Exemplo n.º 1
class AwsSlaCrawler(object):
    def __init__(self, dynamo_table_name, debug_mode=False, local_mode=False):
        self.sla_main_page = 'https://aws.amazon.com/legal/service-level-agreements/'
        self.query_details = {"div": {"class": "aws-text-box section"}}
        self.debug_mode = debug_mode
        self.local_mode = local_mode
        self.dynamo_table_name = dynamo_table_name
        self.dynamo = DynamoDB(dynamo_table=dynamo_table_name,

    def get_body(self, url):
        return (get(url).text)

    def soup_it(self, html):
        return (BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser'))

    def last_try(self, request_response, service_name):
        #[x.getText() for x in soup_data.findAll('p') if 'Last Updated' in x.getText()][0]
            updated_date = re.search(r'Last Updated(.*)', request_response)
            return updated_date[0]

        except Exception as e:
            # TODO: Add this to failed_service_update table so we can notify when we fail to properly scrape a service SLA page
                "ERROR: After last try method, unable to parse website for {}. Please investigate. {}"
                .format(service_name, e))

    def retrieve_updated_date(self, soup_data, request_response, service_name):
        As expected, not all pages are the same. Some have different HTML formatting so if the id doesn't contain Last Updated, we try 'p' which seems to work
            response = soup_data.find(id=re.compile('^Last_Updated')).text
            if not response:
                raise AttributeError
            return (response)
            #return(soup_data.body.findAll(text=re.compile('Last Updated(.*)$')))

        except AttributeError:
                "HTML does not match the generic syntax for {}, moving on to last try method..."
            return self.last_try(request_response, service_name)

    def sanitize_date(self, date_string):
        date_string = date_string.replace(':', '').replace(
            '*', '').split('Last Updated')[1].strip(
                ' ')  # Yuck, please don't judge me. This should be a regex.
        date_string = re.sub('<.*?>', "", date_string).strip()
        return date_string

    def create_service_list(self):
        response = self.get_body(self.sla_main_page)
        soup = self.soup_it(response)
        element = list(self.query_details.keys())[0]
        values = self.query_details.get(element)
        sla_div = soup.findAll(element, values)[0]
        return ([url['href'] for url in sla_div.findAll('a', href=True)])

    def convert_date_to_epoch(self, updated_date):
        from time import mktime, strptime
        updated_date = updated_date.replace('th', '')
        pattern = '%B %d, %Y'
        return (str(
            int(mktime(strptime(updated_date, pattern)))
        )  # This is nasty. Literally turning result into an int to avoid float, then back to a string. yay.

    def debug_output(self, service_name, updated_date):
        print("{}: {}".format(service_name, updated_date))

    def main(self):
        service_list = self.create_service_list()

        for url in service_list:

                body = self.get_body(url=url)
                soup = self.soup_it(html=body)
                service_name = url.split('/')[3]
                pre_cleansed_date = self.retrieve_updated_date(
                #updated_date = pre_cleansed_date.replace(':','').replace('*','').split('Last Updated')[1].strip(' ') # Yuck, please don't judge me. This should be a regex.
                updated_date = self.sanitize_date(pre_cleansed_date)
                epoch = self.convert_date_to_epoch(updated_date)

                if self.debug_mode:
                    self.debug_output(service_name, updated_date)

                db_results = self.dynamo.query_db(service_name, updated_date)
                update_required = self.dynamo.compare_against_current_dataset(
                    db_results=db_results, current_epoch=epoch)

                if update_required:
                    self.dynamo.update_data_set(service_name, epoch)

            except Exception as e:
                print("ERROR: MOVING ON, PLEASE REVIEW. {}".format(e))