( awardItems, )
        for awardItem in awardItems:
            award = [ x for x in awards if x['name'] == awardItem['award'] ][0]
            cfmTypes = [ 'cfm_paper', 'cfm_eqsl', 'cfm_lotw' ]
            if award.has_key( 'cfmTypes' ):
                cfmTypes = []
                for cfmType in award['cfmTypes']:
                    cfmTypes.append( cfmType[1] )
            sql = """select * from user_awards 
                where callsign = %(callsign)s and award = %(award)s 
                    and value = %(value)s and band = %(band)s and ( mode = '""" \
                    + mode + "' or mode in" + modeAliases + ")"
            modeItems = cursor2dicts( dxdb.execute( sql, awardItem ) )
            if isinstance(modeItems, dict):
                modeItems = ( modeItems, )
            awardItem['cfm'] = {}
            for cfmType in cfmTypes:
                awardItem['cfm'][cfmType] = False
            awardItem['worked_cs'] = ''
            awardItem['mode'] = mode
            for modeItem in modeItems:
                for cfmType in cfmTypes:
                    if cfmType in modeItem['cfm']:
                        awardItem['cfm'][cfmType] |= modeItem['cfm'][cfmType]
                if not ',' in awardItem['worked_cs'] and modeItem['worked_cs']:
                    if len( awardItem['worked_cs'] ) == 0:
                        awardItem['worked_cs'] = modeItem['worked_cs']
                        awardItem['worked_cs'] += ', ' + modeItem['worked_cs']
            dxdb.paramUpdateInsert( 'user_awards', \
                spliceParams( awardItem, ( 'callsign', 'award', 'value', 'band', 'mode' ) ),
                spliceParams( awardItem, ( 'cfm', 'worked_cs' ) ) )
    sql = """delete from user_awards where mode in""" + modeAliases
    dxdb.execute( sql )
Exemplo n.º 2
def updateSpecialLists():
    slData = loadSpecialLists()
    slData['Special'] = cursor2dicts(
        select callsign, last_ts 
        from callsigns 
        where special_cs and last_ts > now() - interval '2 days';"""))
    slDataJSON = json.dumps(slData, default=jsonEncodeExtra)
    for dir in dirs:
        with open(dir + '/specialLists.json', 'w') as fsl:
Exemplo n.º 3
 def district(self, value):
     v = None
     if self.country == 'USA':
         v = value
         if v and self.region == None:
             r = v.split(' ')[0]
             if r in fieldValues['USA']['region']:
                 self.region = r
     elif self.country in ('Japan', 'Germany', 'Poland', 'France'):
         v = value
         if value:
             v = value.replace(' ', '')
             if self.country in ('Russia', 'Ukraine'):
                 m = DX.reState0.match(v)
                 if m:
                     v = m.group(1) + '-' + m.group(2)
     if v and fieldValues.has_key( self.country ) and \
         fieldValuesSubst[ self.country ].has_key( 'district' ) and \
         fieldValuesSubst[ self.country ]['district'].has_key( v ):
         v = fieldValuesSubst[self.country]['district'][v]
     elif v and fieldValues.has_key( self.country) \
         and fieldValues[ self.country ].has_key( 'district' ) and \
         not v in fieldValues[ self.country ]['district']:
     if self._district and self._district != v and self.awards:
             delete from awards
             where callsign = %s """, (self.cs, ))
     if self._district != v:
         self._district = v
Exemplo n.º 4
for aw in awards:
    if not aw.has_key( 'byBand' ) or not aw['byBand']:
    modes = aw['modes'] if aw.has_key( 'modes' ) else allModes
    modesStr = makeStr( modes )
    if 'DIGI' in modes:
        sql = """insert into user_awards 
            ( callsign, award, value, cfm_paper, cfm_lotw, cfm_eqsl, mode, band )
            select callsign, award, value, bool_or( cfm_paper ), bool_or( cfm_lotw ),
                bool_or( cfm_eqsl ), 'DIGI', band
            from user_awards
            where award = %s and mode in (""" + digiModesStr + ") " + \
            ( " and callsign = 'QQQQ' " if testMode else '' ) + \
            """group by callsign, award, value, band"""
        dxdb.execute( sql, ( aw['name'], ) )
    sql = """delete from user_awards
        where award = %s and not mode in (""" + modesStr + """) and 
        mode != 'N/A' """ + \
        ( "and callsign = 'QQQQ' " if testMode else '' )
    dxdb.execute( sql, ( aw['name'], ) )

with open( webRoot + '/userMetadata.json', 'w' ) as f:
    f.write( json.dumps( udv ) )

Exemplo n.º 5
                spliceParams( awardItem, ( 'cfm', 'worked_cs' ) ) )
    sql = """delete from user_awards where mode in""" + modeAliases
    dxdb.execute( sql )

for ( mode, modeAliases ) in modes.iteritems():
    joinModes( mode, modeAliases )

joinModes( 'DATA', dataModesFull, "( 'DXCC', 'Russia' )" )

sql = """select callsign, award, settings, stats_settings
            from users_awards_settings
            where award = 'DXCC'
if testMode:
    sql += " and callsign = 'QQQQ'"
data = cursor2dicts( dxdb.execute( sql ) )
if testMode:
    data = ( data, )

for row in data:
    fl = False
    if row['settings']:
        if row['settings'].has_key( 'modes' ) and \
            [x for x in row['settings']['modes'] if x['name'] == 'RTTY' ]:
            row['settings']['modes'] = \
                [ x for x in row['settings']['modes'] \
                    if x['name'] != 'RTTY' ]
            fl = True
    if row['stats_settings']:
        if row['stats_settings'].has_key( 'modesFilter' ) \
            and row['stats_settings']['modesFilter'].has_key( 'RTTY' ):
Exemplo n.º 6

conf = siteConf()
webRoot = conf.get( 'web', 'root' ) 
udv = loadJSON( webRoot + '/userMetadata.json' )
if not udv:
    udv = {}

dblSql = """
    select callsign, title, sum( 1 )
    from users_lists
    where title in ( 'DX', 'DXpedition', 'Special' )
    group by callsign, title
    having sum( 1 ) > 1
dbls = cursor2dicts( dxdb.execute( dblSql ) ) 
idSql = """
    select id from users_lists 
    where callsign = %(callsign)s and title = %(title)s
updateItemsSql = """
    update users_lists_items as items0 set list_id = %(id0)s
    where list_id = %(id1)s and not exists 
        (select callsign from users_lists_items as items1
            where list_id = %(id0)s and items0.callsign = items1.callsign )
deleteItemsSql = """
    delete from users_lists_items where list_id = %(id1)s
deleteListSql = """
    delete from users_lists where id = %(id1)s
Exemplo n.º 7
def makeStr( list ):
    return ', '.join( ( "'{}'".format( x ) for x in list ) )

cfmTypesDef = [ 'cfm_lotw', 'cfm_paper', 'cfm_eqsl' ]
sql = """select * from user_awards
    where award = %s """ + \
    ( "and callsign = 'QQQQ' " if testMode else '' )
users = []

for aw in awards:
    print aw['name']
    awardCfm = [ type[1] for type in aw['cfmTypes'] ] if aw.has_key( 'cfmTypes' ) \
            else cfmTypesDef

    data = cursor2dicts(  dxdb.execute( sql, ( aw['name'], ) ), False )
    if data:
        for record in data:
            recordCfm = { cfmType: record[cfmType] if record.has_key( cfmType ) \
                            else False for cfmType in awardCfm }
            dxdb.paramUpdate( 'user_awards', \
                    { 'award': aw['name'], 'value': record['value'], \
                    'band': record['band'], 'mode': record['mode'], \
                    'callsign': record['callsign'] },
                    { 'cfm': json.dumps( recordCfm ) } )
            if not record['callsign'] in users:
                users.append( record['callsign'] )
umdPath = webRoot + '/userMetadata.json'
umd = loadJSON( umdPath  )
if not umd:
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, dxData=None, newSpot=False, **params):
        self.isBeacon = False
        self._district = None
        self.region = None
        self.iota = None
        self.offDB = False
        self.pfx = None
        self.awards = {}
        self.dxData = dxData
        self.country = None
        self.special = False
            self.text = params['text'].decode('utf-8',
        except Exception as ex:
            logging.error("Error decoding qso text:")
            self.text = ''

        self.freq = params['freq']
        self.cs = params['cs']
        if '/QRP' in self.cs:
            self.cs = self.cs.replace('/QRP', '')
            self.qrp = True
            self.qrp = False
        self.de = params['de']
        self.lotw = self.cs in lotwData

        txt = self.text.lower()
        if 'ncdxf' in txt or 'beacon' in txt or 'bcn' in txt or '/B' in self.cs:
            self.isBeacon = True

        self.band = params['band'] if params.has_key('band') else None
        self.mode = None
        self.subMode = None
        if params.has_key('mode') and params['mode']:
            if not self.mode:
                print params['mode']
                self.mode = params['mode']
            self.mode = None
        if params.has_key('subMode'):
            self.subMode = params['subMode']
        self.detectAwardsList = params['detectAwards'] \
                if params.has_key( 'detectAwards' ) else None

        if not self.band and self.freq:
            self.band = findDiap(DX.bands, self.freq)
            if not self.band:

        if not self.mode and self.text:
            t = self.text.upper()
            for (mode, aliases) in DX.modes.iteritems():
                for alias in aliases:
                    if re.search('(^|\s)' + alias + '(\d|\s|$)', t):
        if not self.mode and self.freq:
            modeByMap = findDiap(DX.modesMap, self.freq)
            if modeByMap:
                if modeByMap == 'BCN':
                    self.isBeacon = True
        self.qrzData = False
        self.inDB = False

        if params.has_key('ts'):
            self.inDB = True
            self.ts = params['ts']
            self.time = params['time']
            self._district = params['district'] if params.has_key( 'state' ) \
                    else None
            self.region = params['region'] if params.has_key( 'region' ) \
                    else None
            self.gridsquare = params['gridsquare'] if params.has_key( 'qth' ) \
                    else None
            self.awards = params['awards'] if params.has_key('awards') else {}
            self.iota = params['iota'] if params.has_key('iota') else None


            self.time = params['time'][:2] + ':' + params['time'][2:4]
            self.ts = time.time()
            self.region = None
            self.district = None
            self.gridsquare = None

        dxCty = None
        pfx = None

        slashPos = self.cs.find('/')
        if self.cs.endswith( '/AM' ) or self.cs.endswith( '/MM' ) \
                or self.subMode == 'PSK125':
        if slashPos != -1:
            parts = self.cs.split('/')
            for part in parts:
                if part in ('M', 'P', 'QRP', 'QRO'):
                if prefixes[0].has_key(part):
                    pfx = part
                    m = DX.reTempPfx.search(part)
                    if m and prefixes[0].has_key(m.group(1)):
                        pfx = m.group(1)
                if pfx:
                    dxCty = prefixes[0][pfx]

        if not pfx:
            if prefixes[1].has_key(self.cs):
                dxCty = prefixes[1][self.cs]
                for c in xrange(1, len(self.cs)):
                    if prefixes[0].has_key(self.cs[:c]):
                        pfx = self.cs[:c]
                        dxCty = prefixes[0][self.cs[:c]]

        if dxCty and pfx:
            self.country = countries[ dxCty ] if countries.has_key( dxCty ) \
                    else None
            if pfx in DX.specialPfx:
                self.special = True
            elif self.country == 'Russia':
                m = DX.reDigitsSpecial.search(self.cs)
                if m:
                    self.special = True
                m = DX.reDigitsSpecial.search(pfx)
                if m:
                    self.special = True
                    m = DX.reDigitsSpecial.search(self.cs[len(pfx):])
                    if m:
                        self.special = True
                        m = DX.reLettersSpecial.search(self.cs)
                        if m:
                            self.special = True
        self.pfx = dxCty

        if not self.inDB:

            csLookup = dxdb.getObject( 'callsigns', { 'callsign': self.cs }, \
                    False, True )

            if csLookup:
                self.inDB = True
                self.region = csLookup['region']
                self._district = csLookup['district']
                self.gridsquare = csLookup['qth']
                self.qrzData = csLookup['qrz_data_loaded']
                awLookup = cursor2dicts(
                    select award, value, mode
                    from awards
                    where callsign = %s""", (self.cs, )), True)
                if awLookup:
                    for i in awLookup:
                        #if not i['mode']:
                        award = findAward(i['award'])
                        i['mode'] = self.getAwardMode(award)
                        self.awards[i['award']] = \
                            { 'value': i['value'], 'mode': i['mode'] }

            if '#' in self.de:
                self.text = (self.text.split(' ', 1))[0]

            if newSpot:
                dxdb.getObject( 'spots', \
                    { 'callsign': self.cs, 'time': self.time, \
                    'de': self.de, 'text': self.text, \
                    'freq': self.freq, 'band': self.band, \
                    'mode': self.mode, 'submode': self.subMode, \
                    'qrp': self.qrp, 'pfx': self.pfx }, \
                    True )
Exemplo n.º 9
        if row['mode'] in award['modes']:
            return row['mode']
        if row['subMode'] in award['modes']:
            return row['subMode']
        if ( r'DATA' in award['modes'] ) and row['subMode'] and \
                ( r'PSK' in row['subMode'] or r'JT' in row['subMode'] ):
            return r'DATA'
    return row['subMode'] if row['subMode'] else row['mode']

dbData = cursor2dicts(
    select text, mode, subMode, extract( epoch from ts) as ts, time, qrp, 
        extract (day from ts) as day, 
        extract (month from ts) as month,
        freq, de, pfx, spots.callsign as cs, band, special_cs as special
    from spots inner join callsigns on spots.callsign = callsigns.callsign
    where ts > now() - interval '24 hours'
    order by ts desc
    """), True)

data = []
for row in dbData:
    row['subMode'] = row.pop('submode')
    awlu = cursor2dicts(
        select award, value
        from awards
        where callsign = %s""", (row['cs'], )), True)
    row['awards'] = {}
Exemplo n.º 10
digiModes = ('RTTY', 'PSK31', 'PSK63', 'JT65')
digiModesStr = makeStr(digiModes)
allModes = digiModes + ('CW', 'SSB')

for aw in awards:
    if not aw.has_key('byBand') or not aw['byBand']:
    modes = aw['modes'] if aw.has_key('modes') else allModes
    modesStr = makeStr(modes)
    if 'DIGI' in modes:
        sql = """insert into user_awards 
            ( callsign, award, value, cfm_paper, cfm_lotw, cfm_eqsl, mode, band )
            select callsign, award, value, bool_or( cfm_paper ), bool_or( cfm_lotw ),
                bool_or( cfm_eqsl ), 'DIGI', band
            from user_awards
            where award = %s and mode in (""" + digiModesStr + ") " + \
            ( " and callsign = 'QQQQ' " if testMode else '' ) + \
            """group by callsign, award, value, band"""
        dxdb.execute(sql, (aw['name'], ))
    sql = """delete from user_awards
        where award = %s and not mode in (""" + modesStr + """) and 
        mode != 'N/A' """ + \
        ( "and callsign = 'QQQQ' " if testMode else '' )
    dxdb.execute(sql, (aw['name'], ))

with open(webRoot + '/userMetadata.json', 'w') as f:
Exemplo n.º 11
        if a['name'] == awardName ][0]
    if award.has_key( 'modes' ):
        if row['mode'] in award['modes']:
            return row['mode']
        if row['subMode'] in award['modes']:
            return row['subMode']
        if ( r'DATA' in award['modes'] ) and row['subMode'] and \
                ( r'PSK' in row['subMode'] or r'JT' in row['subMode'] ):
            return r'DATA'
    return row['subMode'] if row['subMode'] else row['mode']

dbData = cursor2dicts( dxdb.execute( """
    select text, mode, subMode, extract( epoch from ts) as ts, time, qrp, 
        extract (day from ts) as day, 
        extract (month from ts) as month,
        freq, de, pfx, spots.callsign as cs, band, special_cs as special
    from spots inner join callsigns on spots.callsign = callsigns.callsign
    where ts > now() - interval '24 hours'
    order by ts desc
    """ ), True )

data = []
for row in dbData:
    row['subMode'] = row.pop( 'submode' )
    awlu = cursor2dicts( dxdb.execute( """ 
        select award, value
        from awards
        where callsign = %s""", ( row['cs'], ) ), True )
    row['awards'] = {}
    if awlu:
        for a in awlu: