Exemplo n.º 1
    def _get_endianic_raw_data(self, size):
        big_endian = self._header_dictionary["BYTE_ORDER"] == "big_endian"

        with self.open_file(self._image_file, "rb") as fh:

            if big_endian == is_big_endian():
                raw_data = read_uint16(streambuf(fh), int(size[0] * size[1]))
                raw_data = read_uint16_bs(streambuf(fh), int(size[0] * size[1]))

        # note that x and y are reversed here
        raw_data.reshape(flex.grid(size[1], size[0]))
        return raw_data
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_raw_data(self):
        """Get the pixel intensities (i.e. read the image and return as a
        flex array of integers.)"""

        # It is better to catch FORMAT 86 here and fail with a sensible error msg
        # as soon as something is attempted with the image data rather than in
        # the understand method. Otherwise the user gets FormatBruker reading the
        # image improperly but without failing
        if self.header_dict["FORMAT"] != "100":
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Only FORMAT 100 images from the Photon II are currently supported"

        f = self.open_file(self._image_file, "rb")
        header_size = int(self.header_dict["HDRBLKS"]) * 512

        if is_big_endian():
            read_2b = read_uint16_bs
            read_4b = read_uint32_bs
            read_2b = read_uint16
            read_4b = read_uint32

        # NPIXELB stores the number of bytes/pixel for the data and the underflow
        # table. We expect 1 byte for underflows and either 2 or 1 byte per pixel
        # for the data
        npixelb = [int(e) for e in self.header_dict["NPIXELB"].split()]
        assert npixelb[1] == 1

        if npixelb[0] == 1:
            read_data = read_uint8
        elif npixelb[0] == 2:
            read_data = read_2b
            raise IncorrectFormatError(
                "{} bytes per pixel is not supported".format(npixelb[0]))

        nrows = int(self.header_dict["NROWS"].split()[0])
        ncols = int(self.header_dict["NCOLS"].split()[0])

        raw_data = read_data(streambuf(f), nrows * ncols)

        image_size = (nrows, ncols)

        (num_underflows, num_2b_overflows, num_4b_overflows) = [
            int(e) for e in self.header_dict["NOVERFL"].split()

        # read underflows
        if num_underflows > 0:
            # stored values are padded to a multiple of 16 bytes
            nbytes = num_underflows + 15 & ~(15)
            underflow_vals = read_uint8(streambuf(f), nbytes)[:num_underflows]
            underflow_vals = None

        # handle 2 byte overflows
        if num_2b_overflows > 0:
            # stored values are padded to a multiple of 16 bytes
            nbytes = num_2b_overflows * 2 + 15 & ~(15)
            overflow_vals = read_2b(streambuf(f),
                                    nbytes // 2)[:num_2b_overflows]
            overflow = flex.int(nrows * ncols, 0)
            sel = (raw_data == 255).as_1d()
            overflow.set_selected(sel, overflow_vals - 255)
            raw_data += overflow

        # handle 4 byte overflows
        if num_4b_overflows > 0:
            # stored values are padded to a multiple of 16 bytes
            nbytes = num_4b_overflows * 4 + 15 & ~(15)
            overflow_vals = read_4b(streambuf(f),
                                    nbytes // 4)[:num_4b_overflows]
            overflow = flex.int(nrows * ncols, 0)
            sel = (raw_data == 65535).as_1d()
            overflow.set_selected(sel, overflow_vals - 65535)
            raw_data += overflow

        # handle underflows
        if underflow_vals is not None:
            sel = (raw_data == 0).as_1d()
            underflow = flex.int(nrows * ncols, 0)
            underflow.set_selected(sel, underflow_vals)
            raw_data += underflow

        # handle baseline. num_underflows == -1 means no baseline subtraction. See
        # https://github.com/cctbx/cctbx_project/files/1262952/BISFrameFileFormats.zip
        if num_underflows != -1:
            num_exposures = [int(e) for e in self.header_dict["NEXP"].split()]
            baseline = num_exposures[2]
            raw_data += baseline

        return raw_data