Exemplo n.º 1
    def plot_points(self, x, y, err=None, err_low=None, clear=True,
                    connected=False, xlabel='', ylabel='', xticks=None,
                    fname='./points.png', title='', ymax=None, ymin=None,
                    xmax=None, xmin=None, ecolor='#3399FF', color='#CC6600'):
        """Plot points with (asymmetry) errors

        @param x: x array [x1, x2,...xn]
        @param y: y array [y1, y2,...yn]

        Keyword arguments:
        err       -- upper error array (default: None)
                     [e1, e2,...en]
        err_low   -- lower error array (default: None or err if err is set)
        connected -- true to draw line between dots (default: False)
        xticks     -- ticks of the x axis (default: array index)
        xlabel    -- label of the X axis (default: '')
        ylabel    -- label of the y axis (default: '')
        clear     -- true to clear panel after output (default: True)
        title     -- chart title (default: '')
        fname     -- output filename (default: './points.png')
        xmax      -- maximum of x axis (default: max(data)+0.1)
        xmin      -- minimum of x axis (default: max(data)-0.1)
        ymax      -- maximum of y axis (default: max(data)+0.1)
        ymin      -- minimum of y axis (default: max(data)-0.1)
        ecolor    -- color of the errors (default: '#3399FF')
        color     -- color of the points (default: '#CC6600')

        x = data.conv_to_np(x)
        y = data.conv_to_np(y)

        fmt = '-o' if connected else 'o'
        args = {'fmt': fmt, 'ecolor': ecolor, 'color': color}
        if err is not None:
            if err_low is not None:
                args['yerr'] = [err_low, err]
                args['yerr'] = [err, err]
        self.ax.errorbar(x, y, **args)
        _xmax, _xmin = self.find_axis_max_min(x)
        xmax = _xmax if xmax is None else xmax
        xmin = _xmin if xmin is None else xmin
        plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)
        _ymax, _ymin = self.find_axis_max_min(y)
        ymax = _ymax if ymax is None else ymax
        ymin = _ymin if ymin is None else ymin
        plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)
        if xticks is not None:
            xtick_marks = np.arange(len(x))
            plt.xticks(xtick_marks, xticks, rotation=45)
        if fname is not None:
        if clear:
Exemplo n.º 2
    def plot_multi_bars(self, input_data, xticks=None, xlabel='', legend=None,
                        ylabel='', err=None, xrotation=45, clear=True,
                        color='green', title='Bar Chart', ecolor='brown',
                        log=False, fname='multi_bars.png', leg_loc='rt'):
        """Draw a bar chart with errors

        @param input_data: a 2D list of input data
                     [a1, a2, a3...]
                     a1 is a 1D array, a1 = [x1, x2, ...]
                     where the length of a1, a2, a3 should be the same

        Keyword arguments:
        xticks    -- ticks of the x axis (default: array index of the elements)
        xlabel    -- label of the X axis (default: '')
        ylabel    -- label of the y axis (default: '')
        legend    -- legend of the items (default: input_data index)
        err       -- upper error array (default: None)
        xrotation -- rotation angle of xticks (default: 45)
        clear     -- true to clear panel after output (default: True)
        color     -- color group (default: 'grey')
        title     -- chart title (default: 'Bar Chart')
        log       -- true to draw log scale (default: False)
        fname     -- output filename (default: './multi_bars.png')
        ecolor    -- color group of the error bars (default: 'brown')
        leg_loc   -- location of the legend, rt(default)/rb/lt/lb/c


        np_data = data.conv_to_np(input_data)
        if xticks is None:
            xticks = list(map(str, range(1, len(np_data)+1)))

        ind = np.arange(len(xticks))
        N = len(np_data)
        width = 1.0/N

        for i in range(0, N):
            label = legend[i] if legend is not None else str(i)
            args = {'color': getattr(self, color)[i],
                    'label': label, 'alpha': 0.8}
            if err is not None:
                args['ecolor'] = getattr(self, ecolor)[i]
                args['yerr'] = err[i]
            _ind = ind + width * i * 0.9
            _rec = self.ax.bar(_ind, np_data[i], width*0.9, **args)

        if legend is None:
            legend = range(0, N)
        self._add_titles(title, xlabel, ylabel)
        self.ax.set_xticklabels(xticks, rotation=xrotation)
        if log:
        if fname is not None:
        if clear:
Exemplo n.º 3
    def plot_stacked_bar(self, input_data, xticks=None, xlabel='', legend=None,
                         ylabel='', xrotation=45, width=0.6, clear=True,
                         color='blue', title='Stacked Bar Chart',
                         log=False, fname='stack_bar.png', leg_loc='rt'):
        """Draw a bar chart with errors

        @param input_data: a list of input data
                     [[x1, x2..xn], [y1, y2..yn], [z1, z2..zn],..]
                     where x1, y1, z1 are quantities at the first position

        Keyword arguments:
        xticks    -- ticks of the x axis (default: array index of the elements)
        xlabel    -- label of the X axis (default: '')
        legend    -- a list of the legend, must match len(input_data)
                     (default: index of the list to be drawn)
        ylabel    -- label of the y axis (default: '')
        xrotation -- rotation angle of xticks (default: 45)
        width     -- relative width of the bar (default: 0.6)
        color     -- color group to be used (default: 'blue')
        title     -- chart title (default: 'Stacked Bar Chart')
        log       -- true to draw log scale (default: False)
        fname     -- output filename (default: './stack_bar.png')
        clear     -- true to clear panel after output (default: True)

        _len = self.check_array_length(input_data)
        np_data = data.conv_to_np(input_data)

        ind = np.arange(_len)
        stack_colors = getattr(self, color)
        if xticks is None:
            xticks = list(map(str, range(1, _len+1)))

        ymax = 0
        ymin = 0
        sum_array = np.zeros(_len)
        for i in range(0, len(np_data)):
            if type(np_data[i]) is list:
                a = np.array(np_data[i])
                a = np_data[i]
            label = legend[i] if legend is not None else str(i)
            p = plt.bar(ind, a, width, bottom=sum_array,
                        log=log, label=label, alpha=0.85,
                        color=stack_colors[i % 10])
            sum_array = np.add(sum_array, a)
            _ymax, _ymin = self.find_axis_max_min(a)
            ymax += _ymax

        plt.axis([0, _len, ymin, ymax])
        self._add_titles(title, xlabel, ylabel)
        plt.xticks(ind + width/2., xticks)
        if fname is not None:
        if clear:
Exemplo n.º 4
    def plot_bubble_chart(self, x, y, z=None, scaler=1,
                          ascale_min=0.5, ascale_max=0.5,
                          xticks=None, xlabel='Bubble Chart',
                          clear=True, title='Bubble Chart',
                          ylabel='', fname='./bubble.png'):
        """Plot bubble chart

        @param x: x array, x positions of the bubbles
        @param y: y array, y positions of the bubbles

        Keyword arguments:
        z      -- z array to determine the size of bubbles (default [3]*N)
        scaler -- used for scaling the area (default: 1)
        ascale_min -- used for scaling x axis (default: 0.5)
        ascale_max -- used for scaling x axis (default: 0.5)
        title  -- chart title (default: 'Bubble Chart')
        xlabel -- label of the X axis (default 'Bubble Chart')
        ylabel -- label of the y axis (default '')
        fname  -- output filename (default './bubble.png')
        clear  -- true to clear panel after output (default: True)

        N = len(x)
        x = data.conv_to_np(x)
        y = data.conv_to_np(y)
        colors = np.random.rand(N)
        if z is None:
            z = np.array([3]*N)
        elif type(z) is list:
            z = np.array(z)

        area = np.pi * (scaler * z)**2
        plt.scatter(x, y, s=area, c=colors, alpha=0.5)
        xlim = plt.xlim()
        plt.xlim(xlim[0]*ascale_min, xlim[1]*ascale_max)
        if xticks is not None:
            xtick_marks = np.arange(N)
            plt.xticks(xtick_marks, xticks, rotation=45)
        if fname is not None:
        if clear:
Exemplo n.º 5
    def histogram(self, input_data, xlabel='', ylabel='', clear=True,
                  title='Histogram', nbins=None, bfit=False, norm=False,
                  xlim=None, ylim=None, fname='./hist.png', grid=True,
                  align='mid', log=False, facecolor='#339966'):
        """Draw histogram of the numpy array

        @param input_data: input array (1D)
                     [x1, x2...xn] where xi are raw values

        Keyword arguments:
        xlabel -- label of the X axis (default: '')
        ylabel -- label of the y axis (default: '')
        clear  -- true to clear panel after output (default: True)
        xlim   -- limits of x axis (default: max, min of input_data)
        ylim   -- limits of y axis (default: max, min of input_data)
        norm   -- True to normalize to the first bin (default: False)
        title  -- chart title (default: 'Histogram')
        nbins  -- number of bins (default: length of the set of input data)
        bfit   -- also draw fit function (default: False)
        fname  -- output filename (default: './hist.png')
        grid   -- draw grid (default: True)
        align  -- histogram alignment, mid, left, right (default: mid)
        log    -- true to draw log scale (default: False)
        facecolor -- color of the histogram (Default: #339966)

        np_data = data.conv_to_np(input_data)

        if nbins is None:
            nbins = len(set(np_data))
        y, x, patches = plt.hist(np_data, nbins, normed=norm, log=log,
                                 facecolor=facecolor, alpha=0.7,
                                 align=align, rwidth=1.0)
        if bfit:
            mu = np.mean(np_data)
            sigma = np.std(np_data)
            fit = mlab.normpdf(x, mu, sigma)
            plt.plot(x, fit, 'r--')

        plt.title(title, color='#504A4B', weight='bold')
        plt.ylabel(ylabel, color='#504A4B')
        plt.xlabel(xlabel, color='#504A4B')
        if xlim is None:
            xmax, xmin = self.find_axis_max_min(x)
            xmin, xmax = xlim
        if ylim is None:
            ymax, ymin = self.find_axis_max_min(y)
            ymin, ymax = ylim
        plt.axis([xmin, xmax, 0, ymax])
        if fname is not None:
        if clear:
Exemplo n.º 6
    def plot_single_bar(self, input_data, xticks=None, xlabel='',
                        ylabel='', err=None, xrotation=45, clear=True,
                        width=0.6, color='#FFCCCC', title='Bar Chart',
                        log=False, fname='bar.png', ecolor='#009966'):
        """Draw a bar chart with errors

        @param input_data: a list of input data
                     [x1, x2, x3...]
                     where x1, x2, x3 are quantities at the every position

        Keyword arguments:
        xticks    -- ticks of the x axis (default: array index of the elements)
        xlabel    -- label of the X axis (default: '')
        ylabel    -- label of the y axis (default: '')
        err       -- upper error array (default: None)
        xrotation -- rotation angle of xticks (default: 45)
        clear     -- true to clear panel after output (default: True)
        width     -- relative width of the bar (default: 0.6)
        color     -- color of the points (default: '#FFCCCC')
        title     -- chart title (default: 'Bar Chart')
        log       -- true to draw log scale (default: False)
        fname     -- output filename (default: './points.png')
        ecolor    -- color of the errors (default: '#00CCFF')


        np_data = data.conv_to_np(input_data)
        if xticks is None:
            xticks = list(map(str, range(1, len(np_data)+1)))

        args = {'color': color, 'ecolor': ecolor}
        if err is not None:
            args['yerr'] = err

        ind = np.arange(len(xticks))
        rects1 = self.ax.bar(ind, np_data, width, **args)

        plt.title(title, color='#504A4B', weight='bold')
        self.ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, color='#504A4B')
        self.ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, color='#504A4B')
        self.ax.set_xticklabels(xticks, rotation=xrotation)
        if log:
        if fname is not None:
        if clear:
Exemplo n.º 7
    def plot(self, input_data, clear=True, fname='./plot.png',
             title='', connected=True, ymax=None, log=False,
             ymin=None, xlabel='', ylabel='', xticks=None,
             xrotation=45, color=None, xmax=None, rebin=None):
        """Draw the very basic 1D plot

        @param input_data: an 1D array [y1, y2, y3...yn]

        Keyword arguments:
        clear     -- true to clear panel after output (default: True)
        xlabel    -- label of the X axis (default: '')
        ylabel    -- label of the y axis (default: '')
        title     -- chart title (default: 'Distributions')
        connected -- true to draw line between dots (default: True)
        xmax      -- maximum of x axis (default: max(input_data)+0.1)
        log       -- true to draw log scale (default: False)
        ymax      -- maximum of y axis (default: max(input_data)+0.1)
        ymin      -- minimum of y axis (default: max(input_data)-0.1)
        fname     -- output filename (default: './dist_1d.png')


        np_data = data.conv_to_np(input_data)

        fmt = '-o' if connected else 'o'
        color = self.blue[2] if color is None else color
        plt.plot(np_data, fmt, color=color)
        _ymax, _ymin = self.find_axis_max_min(np_data)
        ymax = _ymax if ymax is None else max(ymax, _ymax)
        ymin = _ymin if ymin is None else min(ymin, _ymin)
        xmax = 1.1*(len(np_data)-1) if xmax is None else xmax

        plt.axis([-0.1, xmax, ymin, ymax])
        xtick_marks = np.arange(len(np_data))
        if log:
        if xticks is None:
            xticks = xtick_marks
        if len(xticks) > 20 and rebin is None:
            rebin = len(xticks)/20
        if rebin is not None:
            xtick_marks, xticks = self.red_ticks(xtick_marks, xticks, rebin)
        plt.xticks(xtick_marks, xticks, rotation=xrotation)
        self._add_titles(title, xlabel, ylabel)
        if fname is not None:
        if clear:
Exemplo n.º 8
    def find_axis_max_min(self, values, s_up=0.1, s_down=0.1):
        """Find max and min values used for setting axis"""

        values = data.conv_to_np(values)

        axis_max = np.amax(values)
        axis_min = np.amin(values)
        if axis_max < 1 and axis_max >= 0:
            axis_max = axis_max + s_up
            axis_max = axis_max * (1 + self.sign(axis_max) * s_up)
        if axis_min > -1 and axis_min <= 0:
            axis_min = axis_min - s_down
            axis_min = axis_min * (1 - self.sign(axis_min) * s_down)
        return axis_max, axis_min
Exemplo n.º 9
    def scale(self, a):
        """Use no.linalg.norm to normalize the numpy array"""

        a = data.conv_to_np(a)
        return a / np.linalg.norm(a)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def plot_1d_dists(self, input_data, scale=False, legend=None, clear=True,
                      title='Distrubitions', connected=True, ymax=None,
                      ymin=None, xlabel='', ylabel='', xticks=None,
                      xrotation=45, leg_loc='rt', xmax=None,
                      leg_size=None, log=False, mandarin=False,
                      fname='./dist_1d.png', rebin=None):
        """Draw the dist of multiple 1D arrays.

        @param input_data: list of 1D arrays
                     [a1, a2, .., an] where a1, a2, an are 1D arrays
                     a1 = [x1, x2...xn]

        Keyword arguments:
        scale     -- true to scale the distributions (default: False)
        legend    -- a list of the legend, must match len(input_data)
                     (default: index of the list to be drawn)
        clear     -- true to clear panel after output (default: True)
        xlabel    -- label of the X axis (default: '')
        ylabel    -- label of the y axis (default: '')
        title     -- chart title (default: 'Distributions')
        connected -- true to draw line between dots (default: True)
        xmax      -- maximum of x axis (default: max(input_data)+0.1)
        ymax      -- maximum of y axis (default: max(input_data)+0.1)
        ymin      -- minimum of y axis (default: max(input_data)-0.1)
        fname     -- output filename (default: './dist_1d.png')
        rebin     -- N bins to be grouped together
        log       -- true to draw log scale (default: False)


        np_data = data.conv_to_np(input_data)

        fmt = '-o' if connected else 'o'
        if rebin is not None:
            np_data = data.rebin_2d(np_data, (np_data.shape[0],

        _ymax = None
        _ymin = None
        _xmax = None

        for i in range(0, len(np_data)):
            label = legend[i] if legend is not None else str(i)
            a = np_data[i]
            if type(a) is list:
                a = np.array(a)
            if scale:
                a = self.scale(a)

            color_idx = i % len(self.colors)
            dks = i % 10
            color = getattr(self, self.colors[color_idx])[dks]
            plt.plot(a, fmt, label=label, color=color)

            __ymax, __ymin = self.find_axis_max_min(a)
            __xmax = 1.1*(a.shape[0] - 1)
            _ymax = __ymax if _ymax is None else max(_ymax, __ymax)
            _ymin = __ymin if _ymin is None else min(_ymin, __ymin)
            _xmax = __xmax if _xmax is None else max(_xmax, __xmax)

        ymax = _ymax if ymax is None else ymax
        ymin = _ymin if ymin is None else ymin
        xmax = _xmax if xmax is None else xmax

        if log:

        plt.axis([-0.1, xmax, ymin, ymax])
        xtick_marks = np.arange(len(np_data[0]))
        if xticks is None:
            xticks = xtick_marks
        if len(xticks) > 20 and rebin is None:
            rebin = len(xticks)/20
        if rebin is not None:
            xtick_marks, xticks = self.red_ticks(xtick_marks, xticks, rebin)
        plt.xticks(xtick_marks, xticks, rotation=xrotation)

        self._add_legend(leg_loc, mandarin=mandarin, size=leg_size)
        self._add_titles(title, xlabel, ylabel)
        if fname is not None:
        if clear:
Exemplo n.º 11
    def plot_2d_dists(self, input_data, scale=False, legend=None, clear=True,
                      title='Distrubitions', connected=True, amin=None,
                      amax=None, xlabel='', ylabel='', yticks=None,
                      xmin=None, xmax=None, yrotation=0,
                      fname='./dist_2d.png', leg_loc='rt'):
        """Draw the dist of multiple 2D arrays.

        @param input_data: list of 2D arrays
                     [a1, a2, .., an] where a1, a2, an are 2D arrays
                     a1 = [[x1, x2...xn], [y1, y2...yn]]

        Keyword arguments:
        scale     -- true to scale the distributions (default: False)
        legend    -- a list of the legend, must match len(input_data)
                     (default: index of the list to be drawn)
        xlabel    -- label of the X axis (default: '')
        ylabel    -- label of the y axis (default: '')
        yticks    -- ticks of the y axis (default: array index)
        yrotation -- totation angle of y ticks (default: 0)
        clear     -- true to clear panel after output (default: True)
        title     -- chart title (default: 'Distributions')
        amax      -- maximum of y axis (default: max(input_data)+0.1)
        amin      -- minimum of y axis (default: max(input_data)-0.1)
        xmax      -- maximum of x axis (default: max(input_data)+0.1)
        xmin      -- minimum of x axis (default: max(input_data)-0.1)
        connected -- true to draw line between dots (default: True)
        fname     -- output filename (default: './dist_2d.png')

        _len = self.check_array_length(input_data)
        np_data = data.conv_to_np(input_data)

        ymax = amax
        ymin = amin
        xmax = xmax
        xmin = xmin
        fmt = '-o' if connected else 'o'
        pls = []
        for i in range(0, len(np_data)):
            label = legend[i] if legend is not None else str(i)
            a = np_data[i]
            if type(a) is list:
                a = np.array(a)
            if scale:
                a = self.scale(a)

            p, = plt.plot(a[0], a[1], fmt, label=label)

            _xmax, _xmin = self.find_axis_max_min(a[0])
            _ymax, _ymin = self.find_axis_max_min(a[1])
            xmax = _xmax if xmax is None else max(xmax, _xmax)
            xmin = _xmin if xmin is None else min(xmin, _xmin)
            if amax is None:
                ymax = _ymax if ymax is None else max(ymax, _ymax)
            if amin is None:
                ymin = _ymin if ymin is None else min(ymin, _ymin)

        plt.axis([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax])

        if legend is not None:
            self._add_legend_2d(pls, legend, loc=leg_loc)

        if yticks is not None:
            ytick_marks = np.arange(len(yticks))
            plt.yticks(ytick_marks, yticks, rotation=yrotation)

        self._add_titles(title, xlabel, ylabel)
        if fname is not None:
        if clear:
Exemplo n.º 12
    def plot_pie(self, input_data, bfrac=False, shadow=False, clear=True,
                 title='Pie Chart', color='pink', radius=1.1,
                 pie_labels=None, expl=None, fname='./pie.png',
                 show_legend=False, show_frac=True, show_label=True):
        """Draw a pie chart

        @param input_data: a list of input data [x1, x2, x3,...,xn]

        Keyword arguments:
        bfrac      -- true if the input input_data already represents fractions
                      (default: False)
        shadow     -- add shadow to the chart (default: False)
        title      -- chart title (default: 'Pie Chart')
        color      -- color group to be used (default: 'pink')
        radius     -- radius of the pie (default: 1.1)
        pie_labels -- labels of each components
                      (default: index of the elements)
        expl       -- index of the item to explode (default: None)
        fname      -- output filename (default: './pie.png')
        show_frac  -- True to show fraction (default: True)
        show_legend  -- True to show fraction (default: False)
        show_label -- True to show labels (default: True)
        clear      -- true to clear panel after output (default: True)


        np_data = data.conv_to_np(input_data)

        plt.figure(1, figsize=(6, 6))
        ax = plt.axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8])
        fracs = np_data if bfrac else data.get_perc(np_data)
        if pie_labels is None:
            pie_labels = list(map(str, range(1, len(np_data)+1)))
        color_class = getattr(self, color)

        args = {'shadow': shadow,
                'radius': radius,
                'textprops': {'color': color_class[0]},
                'startangle': 140,
                'colors': color_class[-len(np_data):]}

        if expl is not None:
            explode = [0]*len(np_data)
            explode[expl] = 0.05
            args['explode'] = explode

        if show_label:
            args['labels'] = pie_labels

        if show_frac:
            args['autopct'] = '%1.1f%%'

        if show_legend:
            patches, texts = plt.pie(fracs, **args)
            plt.legend(patches, pie_labels, loc="best")
            plt.pie(fracs, **args)

        plt.title(title, color='#504A4B', weight='bold')
        if fname is not None:
        if clear:
Exemplo n.º 13
    def plot_matrix(self, cm, title='',
                    xticks=None, yticks=None, fname='./cm.png',
                    xlabel='Predicted label', ylabel='True label',
                    xrotation=45, clear=True,
                    color='YlOrRd', rebin=None, autorebin=False,
                    show_text=True, show_axis=True, norm=True):
        """Plot (confusion) matrix

        @param cm: input matrix (2D)
                   [a1, a2...an]
                   a = [x1, x2...xn]

        Keyword arguments:
        title      -- chart title (default: '')
        xticks     -- ticks of the x axis (default: array index)
        yticks     -- ticks of the y axis (default: array index)
        fname      -- output filename (default: './cm.png')
        xlabel     -- label of the X axis (default: 'Predicted label')
        ylabel     -- label of the y axis (default: 'True label')
        xrotation  -- rotation angle of xticks (default: 45)
        clear      -- true to clear panel after output (default: True)
        show_text  -- true to show values on grids (default: True)
        show_axis  -- true to show axis (default: True)
        color      -- color map, see http://goo.gl/51s91K (default: YlOrRd)
        autorebin  -- rebin automatically (default: False)
        norm       -- true to normlize numbers (default: True)

        cm = data.conv_to_np(cm)
        if norm:
            cm = cm.astype('float') / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]

        cmap = getattr(plt.cm, color)
        plt.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap, alpha=0.7)
        if show_text:
            diff = 1
            ind_array_x = np.arange(0, len(cm[0]), diff)
            ind_array_y = np.arange(0, len(cm), diff)
            x, y = np.meshgrid(ind_array_x, ind_array_y)
            for x_val, y_val in zip(x.flatten(), y.flatten()):
                c = round(cm[y_val][x_val], 2)
                self.ax.text(x_val, y_val, c, va='center', ha='center')

        plt.title(title, color='#504A4B', weight='bold')
        xtick_marks = np.arange(len(cm[0]))
        ytick_marks = np.arange(len(cm))
        if xticks is None:
            xticks = xtick_marks
        if yticks is None:
            yticks = ytick_marks
        if (len(xticks) > 20 or len(yticks) > 20) and autorebin:
            rebin = max(len(xticks), len(yticks))/20
        if rebin is not None:
            xtick_marks, xticks = self.red_ticks(xtick_marks, xticks, rebin)
            ytick_marks, yticks = self.red_ticks(ytick_marks, yticks, rebin)
        plt.xticks(xtick_marks, xticks, rotation=xrotation)
        plt.yticks(ytick_marks, yticks)

        plt.ylabel(ylabel, color='#504A4B')
        plt.xlabel(xlabel, color='#504A4B')
        if not show_axis:
        if fname is not None:
        if clear: