Exemplo n.º 1
def project_onto_l1_ball(x: ep.Tensor, eps: ep.Tensor) -> ep.Tensor:
    """Computes Euclidean projection onto the L1 ball for a batch. [#Duchi08]_

    Adapted from the pytorch version by Tony Duan:

        x: Batch of arbitrary-size tensors to project, possibly on GPU
        eps: radius of l-1 ball to project onto

      ..[#Duchi08] Efficient Projections onto the l1-Ball for Learning in High Dimensions
         John Duchi, Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Yoram Singer, and Tushar Chandra.
         International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2008)
    original_shape = x.shape
    x = flatten(x)
    mask = (ep.norms.l1(x, axis=1) <= eps).astype(x.dtype).expand_dims(1)
    mu = ep.flip(ep.sort(ep.abs(x)), axis=-1).astype(x.dtype)
    cumsum = ep.cumsum(mu, axis=-1)
    arange = ep.arange(x, 1, x.shape[1] + 1).astype(x.dtype)
    rho = (ep.max(
        ((mu * arange >
          (cumsum - eps.expand_dims(1)))).astype(x.dtype) * arange,
    ) - 1)
    # samples already under norm will have to select
    rho = ep.maximum(rho, 0)
    theta = (cumsum[ep.arange(x, x.shape[0]),
                    rho.astype(ep.arange(x, 1).dtype)] - eps) / (rho + 1.0)
    proj = (ep.abs(x) - theta.expand_dims(1)).clip(min_=0, max_=ep.inf)
    x = mask * x + (1 - mask) * proj * ep.sign(x)
    return x.reshape(original_shape)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def mid_points(self, x0: ep.Tensor, x1: ep.Tensor, epsilons: ep.Tensor,
                   bounds) -> ep.Tensor:
        # returns a point between x0 and x1 where
        # epsilon = 0 returns x0 and epsilon = 1
        # returns x1

        # get epsilons in right shape for broadcasting
        epsilons = epsilons.reshape(epsilons.shape + (1, ) * (x0.ndim - 1))
        return epsilons * x1 + (1 - epsilons) * x0
Exemplo n.º 3
def project_onto_l1_ball(x: ep.Tensor, eps: ep.Tensor):
    Compute Euclidean projection onto the L1 ball for a batch.

      min ||x - u||_2 s.t. ||u||_1 <= eps

    Inspired by the corresponding numpy version by Adrien Gaidon.
    Adapted from the pytorch version by Tony Duan: https://gist.github.com/tonyduan/1329998205d88c566588e57e3e2c0c55

    x: (batch_size, *) torch array
      batch of arbitrary-size tensors to project, possibly on GPU

    eps: float
      radius of l-1 ball to project onto

    u: (batch_size, *) torch array
      batch of projected tensors, reshaped to match the original

    The complexity of this algorithm is in O(dlogd) as it involves sorting x.

    [1] Efficient Projections onto the l1-Ball for Learning in High Dimensions
        John Duchi, Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Yoram Singer, and Tushar Chandra.
        International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2008)
    original_shape = x.shape
    x = flatten(x)
    mask = (ep.norms.l1(x, axis=1) < eps).astype(x.dtype).expand_dims(1)
    mu = ep.flip(ep.sort(ep.abs(x)), axis=-1)
    cumsum = ep.cumsum(mu, axis=-1)
    arange = ep.arange(x, 1, x.shape[1] + 1)
    rho = ep.max(
        (mu * arange > (cumsum - eps.expand_dims(1))) * arange, axis=-1) - 1
    theta = (cumsum[ep.arange(x, x.shape[0]), rho] - eps) / (rho + 1.0)
    proj = (ep.abs(x) - theta.expand_dims(1)).clip(min_=0, max_=ep.inf)
    x = mask * x + (1 - mask) * proj * ep.sign(x)
    return x.reshape(original_shape)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def mid_points(
        x0: ep.Tensor,
        x1: ep.Tensor,
        epsilons: ep.Tensor,
        bounds: Tuple[float, float],
        # returns a point between x0 and x1 where
        # epsilon = 0 returns x0 and epsilon = 1
        delta = x1 - x0
        min_, max_ = bounds
        s = max_ - min_
        # get epsilons in right shape for broadcasting
        epsilons = epsilons.reshape(epsilons.shape + (1, ) * (x0.ndim - 1))

        clipped_delta = ep.where(delta < -epsilons * s, -epsilons * s, delta)
        clipped_delta = ep.where(clipped_delta > epsilons * s, epsilons * s,
        return x0 + clipped_delta
Exemplo n.º 5
    def mid_points(
        x0: ep.Tensor,
        x1: ep.Tensor,
        epsilons: ep.Tensor,
        bounds: Tuple[float, float],
    ) -> ep.Tensor:
        # returns a point between x0 and x1 where
        # epsilon = 0 returns x0 and epsilon = 1
        # returns x1

        # get epsilons in right shape for broadcasting
        epsilons = epsilons.reshape(epsilons.shape + (1, ) * (x0.ndim - 1))

        threshold = (bounds[1] - bounds[0]) * (1 - epsilons)
        mask = (x1 - x0).abs() > threshold
        new_x = ep.where(mask,
                         x0 + (x1 - x0).sign() * ((x1 - x0).abs() - threshold),
        return new_x
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _binary_search(
        x_adv_flat: ep.Tensor,
        mask: Union[ep.Tensor, List[bool]],
        mask_indices: ep.Tensor,
        indices: Union[ep.Tensor, List[int]],
        adv_values: ep.Tensor,
        non_adv_values: ep.Tensor,
        original_shape: Tuple,
        is_adversarial: Callable,
    ) -> ep.Tensor:
        for i in range(10):
            next_values = (adv_values + non_adv_values) / 2
            x_adv_flat = ep.index_update(
                x_adv_flat, (mask_indices, indices), next_values
            is_adv = is_adversarial(x_adv_flat.reshape(original_shape))[mask]

            adv_values = ep.where(is_adv, next_values, adv_values)
            non_adv_values = ep.where(is_adv, non_adv_values, next_values)

        return adv_values
def draw_proposals(bounds: Bounds, originals: ep.Tensor, perturbed: ep.Tensor,
                   unnormalized_source_directions: ep.Tensor,
                   source_directions: ep.Tensor, source_norms: ep.Tensor,
                   spherical_steps: ep.Tensor, source_steps: ep.Tensor,
                   surrogate_model: Model) -> Tuple[ep.Tensor, ep.Tensor]:
    # remember the actual shape
    shape = originals.shape
    assert perturbed.shape == shape
    assert unnormalized_source_directions.shape == shape
    assert source_directions.shape == shape

    # flatten everything to (batch, size)
    originals = flatten(originals)
    perturbed = flatten(perturbed)
    unnormalized_source_directions = flatten(unnormalized_source_directions)
    source_directions = flatten(source_directions)
    N, D = originals.shape

    assert source_norms.shape == (N, )
    assert spherical_steps.shape == (N, )
    assert source_steps.shape == (N, )

    # draw from an iid Gaussian (we can share this across the whole batch)
    eta = ep.normal(perturbed, (D, 1))

    # make orthogonal (source_directions are normalized)
    eta = eta.T - ep.matmul(source_directions, eta) * source_directions
    assert eta.shape == (N, D)

    pg_factor = 0.5

    if not surrogate_model is None:
        device = surrogate_model.device
        projected_gradient = get_projected_gradients(perturbed.reshape(shape),
                                                     0, surrogate_model)
        projected_gradient = projected_gradient.reshape((N, D))
        projected_gradient = torch.tensor(projected_gradient, device=device)

        projected_gradient, restore_type = ep.astensor_(projected_gradient)

        eta = (1. - pg_factor) * eta + pg_factor * projected_gradient

    # rescale
    norms = ep.norms.l2(eta, axis=-1)
    assert norms.shape == (N, )
    eta = eta * atleast_kd(spherical_steps * source_norms / norms, eta.ndim)

    # project on the sphere using Pythagoras
    distances = atleast_kd((spherical_steps.square() + 1).sqrt(), eta.ndim)
    directions = eta - unnormalized_source_directions
    spherical_candidates = originals + directions / distances

    # clip
    min_, max_ = bounds
    spherical_candidates = spherical_candidates.clip(min_, max_)

    # step towards the original inputs
    new_source_directions = originals - spherical_candidates
    assert new_source_directions.ndim == 2
    new_source_directions_norms = ep.norms.l2(flatten(new_source_directions),

    # length if spherical_candidates would be exactly on the sphere
    lengths = source_steps * source_norms

    # length including correction for numerical deviation from sphere
    lengths = lengths + new_source_directions_norms - source_norms

    # make sure the step size is positive
    lengths = ep.maximum(lengths, 0)

    # normalize the length
    lengths = lengths / new_source_directions_norms
    lengths = atleast_kd(lengths, new_source_directions.ndim)

    candidates = spherical_candidates + lengths * new_source_directions

    # clip
    candidates = candidates.clip(min_, max_)

    # restore shape
    candidates = candidates.reshape(shape)
    spherical_candidates = spherical_candidates.reshape(shape)

    return candidates, spherical_candidates
Exemplo n.º 8
def atleast_kd(x: ep.Tensor, k) -> ep.Tensor:
    shape = x.shape + (1, ) * (k - x.ndim)
    return x.reshape(shape)
Exemplo n.º 9
def flatten(x: ep.Tensor, keep=1) -> ep.Tensor:
    shape = x.shape[:keep] + (-1, )
    return x.reshape(shape)